Desharow Merman

Chapter 118: Episode 03 Nirvana


There was a burning smell in the air. Surrounding him was a sky full of fire, and the surrounding scenery was bitten by the distorted flames, biting to pieces. It was raining heavily, but the fire did not abate at all. The hull shook violently, people fled in panic, and everything fell into a crashing chaos.

There is no escape. There is no escape.

Not just the body, but the soul as well.

Yukimura rushed to the deck and plunged into the rain.

There was a big hole in the kendo suit on his body, from the back to the waist, the warmth from the mermaid's webbed claws still remained on the skin. It should be cold, but now it is hot. Even the rain can't wash away the pungent, painful, sweet burning feeling, mixed with the sticky feeling of blood, extending to the parts that are ashamed to speak.

Trembling slightly all over, he raised his head in the rain and took a few deep breaths. The body was slammed, and a person fell at his feet, and there were terrible marks of biting and tearing on his neck. He was startled and staggered. The dying man's eyes were still wide open, his hands were curled up, and he was grabbing his ankle as if grabbing a life-saving straw, "Mr. Xuecun... help... mermaid..."

"Kondo-kun!" He helped the person under him, but the other person twitched all over his body, his neck was tilted, and his unsettled eyes had lost focus, reflecting the flickering flames, like two white lamps in the mourning hall that were blown apart by the wind. paper lantern.

His hands trembled, and he took a few steps back, but at a glance he saw the long bloodstain dragged from the cabin door to his feet, with some tangled black waterweeds.

Yes, really out of control! Out of control! That's the mermaid's revenge!

A voice screamed in his head, so deafening that it overwhelmed the thunderstorm in the sky.

"Only you can save us, Chiba! It won't hurt you! Keep it under control!"

The familiar voice pierced through the rain and reached his ears. It was his father's cry.

"My lord father!" He responded, looked around and saw his father standing on the second floor of the cabin. He seemed to have suffered some injuries, and he was clutching his abdomen, but a large piece of blue liquid was soaked into his clothes—he recognized that it was the blood of a mermaid.

Belonging to Asura's blood.

His heart tightened suddenly, and he subconsciously looked at the dark cabin door not far away, where a shadow like a ghost was faintly swaying inside, like a nightmare that entangled him. He looked there, thinking, it all seemed destined. A calamity, a reincarnation. His encounter with the mermaid seemed to follow the instructions of fate. He would come to such a step, he had a premonition.

Like a premonition that inspired him, the shadow emerged from the darkness from far to near.

Before the light illuminated the whole body of his nightmare, Xuecun could clearly see those cold and sharp black eyes. He looked at him, not only feeling the coldness of the sea water, but also feeling the scorching heat still lingering on his body. Just last night, or even a moment ago, they hugged each other, their bodies were tightly entangled, and each other's warmth was burned into each other's body, like a pair of intimate lovers.


But at this moment, the rain curtain was like a city wall made of iron, lying between them, and the air was filled with the bloody smell of killing. However, a distance of more than ten meters seems to be the furthest distance in the world.

"Snow... village..."

The black shadow hummed in a low voice, the voice condensing the syllables of his name.

He cruised slowly out of the cabin, the shadows faded from him, and the firelight illuminated his face.

The mermaid's long tail trailed behind her, and the bloodbathed scales glowed a purple-red color in the firelight, like the sharp blade of a murderer who had just experienced a massacre. No, not like, but fact.

Xuecun raised his eyelids and looked at his upper body. His pale skin was stained with red, human blood. Embedded in the merman's back was a samurai sword, which he could tell belonged to his father.

The pair of black eyes that had gazed at him affectionately were now burning with the flames of vengeance, and when they intersected with his eyes, there was a trace of warmth in their eyes. The mermaid's love is too extravagant and precious to him. It seems to be nailed on the chopping board, skinned and boned, dripping with blood, but still hard to let go of the love of a knife that cuts the skin.

But this love, in the face of the sins they committed and the cost of the lives of the entire ship, what qualifications does it have to be mentioned again

He too is one of the sinners. Deserving of atonement.


He opened his mouth, and the sound he spit out didn't seem to be his own. He was in a trance, and he saw that the black shadow in the night seemed to be pressing towards him, getting closer and bigger. He was so small and humble in front of him, like a fisherman worshiping the sea god. He loves his mermaid so much, but the deepest repayment given to him by the other party is like submerging him in the waves and swallowing him deeply.

It's just that I'm afraid of being tarnished.

He knelt down like a believer who had redeemed himself before God.

The white kendo uniform was soaked by the rain, and the hem was stuck to the deck. His hands were as white as floating corpses in the rain, and the pool of rainwater under his body reflected his hesitant and desperate face, in a state of embarrassment.

"You are the god of the sea... how can I offend you? I shouldn't..." He lowered his head, and a trembling voice escaped from his throat, "I beg you to let the people on this ship go, just as I Never met you…”

I couldn't even hear what I said. The brain is in turmoil.

