Deserted Island Survival Notes

Chapter 29


The mermaid snatched the meat skewer from Ye Zheng's mouth, not embarrassed at all.

Although the chilled meat skewers were originally prepared for the mermaid, Ye Zheng had to eat dinner after all, and there were so many next to him. The most important thing is that Ye Zheng took a small bite of the string of meat that the mermaid snatched away!

Ye Zheng was a little dull as he watched the mermaid swallow the bitten meat skewer without any hesitation. He only felt that his understanding of the mermaid had been refreshed again. She has always known that mermaids have the habit of protecting their food, Ye Zheng's is Ye Zheng's, the mermaid's own is her own, and the mermaid has always been clear.

She didn't expect that even if it was bitten by someone, the mermaid would rudely grab it back as long as it believed it was her own.

After the mermaid swallowed the roasted meat in his mouth, he found a comfortable position to lie down and began to sweep the pile of roasted meat that was cooling. It raised its head between eating and saw that Ye Zheng was still looking at it, lazily stretched out his paw and pointed at the fire pit.

Ye Zheng looked in the direction it pointed, "Oh, it's getting burnt!"

Ye Zheng hurriedly turned over all the barbecued meats again, raised one to take a closer look, and found that the color was darker than before, but it was not burnt, so he was relieved and began to sprinkle chopped seaweed on it.

The mermaid ate a large portion of barbecued meat and stared at the fire pit where Ye Zheng was roasting. Ye Zheng pushed it gently: "No way."

In terms of the mermaid's food intake, dozens of skewers are too few. But Ye Zheng didn't dare to let it eat too much. After all, the mermaid had neither eaten walrus nor barbecued meat before. Although the mermaid didn't look uncomfortable, Ye Zheng still carefully controlled the number of times the mermaid ate the barbecue.

The mermaid who was stopped by Ye Zheng from eating meat was not angry either. It snorted a few times and went back to the sea to find food to fill its stomach.

After Ye Zheng ate his portion of barbecue, he went to the pile of walrus meat that the mermaid handled, and pierced the holes and tied the pieces of walrus meat to straw ropes for drying. Mermaids don't eat raw walrus meat, and it doesn't have to let Ye Zheng bake it all for himself, and Ye Zheng plans to dry the rest of the walrus meat to make jerky.

Ye Zheng is a diligent person. When it was dark, the meat pieces were tied up by Ye Zheng and hung under the tree. She dragged the walrus skin to the lake to wash it clean, scratched it with a bone knife several times before drying it, and planned to cut the walrus skin this time into clothes.

After Ye Zheng was busy with everything, he returned to the fire pit in the small stone nest and sat down to write slowly on the big leaves with the burned carbon. Recently, Ye Zheng also started to write a diary again.

Said to be a diary, in fact, the function of keeping notes is not that big. The big leaves that are picked will always turn yellow and rot. Ye Zheng does this to give himself a place to be here. Her days went on day after day, and she was used to a day older than the earth here. Except for the bow and arrows she brought, she has almost nothing to do with modern society, even the cloth. It's almost been used. And the bows and arrows she brought were also lost while catching fish and hunting.

"Cold Light Hunter" is a very delicately designed bow and arrow with many accessories on it. In modern society, Ye Zheng has to take care of her precious bow from time to time. And here, after being immersed in water, the bow can still be used for a month, thank God.

After it was worn out, this bow was also put away by Ye Zheng as a thought.

It was a mermaid. After finding that her bow was gone, she somehow got a curved vertebra from somewhere in the sea to make a bow handle for Ye Zheng, pulled out a pick that was probably baleen, and cut it into strips for Ye Zheng to make. bowstring. After getting the walrus skin, the mermaid helped Ye Zheng to twist the leather rope out to make the bowstring. As for the arrows Ye Zheng needed, the wooden swords she cut herself, and the sharpened bones given to her by the mermaid were all used.

Ye Zheng's strength was developed while using this primitive bow and arrow. However, she was more comfortable. When she was still using "Cold Light Hunter", Ye Zheng was always careful about this and that, for fear of losing any precious arrows. After he knew how to make bows and arrows and cut arrows, Ye Zheng also felt that he was more at ease with the situation and more able to integrate into the primitive life. With bows and arrows and shark yarn, she explored almost 180 large and small islands in the surrounding area, and it was clear which island was more delicious and which was slightly dangerous.

