Deserted Island Survival Notes

Chapter 52


Ye Zheng couldn't believe her eyes, she never imagined that she actually gave birth to a fish egg!

What the hell is this! Can humans produce fish eggs?

Ye Zheng looked at the mermaids who were obviously excited. It was obvious that Andrew didn't think it was any wonder that their child was a fish egg.

Perhaps, this is the way the mermaid reproduces? The children are just biased towards the race of mermaids.

After all, she was... born.

Ye Zheng frowned, reached out and gently poked the translucent fish eggs with the pulp of his fingers. Ye Zheng, who had calmed down, was finally able to take a good look at it.

The translucent surface covered everything, and Ye Zheng was surprised to find that it actually felt a bit like jelly to the touch, and the skin on the surface was extremely elastic. And what was soaked in the vaguely small body inside was like a semi-liquid liquid.

Ye Zheng, who had just accepted that his child was still a fish egg, was confused again: this fish egg looked extraordinarily fragile, as if the liquid inside and the child would flow out with a single stroke.


Ye Zheng carefully held this fish egg, which was only the size of her palm. She kept a half-sitting position, and asked the mermaid, who had already climbed up all over her body, and was leaning at her feet and looking at the child eagerly.

"Next, what should I do?"

Ye Zheng was still a little anxious, the child was still an egg, and it seemed that further incubation was needed to become a little mermaid.

Ye Zheng touched Andrew's icy belly. He should also need temperature for hatching, right? Andrew's body temperature is so low... How do mermaids hatch their eggs?

Andrew answered Ye Zheng with action: he leaned over, stretched out a pair of claws, and took the eggs away.

Then he kissed the confused Ye Zheng again: "Wait for Andrew to come home."

After all, he plunged into the water and swam out.

Ye Zheng touched half of his cheek, and there seemed to be still a cold kiss from the mermaid.

Wait for him to come home?

Ye Zheng frowned and thought, it sounded like Andrew was going to go out for a long time. Was he looking for a quiet place to hatch the baby?

Ye Zheng himself knew that some races were brought up by their fathers, but I didn't expect that the race of mermaids was also hatched by their fathers.

Ye Zheng sighed.

She had just recovered from the shock of giving birth to a fish egg, but she didn't expect that the child and Andrew were not around in the blink of an eye.

Ye Zheng lost all of a sudden, although the child was completely beyond her expectations, but now they are not by her side, she is starting to miss them now.

Ye Zheng started wiping his body with warm water.

She gave birth much faster than expected, except for a little transparent liquid, the rest of her body was still clean.

After cleaning himself up, Ye Zheng lay down in despair and pulled the fur to cover it. Without Andrew's Sleepy Song, without pulling Andrew's paw before going to bed, she couldn't fall asleep.

I don't know when Andrew will hatch the baby, Ye Zheng thought sadly. I don’t know how many days will follow, how will I live without Andrew?

She began to recall how much she had in stock again.

When a person is insomnia, her thoughts will become extraordinarily divergent, thinking about things.

Ye Zheng thought of Andrew's singing from her own food stock, and looked forward to the appearance of the child from when Andrew came back. Finally, she began to recall the appearance of the little mermaid she had seen before.

Ye Zheng thought about a lot of messy things, but he was always excited and couldn't fall asleep.

In the end, she had to count the mermaids: "One mermaid, two mermaids, three mermaids..."

This method worked, Ye Zheng counted, and slowly fell asleep with anticipation and melancholy.

Ye Zheng had already planned to go to Andrew for two or three months before falling asleep, but the next morning, when she woke up late and opened her eyes, she found a pair of big, bright eyes looking at her intently.


Ye Zheng called Andrew's name in surprise, then looked at his side expectantly, "Why did you come back?! Has the child come out? I mean... little Andrew?"

Ye Zheng's eyes swirled around in the water beside Andrew, but after looking for a long time, he could not see a small figure the size of a slap that might exist.


Ye Zheng was really anxious now, she turned over and sat up: "Where's the child? Where's little Andrew? Did something happen?"

With her hands on the mermaid's shoulders, she asked questions like a barrage of cannons, her tone much more eager.

Although the child was a bit unexpected to her, it was her child after all, so how could Ye Zheng not care.


The mermaid stretched out her claws, patted the back of Ye Zheng's hand, and looked at Ye Zheng soothingly.

"Little Andrew... OK."

"Where is it then?!"

Ye Zheng responded quickly, "Where did you put it?"

A simple answer will not soothe anxious new mothers.

Andrew stretched out his paws and held Ye Zheng by the bed, and handed Ye Zheng a clean leather scrubbing cloth.

"Okay, Andrew, take him to see it."

Ye Zheng took the "cloth" that Andrew handed to her conditionally, and her thoughts stagnated for a while to understand what Andrew meant.

"I'm good... ... ?"

Andrew pointed between Ye Zheng's legs.

Ye Zheng lifted the fur and looked at it, and immediately blushed again: How can Andrew know his physical condition through the fur pad?

Before Ye Zheng didn't notice it, another transparent liquid seeped out as it was during production.

Seeing that Ye Zheng was a little dazed, Andrew reached out and took the towel in Ye Zheng's hand, wanting to wipe Ye Zheng clean.


Ye Zheng snatched it away, then slammed the fur quilt over it, and shouted aggressively, "Don't touch it!"

Although the two of them were so close that they even had children, other than that kind of thing, Ye Zheng still couldn't accept the mermaid being so careless in locking her up.

Andrew put down his hand in a good-natured manner, and repeated one more side: "Ok, Andrew, take him to see it."

This meant that Andrew would take her to see the baby when she no longer had clear fluids coming out of her body.

So, Andrew should be able to be sure where the child is and that the child is safe, right?

Ye Zheng's heart was relieved, she nodded, bowed her head and kissed the mermaid who was close at hand: "Okay."

The mermaid didn't answer her, Andrew just raised his head and kissed Ye Zheng again.

Ye Zheng didn't know what the female fish in the mermaid tribe looked like after giving birth, but for herself, it would be ten days after the transparent liquid had flowed out.

As soon as Ye Zheng found that his physical condition had recovered, he immediately urged Andrew to take him to see the child.

She already misses that small fish egg that is only the size of a palm. These days, she has been reminiscing about how it just came out, the translucent look that bounces off the surface when you touch it lightly.

Andrew sniffed at Ye Zheng's side, then nodded, and swam to the sea with Ye Zheng on his back.

This time, they walked through the sea for a long time, even Ye Zheng could feel the temperature around him getting higher and higher, and even the sea seemed to be steaming with steam.

At this moment, Ye Zheng saw the sea in front of him, under the sunlight, there was a bright thing, and there were a dozen or so adult fish swimming around.

They saw Andrew swimming over with Ye Zheng on his back, and a mermaid swam towards them, stared at Ye Zheng for a while, then patted Andrew with his tail and swam back again.

Ye Zheng had not paid attention to the mermaid's attitude towards them, and her eyes were looking straight at the shiny thing in front of her.

That is nearly a hundred fish eggs, like pearls, very beautifully distributed in an extremely open sea! The waves here seem to be very small, the sea is calm, and only a little white water splashes up, making these fish eggs appear and disappear.

