Desharow Merman

Chapter 18


There is no escape.

For the first time, I experienced the meaning of the word in a practical sense.

The stairs slowed down the mermaid's movements. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I crawled and moved my body. When his shadow covered me, I finally held the anesthesia gun in my hand.


The voice of the mermaid was full of impatience, and it sounded like a wolf growling to the extreme, as if it would tear me to pieces in the next moment.

I knew it would be too late if I didn't save myself.

Frightened, I raised the anesthesia gun on my back and aimed at the mermaid. The bright eyes in the shadow of the backlight not far away made me shiver, and I pulled the trigger without hesitation. The gun head clicked, but nothing was fired. The barrel was empty.

Damn it, why is there only one bullet in this tranquilizer gun! No!

Before I could check what happened to the anesthesia gun, the mermaid had already arrived at the bottom of the steps, and stood upright with its winding tail, looking down at me approaching, with a sinister grin on the corner of its mouth.

I tried my best to smash the anesthesia gun in my hand towards him, stretched out my arms and pulled off the blackout curtain on the floor-to-ceiling window beside me, rolled it around my body, and separated the floor from the stimulation of the injured knees, like a stranded bird Dolphin-like struggling to get to the door, there is a fire extinguisher, not so much needed here, but how thankful someone has a spare, it's my only hope right now!

With a "snap", I saw from the reflection that the mermaid firmly connected the gun to the webbed claws. He looked at it for a second or two, grasped the sound of the gun with his claws, and twisted his hands like folding a glue stick. The handle of the gun was twisted into a deformed curvature, and it was thrown aside like tatters, "It...Can..."

He raised his voice, and there was a low laugh in his throat. I didn't dare to turn back, but I just crawled forward desperately. The incomparable creepiness filled my whole body, not only because of the terrifying and savage power of the mermaid, but also because he could use human language Be provocative, and with a little discrimination you can hear him saying "this thing can't hurt a hair on me"!

I feel that my previous understanding of him is like a brat showing off to his elders. Is this the price for my mistakes

No, I still have a chance to save myself, I still have a chance!

The fire extinguisher was just a step away from me. I bent my painful knees and rushed forward, but my ankles suddenly tightened, and I fell to the floor in place. "Fuck!" I screamed, and it felt like falling I was desperate like a cliff, and then I was dragged a few meters backward by a strange force as expected. The curtains on my body made a cracking sound, and half of the fabric below the thighs was torn off. The other half was held in the hands of the mermaid leaning over me, squinting at me.


I was so trembling that I couldn't even swear clearly. I clenched tightly the remaining cover on my body, curled up under the shadow of the mermaid in a humiliating and powerless posture, shrinking back. God knows that I am extremely unwilling to act like a weak woman who is about to be humiliated, but in fact this is the only action I can do instinctively at the moment.

"Go away, beast!"

The moment I uttered this word, the mermaid bent down, and pushed forward with its tough fish tail, squeezing out a gap between my closed legs. I frantically kicked and tried to get rid of the mermaid's grip, but his claws firmly grasped the calf and dragged him towards his body. The dark penis, which can expand under the belly, was straight towards my face, like a The arrows on the ready-to-go crossbow are about to invade my body.

I yelled in panic, and the harsh echo echoed in the empty laboratory, making me feel even more helpless. I'm alone here, alone! I struggled with all my strength, scratching at the cloth on the ground with both hands, but there was no resistance at all, and my legs were finally separated and placed on the broad shoulders of the mermaid. His hard, protruding bones made my ankles ache, and my knees were excruciatingly painful.

However, the stimulation of pain was far less than the sense of shame that this posture brought me. At the same time, a complex emotion that seemed to have been experienced suddenly hit my nerves, which made me burst into tears almost on the spot. I gritted my teeth to hold back the crying impulse.

"Nawful beast, obscene beast, go away, go away!"

I cursed viciously, and waved my hands to push his head, which was lowered between my legs, but my buttocks were suddenly lifted by the fish's tail, and I lost my center of gravity in an instant, and my back slid to the ground. Then my legs were opened wide by those wet claws, and the fabric that was still covering my thighs was torn to my waist.

It was empty under the fabric, and my lower body was exposed to the eyes of the mermaid without reservation. He admired my privacy with great interest, his pupils glowing with excitement: ""

"My things are the same as yours, don't look at them with such eyes, you beast... Get out!"

I roared hysterically, my cheeks were almost dripping with blood, and I tightly grasped the remaining fabric to block the vacuum underneath, but was stroked to the root of my thigh by his claws. The mermaid turned her head to the side, lifted my thigh like eating a delicious popsicle, and licked and sucked along my injured knee. All the blood was licked up, and the pain of the wound was immediately relieved by his moist tongue.

I realize that the mermaid is healing my wounds, and I can even predict that the mermaid will never let me go after that. He is just ensuring that I am in good physical condition to accept him, but with the snake-like tongue swimming towards Deep in the roots of my legs, my body became uncontrollably sensitive. Very sensitive. I felt every nerve tense, my thigh muscles were twitching, and my whole body was as hot and tender as I heard the mermaid's voice a few hours ago, and I had a shameful reaction——

My lower body was stiff, and I tremblingly stood up from under the broken fabric. The mermaid glanced between my legs, let out a satisfied low laugh, sniffed deeply between my legs, and slid the tip of her tongue along my pouch to the inside of my buttocks... I suddenly felt A burst of squishy.

