Desharow Merman

Chapter 112


Agares and the others didn't come back triumphantly, but just started to lure the enemy deep. Obviously, the group of humans who were chasing them was their target.

As I guessed, the mermaids did not directly hide in the cracks of the mountain, but swam around the sea area in a curve, one after the other leaping at high speed in the stormy waves, forming a large circle of movement The band of light surrounded the encircling circle of hundreds of human destroyers that were following closely.

For a while, there was a hail of bullets, flames burst out, and the sound of intertwined firing was endless.

But considering the speed of the mermaid swimming in the waves, the attack of guns is as difficult as shooting a flying wasp with an arrow. The mermaid was swimming in an S shape, and the encirclement soon became smaller and smaller. Under the command of Agares, the mermaid split into three teams: one was constantly emitting dazzling electric currents, and continued to attack from a long distance; One burst out of nowhere, unprepared to wreak havoc near the destroyers; the other forced them towards the waters in front of the waterfall. The efficiency of its actions is astounding.

"Don't reveal your whereabouts, the current situation is very dangerous." Levjet raised his tail and swept me into the water, dragging me behind a reef.

I held my breath and nervously looked at the scene outside, only to see that those black and blue medium-sized speedboats had been surrounded by mermaids within a certain area, trapped in the sea area with extensive reefs, as if in a battle where the outcome was already decided. Dead chess with no way out in the chess game, like a group of whales blocked and stranded, struggling in vain. I could see that the humans on the destroyers were completely flustered, and they didn't even have time to continue firing at the mermaids, they just held onto the hull of the destroyer so as not to fall into the water. At this time, they may realize that the roles have been turned upside down. Humans are no longer fishermen, but fish in the net.

"Don't fire, humans, we don't want to take your lives."

At this moment, a deep and penetrating cry resounded on the almost boiling sea, and I immediately looked towards Agares.

He rode a devil fish with wings high, avoided the ridges and slowly swam close to the mermaid's encirclement. His long silver-gray hair swept across the night sky like the tail of an ominous comet, like a ghost gradually emerging from the sea of darkness. The ancient evil god himself. I noticed that the humans aimed their guns at him in extreme fear. Although I thought Agares was unlikely to be injured by them, I still stretched my neck worriedly, but Levjet held my shoulder firmly, as if I couldn't help rushing over. But I found that everyone on the destroyer seemed to be intimidated by Agares's appearance, and no one dared to shoot him, and they all froze there as if they were stupid, and even a few of them were on the deck They knelt down at the same time, as if they were worshiping him.

I was startled, and then I realized the impact of some misleading press releases. It was the news that came from nowhere on a certain day when the mermaid war started—when I encountered a mermaid on the sea, Xiang Their kneeling will be the only way you can get away with it.

This sounds like an extremely absurd warning, but some people believe it to be true, and some people sneer at it, but it is undeniable that human beings have worshiped the existence that frightens them since ancient times, especially in situations where human beings think their lives are threatened Down.

Ironically, however, this does not work at all. The group of mermaids surrounding the destroyer dragged their shimmering scales, like planetesimals attracted by a magnetic field in the dark night, from all directions, densely packed, slowly gathering towards the humans on an isolated island. At this critical moment, suddenly, I saw a figure falling straight down from above, hitting heavily on a rock not far from me, making a muffled sound of tendon fractures.

My eyes widened in shock, and I clearly saw the bloody body slipping from the reef into the sea, the white severed arm held high, as if trying to touch the unreachable sky. As for his lower limbs, glistening scales covered his knees, but he still kept the shape of his legs, swaying slightly in the seawater like a real fish's tail due to dying convulsions.

Some of the mermaids in the sea suddenly became agitated and looked up at the top of the waterfall, even Agares was no exception. There was no doubt that they were shocked. Dozens of mermaids can't help but swim towards the waterfall, exposing their upper half height and screaming. But almost in the next second, in an instant, more than a hundred figures fell from above overwhelmingly, like the fallen angels who broke with the God Realm in the Bible and were willing to throw themselves into hell. In just a few seconds, the figure of the suicide passed by like a dark cloud, and the night became even darker. It was the black of death.

For a moment, I didn't dare to look back from the sky to the sea, but I couldn't stop my gaze.

On the reef and on the sea, corpses were strewn all over the place, and thick blood spread out on the sea, like a large piece of floating red algae, exuding a suffocating smell of blood. Hundreds of blood-stained and ruptured limbs are floating in the sea, the dying are swinging their shapeless tails on the rocks, as if they are struggling to free their legs, and the living are crawling on the rocks, tearing their hearts out. Howled loudly.

