Desharow Merman

Chapter 116: Published version of Fanwai 01 Five years later


Eighty-five years in the seventieth century of Atlantis, five years have passed since the mermaid war, and fifty years have passed in the human world.

Da Vinci's whereabouts and life and death have always been a deep knot in my heart, and a lingering sense of guilt lingers in my heart.

In this year, I finally implemented the plan to sneak out of the tunnel. With the help of Xuecun and a human friend who still keeps in touch with him, I found the records of the navy who participated in the mermaid station fifty years ago, and learned of Da Vinci's whereabouts. He was lucky enough to escape from the sea, returned to the army, and retired after receiving certain compensation. The last information about him in the database shows that he went to South America, working alone in an observatory near the mouth of the Amazon River (records show that he suffered from severe social phobia).

I clenched the long-lost pen in my hand, the nib of the pen paused in my crooked handwriting, changed a line, and wrote a line of words:

Agares, don't be angry, I swear to the brood, as long as I can secretly check if Da Wenxi is safe and sound according to the address recorded in this book, I will return to you immediately. I can't be sure if he's still there fifty years from now, or even alive, but he's certainly an octogenarian now, and may have spent his life in this way with painful memories.

As my former best friend, no matter whether he denies me or not, I have enough reasons to look for and visit him.

You understand me right, Agares

I tore off the second half of this sentence, put it into an empty wine bottle on the speedboat, sealed it with a wine cork, and threw it into the rolling waves. Then I put away the diary and filled it with the speed of the speedboat, watching the wine bottle gradually being swallowed by the waves of the sea. Even though the chances of Agares receiving my bottle were slim, I felt a little more at ease.

The line of sight follows the flocks of seagulls crossing the sky to the distant horizon, and the sound of ethereal birdsong is heard. The tranquility of nature makes the indescribable sense of loneliness as if the sea breeze gathers from all directions, prompting uncontrollable thoughts and emotions. The tide rises from the bottom of my heart little by little, as strong as it penetrates into the bone marrow, making it difficult to breathe.

What's wrong

It has only been four days since I came out of Atlantis, counting the time there, about ten hours, and I started to miss Agares. I miss his bewitching whispers, his gentle caress and the remaining warmth after each lingering. I looked at the undulating sea and felt a little absent-minded, as if a familiar black shadow was about to emerge from my sleep in the next moment. I asked Xuecun to say hello for me, wondering if Agares would pass through first, and if he would be furious at my leaving without saying goodbye.

But Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, so there is nothing wrong with being separated for a short time. Besides, it's been a long time since I've experienced this feeling of freedom by myself, and it's been a long time since I've been back on the surface of the earth, which is completely different from Atlantis.

As night fell, I pulled into a nearby river mouth.

The forests on both sides of the river are dense and continuous, and in the night, they are like black clouds and haze shrouding the surroundings, and they rustle when the wind blows. This place is sparsely populated, and my speedboat was also found from a nearby lighthouse. It was left there, and the owner was nowhere to be found.

I figured maybe it belonged or had belonged to Darcy, who in the past, perhaps, sailed into these waters alone, as I did now. He is holding a DV and a diary (I saw some handwriting similar to Portuguese or Spanish in the first half of the diary, recording his footprints and what he saw and heard here, drinking in his free time, tired at night, I just lay on this speedboat, drifting with the current, looking at the night sky, listening to the singing of fish, birds and insects in the jungle.

It seems that such a life is not so bad, at least this is the way I aspired to live as a biology student. Of course, if the days of solitude were too long, I would definitely not be able to bear them.

I was thinking quietly in a daze, but my thoughts drifted in another direction involuntarily.

What if I had met Agares in this situation, as a lonely traveler? We may not experience so many ups and downs, no conspiracy, no Nazis, no wars, just meet occasionally in the rivers of the tropical rainforest, like a dream. I used the pen and camera to keep the appearance of my mermaid, and he followed my boat and accompanied me through my long and lonely journey, just like the encounter described in some of Tagore's poems.

—However, Agares will not be as quiet as I thought.

