Desharow Merman

Chapter 111



I rushed over immediately, looking at his miserable state in shock, my heart was pierced like a knife. Levjet weakly curled the corner of his mouth at me, hesitating to speak. I waved my hand, lowered my head in a panic, pulled out the stump that pinned him down for him, and healed his wound with saliva. But I found that this didn't seem to have much effect, because my first estrous period has not yet come, and my body machine has not yet fully possessed the characteristics of a mermaid.

Just when I was so anxious about this, Levjet raised his head and patted my back lightly, "Silly boy, I can heal myself. Didn't I say that, should you be called my father?"

"Is this also... Agareth's order?"

I gritted my teeth, and tremblingly touched the vicinity of the slit on Levjet's fish tail, but he gently held his wrist. My waist was also hugged accordingly, and my upper body was pulled into his bruised embrace. I was careful to prevent myself from touching his wound, but I saw him slightly arching his tail and pulling my wrist to the wound. above the mouth. There was a breathless gasp in my ear, "I need your blood, can you help me, Desaro?"

I looked at the pair of black pupils that shone with soft light. He lowered his head slightly, and his cool fingers touched my cheek, as if he was tracing a piece of precious porcelain. I held my breath and nodded.

The wrists were tightly clenched, and the sharp nails quickly slashed across my skin like cutting a cake. Immediately, I felt a bit of coolness, and I didn't even feel a bit of pain. My blood fell down bit by bit, and merged into a line into his wound. In an instant, strands of white tissue grew out of Levjet's flesh, as if tangling his fish tail, and he was woven together, leaving only a conspicuous, sunken scar in the end. It looked as if he had just split off his legs.

This reminds me of his human appearance when I was young, and a sense of intimacy emerges from my heart.

"What a good boy..."

Levjet let out a long sigh of relief. He leaned his head on my shoulder, and his webbed claws gently combed my hair, and I felt a vague sense of numbness coming from his palm.

This feeling of déjà vu made me immediately alert, but the back of my neck twitched again, my brain buzzed like a beep, and the darkness flooded in from all directions. I rubbed the center of my eyebrows, but my eyelids seemed to be glued together, and they were about to stick together with the lower eyelids. The body was hugged horizontally and pressed down on the reef, the slippery fish tail gently wrapped around my calf. Something moist and soft was swimming on my cheeks and neck, and a pair of webbed claws different from Agares stroked my back, reaching down.

All of a sudden, it felt like a bee pricked my inner thigh hard, and I sat up instantly, and the stroking on my body stopped abruptly. I opened my eyes and saw Levjet was pressing on top of me, his wrist was tightly entangled by the little tail sticking out from my waist. Realizing what he was trying to do just now, I pushed him like an electric shock, crawled out from under him, jumped off the rock, and stared at him nervously from a distance. The devil fish clung to my lower body very angrily, raised its tail high like a rattlesnake to protest at Levjet. But Lev didn't grab me like Agares did. He just moved his lips slightly while hesitating to speak, and looked at me with lowered eyelids. In the swaying water, his eyes were full of disappointment and guilt, dizzy like ripples, and settled into a touch of sadness.

I was a little overwhelmed by him, and even felt that I had made a mistake, and I felt very uncomfortable.

I realized that my rough gestures might upset my ailing father, who seemed to be in a state of uncontrollable emotion and didn't want to force his life on me.

But make no mistake, I can't stand my immediate parents showing love to me or taking it any further. My mind absolutely cannot agree with the mermaid's mate selection criteria. For me, this is no different from incest. Regardless of ethical seniority, I can only accommodate Agares, regardless of body and mind. Even now that I am in a cold war with him, I can't erase my feelings for him at all. I deeply love Agares, a guy who is extremely complicated and emotionally simple to the point of being arrogant, which I cannot deny myself.

Aha, Desaro, you are really an infatuated little man.

I thought silently, pouted at Levteit, and stammered, "That... grandpa, no, father," I suddenly felt extremely awkward when I changed my name to him, and I couldn't help but twitched the corners of my mouth in embarrassment, " You know, I'm not like you. Please..."

"I'm sorry, little Desaro... I just couldn't hold back for a moment, please forgive me?" Levjet murmured hoarsely, his expression dark. He stretched out his webbed claws, spread his five fingers, and barely bent the corner of his bloodless mouth, "Come here... my good son."

Faced with this almost begging attitude, I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable, and subconsciously put my hand in his palm. The stingray's body tightened even more, and it was like a stubborn child playing a temper tantrum. I patted its head as a warning, but it swayed its body reluctantly. Its smooth belly rubbed against my vitals, which made me tense up and patted it violently.