"Don't bow down to them, they are demons, beasts! Shoot them!"

"Better die than be caught by them!"

"Go away! Go away! You devils! You don't want to harm us!"

"Shoot, you idiots!"

I heard the determination to go to death in the voices of those humans who survived by chance, as well as the hatred that made people palpitate.

The mermaids who lost their spouses were either hissing and whining while hugging their corpses, or they were still looking for their spouses at a loss. Agares opened his arms, as if wanting to call them back to their positions, but to no avail, the scene fell into unprecedented chaos for a moment.

I watched all this in pain, my chest felt like a heavy hammer, and I almost suffocated.

At this time, a gunshot went straight into the sky with a bang, and it was unknown who fired the first shot. The people on the destroyer shot at the mermaids in an instant, as if they were deeply stimulated by the picture of collective suicide. Their luck and panic were swept away. On the ground, it crazily rushed around like a wild horse running wild. The encirclement of the mermaids was already in disarray due to the tragedy just now, allowing several destroyers to break through the encirclement in an instant. However, Agares did not immediately send mermaids to surround the remaining destroyers. Instead, he organized them to retreat into the water, let the destroyers scatter and flee, and finally disappeared on the sea level.

All the changes seemed to happen in an instant, and the sea area suddenly became quiet after the scuffle. The remaining hundreds of blue tails hugged and looked for their dead spouses. Some of the surviving humans lay on the edge of the reef and looked at the distant sea in despair, while others swam to the direction where the destroyer disappeared and were caught up. The mermaid blocked the way, trying to keep the spouse he chose, but met with fierce resistance.

I closed my eyes, unable to bear to witness such a sad endgame, and at the same time, a heavy sense of guilt rose in my heart. I couldn't help thinking, if I didn't wake up Da Vinci, and don't let the sadness and despair spread among these prisoners, wouldn't this situation not have happened? Is it possible to save hundreds of innocent lives? If I don't wake them up, maybe they can be paralyzed by the mermaid's love, and thus live in obedience to their fate in the sea, instead of choosing to burst out prematurely in grief and anger, and finally self-destruction? Hell, is this ending... better for them

Constantly questioning my actions in my heart, I felt as if my heart was being scratched by countless pairs of invisible hands, tearing my whole body into two halves.

A webbed claw was placed on my back at this time, stroking gently comfortingly, and wrapped around my waist, holding me in my arms, just like a father of an ordinary family treats his injured son . My heart softened, and I begged Levjet in a low voice: "Father, promise me, help me find Da Vinci. I don't want to give up even a shred of hope. If you find him, please take him out of here, Send it to land, will you?"

"Of course. But you must leave with me, son. This is for your future. As your father, I am responsible for your life." Levjet looked down into my eyes. His gentle but firm tone caught my breath like a nylon rope, making me realize that this was not only his request, but also a condition for him to find Da Vinci for me.

"No, I can't leave Agares..."

I clenched my fists. At this moment, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a blue light rising above the sea again. I turned my head and saw Agares floating out of the sea, but there were no followers around him, and his lonely reflection was reflected on the sea. He quietly floated up and down in the sea water, staring thoughtfully at those sad and lonely mermaids, as lonely and desolate as any king who was frustrated in the war.

But I know all too well what a proud king Agares is. It is conceivable that witnessing this uncontrollable change with his own eyes is undoubtedly a huge blow to him.

So, as his lover, why don't I go back to him, appease his emotions, and persuade him

Thinking this way, I swam towards Agares with my arms and legs, but the sound of water came from behind me. Before I could react, I was firmly held in my arms by Levjet's webbed claws, dragging me back behind the reef like a spider tying a moth.

"Good boy, don't go back to him again... Do you think your Agares will feel remorse for this? You don't know how cruel he is. You probably don't know how many times he has killed him in the nest Hundreds of brothers, that's why they become kings, right? Blackscale has always been warlike by nature, violent and bloodthirsty, so he is called Night Fiend by humans. He will expand the war even more, Desaro. When you are around him, you will only feel It's getting more and more painful." Levjet's tone was as soft as a feather in his ears, his lips brushed my cheek as if nothing, and I turned my head to avoid it.

"No, I believe I can dissuade him. Agares needs me." I shook my head. "Please let me go, Father. I understand your concern, but I never intend to leave him."

"So, what if he doesn't need you that much? What if someone can replace you? Desaro, how will you deal with yourself?"

I broke his arm, turned around and stared into Levjet's eyes, and said word by word, "You mean that blond boy? Although I mind him showing favor to Agares, I think he Not really a problem. At most, a ridiculous idolatrous." I walked around Levjet, but he grabbed my wrist.