The dozen or so mermaids swam around the sea, as if guarding the eggs.

Andrew swam over with Ye Zheng and stopped beside a small, palm-sized fish egg. It undulates on the sea, Ye Zheng can see that it has become more transparent, and the figure inside is also bigger, Ye Zheng can already vaguely see the little mermaid curled up with his tail wrapped in it. .

"This is... Little Andrew...?"

Ye Zheng stretched out his trembling hand and touched the surface of the egg. Its elastic surface felt warm to the touch, as if it had absorbed the temperature of the sun.

"brat... ... "

Ye Zheng laughed unknowingly, and said softly to the quiet fish eggs: "I'm a mother..."

Even if the children here are not fully grown yet, they cannot hear her words.

She really has to be a mother.

The author has something to say: I will reply to your comments in the next two days and start to revise the previous article. The update prompt is a fake update.

See you Wednesday.


Ye Zheng couldn't help wanting to see that little fish egg the size of a palm every day.

Andrew seems to be happy to meet Ye Zheng's request every day.

The mermaid stood in front of Ye Zheng's window every morning, facing Ye Zheng who woke up, the first sentence was: "Zhengzheng, look at little Andrew."

Ye Zheng sometimes thinks that it is not only her who wants to see her child every day, but Andrew, who is a father for the first time, is also very excited, right?

She also doesn't know what to call the child still in the eggs, baby or embryo?

But as the outline of the child became clearer and clearer in the increasingly transparent shell, Ye Zheng began to call it "baby" in his heart.

Really very cute baby.

She thought that the child would be slender and slender like fry.

But through the translucent shell, Ye Zheng found that although the little mermaid was only a little bit big, compared to the size of the child, it was already fat.

Ye Zheng could see the child's body curled up and his little paws hugging his tail. Its tail is larger than its upper body, allowing it to bury its little face in it.

Ye Zheng's heart softened.

If it wasn't for her not being able to soak in the sea water for a long time, Ye Zheng would have wished to watch this little guy all day long.

The mermaid carried Ye Zheng on his back every day, and then placed Ye Zheng on a nearby island with almost nothing but trees. Ye Zheng came out with food on his back every day, and the small island, which was almost all sand, was waiting for Andrew to carry her over to watch the children every once in a while.

Ye Zheng had also wondered how this breeding ground where the mermaids collectively hatched fish eggs was kept safe. After all, the eggs of all mermaids look very soft. If the natural enemies of mermaids attack at this time, then these nearly 100 children will be very dangerous.

As a new mother, Ye Zheng has been troubled by her imagination. She always dreamed that there would be a ferocious sea creature that suddenly appeared in the sea below the child, and then swallowed the child with its mouth wide open.

In the end, Ye Zheng couldn't help but expressed his concerns to Andrew.

The mermaid pursed his lips and slapped his tail a little overwhelmed. He understood Ye Zheng's worries, but he didn't know how to make Ye Zheng understand his way.

In the end, Andrew got a wooden board out of nowhere, and the charred edge looked like the wood split by lightning fell into the water and was picked up by Andrew.

Andrew asked Ye Zheng to lie down or sit on the wooden board, and it pulled Ye Zheng to swim so far.

Ye Zheng sat on the wooden board that rose and fell with the waves, and she carefully observed the surrounding environment.

Not only are there more than a dozen adult fish cruising in the surrounding waters, Ye Zheng also found that there are more mermaids patrolling under this shallow sea.

It is absolutely impossible, as Ye Zheng imagined, that some kind of undersea beast suddenly appears to devour fish eggs, unless the beast is desperate and dares to face this group of mermaids, which is equivalent to a small army.

Andrew was also among these protectors. He placed Ye Zheng next to the eggs. After kissing Ye Zheng, he swam around, thinking about observing the surrounding environment with his companions.

Then he stayed beside Ye Zheng's plank, taking care of the child while protecting Ye Zheng.

Ye Zheng guessed that most of these mermaids who patrolled spontaneously, like Andrew, became parents. What protection could be more secure than that provided by a merman who is doubly alert and dangerous as a parent?

Ye Zheng was relieved now. Later, Andrew wanted to let Ye Zheng go to the sea to stay with her before he refused.

For the mermaid, swimming with Ye Zheng on his back is one thing, and swimming with a wooden board is another. This would make Andrew's swimming extra awkward and slow him down. For Ye Zheng, sitting on the sea for so long under the sun is also very tiring. It is not easy to solve personal problems, and it is easy to dehydrate. Even if Ye Zheng, whose mother's love is high, wants to see her child all the time, she can't sit on the sea so foolishly.

Ye Zheng finally asked Andrew to send herself to the deserted island next to her. She was willing to wait for Andrew to take her to visit every one or two hours and talk to the child.

Under the earnest expectation of Ye Zheng and Andrew, the child in the fish eggs, which had become quite transparent, became bigger and bigger, and the whole small body seemed to be about to burst through the skin.

Ye Zheng stretched out his palm and gestured, even if the child in the fish egg looked chubby, its entire body length, even its head and tail, were only as long as one and a half of her palms, and the tail still took up more than half of it. .

Ye Zheng couldn't help but touched the child with his own hands, and the surface that absorbed the heat of the sun was warm.

Suddenly, the skin on the surface was broken, and transparent water with a little viscosity flowed out.

Ye Zheng was taken aback: when she just touched it, her skin was still so resilient, and she just touched it with her fingertips. Could it be possible that such a light force could hurt the child?


Ye Zheng cried and turned to look at the mermaid next to her, "Little Andrew... Little Andrew..."

Andrew was not at all panicked by Ye Zheng.

Hearing Ye Zheng calling him, he took Ye Zheng over and clumsily tried to comfort her. He originally wanted to pat Ye Zheng's back, but found that the posture was wrong, Ye Zheng's back was leaning against his arms.

The mermaid raised her claws and finally patted Ye Zheng's thigh: "Good morning, good little Andrew."

What he means is that the child is fine now, which is normal.

Ye Zheng opened his eyes wide and looked at the child in the eggs.

The little mermaid's small body slowly swayed, Ye Zheng saw its curled tail slowly opening, the whole fish roe swayed more and more, and more juice flowed out.

The little mermaid's body broke through the skin and slipped out, and then disappeared in front of Ye Zheng's eyes.


Ye Zheng couldn't help lowering his head and screaming into the sea, trying to find the missing child.

Andrew let go of Ye Zheng and plunged into the sea.

Ye Zheng could only see Andrew's body swaying underwater and came up soon.

His claws were spread out, and a small, chubby mermaid lay in the heart of his claws. Andrew's paws are bigger than Ye Zheng's hands, and one paw is enough for the little mermaid to lie on.

He supported the child with one paw and stopped the child from jumping into the water with the other.

It hugged one of Andrew's fingers, its soft, chubby tail, which had not yet grown scales, flapping unhappily. He shook his head, looking at Ye Zheng for a while, and Andrew for a while.

Ye Zheng held his breath, stretched out a finger, and slowly touched the little mermaid.