"How dare it offend you?" Levjet frowned and looked at it, grabbed the devil fish by its tail and tried to pull it off my waist, I hurriedly covered its body and explained, "No, It was given to me by Agares. I don't want to walk around a school of mermaids naked."

A strange light flashed in Levjet's eyes, and he let go of his hand thoughtfully, as if he was afraid of the devil fish. I couldn't help recalling the series of actions of the devil fish just now. I raised my hand and touched the back of the neck reflexively, but I felt dizzy again like being shocked by an electric shock. My mind seemed to be rusted as if it couldn't continue to function normally, and my body was stiff. Wrapped in a cobweb-soft embrace.

"Take it off, little Desaro... If you want to get out of here with me, it will attract him." Levjet's lips brushed my earlobe softly, and his breath was like poisonous petals. Gently blooming, my brain nerves seem to be melted.

"No... I don't want to leave Agares, I just want to ask you to help me and save my friend." I shook my head and said slowly with my tongue tied, an invisible pressure choked my internal and external senses , as if driving the original thoughts in my mind out of my head, making it difficult to even chew on words. As I said this, my hand was uncontrollable, and I grabbed the tail of the devil fish by mistake——

At this moment, an unusual movement came to my ears through the damp wind in the cave. My waist suddenly tightened, and I was dragged into the jungle in the water by Levjet. The moment my body was submerged in cold water, that moment The invisible pressure suddenly disappeared. When I came back to my senses, I saw Asura, who didn't know where he was going just now, popped out of the water, looking at Levjet blankly, as if he was waiting for the other party to give orders. The strange feeling that had been left behind before came back, and a shapeless thought rushed to my mind from the bottom of my heart.

"Go, block our pursuers for us, and don't reveal our whereabouts even if we are caught." Levjet lowered his voice.

Asura nodded silently, then disappeared into the water with a flick of his tail, turning into a wave and rushing towards the entrance of the cave.

"Did you control him in some way? Father." I asked in a deep voice, staring sideways at Levjet, feeling a faint sense of crisis at the same time. I began to suspect that the unexplained dizziness just now was also due to his influence. However, I didn't have a chance to ask any more questions, and Levjet had already covered my mouth and nose. Moments before diving in I heard him whisper, "Yes, Desaro, but it's all about getting you out of here..."


I struggled immediately, but my body was held hostage by Levjet, and I quickly shuttled through the dense underwater forest, and swam into a gap that could accommodate two people, and the direction was upward. The serious injury he received seemed to have recovered due to my blood. After swimming for a few minutes, a blue light appeared dimly above, presumably it was not the real outside world.

I don't know where Levjet intends to take me, but it must be away from Agares, maybe back to the human world, or a place where it's just me and him. This made me feel a strong panic, and I couldn't help but secretly hoped that Agares would suddenly appear above, but I was worried about this situation with contradictions. Because once he finds out that Levjet is trying to abduct me, he will definitely use more cruel methods to torture this only relative I have in this world. Even if Levjet was described as a traitor and a sinister villain, I couldn't find any reason in my mind to hate him.

Just as I was feeling uneasy, Levjet had already led me to swim to the end of the crevasse. The moment I surfaced, I was immediately stunned by the sight in front of me.

——This is a fault zone of a mountain. The dislocated rocks form a huge space, like a naturally formed suspended platform, surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and the remaining side is a waterfall leading directly to the sea. The gushing water flows down rapidly from several cracks, like a vertical Milky Way embedded in the rough sea, which makes people feel terrified when they look down.

But what surprised me was not the precipitous terrain, but the fault. There are hundreds of nearly a thousand light blue, translucent, fish egg-like spheres densely packed. A comatose male curled up in each ball, and they were undoubtedly the marines who had been snatched by the mermaids. It should be because Agares took their spouses to fight, they were placed in these "eggs" to prevent escape. To some extent, what is the difference between such a situation and sex slavery? Trapped here without dignity and without freedom, it deviates from the life they originally yearned for and the ideals they fought for.

I questioned in my heart and took a deep breath. The only difference is that mermaids are better at confusing people. It was an outrageous mistake for Agares to hope to expand the population on a large scale through this method.

"Before this war plan was implemented, I had a disagreement with the king, but he refused to follow my advice. In his eyes, human beings are regarded as a species that needs to evolve through merman infection..." He patrolled pitifully Turning around, he cast his eyes on me again, with a heavy weight in his eyes, "I, on the other hand, appreciate human culture and technology and the world they created. I want to establish diplomatic relations with them peacefully, but the king wants to start a war. And decided to eradicate dissidents, I was one of them. In the rebellion, I unintentionally hurt some of his fighters, that's why I was called the 'betrayer', Desaro. I will help you rescue your friends , I am on the side of humans and you, do you believe me?"

