Deserted Island Survival Notes

Chapter 43


It's not too surprising to sleep until three poles in the sun the next day.

Ye Zheng woke up from exhaustion in a daze, only to feel extremely sore all over her body, like being run over by a heavy boulder from head to toe, making her feel like her limbs were about to fall apart.

Andrew has been gentle enough and considerate enough with her. But the size and weight of the mermaid were all there, and Ye Zheng, who was on the stage for the first time, still felt unwell after waking up.

"Ah..." Before Ye Zheng opened her eyes, she just raised her arm slightly, and found that her arm was so heavy that it was almost impossible to lift it.

Ye Zheng gasped, struggled to open his eyes, and then was startled again: Andrew was lying beside her head with his head resting on his own arm, staring at Ye Zheng without blinking, as if He has been waiting by her bedside for a long time, waiting for her to wake up.

Ye Zheng was so close, and suddenly saw Andrew's big eyes lit in front of her, Ye Zheng's body suddenly twitched because of instinct, and then—


Ye Zheng took a breath of air again, her movements just now once again pulled an unknown number of muscles on her body, and another burst of soreness surged up.

Ye Zheng couldn't help looking at the mermaid who was looking at her expectantly.

"Zhengzheng." Seeing Ye Zheng woke up and saw him, Andrew called her sweetly in Ye Zheng's ear. The sweetness in the voice made Ye Zheng almost wonder if Andrew had eaten there. foods high in sugar.

Ye Zheng looked at Andrew who had been lying beside her all the time. He was full of energy, without Ye Zheng's fatigue and soreness at all.

This is so unfair!

Ye Zheng stared at the mermaid in dissatisfaction, while Andrew was still looking forward to Ye Zheng's praise.

Ye Zheng snorted softly, turned his head and refused to look at Andrew. She closed her eyes, pretended it wasn't her who had just woken up, and continued to fall asleep.

Andrew was confused, "Clang?"

Ye Zheng felt that the layer of straw under his body shook slightly, and Andrew's body pressed against the straw on Ye Zheng's left side, and also pressed the blanket that Ye Zheng was still covering.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

Andrew's thin voice kept ringing in Ye Zheng's ears. It wasn't loud, but it was so penetrating that Ye Zheng, who was pretending to be asleep, could no longer pretend.

Ye Zheng sighed helplessly.

Andrew followed with a sigh.

Ye Zheng turned his head to look helplessly at Andrew, who was still looking at her eagerly.

"Andrew is awesome."

Andrew was finally satisfied, he kissed Ye Zheng's cheek, "Chong clang stick."

There was another problem with this kiss. After Andrew touched Ye Zheng's soft cheek, his mouth was like a chicken pecking at rice.

last night... ...

Ye Zheng felt blushing and heartbeat again when he thought about it: that was the first real kiss between her and the mermaid. When Andrew's cold and slippery tongue touched Ye Zheng's gentle and soft tongue, it was out of control. Obviously both are newbies, and Ye Zheng took the initiative, but the smart mermaid quickly turned back to the customer and took the temperature from Ye Zheng's mouth over and over again until Ye Zheng was almost out of breath.

The merman never seemed to know what it means to be enough. When he wanted to eat, he would let himself eat, and when he wanted to play, he would keep playing until Ye Zheng could no longer play.

As for a deep kiss, as soon as he felt sweet and tempting in his mouth, he insisted on kissing until Ye Zheng was about to suffocate - he himself had nothing at all.


Ye Zheng muttered as he turned his face with difficulty, trying to avoid Andrew's slightly disorderly kiss.

Andrew whispered unhappily and wanted to continue kissing Ye Zheng.

The two played around for a while, and Ye Zheng, who had completely woken up from drowsiness, sat up with support, and his arms were still trembling.

Ye Zheng turned his neck and felt that his neck felt much better, so he turned his head and wanted to continue talking to Andrew.


Andrew's eyes widened, and he stared at Ye Zheng's exposed chest as he sat up and slid down the fur blanket.

Ye Zheng also felt a chill in front of her... After her clothes were torn off last night, her clothes have been without upper body...

Ye Zheng instinctively raised her hand, trying to cover her important parts, but when she looked down at herself, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

The scene in front of her was really terrifying: her chest and back were blue and purple, and it looked as if she had been beaten. No wonder she was sore when she was still sleeping. Ye Zheng thought that she was just "exercising" too much and her muscles were too tired, but she didn't expect that the skin on her body was so blue and purple.

