Deserted Island Survival Notes

Chapter 46


The roar was not loud, but Ye Zheng was shocked when he heard it.

Ye Zheng glanced at the surrounding environment subconsciously, only to realize that the place where she was was already deep in the forest! Tall trees blocked the top of her head.

She couldn't help but secretly annoyed: After all, this is not the small island where she usually lives, she used to pick fruit on the shore, how could she enter so deep without noticing it? ! This time, I was in trouble, and I actually encountered a creature I had never seen before.

Ye Zheng couldn't help but rejoice, fortunately, she had already climbed the big tree. Under the tree is a cat that looks like a very large size, with a colorful body and an iron whip-like tail standing high in a sheath.

Ye Zheng couldn't see its front, only its furry back and swept tail. The giant beast was sniffing with its head down, as if searching for something.

Ye Zheng held her breath subconsciously. She always knew that the smell and hearing of beasts are much more sensitive than humans. The slightest movement can make them alert. And the big thing below, no matter how you look at it, it is a carnivorous beast.

She carefully grasped the branches under her body, preventing her trembling body from making too much movement, for fear of disturbing the beasts below who were roaring and searching for the "enemy".

Ye Zheng is still rejoicing that he climbed high, this beast should not be able to see himself, as long as it has nothing to gain and walks far...

I saw this beast sniffing and sniffing, slowly approaching the big tree where Ye Zheng was standing, and then stopped.

Ye Zheng only felt that her heart was hanging. When she climbed up, of course, she followed the tree trunk little by little. After staying for a long time, the smell was naturally the strongest. Ye Zheng suddenly felt that when this beast came, it should have come at her.

She had spent so much time at the beach and spent so much time with Andrew that perhaps the smell of the sea in her body was both unfamiliar and distinct to this beast.

Ye Zheng suddenly didn't dare to take chances, her hand subconsciously touched the bow and arrow on her back, and quietly took off the bow handle and wooden arrow. The straw basket she was holding in her hand was put aside, the wooden arrow was attached to the bow, and the bowstring was slowly drawn.

At this time, Ye Zheng became relatively calm. Although she was still scared, she had hunted with friends and family near the Great Lakes and knew that it was really useless to move in a panic.

While she was with friends back then, with the best sex in modern society and a solidly equipped off-road vehicle, now she has only herself and a crudely made bow and arrow.

Ye Zheng's arrow pointed firmly in the direction of the beast. If it couldn't find her hiding in the tree, then she could naturally avoid this danger. If unfortunate, once it is really discovered, then at least she can preempt it.

Every nerve of Ye Zheng was tense, and her fingers pulling the cortical bowstring could not feel the pressure and pain caused by pulling the bow. She opened her eyes wide and stared at the beast that was making a few circles along the roots of the tree.

Probably not being able to find anything by the tree, the beast stopped.

After a while, it suddenly raised its head and looked at the tree.

Ye Zheng's heart trembled, but her arms remained in that position.

Sure enough, after looking up, with the sharp eyes of the beast, it immediately found Ye Zheng. It immediately became angry, raised its forelimbs on the tree, and roared at Ye Zheng above, its face was huge, all its fangs were exposed, and its eyes stared at Ye Zheng fiercely.

This is the time!

The beast's face was facing Ye Zheng's direction, Ye Zheng's right hand loosened, the wooden arrow flew straight to one of the beast's eyes, and the stone-pointed arrow nailed it hard!

This is what Ye Zheng had calculated. She didn't know how thick the skin of this beast was and whether the wooden arrows and her existing strength could penetrate it. Only the eyes are where the defense is lowest, and attacking there should have the greatest effect.

I saw Ye Zheng's arrow suddenly pinched tightly into the right eye of this beast that looked like a tiger and a bear, and bright red blood spurted out immediately!

Ye Zheng heard the beast roar "Ow--" and went back in pain.

She hurriedly made up the second arrow, but this time it missed and landed on the beast's cheek.

It became more and more angry, and one paw snapped the arrow stuck in the face, but the arrow was still stuck in the flesh.

Wounded beasts tend to be more violent and more ferocious.

Ye Zheng was half-squatting on the tree, watching the beast slam into the tree viciously. Its head slammed hard against the tree, causing the branch where Ye Zheng was staying to sway. The straw basket next to her fell with a bang, the fruit smashed to the ground, and two or three fell on the beast's head.

This made it angrier and slammed into the branches more ferociously.

Ye Zheng found out that this beast can't climb trees, so it can't do anything about Ye Zheng for the time being. But the tree she was staying swayed more and more, and when the tree fell...

