Desharow Merman

Chapter 100


[October 2, 1984.

Today is the 341st day of the Third World War. I, Dessaro from the United Kingdom, officially joined the NATO alliance naval fleet on the first day. This is truly a memorable day, and I know what awaits me will be tough challenges.

I've seen the horrific destructive power of those merfolk, but I swear I'm not afraid.

From tomorrow, I will follow the famous "Duke" warship to the English Channel to implement a naval blockade. God knows how excited I am! ]

I involuntarily clenched the pen in my hand, raised my head and looked out of the window, looking forward to the behemoth moored on the sea not far away. Ah, that's the coolest destroyer I've ever seen! Its entire body was painted black to facilitate nighttime combat. The hull presented a graceful and slender streamlined shape. The command tower stood tall at the bow, looking like a narwhal with its back sticking out of the sea. I can imagine how mighty it is to ride the wind and waves in the dangerous sea where there are people and fish.

[Will you bless me, my dear grandpa? I… ]

"Assemble the apprentice sailors and first-class sailors!"

A harsh shout suddenly sounded from the loudspeaker overhead, I hurriedly closed the diary, quickly put on my boots and ran out with everyone, rushing to the high platform of the port with the crowd, before our non-commissioned officer came over Trained lined up. Standing side-by-side with these soon-to-be comrades-in-arms, I felt like I might truly be the youngest member of the entire Marine Corps. Compared with these tall guys, I am too small, although my height is not short for my fourteen-year-old peers.

I stand on tiptoe a little bit, stand extremely straight, and hold my chin high so as not to be looked down upon by others.

However, the hollow of my leg was suddenly kicked heavily. I fell to my knees and subconsciously turned my head, only to see a man dressed as a non-commissioned officer standing behind me. The blue eyes hidden under the shadow of the brim of the hat are looking down at me playfully. His expression seemed to be looking at some interesting and useless little pet, and his voice suddenly raised: "Standing on tiptoe can't hide the fact that you are a brat, recruit, stand up straight with your legs, do you hear me! "

"Yes! Sergeant!"

This attitude kind of pissed me off. I saluted him with a snap, shouted very loudly, and stood up enduring the pain.

He walked around to me, looking down at my face and body. His eyes lingered on my collar, giving me goosebumps, when he suddenly laughed, "You'd be a good commando."

commando? My nerves jumped with excitement, but I was really puzzled by this soldier's strange attitude. He was mocking me as if he had something to say.

So I pursed my lips tightly, looked straight into his eyes, and replied loudly with a cold eyebrow: "Yes, I will, sergeant, I will never let you down!"

I'm sure he was visibly startled by my yelling because he subconsciously took a step back, touched his ears, looked at me with a frown, but said nothing. I knew he couldn't have an attack, and I couldn't help feeling gloating in my heart.

"Lieutenant Rhine! Are all the recruits here?"

The clear female voice followed the sound of sonorous military boots from far to near, and a tall blond non-commissioned officer walked in front of us.

She is so beautiful. I was almost dumbfounded looking at her face, and the guys around me also became agitated because of this, and the whole queue didn't stand so neatly. But I didn't dare to move, I stood like a statue, because before I joined the army, I heard that this beautiful colonel named Shakala was famously strict in inspecting recruits, if any unlucky person let her If you don't like it, you may have to pack your bags and leave the next day.

"All the A-E teams reported today are here, Colonel Sakall."

The repulsive non-commissioned officer known as Rhine gave her a military salute.

Colonel Shaqalla stood on the steps used to inspect the troops on the high platform, and inspected us with his head down.

Her eyes were cold and piercing, as if we were a bunch of goods on a shelf and she was a fastidious businessman, but it was true, and if she didn't buy it, we'd be damned. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. You must know that my age does not fully meet the service requirements, and I was admitted exceptionally because of my excellent grades. Oh, hell, I don't want my dreams of being a good navy to be shattered by her hands!

When I was thinking this way, I saw Shakara gradually frowned her slender eyebrows, and my heart seemed to be pulled into a ball, staring at her slightly parted red lips, hanging in my throat: "A—— All recruits at the beginning of Team C, stand out!"

I shivered and took a step forward with the recruits side by side.

"Tonight, you will board the 'Duke', follow me to the English Channel, and become the first team of the blockade operation! Are you ready!"