However, the more he integrated into the life here, the more Ye Zheng wanted to leave traces of life on earth around him, and writing a diary became Ye Zheng's last way of remembering. She is very good in English and Chinese, and she writes them alternately. Even if she knew that the diary would turn yellow along with the big leaves soon, Ye Zheng also fell in love with this way.

But recently, Ye Zheng has been eyeing the mermaid again.

After Ye Zheng found out that the mermaid was interested in her speaking, he wanted to let the mermaid learn how to speak human beings. But because the mermaid's own vocal cords had not yet fully developed, that plan was temporarily shelved. But Ye Zheng tried hard to talk to the mermaid every day, the mermaid couldn't make a sound, let him listen to the head office more, right

So far, the mermaid has been able to understand Ye Zheng's "no", "come here", "do you want it?" and other very simple words. Ye Zheng has to say these words to the mermaid almost every day. Naturally there will be a reaction.

But that's not enough.

The current communication between the two of them relies more on guessing and gestures. The mermaid couldn't understand a sentence that was too complicated, and Ye Zheng couldn't hear the mermaid's words at ordinary times.

Now the mermaid can make a sound, and the volume is increasing day by day. I have to call out a few times when I am happy, and a few times when I am unhappy. I just wish that everything could be expressed through vocalization.

Ye Zheng wanted mermaid to learn how to talk. When she came to this place, it was only by the company of mermaid that she could not feel so lonely and difficult. But she still wondered if the mermaid could talk to her sometime.

When the moon climbed up, the mermaid who had eaten and drank in the sea finally returned to Ye Zheng's small stone nest belatedly.

This small stone nest is now completely owned by Ye Zheng. The mermaid is too big, and Ye Zheng, who has grown a lot taller, can no longer hold the two of them in this small stone nest. The mermaid could only climb up and play with Ye Zheng for a while, and then go back to the sea when Ye Zheng was about to sleep.

It was greeted by Ye Zheng with a smile on his face. Seeing Ye Zheng's smile, the mermaid was stunned for a while, then lay obediently beside Ye Zheng and asked her to braid herself.

Ye Zheng wrote two big characters "Zheng" on the beach with stones. She wanted the mermaid to learn her name. The full name, Ye Zheng, she was worried that the mermaid would not be able to learn it. "Zhengzheng" was easy to learn. Also seem intimate.

Ye Zheng pushed the mermaid and pointed to the words written by her stroke by stroke on the beach.

The merman tilted his head in confusion and looked at these two words.

This is not the first time Ye Zheng has written in front of a mermaid. I have seen so many mermaids with the word "zheng" on the tree trunk many times, but this is the first time that Ye Zheng has been recognized by mermaids.

The merman stared at the words for a while, then wiped them out with his claws.

Ye Zheng was not discouraged, wrote these two words again, and then pointed to himself and said seriously: "I - clank."

In order for the fish to hear clearly, she repeated it several times, slowed down, and said her words in a eloquent manner.

After all, the two of them have a tacit understanding that they have been with for a long time. When Ye Zheng does one thing repeatedly, the mermaid will understand that it is very important.

It propped up its body, watched Ye Zheng's mouth open and closed seriously, and reached out to touch Ye Zheng's throat.

Just when Ye Zheng felt that it was a bit silly to repeat these three words mechanically, the mermaid who was looking at her with her head tilted in front of her finally opened her mouth.

Still with the mermaid's characteristic thin voice, it sounds a little milky and tender.

"I - stern."

The articulation is not so clear, but the speed of the elongated rhythm is imitated exactly the same.

But Ye Zheng stayed for a while, and then secretly scolded himself, why did he add "I" to it, will the mermaid call her "I-Zhengzheng" in the future

Only then did Ye Zheng realize what the problem was: she didn't understand the language of the mermaid, so she couldn't teach the mermaid like a second language, she should teach it as if she was teaching a baby to learn words!

The author has something to say: I'm sorry, because there's been a lot of things recently, so I didn't have time to comment, so I'm starting to reply again today, don't worry, you won't miss any of them :).

Those comrades who say they want to keep mermaids as pets, are you serious? Not to mention the high vigilance of the adult fish, the mermaid cubs are protected by the adult fish. Even if you are lucky enough to catch an adolescent mermaid... The mermaid's food intake alone can make people overwhelmed. Over the past few days, if they had relied on Ye Zheng's fruits and birds, the mermaid would have been long ago. I'm starving ╮(╯_╰)╭