The sound of the tail dragging was getting closer, getting closer, but he didn't dare to raise his head to look at his lover.

Asura he hit.

All he could see were corpses stumbling around on the ground. Those companions whose hands were stained with mermaid blood got their retribution one by one.

He hasn't, and probably won't. From Asura's eyes, he understood that even if he killed the entire ship as revenge, he would spare his own life. Because he regards him as a spouse, as a lover.

The father's plea for help came from afar again, accompanied by the cries of the survivors one after another, together with the sense of mission on the young man's thin back, making his arms weak. The shadows above fell like a nightmare, and the merman's webbed claws gently grabbed his shoulders, lifted his chin, and dragged him from the deck.

A pair of powerful arms hugged his precarious body, and those black eyes that reflected the firelight chased his absent-minded gaze.

The boy was lying between the arms encircling him, looking at his own mermaid. At that moment, hot tears seemed to overflow from the eye sockets, but flowed back. When the mermaid lowered her head and kissed him, the whole world was blurred.

"It's over, Asura. We're together..."

He murmured, raised his hand tremblingly, groped for the hilt of the samurai sword embedded in Asura's back, and stabbed it deeper until the blade penetrated his body, leaving him and his body The mermaid united as one.

There was no pain, just a moment, all the feelings were gone, only the feeling of Ashura holding him was real. The body became very light, as if it was flying into the air, and then fell heavily, into the warm sea water.

"what… "

He took a big breath, like a drowning person, waking up from a dream with difficulty. His whole body was dripping with sweat, and his vest was tightly pressed against his body, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

It was already light. The sun's rays came in through the small round window in the cabin and shone on the face opposite him. He stared at the small dust floating in the air for a while before he felt the glare. Rubbing his dry eyes, he vaguely saw a few seagulls passing by in the sky, and at the same time, somewhere in his brain suddenly jumped.

Some scattered pictures emerged from Chaos's mind, and they were fleeting. He tried to claw them, but caught a few fragments tightly. He could only vaguely recall the flames in the sky, the bloody surroundings, and the figure of the purple-tailed mermaid in the night. Everything else is confused and vague, and it is impossible to tell what happened in the dream.

It was this dream again. It has been lingering in a corner deep in his memory, as if playing a game of hide and seek with him. When he tried to see it clearly, it was hidden in an unknown place. When dreaming, it jumped out unexpectedly.

too weird. This dream is so entangled, persistently trying to integrate into his life, telling him that this is something he has actually experienced, but there is no trace to find.

Like a mirage, illusory.

The purple-tailed mermaid in the dream has never appeared before. None of the mermaids they captured and imprisoned in the hold could match the shadow in his dream.

when will you show up...

He muttered to himself, stretched out his hand unconsciously, and reached into the void. The slender fingers were permeated with light, and bright red overflowed from the crevices of the fingers. like blood. Maybe the sun was too bright, and the corners of his eyes hurt, as if he was about to shed tears.

—Yukimura Chiba, do you believe in reincarnation

Your self in this world is not your complete self, and you have not met the other half of your soul. Your dream comes from your obsession with the past life, which is another self trying to tell you something, my child. You will eventually follow the trajectory of fate in the dark, and embark on a road of no return.

Don't be trapped by destiny. Your sins have been atoned for.

The witch's old voice said so in memory.

What's the meaning? He tightened his fingers, closed his eyes, took a deep breath tremblingly, and took off his sweaty vest. The young man's thin and thin body was exposed to the eyes, exuding a morbid aesthetic feeling.

"Mr. Xuecun! Come out, we caught another mermaid with resonance sonar!"

The eager voice of the companion came from outside the cabin, but the door remained polite and only knocked three times.

"Got it! I'll be right there!"

Quickly put on the waterproof suit and rain boots, Xuecun opened the door and rushed out. The sailors gathered at the bow and were watching the salvage machine lifted from the water. When he approached there, he saw the fishing net being hoisted up and the water leaking down. Suddenly, his heart was pounding, and he opened his eyes wide to distinguish the color of the fish tail in the fishing net—the silver-white fish scales that they had never seen before were exposed from the net, like a veil inlaid with diamonds, Glistening in the sun.

Not purple. In addition to being amazed, the heart fell back from the throat to its original position.

He took out the camera in his trouser pocket, and recorded the appearance of this newcomer quite calmly and skillfully. Its fish tail was longer than the mermaids they had seen before, and the skin on its upper body was also extremely fair, with silver light covering its whole body, it looked like a work of art carved out of ice, rather than a living creature.

so beautiful...

This is probably a special kind of mermaid. Will he have the serum that his father and the others need to extract

As he was thinking about this, he heard a young man's voice from the fishing net: "Xuecun!"

Xuecheng Qianye, who was concentrating on recording, couldn't help being stunned, and the boat was instantly silent. Everyone was taken aback. Mermaid calling his name? He took a few steps closer in disbelief, and looked into the fishing net in astonishment. A pair of slender arms stretched out from the hole, grabbed the nylon thread next to the fishing net, and poked his head out as hard as possible.