A warm force filled my chest, I looked at him, hesitated for a few seconds, and nodded vigorously. I never expected that Levjet would take the initiative to bring me to save human beings. Indeed, only by controlling Asura can the operation go smoothly. There is nothing doubtful about this.

"Good boy." Levjet touched the back of my head, his expression became solemn again, and he looked around vigilantly, "Hurry up and find your friend, remember, you can only take one away. The one you rescued The more humans there are, the greater the number of pursuers will be. You go alone, they will only be afraid when they see me."

I froze for a moment, then nodded, and cautiously walked into those spheres, searching for Da Vinci's whereabouts. But I quickly realized how difficult it is to find him among the hundreds of spheres. The people in the spheres have different postures, some have their heads down, some can only see half of their faces, and some Some even buried their faces in their arms, making it impossible to tell their faces. But fortunately, Da Vinci's hair is a relatively rare light brown color. After inspecting dozens of spheres, I finally saw a person whose body shape and hair color were very similar to Da Wenxi's.

He curled up there like a baby, and I squatted down halfway, looking at his face through his arms, and my heart skipped a beat.

That was indeed Da Vinci, my former dear friend and senior. At this moment, his brows and eyes were tightly wrinkled and moved slightly, as if he was sinking into a terrible nightmare, and if he slack off a bit, he would be swallowed by the greatest fear. And like many captives, his body was covered with ambiguous red marks of being abused, and there was a little blood stained between his legs. It didn't take much thinking to judge that he had been violated. My heart plummeted, and I couldn't breathe suddenly. I hurriedly groped the surface of the sphere, and felt that the sphere was not solid, but just a thin layer like a balloon. So I immediately grabbed the sharp tip of the stingray's tail and stabbed it hard towards the sphere.

With a "poof", the sphere exploded immediately, and the water splashed all over my head and face, while Da Vinci fell limply to the ground. The moment I helped him up, he opened his eyes at the same time, but in an instant hissed like crazy, "Go away! Go away!" I was at a loss and covered his mouth , and suffered a heavy bite on the back of the hand. I reluctantly used my knees to press his kicking legs. Da Vinci was about the same size as me, and seemed to be very weak. I was able to force him down to the ground, suppressing his struggle, and lowered my voice: "Don't be afraid. , don’t be afraid, I’m here to save you! Da Vinci!”

I tried my best to call his name calmly, but my throat couldn't stop being hoarse due to the rising sourness.

The fate of Da Vinci and I have changed. We have never met in this time and space. We are no longer childhood playmates and classmates in St. Petersburg. He does not know me.

But calling his name obviously had a very good soothing effect, and Da Vinci's struggle gradually became weaker. His slack eyes then focused on my face, and he immediately looked down in horror, as if he recognized that I was a human being, and instantly relaxed his stiff body. Immediately, he sat up, covered his head with his hands, and said nothing, but his hands dug into his arms like self-harm, and scratched fiercely.

"Don't be like this, Da Vinci! I'll take you, take you out of here, let's get out of here!"

I hurriedly grabbed his wrist, feeling extremely uncomfortable. But he stood up like an electric shock and pushed me away violently. I couldn't stand still, slipped on the ground while stepping on the water, and broke several balls at once, while Da Vinci staggered straight towards the waterfall. I saw his thin back standing on the ground divided by the crack. In the rapid current, he staggered towards the edge of the waterfall, and then I heard him break down and cry bitterly.

"No! Da Vinci! Da Vinci! I beg you, don't do anything stupid!"

Ignoring the waking people around me, I got up and chased Da Wenxi, but I was worried that he would jump straight away, so I had to stand at a distance and move closer to him little by little. Da Vinci's pain was no less than the feeling I felt when I was violated by Agares at that time, the shame that could destroy people, the humiliation that my self-esteem was crushed and swallowed by an existence stronger than myself, forced to It is unacceptable for any man to lie under the body of another non-human male. Even though I really fell in love with Agares rather than the Stockholm complex, it doesn't erase that memory. I still have lingering fears remembering it.

What Da Vinci encountered was a more severe shock than mine—a navy whose mission was to drive away the mermaids became a captive of the mermaids and was even sexually assaulted. If it were me, it is no surprise that I would have the urge to commit suicide immediately.

My nerves were tense to the extreme, I clenched my hands into fists, dug my fingers into the flesh, and said tremblingly, "Hey, Da Vinci... calm down, I'll take you out of here, take you back to your home, okay ?"