"Aha... no!"

I subconsciously let out a scream that was no different from a groan, and my nerves were stretched to the extreme like the strings of a violin. I straightened my waist tremblingly, waving my hands out of thin air, trying to avoid the mermaid's excessive obscenity, but my waist was tightly hugged by his hands, and my tongue slid wantonly in my body, deliberately breaking it like pulling a string My sanity, tease my libido.

If Agares were human, he must be a master of bed skills. My defense was immediately defeated, and the hole was continuously contracted under the teasing of the tip of his tongue, the lower body was raised higher, and the hands, upper legs, and hands as far as I could see were flushed like boiled shrimp. I bit my lips and teeth, closed my eyes in humiliation, and thought: I have never been touched by anyone, let alone have any sexual experience, yet I feel as sensitive as an amorous widow!

No... no, Desaro, what's the matter with you

I shook my head in pain, raised my arms to cover my face, I didn’t know what to do with myself, my legs were wide open, any beast was playing with me, I was so humiliated that I wanted to die immediately, but my instinct was longing for more Delighted... even longing to be violated even more.

The mermaid's tongue suddenly withdrew from my crotch, and the sudden sense of emptiness made my tense nerves suddenly loosen. I opened my mouth wide and sucked in a breath of cool air. A rambunctious moan.

Shit, what a sound I made!

I curled up my fist and blocked my lips violently, but my wrist was limp and without a trace of strength, like a sponge soaked by the mermaid's lust, even the bones seemed to exude a stench of hormones. No, I don't want to be vented by a beast! When Agares hugged my waist and turned my whole body to the side, and pressed it under his wet and heavy body, I screamed this idea desperately in my mind.

I propped up on the cold ground, bent my knees and struggled under his body, trying to climb out, but my body was firmly held in my arms by the unusually strong arms around my waist, and the friction of my buttocks made his genitals stronger , ready to move against my tailbone, ""

The mermaid sniffed erotically in my ear, and sprayed the wet and sticky breath on my neck.

"Help... help, Rhine, Sakalla! Help me..." In an instant, my fear and shame erupted, and my shouting stopped abruptly because of the sudden hard object under me. I just opened my mouth and let out a short ah , suddenly lost his voice because of this huge stimulation, only tears dripped down his cheeks and into his lips.

I was raped by a beast, no one can save me, no one...

I lowered my head and knelt on the floor, my teeth were almost crushed by myself, I clutched the broken clothes under my body, and wept bitterly, hoping that Agares would suddenly lose interest in feeling bad about my body. However, this is simply my delusion.

One of my legs was entwined by Agares' fishtail, and his claws on his hips were suddenly raised high, forming a kneeling posture. His waist was pushed down fiercely, and the whole penis slammed into my body completely. The thick and hard stem hit a certain point on my inner wall like a hammer, and the pleasure felt like an electric shock all over the spine. I was caught off guard and trembled all over my body, and my body collapsed, except for my waist and buttocks being strangled by the hands behind me.

I stretched out my hand and swung around indiscriminately, trying to push away Agares who was pressing behind me, but his head was pressed to the ground by his other hand, with my earlobe between my lips, and I bit hard, like Punishing my resistance and asserting his possession, the cock thrusting into me penetrated deeper at the same time.

"Livestock... obscene beasts..."

I cursed weakly, and when I heard my voice turn into tears, I felt even more ashamed.

The mermaid's response was just to lick my ears and cheeks wantonly, and her claws tightly bound my back and his chest so that there was no gap. After a few shallow rubs, it seemed to nail me alive. It was the same on the floor, I increased my strength and pressed my waist and hips more and more, and the fish tail squeezed between my legs became more and more violent, and my sexual organs were pumping wantonly in my body, grinding my intestines hard Every inch of it seemed to want to kill me alive.

In fact, I did feel close to dying. My head was buried in the darkness under Agares' hair, moaning and whimpering intermittently, my waist gradually began to uncontrollably cater to the movement of the fish tail, my legs were also violently twitching, and my whole body was pushed by the fish tail You have to go up and down, and move quickly.

The body cavity seems to be born to fit his genitals, and the soul seems to be squeezed out by the monstrous pleasure, turning into a huge and soft black hole, underneath is the abyss of desire, and the pleasure surges out like a torrent. Turn into a fishy wave to sweep me in.

I subconsciously scratched the floor with my five fingers, fearing that I would completely lose consciousness and be controlled by instinct, but Agares seemed to not even leave me this last chance, and clasped the webbed claws on my hand, throat Let out a satisfied and heavy gasp: "I...Agaras...Desharow... ”

The thick and tough fish tail convulsed between my legs, I suddenly felt a chill in my body, and a stream of wet and sticky liquid was injected into my intestinal tract.

It was merman semen, and he not only raped me, but cum inside me. This beast completely possessed me.

After realizing the fact that this is enough to completely crush a man's self-esteem, my sanity finally collapsed, and I fell to the floor and wept crazily. After that, everything became chaotic, and the passage of time was extremely slow. I don't know how long this sexual intercourse lasted, and I was violated by changing several positions, but I gradually sank into darkness under my unbearable moaning.

Then, I seem to have come to another place.

That is not a deep-sea laboratory, nor is it in Iceland, but a sea area I have been to a long, long time ago.