I'm sure he'll turn my imaginary encounter into a horror story, because he's probably going to do something nefarious in the dark of night and leave me with nowhere to go in the jungle. This old pervert.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling a little thirsty, and quickly shook my head, taking back my wild imagination. Sitting up, I cast my eyes on the water surface of the river as deep as thick ink, and the thought of returning to Agares' side in my heart rose and fell like ripples. Maybe it's time to go back, Desaro, and come out next time you get a chance. There is always a chance.

Hinting to myself like this, I started the motor again, turned the bow of the boat, and planned to sail out of the river mouth. It is really not safe to enter the water here. Who can guarantee that there are no ferocious underwater monsters in this water, such as caimans and the like.

But at the same time as the rattling sound of the motor, a faint human voice suddenly came from not far away. I immediately stopped pulling the bolt. I thought I had heard it wrong, but I heard a clearer call the next second. My heart tightened, and I turned around to look around.

"Help, help, is there anyone!" I could tell it was in English, and it was shouted heartbreakingly by a woman. Immediately afterwards, I heard another man shouting. They obviously heard me start the motor and were calling for help. In this desolate and inhabited jungle, these two people must have encountered some terrible accident.

"Hey, wait, I'll be right there!" I immediately responded.

"Here we are, bring the boat over here, please!" the man shouted louder.

I turned the bow and followed the sound. The sound came from a dense forest beside the river bank. When I drove into the thick forest shadows, I found that the forest was half-submerged by the high tide of the river, and the place where the river bank should have been turned into a labyrinth of water. Relying on my good night vision ability, I saw two figures hanging shyly on a big tree not far away. A few meters away from them was an overturned boat, and the stern of the boat seemed to have been hit hard It seems to have changed shape. In this environment, there are only two possibilities for the boat to become like this: 1. The boat accidentally hit a tree; 2. The boat was attacked by a big crocodile or a big hippo. Judging from their appearance, they are staying away from the water because of fear, or, the danger in the water.

"What's the matter with you?" I bent down, looked around vigilantly, and drove towards them cautiously around the woods.

"There are crocodiles here! Please come here quickly! We will die here!" The woman's voice changed its tone in fright. The two of them stared at me expectantly with their eyes wide open in the darkness, their bodies trembling. I should be thankful that they couldn't see me clearly, otherwise they would be equally afraid of me.

"Don't be afraid, calm down." I slowly approached the tree where they were, and when I was only two meters away from them, I was blocked by a floating group of things like tree vines or water plants way to go. I hurriedly used the paddle beside me to push away the object in the water, but immediately I was frightened into a cold sweat by the scene in the water—it turned out to be a bitten headless corpse.

"Damn it!" I yelled, and sat back into the boat, but a black shadow flashed above my head. The man grabbed the woman and jumped down from the tree towards the boat, causing the boat to shake violently from side to side. He almost fell into the water because of this, but fortunately he managed to hold onto the side of the boat. The woman huddled in the bow and did not dare to move. The man looked around in horror, and ran to the stern to find the motor's puller: "Get out of here quickly, that big crocodile has eaten all our companions! It has eaten them all... Nearby."

It was at this moment that I saw clearly that the man had a face that I was very familiar with, which made me stand there dumbfounded, and muttered the long-lost name in shock: "Da-wen- hope!"

What a coincidence, what an incredible thing! I happened to save Da Wenxi here! Is this a chance for redemption given to me by God

But immediately, I realized that this is an impossible thing. Fifty years have passed, and it is impossible for Da Vinci to still look young. To confirm this idea, I grabbed the man by the collar, Stare intently at his face. In terms of time, he can also be regarded as Da Vinci's son. The woman was older, perhaps his mother. God!


I had mixed feelings in my heart, and for a moment I couldn't describe the shock and joy in my heart. But there was no time for me to be surprised. A sound of water coming from far and near approached our boat. Da Vinci and I grasped the bolt at the same time and pulled it violently. The bow of the boat turned back with difficulty in the direction I came from, but in an instant, the hull of the boat made a loud bang, as if hit by a heavy hammer, tilted to the left, and I flew into the air all at once. Fell into the water!

damn it!

The moment I fell into the water, a water mark with a new triangular shape approached me like lightning. Immediately I spread my wings, rushed out of the water and hugged the trunk of a nearby big tree. From the corner of my eye, I saw a huge black shadow passing under me, and the bloody mouth full of sharp teeth almost bit my double. wing tip. I hurriedly hugged the tree trunk tightly, but when I turned my head, I saw the speedboat rushing away into the distance with the sound of a motor, and disappeared into the darkness in a flash.