The little mermaid's ear fins shook, and her round eyes stared at Ye Zheng's slowly approaching hand. It then released Andrew's finger, then hugged Ye Zheng's finger, and then opened its mouth and bit her finger.

Like all newborn small animals, the little mermaid's teeth have no attack power at all, and can only be ground on Ye Zheng's fingertips.

Ye Zheng's smile got bigger and bigger, and her other hand went along the back of the little mermaid and the tender dorsal fin. The little mermaid's mouth let go of the fingers it was holding, and then shook her head hard to bite Ye Zheng's other hand.

Ye Zheng dared to swear that she had never seen such a cute baby.

Andrew suddenly put the little mermaid on his head, then carried Ye Zheng on his back, and swam into the depths of the sea.

He is going to take the newborn child and go home with his clan.

Ye Zheng was lying on Andrew's back, watching the little mermaid holding Andrew's hair, and staring at Ye Zheng with round eyes.

This little guy is very curious about her and very close. Ye Zheng lowered his head and kissed its little head, and it quickly licked on Ye Zheng's lips.

After looking at Ye Zheng for a long time, it let go of the hair of Andrew it was holding, sat in Ye Zheng's hands, hugged Ye Zheng's fingers, yawned a little, and closed his eyes.

Wait...why can it close its eyes? !


The author has something to say: Next, there are Modern Fanwai & Andrew Fanwai & Waste Terrier Fanwai

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New article "The Temptation of Cats"


On a cold snowy day, the pedestrians on the road were all in a hurry with umbrellas.

Wrapped in a long coat, Qin Yi walked down the street while breathing in the white mist.

"I said..." A lazy voice sounded on her chest, and a small white head stuck out, "You are too slow, slower than my trot."

"Then come out and run by yourself." Qin Yi, who was not thankful enough, was unhappy.

"I'm a cat! Cats are afraid of the cold!" The green-eyed and white cat that looked like a milk cat said confidently, and then changed into a more comfortable position in the clothes on Qin Yi's chest.

A pair of its hind paws stepped on the soft spot, and its forelegs clawed at Qin Yi's neckline.

Qin Yi suddenly stood on his heels: "Do you think there is any difference?"

"Of course." The little white cat sneezed when the cold wind blew. It stomped again with its hind limbs, maliciously.

"When I became a human last night, it was one-handed. Now, I can't fully embrace it with all four claws."

Qin Yi's pretty face turned from white to red, then from red to blue, and she finally burst out: "That's not what I asked!"

☆、Fan extra one

Hundreds of nautical miles deep in the deep sea.

A small tentacle poked out of the sand, it turned like a radar, and after finding that there were no other creatures around, a small head also emerged from the sand.

The tentacles on the creature's head were still standing high, vigilantly examining the surrounding environment. Its eight tentacles slowly wriggled, crawling towards the distant stones. Most of the creatures in the deep sea have poor eyesight, and all it can rely on is the constant observation of the changes in the surrounding water patterns by the tentacles.

Suddenly, its tentacles swung, and it felt like something big was swimming from afar.

This is the body of a small creature with eight tentacles that stops and moves slowly. Its tentacles hang down, the body changes color quietly, and small particles are raised on the surface of the skin, which matches the thin layer of the seabed. Things come together.

The big creature that swam over swam over it for a while, but found nothing, and swam away again.

The tentacles of this little creature could not detect the movement in the sea water. It wrapped for a while, and the skin gradually changed back, and then climbed towards the target stone.

At this moment, the big creature that should have swum far swooped down at an extremely fast speed and grabbed it.

This big creature has big round eyes, and it studies the octopus clownfish in its claws back and forth. The tentacles, the granular objects of the epidermis are not spared. It even plucked the tentacles from the top of its head and studied it carefully for a while.

The big creature stopped studying the octopus clownfish until there was a sound wave calling for it in the distance. It stuck out its tongue and licked it, bit it again, and found that it didn't taste very good. Only then did he tear up the clownfish and threw it on the sand on the bottom of the sea.

Soon, the pieces of the clownfish will be eaten by other microbes.

The big creature swung its tail and swam towards the place where it was called.

This is a mermaid that is more than half a year old. Its body is already large compared to most marine creatures, but it is still not satisfied. At present, its body is only two-thirds the length of an adult fish.

The juvenile mermaid is basically not allowed to leave the adult fish, but this mermaid is in the age group of not too small, the experience is vigorous, and the swimming speed is close to that of the adult fish. It is no longer content to hunt with its parents, always sneaking away to take risks when their parents are not looking.

The little mermaid swam back to her mother. The adult female fish was hanging quietly in the sea water, while her claws were holding a three-meter-long sunfish that was struggling. When she saw her child swimming over, her claws pressed hard. Throwing the sunfish over.

The little mermaid was excited, it rushed over to reveal its sharp claws, and quickly dissected the large sunfish, and then shared this delicious meal with its mother.

After enjoying the delicious meal, its mother said to take it back to its habitat.

This time it wasn't happy, it twisted its tail and wanted to run out. The big mermaid pounced quickly, biting a small spot under its dorsal fin.

The little mermaid struggled twice, finding that its dorsal fin would be damaged if it tried to break free from its mother's grip. Only then did he obediently let his mother hold it, and he was brought back to the habitat of the mermaid.

The habitat of this group of mermaids is enormous, stretching for hundreds of nautical miles. They occupy the flattest depths of the ocean, where corals are most abundant and where currents have the least impact.

The little mermaid and its parents dug out a burrow next to a large reef, three days after it was only allowed to have its own small cave.

At this moment, its mother stuffed it into the coral nest, and then patted the restless it with her tail, signaling it to stay here obediently, and then turned around and went to find her mate again. .

The little mermaid looked at the other merman swimming around, and knew that if it wanted to go alone, the adults would stop it too. It had to lie down on the sand in frustration, bury its head in it, and let its dorsal fin hang down.

However, its ideal of pursuing freedom will not change.

After another forty or so days, the little mermaid swam out quietly while everyone was sleeping. What this little mermaid never found, its father was quietly following him a few hundred meters behind him.

Growing up, the little mermaids are mostly restless, and they can't wait to live on their own.

The little mermaid who "escaped" from the supervision of his parents was so excited that he kept swimming towards the shallow sea, enjoying the sunshine that he had never seen since he was born, and the air that was different from the sea. It was extremely curious, and only felt that all the things were not enough to see, green algae living on the ground, creatures with strange scales that squeaked and flew, and things with pointed tails jumping on the algae.

He was trying to catch a guy fishing on the beach and found that the burrs all over his body were choking his throat...

The little mermaid lived quite happily until one day, when it was chasing a big turtle in the shallow sea, a big thing fell from the sky and fell in front of it.

It caught the big guy who seemed to have fallen asleep in time and brought it ashore.

After it accidentally shredded the skin of this big thing, it found two bare, white tails.

How could this be? ! The little mermaid looked at the two-tailed fish with pity. It had no scales and no claws. It was so pitiful.

The little mermaid pulled these two strangely shaped tails, only to feel that the underside of the claws were slippery and tender. It had never felt such a nice tail before, and the little mermaid couldn't help but take a small bite, and found it gloomily that it tasted as unpalatable as the kind of guy who jumps among the seaweeds on the ground.