Ye Zheng was suddenly thankful that with Andrew's strength, she was not torn apart.

She tentatively touched her bruised area and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, only the bruising appeared on the surface, and pressing it was not as serious as she thought.

Ye Zheng learned about his current physical condition, but Andrew was different. In his eyes, the bruising condition on Ye Zheng's body was still terrifying.


Andrew called her softly and stared at her very sadly.


While calling her name, Andrew laboriously climbed onto Ye Zheng's stone bed, leaning carefully beside her, and half of his body was still hanging in the air.

He didn't dare to touch Ye Zheng, but just stuck out his tongue and gently licked the blue and purple spot on Ye Zheng's chest.

"Um... ... "

Andrew's tongue licked on Ye Zheng's chest, causing a strange numbness and slight pain.

Although the original intention of the mermaid was to appease Ye Zheng, after last night, Ye Zheng was unable to take this as a simple consolation.

Ye Zheng could only raise his hand and hold Andrew's head, preventing him from licking it any more.

"Okay," Ye Zheng smiled softly, "it doesn't hurt."

The mermaid obviously didn't believe it, and still glanced at Ye Zheng, but he didn't struggle any more, probably for fear of hurting Ye Zheng again.

Ye Zheng gently touched Andrew's mouth and his two sharp fangs.

Although she was still unwell because of Andrew, she knew that it was not Andrew's fault. No matter what time it was last night, none of his minions hurt her. Although Ye Zheng was so bruised, there was no broken skin or any other wounds on her body.

Andrew opened his mouth along the ground, letting Ye Zheng's fingers play with his teeth, but this overlord in the sea was extraordinarily gentle in front of Ye Zheng.

Ye Zheng patted Andrew's head to indicate that he was fine, then tried to get out of bed and wanted to go outside.

Before Ye Zheng took two steps, her feet softened and she almost fell to her knees. She was still in hot pain there, and she didn't even have to look closely, she knew it must be red and swollen.

Andrew hurriedly took from the side a small leather jacket that Ye Zheng had already made. He didn't know how to wear it, and after clumsily trying it a few times, he put the clothes on Ye Zheng and let her put it on herself.

Ye Zheng instructed Andrew to get the clothes for him, and then Andrew lay down on his back carefully and carried Ye Zheng outside again.

Under the sun, the crystal has been set up, and the fire pit is already burning.

"Is this your fire?"

Ye Zheng was a little surprised. Although Andrew was not afraid of fire for a long time, because of his animal nature, he had an instinctive dislike and resistance to fire. Unexpectedly, Ye Zheng slept until noon, but Andrew had already started the fire for her.

This was the first time Andrew lit up, and he didn't know how he overcame his instincts at that time.

Ye Zheng remembered last night again, and even though he was very anxious, he kept sticking to her Andrew. For her sake, the mermaid always restrained herself appropriately.

"Andrew?" Ye Zheng suddenly asked with a smile, "Would you like to hear me sing?"

Andrew looked at Ye Zheng blankly, and hesitantly lowered and raised his head, obviously embarrassed. Ye Zheng's level is clear to herself, and it is mediocre among humans. Not to mention that in front of a very talented race like Andrew, her level is simply scum.

Andrew obviously didn't like Ye Zheng singing very much, but after hesitating for a long time, he finally nodded seriously.

Ye Zheng snickered, looked at the prepared mermaid, coughed lightly, and then sang in a low voice.

Ye Zheng hummed seriously, and the level remained the same. But the mermaid listened, but became more and more serious. His claws stretched out and held Ye Zheng's hand, looking at Ye Zheng with wet eyes.

What Ye Zheng sang was no other song, it was the mermaid tune that Andrew once sang to her.

Her singing did not have the power to penetrate the eardrum, nor the charm of demagogic charm, but the mermaid, who had always been critical in this regard, listened carefully, as if there was magic in the singing that made him intoxicated.

After Ye Zheng hummed, he looked down at Andrew.

"How about it?"

Andrew didn't say anything, leaned his head meekly on Ye Zheng's thigh, and quietly wrapped his claws around Ye Zheng's waist.

It was a mermaid's love song. For the time being, Ye Zheng couldn't make Andrew fully understand what the human language "love" was, but she poured out her feelings to Andrew with the mermaid's singing voice.

And Andrew understood.

The author has something to say: You can fall in love even if the language is not smooth~~