"I can't go back, I can't go back..." Da Vinci shrugged his shoulders slightly, shook his head desperately, panting, "I feel my body... is changing, I see scales growing from my legs Come out, my ears..." His voice seemed to be chewed between his teeth, "That mermaid, he said, I will become a mermaid too... I can't be saved."

As he spoke, he leaned forward and opened his arms, like a free bird—


I roared with eyes wide open, and rushed over to grab his arm, but it was too late, except Da Vinci's figure swallowed by the sea in an instant, and a circle of waves that disappeared in an instant. The bottom of the waterfall is mottled and mottled, and many reefs can be seen protruding from the sea, just like monsters devouring people's sharp teeth, but I know that it is not the sea that devours Da Vinci, but the whirlpool-like love of the mermaids.

Suddenly my legs felt weak, and I knelt down on the edge of the waterfall, staring at the sea in a daze, my brain buzzing.

"What a pity..." Levjet's voice suddenly sounded from behind me, and then I was lifted up by a pair of flexible arms. I let myself be hugged out of my mind, turned around, and saw the awakened human beings in those broken spheres. Some of them looked dazed, some were crying bitterly, and some were curled up and trembling, like a group of prisoners whose body and mind had been destroyed by torture. I have no doubt that they would go to Da Vinci's choice in the next moment.

"What to do, damn it, you can't leave them here." I muttered to myself, but at the same time I knew how impractical it was to take them away from here. My head was so painful that it was about to explode, and my heart felt like it was being boiled on a frying pan.

"But we have to leave. I don't have the ability to take away so many humans. Little Desaro, maybe your friend still has a chance to be saved. Do you want to go to him? You still want to stay here and continue to treat your kind Turn a blind eye to what happened to you? Do you now understand how cruel your Agares is?"

The soft words in my ear pulled my consciousness like a spell, I shook my head, then nodded again, not knowing what to answer, my thoughts were in a mess. But before I could make a decision, I felt my body being hugged and leaning backwards. A huge sense of weightlessness swept over my whole body in an instant, and the roar of the waterfall filled my eardrums. My sight was thrown into the air at once, and flew into the dark blue sky. This situation overlapped with the scene in my memory of jumping into the bottom of the cliff with Agares hugging each other, and my heart suddenly throbbed in the strong wind.

The next moment, there was a plop, and the sea water soaked my whole body. After entering the water, the pressure from all sides squeezed my chest and back, making me almost suffocate, but Levjet immediately pulled me out of the water. Panting heavily, I wiped the water off my face and saw us falling behind the waterfall. The intense water poured into the sea and made a deafening roar, and the splashing water formed a layer of white mist. Looking around, to my dismay, Levjet took me and happened to land between the gaps of several reefs, impartially, as long as there was an inch more or less, I would be smashed to pieces. This level of precision is comparable to Guns fired.

I don't know if Da Vinci can also fall into the sea between the reefs and survive by luck.

Thinking like this, I immediately pushed Levjet away, climbed to a higher rock, stood up and searched for Da Vinci near the waterfall.

But at this moment, I vaguely caught some other sounds through the water flow, which came from outside the waterfall.

"Don't go out, Desaro." Levjet warned softly, wagging his tail and quickly swam to a place where the water flow was sparse. I followed him and jumped onto another reef. Looking out, I couldn't help but widen my eyes. Eye.

On the sea level that blends with the night sky, strings of blue light clusters are shining on the top of the surging waves, following the high waves from far to near, at a glance, it looks like a group of spaceships sailing in space. , When I got closer, I realized that those light clusters were several stingrays much larger than usual, and they all carried a mermaid on their backs, which was obviously their mount in the sea. The mermaids are driving them, as if they are riding a huge flying bird in the sky. This scene is really spectacular and eye-opening.

The leading one is the largest and most dazzling, its speed is very fast, there is no doubt that it belongs to the leader. When I got closer, as expected, I saw Agares supporting its wide and undulating back. His muscular upper body stood tall, his pale skin was covered with a layer of cold blue, shining like an ice sculpture in the night sky , It is completely the attitude of a king returning in triumph.

I held my breath, all the cells in my body were screaming, I almost wanted to fly forward to meet my leader, but then I noticed that the human beings who were kidnapped in the mermaid group behind him were very different from the people facing me in the distance. The beams of their approaching ships.

But don't look at how Lev pretends to be good...he wants to use confusion to control Desaro to seize the throne. Compared with the infatuated Zhuangzi, he is the bad-hearted old fish Zhuangzhuang who found out that the backyard was on fire and was about to go berserk... Shun, Xiaode's Estrus is coming