Even if it is not delicious, the little mermaid is reluctant to throw away this fish with two tails.

It's a shame, it doesn't taste good, but it smells good.

So it licked the scaleless tail of the fish again.

The little mermaid was lying on the shore, researching the fish that looked dying over and over again and again, and found that it looked like him, but not like him.

The hair on the top of its head is smooth and very nice, the little mermaid thought enviously, and couldn't help but touched the fish's tail.

Until it heard a very loud scream.

The fish actually sat up! The little mermaid was frightened, and instinctively assumed an attacking stance, looking at the black eyes of the white fish in front of him and thinking in a daze, and then jealously found that the white fish's face could actually move.

The little mermaid listened to the voice in the throat of this white fish, and thought with some envy, the voice is so nice, if only it could make a sound now.

This time, it felt that the white fish without scales and claws was not pitiful at all.

The author has something to say: Andrew's perspective you want...

Seeing that some comrades think it is short, the author thinks that the length is just right. The author is preparing for the end of the exam. When he made the outline, he had already decided that it would end at about this time, and he basically wrote everything he wanted to write, and the later waste stories will be some of the original settings of the author. , but the plot that was abandoned in the end, let's take a look.

Then again, there is no Andrew's perspective in the outline, which can be considered to meet your requirements. I don't know how you feel about the writing of this episode, will it be weird? [scratch head

☆、Fan extra two

The little mermaid looked at the two white fish with some fascination.

Its two tails moved alternately over the sand on the ground.

It can walk so smoothly on the shore! The little mermaid is very envious. The swimming speed of their mermaids in the sea is already outstanding. Except for some small fishes that are particularly fast when escaping, mermaids are almost unmatched in the sea.

But the nimble mermaid in the water is as clumsy as its tail is broken when it leaves the water. When the little mermaid just floated to the surface and played happily, he also tried to climb to the shore to pick something that he had never touched or seen before. It can get out of the water for a while, but crawling on land is hard work!

It shook its head, swayed its tail, twisted and turned, and found that it was crawling slower than a turtle, and its movements were ugly. The little mermaid gave up the difficult activity just in time after discovering that the most she could do on shore was to stand firmly on her feet.

Later, it found that almost all fish with tails could not come ashore, and it felt satisfied again. Look, it is not so difficult for a fish anyway. As for turtles and those chubby walruses? They look so ugly, what's the use of going ashore?

Until today, the little mermaid found two white fish that could come and go freely on the shore, and it didn't know that there were still fish that could come ashore!

But the strange thing is that it doesn't envy at this moment. The little mermaid's eyes just can't be removed from the pair of white tails. Although there are no hard and shiny scales, and the tail fin is also gray, it just feels Those two tails are so pretty.

The little mermaid had been following the white fish unknowingly.

It watched the white fish easily pluck the big thorny fruit that it wanted to try before. Although the taste was not very good, the white fish also gave it to it generously.

The little mermaid was happy.

Mermaids are a very social species. From the moment they hatch, they naturally know how to help each other. In the hearts of mermaids, there is no such thing as taking advantage. In other words, they actually know how to behave politely.

Although the thorny and crusty fruit is ugly and unpalatable... The little mermaid was swimming in the water while thinking, that white fish must be starving, otherwise why is it so unpalatable? Can it be eaten? Or let yourself give it something more delicious, what can be better than fish and shrimp?

But maybe that white fish likes to eat that kind of unpalatable food.

The little mermaid also had a blue creature holding a large claw in its mouth, and the blue hard-shelled creature was constantly struggling to cut it. The little mermaid grabbed it impatiently and knocked on the rocks on the bottom of the sea. It hesitated for a moment, then grabbed a slimy, soft-bodied worm. Although mermaids don't eat such ugly creatures that taste bitter, maybe white fish with weird taste will like it?

The little mermaid found with satisfaction that the taste of the white fish was not so bad, and it still liked hard-shelled shrimp. And the little mermaid is even more delighted to find that the white fish is very good at playing! Never before has a mermaid stood on the bank and threw something at it to make it jump up and bite!

The little mermaid who has never played like this has a higher opinion of the white fish, and even after the white fish ignores it, it feels a little sad.

It unconsciously followed the white fish all the way, and even foraging for food, it hurriedly filled its stomach, and then swam back to find the figure of the white fish—this is something that has never happened before. The mermaid is gluttonous and delicious. This little mermaid is even worse. It's not that the fish that are about to become adults do not eat, the shrimp that are not blue-shelled, the internal organs, the head, the tail...

It has never been such a rush to eat and then rush to see the whitefish.

Because it found that this white fish is really stupid!

Whitefish without claws and scales cannot hunt in the water, cannot find suitable burrows, and are very vulnerable to injury. The little mermaid had heard the whimpering sound in the throat of the white fish. Mermaids are full of emotions, otherwise they wouldn't be able to sing like that. It naturally heard Bai Yu's sad mood.

Ah, it's so pitiful. The little mermaid worked hard to catch seafood for the white fish to eat, and at the same time was a little proud. If the poor two white fish left it, what should I do?

Gradually, the little mermaid and the white fish lived together.

As the days get along, the little mermaid has become more and more intimate with this white fish.

And this white fish is different from other mermaids, its body is soft and warm, and it is very comfortable to rub against it.

Best of all, the hair is long and the voice is great.

The mermaid's consistent aesthetic is sharp but minions, smooth long hair, beautiful voices and sparkling scales.

Although this white fish has no claws and no scales, the little mermaid also feels very happy and pleasant to hear it speak. She also had long black hair that, when let down, was prettier than the softest swarms of seaweed in the sea.

During this period, the only thing that bothered the little mermaid was that the white fish was in heat...

It was a little helpless. Mermaids live in groups after all. It has never seen other mermaids bleed when they are in heat. It was in a hurry, so it had to imitate the appearance of an adult fish and kept sending all kinds of things to the white fish, hoping that she would get better soon.

Yes, he already knew that the whitefish was a female, but he had not seen any other male like the whitefish.

Thinking that maybe other male fish will smell the smell of white fish, the little mermaid is a bit like a formidable enemy. In addition to white fish, who else can bake something for it and make bracelets? And it's obviously good for whitefish, except... except...

The little mermaid finally couldn't help but secretly asked her parents if the mermaid could have a partner of other races?

The answer is whatever it is.

Although the mermen watch and help each other, they rarely interfere with each other's lives unless other mermen ask for it.

Although the little mermaid's parents would visit it occasionally, they almost let it go after finding that it was fun to eat and approached two meters healthy and strong. The parent-child relationship between adult fish and parents has never been as close as it was when they were young.

The little mermaid who got the answer was satisfied, and it subconsciously felt that the two white fish could only be his own. Although mermaids live in groups, only couples and juveniles live in the same nest. The white fish have all lived with it. The little mermaid thinks that it is a matter of course for the white fish to become his partner. He didn't even think about it, nor did he expect this white fish to be his partner and companion. different meanings.

It's just a little annoyed why the white fish is in heat so soon, it's not yet an adult, can't dance, can't sing...

The little mermaid has seen the courtship of the adult fish, and of course knows what will happen next, although it is still in a state of ignorance.