"Hey!" I climbed up the trunk and shouted, realizing that they were probably frightened by the appearance of the crocodile and me, so I obeyed the instinct of survival. This is not surprising, and it is understandable. If it were me, after being attacked by the crocodile, I would probably choose to escape with my life at the first time. I sigh. After shock and depression passed through my heart one by one, what followed was a kind of relief from the bottom of my heart. Because this time I at least confirmed that Da Vinci still has descendants, and the second half of his life was not too miserable. I don't know if it is the repayment and compensation arranged by fate. My knot was finally able to let go. Compared to this, the current difficulties are nothing at all. Can a big crocodile trap me here and become its prey

I let out a long sigh of relief and looked down at the water. A black shadow with a length of four to five meters was quietly dormant on the dead black water, and its green eyes, the size of a light bulb, gleamed with hunger, peering at me motionlessly.

Even though I know it can't bite me now, I still can't help but see a bit of coolness from the bottom of my heart, and I feel creepy. If there is only one big crocodile here, it is easy to deal with. I can jump into the water to compete with it, and I believe I can leave it far behind. But if there are a few or top ten, my situation is not so optimistic.

Maybe I should wait till dawn, the water might be ebbing here...

At the moment of thinking like this, it seemed that God was deliberately joking with me. Suddenly, there was a faint bang in the sky. Within a few minutes, the bean-sized raindrops passed through the gaps in the leaves, mixed with the breath of bad luck , fell on me one after another.

"Damn it!" I couldn't help cursing out loud, knowing that I couldn't just sit here and wait for death.

At this moment, several huge black shadows appeared in the water, coiling around the roots of the tree like vultures smelling blood. They waited for the water to rise to my height, then swarmed and bit me to pieces.

In any case, the top priority is to get out of this jungle as quickly as possible and get closer to the river. The maze-like terrain here will limit my swimming speed and I will be easily attacked by crocodiles. Thinking like this, I cautiously walked through the forest like a monkey along the winding and criss-crossing trunks, approaching the outside of the river, but my skills are far from that agile, and maybe it is more appropriate to compare it to a raccoon.

I stared at the surface of the water and moved my body, walking with difficulty, like walking a tightrope, for fear that I would fall into the bloody jaws of the crocodiles if I stepped on the air. I didn't expect that in Atlantis, apart from the king there, I, who was almost invincible, would be reduced to a besieged prey when I returned to the earth, which is really ironic.

I just hope that I can get out of this situation by myself as soon as possible, and don't let Agares know, otherwise he will never allow me to have a second chance to go out alone like a strict father.

Walking through the forest along the tree trunks, as the rain became heavier and heavier, I finally got close to the river. The water surface is now closer to my feet. If the tree trunks below me did not form a natural guardrail, the crocodile following in the water would be enough to bite off my lower body. But as the water rose higher and higher, it was not difficult for them to eat me. I was wary of the large gaps between the tree trunks, and climbed onto the tree trunk closest to the river, looking for a good place to jump into the water. It's a good thing that the current is getting rougher at this point.

I had to jump as far away from the crocodiles as possible, and then swim down the water to the sea. Once in the sea, it was difficult for the crocodiles to catch up with me.

Breaking off a nearby tree trunk, I stepped on the tree next to me, shaking the leaves violently and rustling, and threw the trunk hard into the water. Taking advantage of the crocodile's pounce and stirring up the water, I jumped out of the forest like a tree frog escaping, plunged into the rolling waves, and immediately heard the sound of approaching water.

I didn't look back, my body fluttered, I spread my wings and rushed towards the sea like a bowstring shot out, drawing arcs on the water surface one after another, and soon rushed along the river to the wide estuary leading to the sea, passing through a water-colored estuary. After the dividing line from deep to shallow, the water flow began to become gentle, and the sediment was diluted and dispersed with the water flowing into the sea. Knowing that crocodiles cannot survive in deeper waters, after swimming a certain distance, my nerves relaxed and I looked back.

But in an instant, what made my hairs stand on end suddenly was that a stream of water trails chased after me, and rushed towards me impartially, so close at hand!