Then he saw the face of a very handsome European youth. Under the wet hair, a pair of star-like extremely bright eyes were staring at him, the eagerness and surprise contained in those eyes seemed to imply that they had met somewhere before. He froze on the spot, only to hear the mermaid exclaim clearly in Japanese: "Xuecun, I'm Desaro, we've met before!"

This time he was really stunned. An extremely strange feeling hit his heart, and he fell into a trance. Just when he lost his mind, the fishing net had been thrown onto the deck by the boom, and before he could step forward to find out what was going on, the silver-tailed mermaid who called himself "Desaro" was killed by others With eight feet, it was carried into the cabin where the mermaid was placed on the ship.

Then, his father and several medical doctors walked in and closed the hatch.

He leaned on the side of the ship, turned around and looked at the calm sea at this time, his mind was in chaos. The setting sun had gradually sunk into the sea level, and the sunset glow dyed the deep blue sea red, as red as the fire and blood in his dream.

Something is going to happen.

A clear premonition in his heart told him so.

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind, dragging him back to reality from the restless chaos. He turned his head sideways, and raised his hand to greet the young man behind him. It was the ship's second officer and his father's right-hand man, Haori Kondo, his college friend.

Kondo walked slowly to his side, threw the cigarette butt in his hand into the sea, and sighed long: "Ah, I don't know when the war and experiment plan will stop... I hate this kind of life with my eyes open."

"Disgusted?" Yukimura Chiba asked softly. He lowered his eyelids and held the corner of his mouth reluctantly. "I thought you were passionate about this research project, and you were also passionate about participating in the war."

Kondo looked at him, was silent for a while, then cast his eyes on the misty island in the distance, and put his hand on the shoulder of the young man beside him hesitantly. The shoulders where the bones can be easily touched through the material, the soft outline of the bones, looks like a girl, but she is the heir of a warrior family, and at this moment, she is shouldering the mission of the family. However, he didn't really see the bloody truth. If he had seen it, this kind-hearted young man would definitely suffer terribly because of it.

Maybe that's why his superior, Yukimura's father, has kept his son out of the heart of the scheme. But, sooner or later, Xuecun will touch the darkness and cruelty that even he can hardly accept.

"When the U.S. military leaves that island and the next truce, let's leave. Chiba." For some reason, he said it, calling him an inappropriate name. Kondo Haori felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Xuecun was stunned for a moment, looking at his classmates and friends, feeling a little at a loss, "Where are you going?" He paused, and smiled, "Do we still have room for our own choice in the future?"

"But… "

There was a sudden commotion from the direction of the cabin—

"Grab it! Grab that mermaid!"

"Don't let it get away!"

Yukimura Chiba looked at the place of commotion in surprise, and saw several experimenters were knocked down on the deck, a bright silver shadow pierced the dark night, turned into a graceful arc, and plunged into the sea. middle.


He frowned, pronounced the name subconsciously, ran after him to the side of the boat, and looked into the water. The silver-tailed mermaid has long since disappeared without a trace. However, to his surprise, he unexpectedly discovered that there was a strange wave mark on the sea surface not far from the ship. They were surrounding a certain point, like a group of migrating dolphins.

But he knew that it was not a dolphin. It was a group of merfolk—they were attracted by a sonar buoy a kilometer away.

His heart suddenly thumped, and a strong and inexplicable emotion suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, making his breathing quicken, like a precursor to his nightmare coming in the dark night.

But some kind of bad intuition grew faintly from his heart, and a voice shouted——

Don't get close, Yukimura Chiba, don't repeat the same mistakes, stay far away...

He couldn't help but clenched his fists so that he could resist the urge to jump into the sea and swim in that direction.

"Chiba, come here." His father's call came from another direction, Yukimura Chiba turned around reflexively like a puppet, and followed his father step by step into a cabin door.

The room was dark, and on the tea table in the center of the cabin were a pure white kendo uniform, a bamboo flute he often played, and a basin of cold water, exuding the smell of a thermoplastic disinfectant solution. Instinctively afraid of this smell, he shrank his legs and feet, and staggered back a step, but his back was pressed against the confinement hatch.

out on a limb.

The tall and thin figure of his father, shot by the candlelight on the wall, became extremely huge, which made him feel suffocated, but he didn't even dare to open his mouth wide and take a deep breath—because he didn't get his father's permission.

"Take off your clothes, then wash yourself in this basin." He heard his father order. He beckoned to him, sat cross-legged at the table, took off the water jacket, the black kimono inside, and tucked the hem under his legs meticulously, then looked at him in a daze, and asked, "Why don't you do anything?" ?”

Why don't you do it? It was like forcing him to kill someone for the first time, with exactly the same tone.