Until a big tide comes again.

The mermaid felt more and more agitated, clanking—it already knew that Bai Yu was clanking, and her voice not only didn't make it pleasant, but made it even more disturbed. And the clank kisses from time to time made it involuntarily irritable. Those who are adults always feel that they are upset, and the fish and shrimps they eat have no taste.

When its voice broke through his throat naturally and floated on the sea, the mermaid finally felt that the anxiety in his heart had an outlet to vent.

The mermaid watched the clank white fish slowly come out of the cave where they lived. At that moment, it only felt that all the waves had faded away, and all the sounds near and far had quieted down.

It could only watch its clank approach, and call it softly, "Andrew..."

The mermaid stared at its fish, smelled the peculiar smell of white fish, and suddenly felt that she was the center of everything.

Ah, no wonder the father kept staring at the mother like that.

The author has something to say: End of Andrew's perspective [I really can't write anymore, and it will collapse if I write again...

☆、Fanwai three

Ye Zheng recently discovered that bringing children is a very bad thing.

She loves her little mermaid very, very much, but she can't do anything about it.

The reason is actually very simple: Ye Zheng's water is not worth mentioning in front of mermaids, and he can't swim his own children at all.

The mermaid knows how to swim from the moment it is born. The little mermaid is lively and active, can't stop for a moment, and can disappear underwater at any time.

In addition, the little mermaid is not as big as Andrew, and it is hidden by Andrew's side, just like the difference between an aircraft carrier and a fishing boat. No matter how good Ye Zheng's eyesight was, he couldn't find it in time.

"An Fei?"

Ye Zheng looked at Andrew who was returning home, but did not find the child's figure by his partner's side, not only lowered his tone, "An Fei, come out."

Andrew's movements exposed it, and he glanced back at his dorsal fin. Following Andrew's turning back, the dorsal fin originally erected by the big mermaid came over. Ye Zheng saw the little mermaid biting his father's dorsal fin and pulling the tip of Andrew's dorsal fin with his claws.


Ye Zheng stretched out his hand and let the little mermaid come into his arms.

Its big moist eyes blinked, and just when Ye Zheng thought that it would obediently reach out and let himself grab it, it jumped up from Andrew's back and jumped into Ye Zheng's arms.

"Well... ... "

Ye Zheng's hands trembled, and then he hugged the child firmly.

The little mermaid grows fast, and now the head and tail are as long as Ye Zheng's fingertips to the elbows, and the whole body is round and heavier than a human baby of the same size.

For Andrew, the child's weight was so light that even if the little mermaid bit its dorsal fin, it wouldn't hurt, but for Ye Zheng, the fish that jumped into her arms was like a small cannonball.

Ye Zheng not only shook his hands, but even took a small step back because of the impact.

The little mermaid probably thought this was particularly fun. Its claws wrapped around Ye Zheng's neck and giggled, revealing the pointed little white teeth in its mouth.

Yes, Ye Zheng's children can laugh. Such a little old child can already speak, and it is not known how long before her father, who only spoke up before and after adulthood.

Andrew once expressed envy, jealousy and hatred for this, but Ye Zheng comforted him in his own way.

Ye Zheng rubbed the little mermaid's head affectionately, let it play with his hair, and patted its elastic tail.

The little mermaid has not yet grown scales, and its tail is only covered with scaly membranes, like Andrew's after he was injured. Because the scales and claws have not yet fully grown, and the little mermaid's body is not as hard and cold as his father.

When Ye Zheng held it in his arms, the chubby fry was not only soft, but also had an almost imperceptible temperature.

Ye Zheng didn't know whether it was in such a state because of his own genes, or if the mermaid was like this when he was a child.

After discovering that the child could blink and speak soon, Ye Zheng felt a little sad, after all, she and Andrew were two completely different species. Ye Zheng knows his own physical condition. In terms of adaptation in the wild, of course, the more the child resembles Andrew, the better. Although the child looks like a mermaid in general, there are always some slight differences, such as it has expressions and eyelids.

The problem is that Ye Zheng didn't have the opportunity to touch the same size little mermaid, and Andrew didn't seem to care about the differences in the child, just as mermaids were born with eyelids and born with a voice.

Since even Andrew wasn't worried about this, Ye Zheng put it down after worrying for a while and devoted himself to raising the child wholeheartedly.

After discovering that the child could speak, Ye Zheng deliberately talked more, wanting to make the child study like herself, and she even named the child Amphitrite, which was the name of a sea fairy in Greek mythology.

Then she discovered that there was so little she could do other than teach her children to talk!

Mermaids must forage in the sea and play in the sea. Ye Zheng couldn't teach children this main skill, so he could only throw Little Anfei to Andrew.

Fortunately, Andrew, a novice father, is very conscientious. Every day at sunrise, he takes his child to forage for food, and at sunset, he takes the child back to the cave. A normal mermaid should take care of the child alternately between the father and the mother, but Andrew has it all.

Ye Zheng once hugged Andrew and said thank you both guiltily and tenderly.

It took Andrew a little effort to understand what Ye Zheng was talking about. He opened his big wet eyes and said slowly, "No, Andrew will, Andrew will."

Ye Zheng was dumbfounded for a while. In Andrew's opinion, since Ye Zheng couldn't dive and swim, it was a matter of course for him to bring the children. He was not dissatisfied at all, nor did he feel unfair.

Now when Ziye Zheng stayed at home during the day, she was not only concerned about Andrew, but also worried about little Anfei. Although I know that mermaids are at the top of the ocean food chain, Anfei is too small after all. However, Andrew took the child very well, and little Anfei quickly passed the fry period and entered the juvenile period of meat toot.

Ye Zheng could only play with little Anfei after sunset. But how could a little mermaid of this age be so peacefully nestled in a cave? One can't bear to watch and is about to slip away. Fortunately, Andrew was always alert and was able to catch the little mermaid who didn't even swim out of the hole.

Ye Zheng still remembers a time when it rained heavily outside, and the little mermaid who saw the heavy rain for the first time cried out in excitement. He shouted happily and rushed towards the hole.

Andrew quickly grabbed the child with his eyes and hands. Little Anfi hugged his father's paw, and was so angry that his tail slapped Andrew's cheek, and then Andrew ... bit her tail.

Ye Zheng was shocked at the time and found that little Anfei was fine, so he was relieved. The strength of the mermaid's tail is very strong. Ye Zheng didn't know how Andrew felt, but whenever Little Anfei flicked her with her tail, her arm would still hurt.

Probably a warning? Ye Zheng looked suspiciously at the child whose tail was bitten and fell down. Maybe Andrew had his tail bitten by his parents like this when he was a child?

After a while, seeing that Little Anfei really settled down, Andrew put her back into the water.

The little mermaid saw that her father was in front of the waterway, and she couldn't swim out by herself, so she turned around in a hurry.

After a while, she found foreign aid, tugged at the feet of Ye Zheng, who was sitting beside him and looked at her laughing, and looked at her mother eagerly.

Ye Zheng couldn't stand Andrew looking at him like this before, and now his daughter's eyes were watery looking at her, Ye Zheng couldn't stand it even more.