"No mermaid can refuse the temptation of having a descendant of its own yoila in its body, not to mention that descendant is willing to embrace it. Desaro, you silly boy." Levjet swung his fish tail to block my way, "Raphael, that blond boy, don't you want to know where he went these two days? The king put you in custody alone, but brought him by his side..."

"Impossible!" My body froze, and I heard my breathing become a little unsteady. I couldn't bring myself to remain calm when I heard about Agares.

"It's true..." Levjet approached my ear, his voice was like a hundred insects crawling, disturbing my mind, "while you were not by his side, the king had already taken Raphael, and they had sex Yes. Now he has another mate, and even if he finds you gone, he won't be so sorry, my little Desaro. Mermaids are creatures easily driven by desire, and don't understand true love. We and humans It's never the same."

"I don't believe it! Agares will never betray me, you don't know what we have experienced together." I retorted with a sting in my throat.

"Really, since you are so confident, why don't you try it out? Desaro... just wait and see if he will come out to look for you tonight, or will he have fun with the beautiful Raphael and forget Your existence? Don't you want to know if you are really irreplaceable in his mind?"

My nerves seemed to jump up and down with the ups and downs of Levjet's tone, looking at his silvery eyes in black, my body was stiff. I couldn't deny that Levjet's words had a magical power close to brainwashing. I couldn't help imagining along with his words, drawing various pictures in my mind. I shook my head, forcing myself not to follow his groundless thoughts, but there was something throbbing at the back of my neck, and a strange itching sensation crawled up my cervical spine, as if some poison was trying to penetrate into it. into my skull.

Immediately, my ears started to ring violently, and I felt the world spinning intermittently. My thoughts seemed to be crumpled into balls of waste paper by an invisible hand, and they were full of messy thoughts. I shook my head, trying to get rid of this chaotic feeling of dizziness. My eyes blurred for a moment, and several strands of tobacco seemed to gather from all directions, weaving a mirage-like image in front of my eyes.

"Look at it, Desaro, and you'll see that I didn't lie to you..." Levjet's voice lingered beside me like a light smoke, sometimes far away, sometimes near, ethereal.

I tried my best to hold my heavy eyelids, and looked into the smoke. The indistinct image soon gradually took shape, presenting two clearly identifiable figures. The back of the blond boy came into sight first. He was riding on the waist of Agares, swaying his slender and slender body. His fair skin was contrasted by the black scales under his body, which made my eyeballs hurt. I tried to close my eyes, but I couldn't move my eyeballs away from Agares. I just watched him look at the boy named Raphael with doting eyes, kissing, licking and sucking in the same way he used to treat me. On his neck, the heroic thing (...) touched his body, and the strong body was dripping with sweat.

For a split second, I actually felt myself reacting to the situation.

Although my heart was about to burst, even though I knew that I was not the one who had intercourse with Agares, I couldn't restrain myself from recalling and longing for the feeling of being possessed by him. I'm shamefully hard. I covered my head tremblingly, and slammed heavily on the reef behind me, trying to get out of this hallucination that made me extremely tormented, but my brain became more and more messy.

"Desaro..." A webbed claw suddenly held the back of my head, and a familiar deep voice sounded beside me.

I shuddered and opened my eyes immediately.

Dimly, a figure with a familiar outline was hanging over me. Those soul-stirring pupils stared at me, with an irresistible affection hidden in their eyes.


I muttered, my brain was muddled, and my whole body was sore and swollen, as if the bloated emotions were fermenting rapidly in my body.

I opened my mouth, and subconsciously wanted to ask Agares if what I saw just now was true, but my throat seemed to be blocked by a large sponge, and no sound could come out. I don't know when my hands and feet were exhausted, and my whole body was limp. A hot feeling that I am not familiar with flows through the internal organs, gathers in the abdomen, and then rushes towards the lower body. This feeling can only mean one thing, my heat has come unexpectedly.

Damn it!

I took a few deep breaths, trying to release my lust in the scent that made me deeply intoxicated, but I didn't smell anything. At this moment, I heard a call calling my name from afar, "Desaro... Desaro, where are you!"

The sound passed through the tinnitus and really hit my nerves. That's Agares looking for me.

It was as if a scoop of cold water had been poured on my body that was about to burn, and my mind suddenly jumped out of the chaos. I blinked my eyelids, and the fog in front of my eyes dissipated a bit. Agares' face twisted and deformed, and turned into Levjet's appearance. In those extremely black eyes, there was a look of disappointment and shock. It passed away in a flash, but I happened to catch it in my eyes. I tensed up all over, and jumped up from Levjet's arms, but his limp body was easily dragged back into his arms.