He moved his fingers, moved to his neckline, pulled the zipper to the bottom, dropped the vest to the ground, stepped out from the loose clothes under his feet, and came to his father naked. The young man's thin back shivered slightly from the low temperature, he lowered his head, and poured the medicinal liquid over his head. Water droplets dripped down along the curve of his neck, making him look like a young egret drinking water with his neck down. His feathers were soaked, making him look embarrassed and vulnerable.

Shinichi narrowed his eyes and looked at his too weak son, as if looking at an unsatisfactory cargo. Incompetent little things, cowardly, kind, and tolerant, can't be tolerated in a family of upper-class warriors—

But at least he's a little bit useful now. As bait to lure the merman, he is perfect. Because at present they have come to an unbelievable conclusion that male mermaids do not mate with female mermaids, but prefer beautiful human boys, relying on intercourse with them to achieve assimilation after cell infection and complete the purpose of reproduction.

Human beings who have received mermaid cells will have a mutated physique, have much greater strength than before, and their physical agility, vision, hearing and other senses will all be significantly improved, and they may also acquire other abilities, just relying on them alone The only record in hand of a human after mating with a mermaid, there is no way to know more.

And that human, due to various external and internal reasons, has died, making them unable to continue to observe him.

Afterwards, they selected several boys and tried to marry them with male mermaids, but perhaps because the mermaids were very picky, or their bodies were not adapted to the environment, none of them were successful.

However, he saw the hope of success in his son - when he tried to sprinkle the volatile odorant made of his son's sweat into the mermaid's water tank, the mermaids who had already been sluggish would feel like they had taken a stimulant. Li bumped around excitedly. Undoubtedly his son has a very special attraction to mermaids, and is an excellent medium to obtain the power of mermaids.

Among the mermaids attracted by the sonar, there were one or two very powerful guys. The sound waves they emitted had a strong resonance with their recorders, which was enough to prove their existence.

His son may become the pride of everyone in the family, an incomparable supernatural being, and an invincible warrior.

Xuecun looked at the changing expression on his father's face in the firelight in bewilderment, and he found that his seriousness exuded this kind of expression that he had never had before, as if he was ecstatic about something. He didn't know what crazy delusions his father was having, and he didn't know that he was about to become a victim of being put on the chopping block.

He just stood there straight, like a statue, without even wiping off the water on his body, waiting for his father's next instruction.

"Come here, come closer, my son."

His father suddenly grabbed his wrist. He couldn't help but tense up at this almost unfamiliar contact. He was pulled closer to the coffee table and knelt down. When his father's eyes through the gold-rimmed glasses met his gaze, his breathing almost stopped suddenly. He felt his father's gloved hand pressing on his back, like a doctor performing an operation touching his body, cold, searching, and even cruel.

Fear spreads from the spine to the heart.

"Tell me, Yukimura Chiba, are you willing to dedicate everything to the family mission?" The father's voice carried an undeniable sense of oppression, as if it was not an inquiry, but a question and order. And the answer was predetermined early on.

Undoubtedly, he nodded mechanically, but his voice was clear and firm, "Yes!"

It's like a conditioned reflex. From the day he was able to speak, he repeated this word day after day, just like those dead soldiers in the shogunate era.

Seemingly pleased with his quick response, his father patted him on the back in relief. However, the next moment, the hand on his back slid down his spine. The speed at which it moved even gave him an illusion of intimacy, but he looked at his father's expressionless face, but he didn't dare to have any doubts that shouldn't be there. He just opened his eyes without blinking his eyelids, his pupils dilated slightly due to nervous tension.

"You are going to complete a task tonight. Before that, I want to check your body." The hand slipped near the tailbone and invaded his gluteal cleft.

His back stiffened instantly, and the veins on his neck were bulging, but his body still didn't move.

When the cold fingers penetrated into the body, the humiliation and the discomfort of the foreign body penetrated into every cell and every nerve. He clenched his lips tightly, and a barely audible murmur escaped from his throat. Immediately, the back of his neck was grasped by his father's other palm, and his body was caught off guard and pressed into the embrace in front of him.

His father's voice haunted his ears like a curse: "Don't be afraid, my son. This body of yours, soon, will have superhuman strength. But it will come at a price—it may cost you It’s painful, but it’s worth it. Just like the ancient ink gods had to go through the test of the mortal body before they had power. Let me, prepare for you to endure this torture... "

The fingers penetrated deep, grinding and opening up his narrow and tight inner wall, with the firmness and brutality of breaking the boat, a cruel physical punishment came so without reason and without warning.

But he didn't dare to have any doubts, he just quietly endured any pressure from his father as always, without even blinking his eyes, just losing his rhythm of breathing. Sweat dripped silently down the back and into the place where the fingers violated, causing a sharp burning pain. Sometimes, he felt that his tolerance was surprisingly strong, and he was not as fragile as his father said, otherwise, how could he survive tenaciously under his father's shadow, so without dignity, abandoning his own... living

He closed his eyes.