She sighed, reached out and picked up her wet daughter, wrapped her in a large scarf, and patted her fat tail before walking towards the hole.

Andrew followed them in the water. He rarely stops Ye Zheng from doing something.

Standing at the entrance of the cave like a curtain of water, little Anfei was happy, she stretched out her claws and tried her best to catch the rain. Her big round eyes looked curiously at the scenery that had changed a little because of the foggy water.

Ye Zheng simply dragged the cushion and sat at the entrance of the cave, watching with his daughter.

Andrew patrolled the waterway, listening to Little Anfei's laughter together.

Gradually, the little mermaid became quiet. The mermaid's sleep time in childhood was about twice as long as in adulthood, and she fell asleep on Ye Zheng's lap.

Andrew also came ashore.

He lowered his head and looked seriously at the little mermaid sleeping on Ye Zheng's thigh with his tail curled up.

The mermaid pushed her daughter aside, and then put her head on the pillow.

The author has something to say:

☆、Four extra

"Mother... ... "

When Xiao Anfei called Ye Zheng with such a tender voice for the first time, Ye Zheng felt that he was about to cry with joy.

Little An Fei is only so old and has already started to learn to speak. Compared to her father who has been an adult for so long and can't even speak a complete sentence, she is a genius.

Ye Zheng actually knew that Andrew's problems in learning human language were mainly due to his different vocal mechanism and way of thinking than humans. This kind of innate thing, no matter how hard Ye Zheng and Andrew tried, they couldn't improve too much. However, Ye Zheng was already very satisfied with being able to get along with Andrew like this.

But little Anfei is different. She is talented in language. Although she can't sing yet, she can call Ye Zheng clearly.

Looking at Xiao Anfei with her head raised and looking at her expectantly, Ye Zheng bent down and picked up her daughter.

She couldn't help but smack the mermaid's growth rate again.

Just over five months old, An Fei has grown to half her height, just like the juvenile little mermaid she had seen before, with scales and dorsal fins growing out. Like a big pumpkin. In addition to the fat tail, which is a little soft, the body is not so fleshy.

Although An Fei who has grown up is not as soft and cute as when she was a small fry, Ye Zheng still treats her as if she was a child. As long as An Fei asks for a hug, she will not refuse.

Ye Zheng sat aside and changed his posture so that An Fei could lean against her arms. After all, she just picked up her daughter from the water, and a small part of Ye Zheng's clothes got wet, but she didn't care about it, and looked down at An Fei gently.

The little mermaid An was quietly nestled in her mother's arms, her arms wrapped around Ye Zheng's waist. On An Fei's claws, there was a sharp cold light on the pointed nails.

Ye Zheng stretched out his hand to hold his daughter's small paw and pinched it, then smiled and rubbed her daughter's head, which had the same gelatinous hair as Andrew's, slippery and soft.

It felt so good, Ye Zheng couldn't help rubbing it a couple more times.


Just as Ye Zheng was playing with his daughter, a cold paw grabbed Ye Zheng's calf, but Andrew floated up from the water and looked at Ye Zheng eagerly.

Ye Zheng was teasing his daughter wholeheartedly just now, but he didn't realize what Andrew meant for a while.

Until Andrew learned the rhythm of what his daughter called her.

"Zheng, Zheng..."

Ye Zheng suddenly realized that Andrew's hot-eyed daughter was held in her arms by her.

It’s funny to say that when An Fei was a child, Andrew took great care of small fry. He brought in and brought in every day, and helped catch fish and teach him to catch shrimp. He took his daughter around in the surrounding waters.

But as little Anfei no longer giggled or shrieked, but began to consciously imitate Ye Zheng's speech, Andrew seemed to have suddenly realized some kind of crisis, and he also resumed his enthusiasm for learning to speak, trying to To behave better than her daughter in front of Ye Zheng.

When Andrew first started talking with Ye Zheng, Ye Zheng basically coaxed and deceived him before letting him speak. At the back, Andrew actually didn't have that much interest in Ye Zheng's language - after all, language is only used for communication, and there is no big problem in daily communication between him and Ye Zheng.

But now, Andrew is determined to learn with his daughter again.

There was a problem at the beginning, Xiao Anfei should call Ye Zheng "mother".

But when Ye Zheng pointed at himself and said "Mom" several times before Little Anfei opened his mouth, Andrew spoke first.


This sound was particularly loud. After the call, Andrew looked at Ye Zheng with bright eyes, as if to indicate that he was much smarter than his daughter and learned quickly, and needed praise from Ye Zheng.

Ye Zheng was stunned for a while, then he could only hold his forehead and sigh. She only compared the self-introduction when Andrew called her family "Andrew", and knew that it should be a different meaning, probably because the mermaid thought that "Zhengzheng" was a name for a human like Ye Zheng rather than an independent name. It's just that this should be the same as Ye Zheng calling the mermaid "Andrew" instead of the full name, and "mother" may be the suffix of the word "clank".

Ye Zheng first praised Andrew's eagerness to learn, and then told him solemnly that he could only call himself "Zhengzheng" and never call himself "Mom".

Andrew lowered his tail and dorsal fin in a sad look. Ye Zheng had to continue to comfort him. For example, his daughter could only call her "Mama" instead of directly calling her "Chongzheng".

In the end, Andrew still didn't understand why his clank had two different names, but when he found out that "clank" was only called by him - anyway, other mermaids wouldn't say hello to Ye Zheng - Andrew immediately felt fair.

Yes, fair.

Ever since he discovered that Little Anfei gradually occupied a lot of Ye Zheng's thoughts, Andrew's request to Ye Zheng became that he must treat the two of them fairly.

For example, if An Fei is hugged by Ye Zheng, Andrew must find a chance to get tired of Ye Zheng. For example, Ye Zheng's barbecue was fed to An Fei, and then he must be fed another. As for An Fei's small appetite, he would have eaten more barbecued meat than An Fei, and Andrew simply forgot.

Ye Zheng, who was caught by his ankle, looked down at Andrew's big wet eyes with a gentle smile.

"Okay, Andrew is the best."

After speaking, she reached out and rubbed Andrew's head.

Andrew was satisfied, he looked at An Fei who was still in Ye Zheng's arms, fell backwards, and swam in the waterway again.

Little Anfei probably didn't notice this subtle emotion between her parents, she just stared at her father who was swimming for a while, and then laughed again.

Ye Zheng held Little Anfei in his arms and watched his partner swimming happily, feeling that even if time stood still at this moment, there would be nothing to regret.

Of course, time will not stand still. Little Anfei grows up day by day, and soon his height exceeds Ye Zheng's height, and his weight also increases.

Little Anfei didn't have the experience of slipping out to play when she was half-year-old like Andrew. It may also be because of Ye Zheng.

Andrew could cross several seas until he met Ye Zheng, because his parents would take turns following behind him to ensure his safety. But Ye Zheng couldn't do it, and he didn't know how their father and daughter negotiated. Until they became adults, An Fei stayed by Ye Zheng's side.

Fortunately, this island is still relatively large. An Fei, who needs to have her own nest in the growing period, dug a shallow sea beach with Andrew next to the cave. nest there.