As she descended a step, her gaze brushed our cheeks like a sea breeze. I saw other people trembling as if trembling at the same time as me (at least she might be very satisfied with our neatness at this point), then raised my hand and gave her a military salute: "Ready!"

"very good… "

As she whistled through the sky, we stepped in single file onto the bridge where the Duke greeted us, and my heart skipped a beat the moment I stepped onto the deck of the destroyer of my dreams. I couldn't stop jumping up, but apart from the excitement of finally becoming a navy and the tension of facing the battle, there was another inexplicable and sudden emotion lingering in my chest. When I looked at the boundless sea, I suddenly had an inexplicable strong premonition—my destiny will take today as an opportunity to sail in a direction that is completely different from my past life track, and reach a place that has long been waiting for me. The end of the arrival.

I can't believe that I actually had an urge to run away at this moment!

No, no, Desaro, what's wrong with you? When did you become the coward you look down on the most

I took a deep breath, and heard a loud shout from behind: "A213! Why are you in a daze here, join the ranks!"

"Yes, yes!" I gave a military salute, rushed to the bow of the ship, and stood at the end of the team tremblingly.

A set of pure black insulated battle suits, submachine guns, and tempered glass sabers were quickly distributed to us.

I excitedly equipped them one by one, and felt as strong as an invulnerable giant. My uneasy heart swelled up like a booster, and a burst of courage filled my chest. Led by Lieutenant Rhine, we came to the cabin on the next floor. We were divided into five groups and arranged in small speedboats stored here. Each speedboat was equipped with an electronic navigator that accurately displayed the map of the strait. I can't help but wonder: Shouldn't it be safer for us to stay on the deck and conduct strafing operations in a naval blockade? Are we going to take these speedboats and have a close confrontation with those mermaids who can release high voltage? This is too exaggerated!

"Lieutenant Rhine!" I couldn't help asking, "What are we going to be sent to? Aren't we participating in the naval blockade?"

"Yes, aren't we staying on the Duke?"

"What is our course of action?"

Hearing my question, the other recruits echoed and questioned, and we responded with two sharp whistles that could pierce eardrums, and everyone shut their mouths in good time. The entire cabin was immediately silent, and the sound of military boots walking across the ground was as clear and cold as a death knell ringing. I looked at the approaching figure in horror and held my breath.

"You are the first detachment in charge of reconnaissance and assault, understand? Reconnaissance and assault means entering the battlefield in a way that least attracts the enemy's attention, reporting the enemy's situation to us, or conducting an assault as ordered, and then returning quickly. When necessary, you will be used as bait to expose enemy targets to our noses. Any questions?"

He patrolled all the recruits with a disdainful look almost looking at pigs, no one dared to say a word, and a suffocating sense of oppression filled the air. The meaning of this sentence is almost the same as sending us to die. We are recruits with no actual combat experience, and we actually want to take a speedboat to the hardest hit area where the mermaids invaded to do reconnaissance? Is it because we are considered to be a bunch of garbage whose value is equal to cannon fodder

"Lieutenant!" I shouted in disbelief, and Rhine walked to my side impartially and stopped. He bent down and looked at me with a contemptuous and ambiguous smile. I felt creepy, and he grabbed my collar suddenly: "Of course, boy, you can choose to give up, because you have a card that is more beautiful than a woman's." Pretty face, and I'm sure many wounded veterans would like to have an attractive boy in their service, and I'm no exception."

"I don't want to give up! Lieutenant, please show some respect!" I glared at him angrily.


"Haha... You brat!"

"How old is he? It looks like he's only thirteen or fourteen years old?"

At such a critical moment, I heard someone whispering and making fun of me. I was so angry that I just wanted to bring out those talkative asses and beat them up. Knowing that I got the highest score in the Navy qualification exam in fighting, I believe I can knock down everyone in the room, including this disgusting lieutenant, but I obviously don't have this chance. Before my attack, Colonel Shaqalla had appeared in front of us in time, deployed us before the operation, and cheered for each recruit.

Sakala is a well-known commander in the NATO alliance fleet. With her encouragement, each of us is full of ambition again, and my mood doesn't seem to be as bad as before. I believe that a wise admiral would not sacrifice the new blood for no reason. Of course, I have to admit that my renewed confidence may come from the magical beauty effect. The most consoling thing is that each speedboat is assigned an action captain. The speedboat I was on was a big black and strong man who seemed to be an experienced veteran.