When the two fingers sank deeply into the boy's body, his teeth were embedded in his lips, his fingers were silently clenched into fists, and his knuckles rattled on the cold ground. As if his father wanted to test the bottom line of his endurance, the fingers that had entered his body started to be pulled out slowly, as if they were having sex, and then entered deeply, accompanied by the unbearable sound of water, like the tip of a needle. Ditto for his scalp.

The corporal punishment seems to have turned into a bland rape—by his own father.

This idea seemed to explode in his originally blank brain, and finally stretched his nerves to the limit, and could snap off at any time. His back trembled violently like an overwhelmed bowstring, and he saw his hands on the ground turn blue and white.

Under the suppression of his father's hand, he couldn't lift his head up, and the voice in his throat was squeezed between his teeth and became fragmented: "Why... Father?"

He didn't get any answer, the fingers continued to attack, and the frequency became faster and faster, like a wooden stick pounding medicine, trying to grind his body to pieces. However, under such torture, he had an uncontrollable physiological reaction, and the thing under his crotch became the most humiliating existence at this time, screaming happily in his pain. The side of the brain was in chaos, like boiling water, even the eyeballs were so hot that they melted and flowed out together with the sweat left along the cheeks. Eyes darkened.

I don't know how long I went through the torment, and I was almost vented by being locked up. The torture in his body finally came to an abrupt end, and the moment the force on his body was withdrawn, he collapsed to the ground. Thick turbid fluid stuck between the cold floor and lower body, and a faint fishy smell spread in the air, but it didn't seem to belong to him.

The black shadow illuminated by the candlelight rose from his sight, and Xuecheng saw his father looking down at him indifferently, as if he was a useless wooden man.

The white kimono was thrown down, covering his naked and wet body. Like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving driftwood, he subconsciously grabbed his clothes, wrapped himself up, wiped the sweat that covered his whole body, and curled up his limbs into a ball.

"Your body is very soft, very suitable for mating with a mermaid. Wash your body, change your clothes, and wait for instructions on the deck."

The clear and cold voice pierced straight into the eardrums, hitting the wound like a whip soaked in salt water, whipping his shame and self-esteem, dripping with blood.

He didn't move at all, and kept curled up on the ground. He didn't move until the hatch was slammed shut with the sound of the man's footsteps, and everything sank into a deathly silence.

—Mating with a mermaid

Is it ridiculous, Yukimura Chiba, finally found the value of existence

Her lips trembled uncontrollably, her wet eyelashes trembled like fragile cicada wings, and there was no part of her body that was not trembling. The boy raised his arms, hugged his head, suppressed his breathing, and pained silently.

Outside the window, the waves hummed mournfully, dragging the night into its embrace.

—People living in the hell of pain, they may struggle, scream, or endure silently, but the Buddha did not show mercy to care for these insignificant existences. Their sorrow and resentment condensed in the darkness and turned into the seeds of bad karma, so Asura was born.

Yukimura Chiba lay on the cold floor, looking at the changing and distorted shadows on the wall illuminated by the candlelight, for some reason, such a sentence lingered in her mind.

The night has completely fallen, and outside the window is a dark sky, covering the silent sea, as if it is a grave waiting to bury him.

The entire ship suddenly became extremely quiet, only the sound of his own breathing. He listened to its frequency in a daze, savoring all the pain in his heart, letting them spread on the wound like salt water, waiting for his mood to calm down as usual.

Nothing can't bear it.

he said to himself.

He numbly got up from the ground, washed off the filth on his body, put on his clothes, and walked out the door without any hesitation like a wooden man who couldn't think.

There were not many people on the deck, only his father and a few experimenters who participated in the core project. They held up lights and waited for him at the bow, as if some kind of mysterious ceremony was about to be held in the night. And there was no doubt that he was the sad sacrifice.

After taking a deep breath, the boy walked in that direction. The hem of the white kimono swayed in the sea breeze, like the sail of a lonely boat in the waves. If he was not careful, he would be swallowed by the waves.

It seemed that he was afraid that he would struggle or resist, and the next action was carried out so methodically and quickly, as if handing over a cargo in the dark. It was only when he was thrown into the lifeboat half-hijacked that he really woke up from the trance.

Abandoned, used as a bait, attached to a long line to catch the big fish they wanted. Xuecun looked at the sea which was blown up and down by the wind, and couldn't help smiling wryly. No one cared about his life or death. Xuecun Chiba, the name was destined early on, and it was synonymous with a victim.

The lifeboat fluttered on the sea surface, being pushed away by the gradually increasing waves, and soon, the light of the ship disappeared behind him, leaving only mottled lights on the sea. And beyond the range of light from the wind lanterns around me, there is an endless vast sea, like the night in the sea of trees in Aokigahara, shrouded in such thick and quiet darkness, it makes people have the desire to go to death.

How nice it would be if he died at that time...