But such days passed quickly, and An Fei was no longer satisfied with living in this small sea area. Mermaids are naturally driven towards a free and autonomous life as adults.

"Mom," An Fei put her arms around Ye Zheng's neck, her voice clear and lingering, "An Fei will come back to see you."

Her language skills are not even better than Andrew's. Ye Zheng often whispers to her daughter while biting her ears.

"I'll come back to see you soon." An Fei whispered in Ye Zheng's ear, "and Dad already wants to kick me out."

It is very rare for An Fei to stay with her parents until adulthood. Mermaids will gradually become estranged after adulthood, just like Andrew's parents only see their son occasionally, or when Andrew is injured. Time to bring food.

Andrew has shown the anxiety that his daughter has been staying at home these days.

An Fei kissed Ye Zheng's cheek, "Goodbye mom."

Then jumped into the water, patted each other's tails with Andrew, and swam to the sea calmly.

Andrew and Ye Zheng followed her to the exit of the waterway, stopping to watch An Fei's beautiful fish tail melt into the sea.

Ye Zheng watched his daughter leave. Compared to the 18 years it takes for a human to become an adult, a mermaid who has only reached adulthood in nearly two years left her parents too early.

Ye Zheng sighed in disappointment, and shuffled listlessly back to the cave.


Andrew called Ye Zheng's name softly, followed her and squeezed onto Ye Zheng's stone bed, beside Ye Zheng affectionately.

He licked the corners of Ye Zheng's moist eyes, "There is Andrew."

"Well," Ye Zheng showed a reluctant smile, wrapped his arms around Andrew's neck, and closed his eyes.

But in the next few days, Ye Zheng found that it wasn't just her that was lost. In fact, Andrew was also a little embarrassed after "driving" his daughter away. When I got home, I would occasionally wag my tail to look at the small puddle where An Fei lived.

But soon, Andrew became happy again, and looked at Ye Zheng with a radiant face again: they will have another little Andrew soon.

The author has something to say:

☆、Fan extra five

When the author Jun wrote the article, he discussed some stalks and some settings with Ji You, and finally these were abandoned for various reasons. Because it is just a prototype, these stalks and settings cannot be a complete plot, just some fragments, just look at it, not as a complete.

(1) The Return of Abandoned Stems to Modern Times

"Um... ... "

Ye Zheng groaned with a headache. She only felt sore all over her body, as if she had been crushed by something heavy, and the soreness was particularly obvious. Not only obvious, but also very familiar, like... when she just suddenly arrived in the world where the mermaid exists...

"Andrew..." Ye Zheng murmured, only to feel that his eyelids were very heavy and tired, and he was almost unable to open them.

But someone nearby had heard her almost angrily speaking.

"Zhengzheng! How are you?!"

A voice that she was very familiar with but unfamiliar with seemed to explode in her ears, the voice got closer and closer, and finally it seemed that someone fell down beside her, took her hand, and called her loudly. name.


Ye Zheng screamed, not only frightening himself, but also the people guarding the bed. .

"Clanging...? Andrew? Are you... talking about your classmate?"

The man looked at her worriedly.

Ye Zheng's blurred vision gradually became clear because she suddenly opened her eyes, and she saw that the man who was looking at her anxiously was her brother, Ye Zhao.

Ye Zhao is Ye Zheng's younger brother, only two years older than Ye Zheng. But now, Ye Zhao was haggard, with red blood in his eyes, and his originally fair skin was not as white as Ye Zheng had seen before, and he looked seven or eight years older.


Afraid of scaring her, the little brother clenched her hand carefully, "Do you still remember me?"

He was both eager and patient, and his tone was slow, "I'm your brother."

"elder brother."

Ye Zheng called Ye Zhao in a low voice, in exchange for Ye Zhao's warm smile.

Ye Zheng turned his head slowly, looking at the surrounding environment, the spacious and bright floor-to-ceiling windows, the empty white bed, and the occasional child's laughter or two outside the window.

"where am I?"

"Beria Hospital," Ye Zhao replied in a low voice, for fear that his tone would make Ye Zheng feel uncomfortable, "A cruise ship crashed, but the search and rescue team picked you up on the nearby island instead."

"Cruise ship?" Ye Zheng repeated blankly, "The 'Freedom'?"

Ye Zhao's expression was a little weird, "No... The Liberty is... It happened three years ago..."

He looked at his sister cautiously, "You... Do you remember how you lived on the island?"

"Three years?" Ye Zheng's eyes fell on the hands that the two of them were clasping. Ye Zhao's originally fair hand was was her hand whose skin had darkened due to the sun.

"It's not a dream..." Ye Zheng murmured.

"Dream?" Ye Zhao caught the word, then held his sister's hand and patted it repeatedly, and wanted to hug her again, but finally stopped timidly, "It's not a dream, Zhengzheng, we found you."

"No, that's not right," Ye Zheng tried desperately to hold back the howl that was about to overflow her throat. She inhaled desperately, as if she could stop the tears from falling.

In the end, Ye Zheng still sobbed and buried his head in the quilt.

Ye Zhao thought that his sister was just too excited, he stretched out his hand and stroked Ye Zheng's head repeatedly, comforting her again and again.

"Mom is in the dampness nearby and will be here soon, and your classmate named Serena, she also came to see you two days ago..."

Ye Zheng could no longer hear Ye Zhao's comfort, and there was only one question in her mind that was hitting her repeatedly: what about her Andrew? Andrew, Andrew finds himself gone, what will happen to him?

Reasons for abandonment: There will be more appearances of characters, fewer appearances of mermaids, and the entire plot cannot be described without ten chapters. In addition, the sudden change of painting style affects the warm atmosphere of the whole text.

(2) Hot Spring Terrier

"Ah, it's so comfortable."

Ye Zheng let out a long sigh of relief, soaked in the hot springs with ease, the pores all over his body were opened, and he was screaming happily.

She didn't even remember when she last took a bath. Ever since she came here, Ye Zheng only used a very large shell to heat water and poured it on herself. First, I haven't found anything suitable for her to take a bath for now; secondly, even if I do, it's a waste of time just to boil hot water.

But unexpectedly, Andrew actually took her to the crater of an island, where a hot spring was formed because of geothermal heat. Outside the hot spring, there were also a little bit of fine snow.

The two completely different temperature differences made Ye Zheng feel that the cold sea breeze that had been blowing for so long in a fur sweater was worth it.

Andrew originally went into the water with Ye Zheng, but as soon as he entered the water, he hurriedly jumped up and fell on the cold big rock beside him.

"Andrew?" Ye Zheng was a little puzzled by the mermaid's behavior, and moved over from the center of the hot spring.

"This is..." Ye Zheng was surprised to find that Andrew's whole body was actually showing a little pink!

She immediately thought of a very unbelievable speculation, she thought of the shrimps that would change color due to the high temperature, "Aren't you... cooked?"

"No!" Andrew exclaimed angrily, "Andrew, born!"

Although the mermaid said that he had not been boiled by the hot spring water, he still lay firmly on the cold stone next to him. Obviously, this hot water was unbearable for the mermaid whose body temperature was originally low.