Ye Zheng acted quickly and climbed towards the treetops.

The beast finally saw Ye Zheng crawling out from behind the leaves, it roared excitedly, and the sound spread far away.

Ye Zheng's movements became faster. She was afraid that this beast was also a herd animal. If its roar attracted a lot of people, it would be over.

She tried her best to control her body, preventing the swaying branches from shaking herself down, she moved to the top of the tree, and then jumped to the branch of another big tree.

She almost slipped, and hurriedly hugged the tree trunk and steadied herself.

The beast stared at Ye Zheng and saw that Ye Zheng had reached another tree, then turned to rush towards this side, and bumped into it again.

Only then did Ye Zheng realize that what she had just imagined would not work. She wanted to switch to a new tree and turn around and shoot arrows at it. But she didn't expect that the beast didn't just hit the tree blindly, it was always watching Ye Zheng.

At this moment, the beast raised its head, blood covering its face, very terrifying. It showed Ye Zheng's white teeth, and roared furiously.

It was probably inspired by Ye Zheng's actions just now. The beast turned around twice, jumped to the side, jumped on the low branch of another tree, stood on it, and patrolled around. At a glance, it seems to be looking for another branch.

Ye Zheng screamed badly in his heart, it really can't climb trees, but it can jump! This beast can't climb up directly, but looking at its bouncing ability...

Taking advantage of the fact that the beast did not hit the tree where she was staying, Ye Zheng quickly drew a bow and arrow and shot it out again! This time the bow and arrow shot crookedly, rubbing one ear of the beast and swiping past.

Although it didn't hit the beast, the beast that instinctively took a step back from being attacked fell from the tree trunk. It obviously hadn't adapted to fighting on the branches, and fell straight to the ground, but half of its body hit the ground first.

When it fell down, Ye Zheng bent the bow and arrow again, and the beast that had just fallen to the ground and had not yet stood firm was shot by her again. This time, her arrow was successfully nailed into the remaining beast of the beast. In the eyes, blood spattered.

This time, both of its eyes were abolished by Ye Zheng.

The beast no longer had the will to fight, it wailed, sank into the bushes, and flew away quickly.

Ye Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help touching her heart, and only then did she realize that the frequency of her heart beating was much higher than usual.

Her limbs and torso twitched and shivered with hindsight.


These two words flashed through Ye Zheng's mind quickly.

She finally realized that this place was not as safe as she thought. She attacked the beast just now, and the blood was still spilling on the ground, and she didn't know when other animals would be attracted. If the animals that came back could climb trees, she really had no choice.

Ye Zheng didn't care about the baskets scattered on the ground. She quickly descended the tree and trotted back in the direction from which she came.

Fortunately, she had a good sense of direction, and vaguely remembered which direction she came from.

Ye Zheng pushed aside the bushes and ran towards the seaside. At this time, she no longer had the leisurely feeling that she had when she came. There was a sharp-edged thatch-like grass growing in the woods. When she came, she was careful not to cut herself, but when she went back, she couldn't care about it anymore.

Ye Zheng heard violent noises coming from a distance behind him. It looked like two animals, not one roaring!

It must be the original one that found a companion to chase after it!

Ye Zheng was even more panicked. She aimed at a big tree and rushed over to climb higher.

But at this time, Ye Zheng, who had just run all the way and was struggling, was already a little weak, and she tossed and climbed two meters high. Another beast had already jumped out of the bushes next to her!

How high is this enough! The beast just jumped up the branch by four meters! Ye Zheng was lying on the trunk, unable to hide or shoot arrows, this was simply waiting for beasts to attack her!

The bigger beast roared wildly and rushed towards Ye Zheng.

Helpless, Ye Zheng closed his eyes and waited for himself to be torn apart.

But then she heard another scream, and she felt something big rush over, collide with the beast, and both fell to the ground.

Then there was another loud scream.

Ye Zheng was very familiar with this voice. Although the mermaid had never called it that before, she would not admit it wrong.

Ye Zheng opened his eyes tremblingly and looked down.

The mermaid was lying under her tree, facing the beast, screaming sharply after another.


Ye Zheng saw his tail, and the scales on it had fallen off a lot. The big tail was mottled, and the damaged area was a bit like a chef she had seen before scraping the scales of a fish, with pale blue blood oozing out.

He climbed over!

Ye Zheng's eyes were wet all of a sudden: at such a long distance, even on the road in the forest where Ye Zheng's walking was not smooth, Andrew actually crawled over abruptly!

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