In the evening when the sky was getting dark, the hatch at the rear of the cabin opened suddenly, and the speedboat we were on slid down the sloping deck to the sea one by one. The motor cut through the waves dyed red by the setting sun and rushed towards the entrance of the English Channel. .

Looking at the sunset gradually swallowed by the darkness through the insulated glass cabin, I involuntarily clenched the submachine gun in my hand, my heart was bouncing up and down along with the hull, and I stared at the fast-moving green coordinates on the electronic navigator. We are heading towards the red area that symbolizes the reconnaissance destination, which is very close to the narrowest gorge. I heard that the sea area is the most dangerous area in the entire English Channel. We must follow the instructions to go around the gorge and throw the high-pitched sonar cannon into the gorge, because there is a territory occupied by mermaids. They jammed half of the fortresses of sea traffic in Europe.

It is said that this newly developed weapon can form a long-range directional ultrasonic attack system, which can make mermaids lose their sense of direction and combat effectiveness for a period of time. (That would be cumbersome, but I know the army can't use torpedoes because that would damage the nuclear power plant below the gorge that supplies Britain and France with electricity.)

When the sky was completely dark, we were getting closer and closer to the mouth of the gorge, and the speed of the speedboat was reduced to the slowest according to the instructions in the pager. On both sides are cliffs that surround us like huge monsters. As we slowly drive towards the gorge, the moonlight is driven by the shadow of the cliffs to the sea behind us, and we are greeted by a gloomy darkness. I heard everyone in the speedboat breathing fast, and cold sweat broke out quietly on the palms of my hands.

Finally, we arrived at the coordinate point closest to the mouth of the gorge. The insulating hatch was opened from the top of the head, we stood up cautiously, threw the subwoofers at our feet into the sea one by one, and fixed them on the rock wall with nail guns and chains.

However, at this critical moment, a short and shrill cry suddenly came from nowhere!

All of a sudden, there were chilling chirping sounds all around us one after another, and countless bright spots of light loomed from the shadow-covered sea and quickly gathered towards us.

I immediately grabbed the submachine gun, but the veteran beside me grabbed my arm: "You can't shoot, otherwise you will alarm the mermaid school behind the entire strait! If their leader is attracted, this mission will be a complete failure!"

Mermaid leader? My heart jumped suddenly, and the hand holding the gun softened for some reason.

"No, let's get out of here, they're going to tear us to pieces!" one of the recruits yelled in panic.

"The task must be completed, otherwise you will become a disgrace to the entire fleet!" A sharp warning came from the pager.

hateful! I immediately grabbed a subwoofer and handed it to the companion beside me to help him fix the chain on the rock wall. The neighing of the mermaids on all sides was getting closer, as if the shouts of the enemy's demonstration made people feel scalp numb. His heart squeezed his throat, almost popping out of his mouth.

At this critical moment, a loud noise like an explosion suddenly sounded in my ears!

It is no exaggeration to say that the loud noise was like the turbines of dozens of planes starting at the same time. I covered my ears and felt dizzy, trembling all over, and suddenly fell into the water. At the same time, I saw other people on the speedboat without exception. It was the same situation—the subwoofer was activated remotely.

We were really treated as a bunch of cannon fodder. damn it! I covered my ears and tried my best to move away from the position of the subwoofers. At this moment, I found that the mermaids were also shocked by this maddening noise, and retreated one after another, as if thrown into a pot of boiling soup. Some hit the rock wall without thinking, while others fled into the mouth of the gorge. In order to avoid these fleeing mermaids, I only dared to stick to the rock wall. I should be glad that I was not directly stunned by the high-pitched cannon. Although its power made my hands and feet weak, the recruits who walked with me were not as lucky as I was. The passing mermaid caught it and dragged it into the mouth of the gorge. I blocked my ears in fear, curled up my body, and hid myself in the shadow under the rock wall, hoping that I would not be noticed by the nearby mermaids.

As if fate deliberately played tricks on people, when I was so scared, I suddenly found a few ripples not far away that were attacking me quickly. Oops! I subconsciously touched the saber strapped to my thigh, but the terrible noise made me lose consciousness immediately. Before I could even hold the knife tightly, my ankle was grabbed by a strange force, and the next moment my body was suddenly dragged towards the mouth of the gorge. In the splashing waves, I saw a dozen or so mermaids holding me hostage. They surrounded me like a group of dolphins. Their speed was even faster than a speedboat, and they grabbed me across the gorge in an instant.