I yelled loudly, but it was too late to spread my wings. In the blink of an eye, a death-like black shadow lifted the surface of the water and rushed in front of me. I vaguely saw a bloody mouth!

The moment I shrank back subconsciously, my body was firmly held. However, there was no sharp pain of broken bones, no terrible sharp teeth, and what enveloped me was a majestic embrace, exuding a familiar and infatuating aroma. The thick and strong fish tail supported my hips, leading me to swim to a wider sea, leaving the dangerous estuary far behind.

"Agares..." I subconsciously called out, and put my hands on his vigorous and undulating back. The waist was tightened, and my head was pressed against the chest that was beating wildly, and the corners of my mouth were involuntarily bent, and I took a deep breath of his breath. The familiar smell rushed into the nostrils, as if the soul returned to the shell, the baby returned to the mother's body, and the longing that had been suppressed for several days finally flowed into the sea and found its direction.

I don’t know how far I swam with Agares, the river mouth has disappeared without a trace, and we arrived at another shallow bay. The typical mangroves in the tropical shallow sea gently brushed over our bodies, and there were more large and small reefs, like a miniature city. I looked around and found that there was no human habitation here, the whole island was silent, and the night mist seemed to be surrounded by a mysterious curtain.

We seem to have come to the vicinity of an uninhabited island. In Atlantis, Agares often took me to those sea areas where few mermaids set foot, let us spend a wonderful two (fish) world together, but when we returned to the surface of the earth, we still had headaches after our "new marriage". once.

As if walking towards a marriage bed, Agares picked me up horizontally, walked through the mangrove forest intertwined like a curtain, and placed me on a rock. He was lying on top of me, looking down at me with a pair of bright eyes under the starry sky. I suddenly felt that his expression was a bit similar to that crocodile, and I almost laughed out loud, but I knew that Agares might be alive stuffy.

I bit his thin "sashimi" ears flatteringly, and was held by his broad webbed claws at the back of the head, and his wet tongue swam across my cheek, licking me heavily. Then he bit my collarbone almost as a punishment, then moved from my collarbone to my shoulders and waist, and moved viciously towards my buttocks and thighs, as if intending to leave tooth marks all over my body and brand him , the sharp fangs gently grind my flesh, making me painful and itchy.

"Hey, how did you find me, Agares?"

Under his "ferocious" attack, I hurriedly begged for mercy, but he didn't intend to forgive me at all. The webbed claws suppressed my body, and then he lowered his head and took a bite on my ass. Heavy, I felt like I was attacked by a piranha, I almost jumped up from the reef, and reflexively clamped his neck with my legs, covering my ass that was about to be swallowed by him. I felt the tooth mark that was meant to come out, it was deep as hell, and I'm sure he bit me through the skin. Just by relying on the strength of both hands, there is no way to stop him from gnawing on my butt indiscriminately. He is simply an elder who beats a child with a belt.

I couldn't resist the strength of this big fish, so I could only lie obediently on the reef and let him vent his anger on my ass. Even though we are already considered an old couple (of course, the wife refers to Agares), such behavior still makes me a little embarrassed. Over the past few years by his side, my body has regrown into the appearance of an adult man (fish), with long arms and long legs, being carried and bitten by him like this is really... shameful!

Damn it, a man should have self-respect!

"Let go of my ass, you bastard!" I couldn't help complaining depressedly, but my voice softened the moment Agares raised his head from between his legs and stared at me, I looked at the night With resentful eyes, Riagares muttered, "I know I was wrong..."

"You leave without telling me, Desaro..." Agares stood up with his fish tail swinging, and the water splashed on my head, just as I could feel his anger venting. The shadow of his body above covers me, and the suppressed breath sprays on my face. Your thick and tough fish tail is like an iron wall against my waist and hips, making my body bend like a lobster in front of him. in his arms.

Agares is really angry. From the look in his eyes, I can be sure that the degree of anger is no less than any time he was angry before. This can't be solved by just biting my ass. I don't doubt that I will reduce the scope of my free movement because of this, just like before, he sent a whole brood of young to follow me, making me like a big piece of bait, followed by a group of asses anytime, anywhere Big wave of fish. I don't want to add another brood spawn minion, that would be too frustrating!

"But... If I told you, why would you let me go." I raised my eyebrows and argued in a low voice.