The lifeboat carried him to the surface, and he vaguely recalled the scene of stepping into that huge suicide field. Lying on the thick fallen leaves, looking at the distant sky, let the undead buried there gather around and whisper, listening to the sound of life passing by bit by bit. Xuecun closed his eyes, as if he was in the huge tomb again.

He is not afraid of death, and even has a little expectation for its arrival. Death, at best, is freedom and tranquility for him. Since there is nothing to love in life, why continue to struggle in this world, which is more painful than purgatory

Why bother

His only scruple is that committing suicide under pressure without honor is regarded as a cowardly act. He doesn't want to be worthless when he is alive, and become an intolerable disgrace to the family after death, making Xuecun The name Chiba became an ugly brand.

"—Chiba! Blow your flute, and the mermaid appears! The sound frequency of the flute can resonate with their sound wave frequency, blow it quickly! Blow that song "Mayfly"!"

His father's voice suddenly came from the pager installed on the boat, and the sharp voice pierced his body like a needle. He subconsciously refused: "No!... No, you can't play that song!"

How can, how can in this situation...

It was my mother's favorite song, but it was used as a tool to attract mermaids! For the sake of the army's plan, even the mother's dead soul should be defiled? Trembling all over, he clutched the flute pinned to his belt. Hearing his father's cold, emotionless words on the pager, a great anger that had accumulated for a long time erupted from his body, driving him to hand the flute to his lips, and play a series of trembling high notes—

mourning song.

This was almost the first time he disobeyed his father, but it was so heartwarming.

Ignoring the order that sounded on the pager, he closed his eyes and continued playing on his own, like a kind of vent, and like a funeral for his life.

Such a sad song, I am afraid that the mermaid will be scared away.

His fingers trembled slightly in the wind, and the sound of the flute was intermittent and almost out of tune.

When the song is over, the body seems to be empty, becoming an empty shell. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and waited for his mood to gradually calm down. After a long time, he opened his eyes, but immediately froze in shock—

A pair of dark sharp eyes were watching him closely.

The mermaid appeared silently without knowing when.

His sharp webbed claws tugged at the side of the boat, almost up to his knees.

Xuecun came back to his senses, trembling with fright, and retreated hastily. But the mermaid seemed to be more timid than him, and also shrank into the water at once, only showing half of his face above the nose, peeping at him in the water. Xuecun stared nervously at the uninvited guest, not daring to show his breath, his father's instructions lingered in his mind, which made his fear reach its peak in an instant, and he only hoped that the flute in his hand could turn into a samurai sword. However, he had seen the lethality of mermaids before, and he knew that on this fragile boat, if he was attacked by a mermaid because of some rash actions, he would surely die.

Yukimura Chiba forced herself to calm down and looked at the mermaid. The other party's black eyes were shining with curiosity and doubt, and the webbed claws were carefully pulling the side of the boat, just like a child seeing novel things for the first time. His nerves relaxed slightly, and at the same time, the mermaid slowly stretched out its upper body from the water, lying on the side of the boat and looking up at him. He has the upper body no different from a strong and healthy male, with a long and beautiful fish tail trailing behind him, gently swaying with the waves, emitting a gorgeous purple halo.

A strong and special feeling immediately grew in Xuecun's heart - he had seen this purple-tailed mermaid before. A long time ago, in an unknown place, they had an intersection.

This situation, as if it had happened before, so familiar. In a trance, a few blurred scenes appeared in his mind, yes, in a dream, he was huddled on the boat just like now, staring at this purple-tailed mermaid.

He called him, "Asura".

Why... would you call him that

A voice murmured in his heart, as if possessed by a demon, he stretched out his hand involuntarily to touch the face with sharp eyebrows. Those deep black eyes, like an ancient well, stared deeply at him, as if they wanted to swallow his soul into it.

"Don't let him run away! You know what to do, I don't need to teach you." The warning sounded from the pager beside him suddenly interrupted his wandering thoughts, as if a hand was strangling his throat, making him unable to breathe angry.

mating? Mate with a male mermaid as a man? How unbelievable and outrageous is this? However, that was his father's order.

Yukimura Chiba grabbed the pager and threw it into the sea as if throwing her greatest fear. She hugged her knees tightly, not daring to look up at the mermaid who might be about to have physical contact. There were waves of chills all over his body, but his back was sweating.

When this order was just an order, anger and humiliation occupied his mind, but now, when he has to face this thing that is about to come true, there is only a huge loss in his body, and even Fear has left the body, and the whole body is as stiff as a clay cast.

"Yu... ki..."

At this moment, the mermaid moved her lips, and a faint cry unexpectedly entered Xuecun Qianye's ears and eyes, which made him stunned. What did he hear? Is the mermaid saying the syllable "snow"? He gasped in astonishment, "You..."

The mermaid's face moved closer, and the wet webbed claws touched the hem of his clothes.