The moment I passed the turbulent waves, my eyes suddenly opened up, and the moonlight poured on me like a blooming firework, but I was never in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery behind the strait, because I saw groups of thousands of mermaids gathering around the strait Among the reefs on both sides, the eyes of tigers and tigers fell on our group of human beings who became their captives, as if they wanted to divide us and eat us.

Mermaids are man-eating creatures, I've heard that for a long time. The sense of near-death panic made me shiver uncontrollably. I don't have much flesh on my body, maybe not enough for a mermaid to fit between my teeth. We are doomed and no one has come back to save us. I thought desperately. Damn it, you know we're being sacrificed! What NATO fleet is simply bullshit! No wonder the expansion of recruits this year is to recruit us as cannon fodder! Mongrel!

I closed my eyes, grief and resentment scorched my heart like a burning fire, and even burned the fear in my heart to death. But that doesn't stop my desperate fate at this moment.

I was taken into the depths of the strait by the mermaids who held me hostage, in front of a huge and deep cave, and my companions were pressed on the reef one by one, and my limbs were grabbed separately, just like livestock waiting to be disembowelled.

But these mermaids who were holding us didn't attack us immediately, but looked up into the cave, as if they were waiting for something.

This reminds me of the etiquette at the noble table. Mermaids may also have a hierarchy and distinctions. They are probably waiting for elders with a higher status than themselves. It can be seen that no matter whether it is a low-level mermaid or a high-level mermaid, our fate is the same. Should I pray that the way the elders eat is more elegant, so that we die more simply and neatly

My legs were already shaking, and the pride and ambition I had when I first entered the fleet seemed to be wiped out along with the sweat oozing out of my body. I didn't want to admit that I was terribly scared, and I didn't want to die like this at all. I'm only fourteen, I'm young, I haven't gotten my first medal, I haven't put on my navy uniform, I haven't had time to write it all down in my diary.

Thinking about it like this makes me almost cry. At the moment when tears were about to come out of my eyes, I heard a rustling sound from the cave, and all the mermaids around lowered their heads, as if in a worshiping posture. Then, a deep and soul-stirring cry suddenly sounded in the sky.

I couldn't help shivering violently, thinking that the voice seemed to be heard somewhere before, and it was very familiar. I tried my best to look up, and there was a strong male mermaid figure floating out of the sea in front of the cave. Through the reflection, I can clearly see that he has silver-gray hair, dragging to the water surface like long water plants, so that I can't see his face clearly for a while. The gradually emerging fish tail is as murderous black as an orca, but the scales of the fish glisten like glass in the moonlight, like a death knight wearing dragon skin armor, making it impossible not to see his body Instantly shocked.

He slowly walked around in front of us, passing the oppressed people on each reef one by one, like a king inspecting the offerings from his subjects. I think this is undoubtedly the leader of the mermaid group. But what frightened me even more was that he didn't stay near the others at all, but swam right up to me.

The leader of the mermaid lowered his head, looking at me with his long and narrow eyes that exuded a faint light, and his eyes seemed to reach my heart. For a moment I froze, unable to move, as the sharp, webbed claws touched my cheeks, wet palms brushed my forehead, cheekbones, and chin, before bending over. The shadow of his body hangs over me with a strange scent so strong that it makes me dizzy. My hands and feet were loosened by those mermaids, and my shoulders were suddenly grabbed by a pair of powerful webbed claws. I was shocked, but I heard a hoarse whisper from my ear: "I have been waiting for you for fifty years... My little Desaro."

"What?" I shrank, thinking that I was hallucinating because of fright—I actually heard the mermaid call out my name? !

However, before I had time to think about what was going on in this unbelievable situation, I felt the back of my head being tightly closed by the webbed claws of the mermaid, my lips softened heavily, covered by something, biting and sucking fiercely and wildly, The momentum was so crazy that it seemed to bite me into pieces and swallow me. The moment I realized that the mermaid was kissing me, I screamed out of my wits, subconsciously took out the glass saber on my thigh, and stabbed him in the back in a panic.