"I'm worried that the human genes that still exist in your body will attract people with bad intentions, Desaro, I'm afraid that you will leave again and not come back to me..." Agares pressed his forehead against my nose and said One sentence in a low voice.

The aroma that I can never get tired of smells pours into my mouth and nose, and with the sincere love words, it seems like a stream of fire melts my heart instantly.

I was like the legendary sailor who was bewitched by the song of the mermaid, and I was dizzy. The bones are all crispy. Soaked in the love of Agares in the past few years, my whole body has become unbelievably docile, like a sheep. I swear that if the two time and space do not overlap, the past me can see the present me, and I will probably choose to punch myself to death.

Realizing that I should take the initiative to apologize like this frightened big fish, I raised my limp hand, hooked his neck vigorously, blocked his lips, and kissed my lover actively (fish ). Thanks to Agares, my kissing skills are quite proficient, and it is not difficult for me to please Agares now. But to my surprise, Agares didn't come to answer me, his lips were tightly pressed together, his jaw was tense, and he didn't even come to hug me with his webbed claws, just like a stone sculpture .

I guess he exists to make it up to him with my actions. Like an angry big boy.

I couldn't help laughing in my heart, I rushed forward and hugged his waist, turned around and spread my dorsal fin, and pressed him on the reef unexpectedly. Yes, I do have the strength to do that now, I stare down at him, the corners of my mouth curled up triumphantly. Agares stared at me coldly, as if I had offended him. But I know he's pretending, he won't mind if I take the initiative to press him down, and I'm looking forward to it.

"You like it when I do it, don't you? Why the look, my little mermaid?" I stared into his eyes and gave him a grin that I thought was malicious, as if he had watched him in the lab. I do. Of course I can't be a lecherous dwarf like him. I pinched his hard chin, lowered my head a little closer to his ear, and slowly slid my hand down his chest and abdomen like a sea snake.

Agares remained motionless, his dark eyes squinted slightly, looking up at the sky, as if a victim was unmoved by my punishment, but his rapid breathing rhythm and heartbeat revealed his physical and mental reactions.

I snorted, stuck out my tongue and licked his trembling ears wantonly, from the sharp tip to the eardrum, and at the same time, my hand reached the big eel on his fin membrane—good man , has long been a pillar of support. I gently pinched the greasy shaft, causing the tail of the fish under me to flick slightly, as if being scalded by a frying pan, and the owner of the eel didn't even look at me. I tried my best to hold back my laughter, and coaxed me in a low voice, "How can you calm down, Agares?"

Agares' throat rolled under the skin, making a sound of swallowing saliva, and his two hard and sexy chest muscles shook with his breath, which was like a kind of silent encouragement to me.

After three or four days of separation, it was time for me to comfort and make amends to my lovely wife—although it was me who was damned fucked.

I took a deep breath of his body odor, gently rubbed his upright thing with the palm of my hand, leaned my body against his body, arched my back, gently licked his forehead, bridge of nose and lips, stretched out Tongue out, slowly licking along his neck to his chest, like a believer devoutly leaving affection in every place, just like how he treats me, so serious, so exhausted.

For all his energy, Agares never asked me to do anything for him during sex. It seems that he doesn't want me to feel any discomfort, and always tries his best to let me enjoy the sweetness he gives like an elder, and I have always relied on it with peace of mind.

Time to fulfill the duties of a good husband, Desaro!

I lowered my head close to his lower abdomen, my lips touched the top of the slippery scales, and the tall thing was touching my chin, and a strong hormonal aroma rushed straight into the nostrils.

Although I have done this in fantasy several times, when I really want to do it, I am suddenly at a loss like a mouse version of a big cake. At a very close distance, the shape and structure of the little Agares can no longer be clearly presented in front of me, even the bottom rhizome hidden in the envelope can be seen, standing strong and erect, two The scrotum also swells like a plump fruit.

Thinking of every time it was embedded in my body, my mouth became dry, and I subconsciously raised my head to look at Agares. He was looking down at me, squinting his eyes slightly, his pupils were dark, filled with ambiguous desire and longing. The corners of his mouth even curled slightly jokingly, as if he thought I wouldn't dare to do it under his sight.