Like a conditioned reflex, Yukimura Chiba shrank back subconsciously, raised her arms against the mermaid's chest to prevent her from approaching further, but felt that the flute stuck obliquely in the seam of her chest was pulled out. He saw that the mermaid picked up the flute and pondered it for a while, then held it to his lips hesitantly, revealing two pointed fangs, as if holding a fish in his mouth, and blew out a string of strange balloons. Voice.

Then, as if feeling embarrassed because of her poor playing skills, the mermaid let out a series of hums of unknown meaning. He blinked his eyelids, his eyes were shining, and there was a hint of shyness on his stern face.

Big boy. A big boy with a mature appearance.

Such a cognition jumped out in his mind.

Xuecun Qianye was stunned for a few seconds before recovering, "No, that's not how it was blown."

I don't know what drove him to speak hesitatingly, and stretched out his hand to hold the body of the flute. When the wrist and the mermaid's wet skin seemed to touch, his heartbeat almost stopped suddenly, and his voice was subconsciously soft, "I'll blow it for you."

What are you doing, Yukimura Chiba, playing the flute for a mermaid? This is so strange!

Yes, it is indeed strange. He secretly asked and answered himself, but his mood suddenly brightened, not because of fear or orders, but because he wanted to do so.

With the expectant expression of the mermaid, he took the flute back into his hand somewhat awkwardly, and even forgot to wipe the mouth of the flute which was wet by the mermaid, so he blew the first note instinctively. Unlike playing mourning music, he blew lightly and softly, like the snow falling in early winter falling on his skin, and also like the moist breath of a mermaid brushing his hair at this time.

— the first snow.

Chiba, you are like the snow in early winter, carefully landing in this world...

The wind is too strong, you have to be careful, don't fall into the dirty water, don't fly into the melting furnace, don't be like me.

Amidst the familiar sound of the flute, a soft voice murmured dreamily.

In a daze, he returned to the streets of Kyoto covered with thick snow. His mother's dark red fluttering sleeves passed before his eyes, carrying the fragrance he was attached to when he was young, like a butterfly fluttering in the snowy night, flying farther and farther in his sight, and finally turned into a misty figure, blending into a In dappled lights.

Suddenly my eyes blurred.

Let you down... Mother. I failed to maintain the name you gave me, fell into the dirtiest dust, and got involved in this war with dirty hands. I no longer deserve the name Xuecun Chiba.

"Yu... ki..." The moist touch brushed his cheek, pulling him out of the vortex of memories suddenly.

The mermaid's webbed claws gently covered his cheeks, actually wiping away the tears that were about to overflow from his eyes. Those black eyes looked at him closely, and the soft light floating in the eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the long-lasting haze, and reach the deepest part of his scarred heart across the years.

This look is too familiar.


When the name appeared in the depths of my mind again, as if feeling something, the mermaid opened her mouth and uttered a series of clear and complete whispers, "Yu... ki..."

This time his heart was filled with disbelief, because he was so sure that the mermaid knew his name and was calling him. Even so, because he was afraid that he was just having an auditory hallucination, he asked hesitantly, "Are...are you calling my name?"

Asura blinked, as if acquiescing. The wet webbed claws hugged the back of his neck, and the coolness penetrated into the bottom of the skin, causing him to shrink his head back instinctively, but was blocked by the opponent's arms. Their faces were very close, Asura's forehead was pressed against his forehead, the damp hair covered his body like seaweed, soaking the skirt of his clothes, and the cool sea water was swimming on his chest, as if gentle licking. Asura's body has a special fragrance, which is indescribably good, like tasting sake made from snow water and plums for the first time, making him feel drunk just by smelling it.

The strange thing is that at this moment, his heart is not afraid or flustered, his heart is warm and distressed, and he even has a little expectation. What to expect? Mate with a mermaid

His father must have been happy with this outcome, because he was a sacrifice sent to the mermaids, and now he was looking forward to what happened to the sacrifice.

This thought made him suddenly feel ashamed, turned his face away, and avoided Asura's eyes staring at him, but felt the wet lips of the other party sticking to his cheek as if he wanted to kiss him.

The heartbeat stopped suddenly, and then started beating wildly at an unprecedented frequency. He almost jumped out of the boat, but felt limp, as if drunk.

The pair of webbed claws resting on the back of his neck slid slowly to his back, pressing him into a firm embrace. The sinner's aroma immediately surrounded him, as if trying to drown him in it.

Before Yukimura Chiba could take a breath of air, her body was bent down by Asura.

He collapsed limply under a merman and began to feel helpless and flustered. Those deep black eyes stared at him without blinking, the water light refracted into his eyes, there seemed to be a whole galaxy hidden in his eyes, the twinkling stars were identifiable affection, if you look deeper, you will see It was a strong desire for love, so strong that it could swallow him up at any time.

However, Asura was not impatient at all, and even looked shyer than him. Through the clothes, he could feel the opponent's webbed claws trembling slightly, caressing his tense back carefully, as if trying to relax him and accept him. The thick and tough fish tail under his body has been completely curled up on the hull, shaking slightly, and the fish scales gently rubbed against his calf exposed from the hem of the kimono, arousing a shivering itch.