"Desaro, my good boy, are you sad?" Levjet stretched out his fingers to wipe the sweat from my temples, and sighed softly, but the sound of a fatherly sigh came to my ears In the middle of it, it was like a spark that ignited my fermented emotions, causing it to suddenly turn into a cavity of anger.

"Are you hypnotizing me?" I gritted my teeth, restraining my trembling voice from the physiological reaction, "You said you hoped that I could escape Agares' control, so what should your current behavior be called?"

"Love, my little Desaro. I love you no less than a king..."

Levjet's expression changed, and he stared at me and suddenly smiled.

He seemed to have changed his personality in an instant, and all the tenderness and tenderness faded from his face, replaced by a poisonous and charming smile like a poppy, which made my hair stand on end for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I can't accept your love—if you don't just treat me like a son. Please let me go back."

I tried my best to speak clearly and forcefully. I was drenched in burning sweat, but I felt chills all over my body. I hugged my arms tightly and bent over to press my lower abdomen, but I couldn't stop the feeling of tightness in that unspeakable part.

I didn't even bother to ask him to find Da Vinci for me, because I realized that this might be a trap set up by Levjet, a trick to separate me and Agares, and maybe Da Vinci would be awakened. The consequences were also anticipated by him early on. He had been stalling for time just now, waiting for the moment when my estrus would arrive, and then sneaked in. I didn't want to think of my father so badly, but the fear in my heart made the guessing voice in my chaotic mind clearer.

"No, you misunderstood me, little Desaro..." Levjet gently wrapped his arms around my body and patted my back, "I will not force you to open your body for me. I will take you out of his By my side, I want to awaken you, the power contained in your body. You are more suitable than any mermaid to become the king of Atlantis, because Silver Tail and Black Tail are the strongest in the king's nest, and you are Silver Tail The descendant is Black Tail's spouse, and after being transformed by Black Tail, you will have the power of both. It's just that your evolution is too slow, as a father, how can I not help you?"

"Catalyzed... what do you mean, catalyzed into what? I don't want to be the king of Atlantis, I'm not interested in it!"

I rebuffed with an inarticulate hiss, an extremely ominous premonition arose along with the restlessness in my body.

"It's not up to you to choose." Levjet whispered in my ear like a mantra, and I felt his webbed claws on the back of my neck, and his sharp nails pressed against my throbbing skin. Thrust in. I screamed in pain, but my mouth was immediately covered. Something exploded under the skin on the back of my neck, as if a hatched living thing was struggling outside my body shell, cutting open my flesh and flesh inch by inch like a knife blade, splitting from the cervical vertebrae to the tail vertebrae, I clearly I felt like I was about to be torn in two by a force. The severe pain even suppressed the strong lust, I twitched all over, subconsciously touched my back, and immediately touched two extremely sharp fins that came out of my back muscles. This reminds me of the appearance of flying fish, which is a body structure that other mermaids do not have.

flying fish? What will I become

However, before I had time to be surprised by this, the tingling sensation that I still remember vividly hit my legs. I don't even have to look down to know that dense silver scales are emerging from my legs. But what surprised me was that I didn't feel my legs sticking together at the same time. I looked down in amazement and found that apart from a layer of translucent webs growing on my toes, there were only faintly visible webs growing on my legs. The thin scales, as if wrapped in a gauze woven with silver threads, shone slightly in the water.

Other than that, my lower body itself has the same structure as a human's legs.

This change was so fast and incredible, I couldn't help but stared at my legs for a while, then reached out to touch the skin of my legs, but Levjet grabbed my wrist: "Don't touch it!" , The newborn body is still very fragile. This is a gift I gave to my dear son—evolution in the true sense. Mermaids are proud of their long tails, but in my eyes, this is what hinders our race from becoming better The biggest reason is that we cannot set foot in many places in this world due to physical limitations. After entering the human world, I realized our weakness, so I have been trying to integrate the genes of humans and mermaids, and you are the most A suitable experimental subject. My son, you don't know how many ugly failures have appeared in trial after trial, but look, you are perfect and unique. King."

Levjet finished speaking in one breath, close to my earlobe, his voice trembling slightly with suppressed excitement. A certain string in my brain seemed to be snapped instantly by what he said, and the memory seemed to be quickly shown in my mind like a reassembled video tape. The laboratory on the small island, the mermaid who was disemboweled, the blood dripping on the operating table, the obscure dialogue, the duel on the warship on a stormy night.

Scenes of pictures flashed through my mind, and my whole body trembled violently.