Although Agares and I are already old couples, my old face can't help but feel hot. I lowered my eyelids to avoid his sight, and moved a little closer to the thick stalk, it had already excitedly bounced to the tip of my nose, and the wet mucus splashed on my forehead.

My face became hotter, I lowered my head subconsciously, and Agares straightened his waist, and gently pressed the thing against the bridge of my nose, sliding down bit by bit, and along the line of my lips Swipe slowly, and finally touch my chin like a finger, as if tracing the outline of my face with an erotic taste.

His face was covered with translucent mucus, and even my eyelashes drooped to the lower eyelid. The hormonal smell was as strong as a full ounce of cheese poured over my head, and my lower body reacted shamefully immediately.

I lowered my head motionless and let Agares admire my appearance, until he finally seemed to have had enough of seeing me, and used the swollen tip to pry open my teeth, like a king entering the room.

Opening my lips obediently, I sucked his erect penis into my mouth little by little.

It was creamy and tasted salty and fishy, not as hormonal as I expected it to be, because it was supposed to smell sweet. It was so big that I had to open my mouth wide to hold it. Fluid overflowed from the corners of my mouth. It was even more difficult to swallow it. I guess I must look extremely clumsy. I was embarrassed to look up at Agares, the capillaries on his face were crackling and exploding.

I don't want to admit that I was really excited to taste Agares's stuff, but he was obviously even more so—the stuff in his mouth swelled several times in an instant, making my jaw sore.

As if he had been overwhelmed by my actions, Agares put his broad webbed claws on the back of my head, pressing down on the back of my neck lightly and tremblingly.

I felt his abs tense under my palms, as if he was trying his best not to put his whole thing into my mouth. I couldn't hold his size in my mouth, barely halfway down, and I could feel the heat around my eyes as the head of his swollen cock pressed against the roof of my jaw.

His webbed paws moved up to my cheek, and he stroked it lightly with his knuckles, and the bloody tenderness made me harden even harder in no time. The sweet heat filled my chest like fermentation, I sucked hard, trying to make Agares feel the greatest pleasure. The obscene sound of smacking and sucking water overflowed from the corners of my lips, making the shame that I should have given up suddenly come back.

My face was hot as if I had swallowed a burning coal that would melt my mouth.

I closed my eyes, licked Agares' dance with the tip of my numb tongue, and swallowed clumsily, as if biting a huge ham sausage, feeling every tendon of him slightly in my mouth. throbbing. The salty juice dripped more and more from his horse's eye, and I swallowed it every drop.

My clumsy blowjob technique was impossible to get my lover to release, but I finally got his response.

Agares inserted his webbed claws into my hair, as if he couldn't bear it anymore, he lightly pressed the back of my head, straightened his waist and pumped slightly in my mouth.

The slippery fish scales rubbed against my hardened nipples and lower body, like countless enchanting fingernails gently scratching, stimulating my most sensitive and vulnerable nerves. Trembling all over, I spread my legs and clamped Agares' tail, trying to swallow and swallow with the things in my mouth, but it inadvertently pushed it into my throat, and I was choked and coughed violently.

I instinctively grabbed his giant and pulled it out of my mouth, but I felt Agares convulse suddenly.

There was a flash of white light in front of my eyes, and the warm liquid sprayed on my head instantly, making me stay on the spot immediately. In an instant, my hair, face, and neck were all covered with Agares' semen, no one was spared, it was like a disaster. They dripped down my cheeks in a series of tick-tocks, shame mixed with excitement almost drowning me like a tidal wave. I guess my face must be as red as a big ripe tomato.

I raised my hand to wipe the things on my face at a loss, but his webbed claws grabbed my wrist, dragged me up, and hugged me tightly into his arms.

Before I even had time to take a breath, my lips were blocked vigorously, my tongue was entangled and licked frantically by greed, and then pulled out in a hurry, sucking and biting my neck, the fish tail under my body was like a sudden mobilization Pushing upwards like a ship's machine, I pushed Shang Huan's half-soft and half-hard thing into my buttocks due to ejaculation.

"what… "

Caught off guard, I raised my neck and let out a low gasp, but my calf immediately fell into a pair of devil's claws, holding it in the air. The weight of the body was all on the buttocks in an instant, allowing his penis, which had not yet fully erected, to sink in inch by inch, nailing me to him from bottom to top like a wedge, tightly combined.