Yukimura Chiba's body felt faintly hot, and the heat shamefully spread from between his legs, all the way up to his ears, turning his face into a seductive flush.

When Asura's lips kissed him lightly, he couldn't help trembling, but it wasn't because of fear and humiliation, but another strange feeling that he had never experienced before.

This kiss turned out to be sweet and refreshing.

Without any intention of violating him, Asura kissed very lightly, as light as sipping a glass of wine, his sharp fangs scratched his lips, sucking gently. Like him, it was their first kiss, but like lovers who had been separated for a long time, they could feel so thrilling just by touching each other lightly, and even had the urge to cry.

The other half of the soul lost in this world.

These words echoed in the depths of his mind again. He murmured in his heart, is that you, Asura? Our Sienna on Is it destiny

As if he could sense his inner voice, Asura intensified the light kiss, and his fangs touched his lips, causing a slight tingling sensation. He subconsciously reached out and wrapped his arms around the other's neck, his fingers embedded in the thick and damp hair, like a drowning man grasping the water plants floating on the water.

The heartbeat was very violent, and the nerves trembled with every touch of Asura, but he couldn't stop it.

The stroking of the webbed claws has become a bit forceful, and it slipped to his waist along the waistline, staying at the slit of the hem of the kimono, paused hesitantly, ripped off his robe clumsily and impetuously, and between his legs. The penis was gently held in the palm of the webbed claw.

He tensed his abdomen sensitively, bit his lip, and groaned restrainedly.

Asura's breath trembled as if suddenly stimulated, the fish tail squeezed between his knees, the hem of the kimono was opened by Asura's movement, revealing the young man's slender legs, dazzlingly white in the night .

The stiff touch reached the tailbone through the thin fabric of the trousers, making Yukimura Chiba feel that the same part of her had a similar reaction. He couldn't figure out how he could have lust for a heterogeneous male whom he met for the first time. Even though he felt ashamed, he couldn't deny the evidence beneath him. It seems that this kind of touch is not unfamiliar to him, and it is what he yearns for, like a dying person yearning for new life.

Yukimura Chiba took a deep breath of the rich aroma, closed her eyes, and obediently raised her neck when Asura lowered her head to hold his Adam's apple.

The hem of the kimono was raised above his thighs, and the mermaid's webbed claws stroked up inch by inch along the base of his thighs. The moist water droplets were steamed by his hot skin, and fused with the sweat, becoming thick and thick , just like his brain at the moment.

Everything is chaotic.

"Yu... ki..." Asura's call mixed with panting rang in his ears. Yukimura Chiba opened her misty eyes, staring at this strangest and most familiar existence, those black eyes were burnt red by lust, glowing brightly, really like the legendary Asura.

The trousers were torn, and he was tightly attached to the fish's tail, and the upturned scales scraped across the delicate inner side of the raised legs as Asura straightened his waist, bringing a feeling of paralysis like an electric current. His legs were stretched wide, he struggled instinctively, but Asura grabbed his waist. The fish tail supported his whole body, and then he felt suddenly invaded by a thick and wet foreign body.

It wasn't pain, and there was even an indescribable numbness permeating in, but it was like the chaotic world was split by the ancient gods. He was struggling to avoid the first rain like a newborn baby, but he had nowhere to go. can escape.

"Ah...ha..." Yukimura Chiba couldn't bear to cry out, hugging Asura's back tightly, what responded to him was the other party's kisses that fell on his neck and collarbone like raindrops, accompanied by the real rain from the sky, gradually became warmer. The kimono was soaked, and was torn off by the webbed claws, exposing the thin shoulders and narrow waistline, leaving only a belt entangled around the body.

Can't wait to take off the clothes, the invasion under the body suddenly increased. Asura is like a big child, completely ignorant of the importance of entering and exiting him. Yukimura Chiba felt his body being bumped and tossed with the movement of the fish's tail, and his body was being ground inch by inch. The fine and dense pleasure stimulated every nerve and every cell of him, making him uncontrollable like a fish in the waves. Ye Bianzhou trembled like a boat, leaning against the rock-like chest in front of him so as not to fall down.

Asura hugged him tightly, as if to rub him into his body. Through his chest he heard Asura's heartbeat and breathing, they were like the sea in a storm, trying to drown him. In a trance, he saw the burning fire and the figure falling into the sea. They melted the memory and turned into a scar in his mind. However, the dusty emotions underneath clearly surged out at this moment.

He hugged Asura's back tightly, as if embracing the other half of his lost soul. Everything around him became unclear, and all distracting thoughts seemed to disappear at this moment, leaving only him and Asura in the whole world.

Hate is destruction, love is nirvana, when bliss is accompanied by a kind of great sorrow and joy overwhelming the sky, Xuecun Qianye faintly feels that his new life has arrived.

Asura is his new life—the love devil born from the dust of pain.

They met again.

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