"Really not coming?" Ye Zheng couldn't help but hummed a couple of mermaid love songs, and asked very maliciously, "Really... not coming?"

The mermaid looked eagerly at Ye Zheng, who was completely red in the water, his tail moved quietly, the tip of his tail touched the water, and then the tip of his tail bounced up like an electric shock, and fell to the ground in dissatisfaction. .

Ye Zheng smiled and looked at the mermaid who was lying on the stone next to her and looked at her angrily.

"Ha!" Ye Zheng smiled happily, picked up the water beside him, and poured it on the mermaid lying beside him.

The warm water with a bit of hot water passed through the drifting snow, and it lowered the temperature and poured Andrew all over him.

The mermaid was not afraid of being drenched in water, but being drenched in a head-to-toe way actually didn't hurt him at all.

"Zhengzheng!" Andrew called Ye Zheng angrily in a high-pitched voice, with twelve points of grievance.

He looked at Ye Zheng who was sitting in the pool leisurely pouring water on himself, his voice became more and more delicate, "Zhengzheng...Zhengzheng..."

Like coquettish, he called Ye Zheng's name again and again. Seeing that Ye Zheng had no response, the mermaid screamed angrily, turned his face, and his dorsal fin was pointed in Ye Zheng's direction.

Really pissed off... ?

Ye Zheng, who pretended not to look at the mermaid, regretted it, and could not help but slowly approach the mermaid. Then she found that the mermaid turned her head in a very awkward position and peeked at her from below!

Hard to catch! The word flashed quickly in Ye Zheng's head.

The eyes of the two of them met, and Andrew quickly lay down again, pretending that the person who had just peeked was not him, but his tail swept uneasily.

Ye Zheng squatted in the water, stretched out a finger and poked the mermaid, "Andrew?"

The mermaid didn't respond.

Then she rubbed Andrew's raised ear fins again, "Andrew?"

The mermaid still didn't respond.

Ye Zheng sighed and simply stood up. The upper half of her body was exposed to the icy air. She lowered her head and kissed Andrew's cheek.

"Okay, Andrew."

The mermaid then turned around and looked at Ye Zheng proudly.

Reason for abandonment: The hot springs found it too troublesome to explain the reasons for its use.

(3) Hatching Cub Terrier a

Ye Zheng woke up and found that the fish egg he laid was gone! She hurriedly looked for mermaids everywhere.

"Andrew? What about little Andrew?"

Andrew originally showed a head in the water, waiting for Ye Zheng to wake up. Seeing Ye Zheng asking him, his body turned over, revealing the upper half of his body.

Ye Zheng took a closer look and found that Andrew had made a fish skin bag from nowhere.

Ye Zheng was surprised. Are mermaids all hatched by their fathers?

Andrew explained seriously, "Andrew will have little Andrew."

"Oh, oh, okay," Ye Zheng still couldn't turn around. Apart from penguins, she really didn't know if there were other species that would be bred by males.

Ye Zheng's eyes swept across the bulging bag on Andrew's abdomen, and always felt very strange: when she was carrying little Andrew, her belly was not necessarily as big as Andrew's bulging.

(4) Hatching Cub Terrier b

Ye Zheng woke up and found that the fish eggs were no longer by his side. She shouted twice and found that Andrew, who had always been timely, did not appear in front of her.

Ye Zheng is anxious now: Andrew is not here, shouldn't the child be stolen by other creatures?

Although she doesn't quite believe that there will be creatures, especially sea creatures rushing into the merman's lair, but at this moment, she can't help thinking too much.

Ye Zheng hurriedly got out of bed and ran to the entrance of the cave.

But she soon stopped at the entrance of the cave, because she had already seen Andrew by the sea.

Ye Zheng breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously and walked towards Andrew.

"Andrew? Why are you here? Where's the kid?"

She asked anxiously in a series of questions.

Andrew slowly arched his dorsal fin and motioned Ye Zheng to look at the sand next to his abdomen.

Only then did Ye Zheng notice a round thing buried in the sand beside Andrew. Ye Zheng was sure that this was their child.

Ye Zheng squatted down and carefully looked at the fish eggs buried in the sand. It appears to be intact and in excellent condition.

She looked up at the sun hanging in the air again: is this using solar energy to heat the hatch? Is Andrew always by his side?

Ye Zheng reached out and touched Andrew's back, which was already hot from the sun, and she was a little worried that Andrew would not be able to stand the sun's rays.

"Andrew, how are you feeling now?"

Andrew didn't speak, turned over slowly, and turned into lying face up, while the dorsal fins that had been sunburnt a little were buried in the damp sand.

It seemed he made up his mind to bake pancakes like this on the beach until the baby was born.

Reason for abandonment: Both ways are too stupid.

The author has something to say: At this point, this article really wants to finish with you. This text is the product of the sudden inspiration of the author Jun Yi, a young girl, and then wrote it down smoothly all the way. I hope everyone likes this text.

Here, thank you very much for your support along the way, which has given me great encouragement. After all, the schoolwork is very heavy. If there is no urging from you, the author may still drag and lazily don't know when.

But this still caused a little burden to the author, and the persistent late sleep was still a bit unbearable. Next, the author will readjust his schedule and start preparing for the final exam. After that, he will have a rest, so he will disappear for a while and come back in July.

Students who are interested in the author can collect the column.

New article ad:

"So I'm Anton Mio"

Copy: So I am the one who holds a rose, wears a cape, wears sunglasses, and comes with a background and music. With a wave of the cape, I can jump off the city wall and the bell tower, ignoring the enchantment and appearing anywhere in the evening dress mask? ?

This looks good too. Does my style seem particularly high? ?(^?^*)

But wait, so, do I have to be ready to save the goddess (sutra) at all times... Won't the male god (sutra) be in danger and block the gun as a meat shield at a critical moment? Really, really don't want to admit that that is my male god... (⊙_⊙)

Sexually transferred to the United States and doujin, try to be happy, so it will be a short story, write this first. Roughly, the big sister in high school will teach you to fight (zuo) and fight (ren) in minutes.

"The Cat's Temptation"


On a cold snowy day, the pedestrians on the road were all in a hurry with umbrellas.

Wrapped in a long coat, Qin Yi walked down the street while breathing in the white mist.

"I said..." A lazy voice sounded on her chest, and a small white head stuck out, "You are too slow, slower than my trot."

"Then come out and run by yourself." Qin Yi, who was not thankful enough, was unhappy.

"I'm a cat! Cats are afraid of the cold!" The green-eyed and white cat that looked like a milk cat said confidently, and then changed into a more comfortable position in the clothes on Qin Yi's chest.

A pair of its hind paws stepped on the soft spot, and its forelegs clawed at Qin Yi's neckline.

Qin Yi suddenly stood on his heels: "Do you think there is any difference?"

"Of course." The little white cat sneezed when the cold wind blew. It stomped again with its hind limbs, maliciously.

"When I became a human last night, it was one-handed. Now, I can't fully embrace it with all four claws."

Qin Yi's pretty face turned from white to red, then from red to blue, and she finally burst out: "That's not what I asked!"

Serious monster text...

Welcome to the collection.

So, see you in July~

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