"Move, Desaro... You take the initiative to bear me..."

Agares was panting heavily in my ears, his violently bullying chest was like a crumbling city, shaking my upper body lying on top of him.

As he said that, he pulled my legs apart and placed them on both sides of his waist, forcing me to sit up and spread my legs as far as possible on him, fully exposing my already excited stuff to his eyes among. I see the muscles in my inner thighs twitching lewdly with the reinvigorated stuff inside me, like a narrow aisle longing to be grinded by him.

I leaned my waist back, put my hands on the reef, and shook my hips tentatively, and then I heard a pop. Agares' cock sank deeper immediately, and hit my orgasm point without any deviation, making me stiff and my legs stretched. The feeling of ejaculation came in an instant, I couldn't bear to open my mouth wide to scream, but the sound and my genitals were held in the palm of the palm by Agares' webbed claws below me, and he blocked it back forcefully.

I swallowed, gasped heavily, and sweated profusely in an instant.

"Desaro... push hard..." Agares put his arms around the back of my neck, commanding without hesitation, his voice mixed with panting was rough and sexy, which aroused my desire even more, but also made me feel bad.

I tightened his grip, deliberately raised my butt a few inches, and then slowly sat down inch by inch. The viscous prostatic fluid slid down the line between my buttocks and stuck to the base of my legs like a spider's thread. This scene obviously had a great impact on Agares. He stared straight at me, his eyes were already red with lust, and his appearance was really funny and sexy.

His webbed claws patted my butt hard, urging me to move faster, and the huge genitals also trembled slightly inside my body, causing my fragile inner wall to contract, but he stood still, as if he was determined to let me take the initiative in the end.

Unbearable, I lowered my head and grabbed his ears, pressed my lips hard, twisted my hips and galloped up and down on his body, causing Agares to tighten his abdominal muscles and burst out intermittently Growl.

In love, Agares has always been a strong and active party. He dominates all my senses and can easily disarm me. And the feeling of mastering him at this moment is extremely exciting, as if holding his rein with my body, I can feel his breathing rhythm changing with the speed of my body's ups and downs, and even the frequency of my heart beating is affected by me.

Agares is like a fierce horse to me. At first I tried to tempt and control him, but I was unable to get off the tiger. He galloped so far all the way, so far that I couldn't turn back, but I was willing.

The dripping sweat mixed with him between the rubbed skin, lips and teeth interlocked, and breath blended.

Since I was intoxicated by this feeling, I was tormented enough by the constant eruption of small orgasms in my body. The vent gate was blocked, so that all the pleasure was squeezed in the intestine, and he crushed it heavily into heroin powder, which soaked into the base, as if it was fermenting and boiling. Moaning overflowed from my throat uncontrollably, blending with Agares' low growl.

The night sky and the sea seem to be kneaded into chaos in the sweet and intense intercourse, and I am dizzy and addicted to this intoxicating taste.

I don't know how many times I have been entangled back and forth. When the sky gradually shimmered, Agares finally leaked in my body. I was exhausted lying in his arms, I didn't even have the strength to straighten up to ejaculate, I kept the combined posture, and it came out one after another against his belly. The intertwined semen seemed to glue our bodies together, making an unbearable sound of water.

Agares's fish tail swayed gently between my legs, licking my earlobe, as if he couldn't get enough of it. My body, which has just experienced orgasm, is extremely sensitive, and I shuddered when I was slightly stimulated by him, and the numb itching rose again in my body. I raised my trembling hand, clasped his restless webbed claws on the back, and begged hoarsely: "Agares... my lord, don't, don't continue... I... um!"

The mouth was blocked tightly in the next second, and Agares turned over and pressed me under him, the webbed claws grabbed my calf, and the fish's tail was raised heavily...

I was able to escape from the endless "punishment" of Agares, maybe I should thank a group of uninvited guests for the arrival - who knew that this island was actually inhabited by indigenous people!

When they watched our fierce copulation and yelled, Agares dragged me into the water and took me to the bottom of the sea. I hugged Agares' neck tightly, and we crossed the sea with him and returned to our homeland.

I know that no matter where I am in the future, my mermaid will follow me like a shadow, and we will grow old together in the long years and in the vast sea.