Desharow Merman

Chapter 19


Surrounded by floating ice, a layer of white mist hangs over the sea.

I looked around in confusion, and saw the bottom of a speedboat overturned on the water not far away. The motor was still running, stirring layers of water waves, and the broken oar was floating on the side.

And I was holding a leaky lifebuoy that was gradually losing its effectiveness, soaking in the cold ice water. Where is this? Such a familiar scene. I trembled and thought. I saw that my hand looked like a child's, the weak and immature fingers were swollen, and the nails were dying blue. The temperature of death is eroding my body little by little, and I will soon die from the cold faster than drowning.

" son, where are you?"

"God, please keep him alive! My Del! My Del is only six years old... Lord Almighty, tell me where he is!"

Several voices came from a long distance, calling my baby name. That's my family. They were coming to my rescue, I realized right away.

"Hey...Dad, Mom! I'm here! I'm here..."

I responded weakly, only a few inaudible murmurs came out of my throat, no one would hear my cry for help. No, I don't want to die! I instinctively jumped up and down in the water, but my body seemed to have stiffened like an ice sculpture, only my fingers could barely move.

"I'm not dead! I'm here!" I shouted with all my might, the beam of light symbolizing life and warmth shone through the mist on the ice not far from me, moved away again, and shone in another direction . The last ray of hope was close at hand but I couldn't grasp it, and the great panic and despair penetrated into the bone marrow like fog and cold. However, all I could do was raise my face and look at the gray-blue dome that was approaching dawn in the sea water that gradually overflowed my neck, trying to get a little more oxygen.

I'm dying... Mom and Dad, please find me soon...

This consciousness is infinitely magnified in my frozen and sluggish brain, and the passage of time is extremely slow. For what seemed like centuries, I waited desperately for myself to die slowly, but suddenly, something under the surface of the water touched my feet. I was suddenly awakened in a near-faint state, and my body was lifted up and floated out of the water. The first thing I saw was a strong, pale arm supporting my short legs, my head resting on a broad hard chest, my cheek touching the wet, seaweed-like hair.

Ah, here is a man, I was found, I was rescued!

My heart suddenly brightened, but unfortunately, my heavy and stiff body did not allow me to raise my head to look at the face of my savior, only to see a long and thin ripple on the water surface, driving my body to swim towards the light .

Closer... closer... Ah, I'm saved.

When the warm light shone on me, my sight and consciousness became blurred, and I only heard a familiar voice exclaiming: "Oh my god, thank God, it's Del, he's alive, he's coming We swam over! What a miracle!"

"No, no, there's someone holding him, man, that, that's a…"

My body was suddenly released, and a pair of hands pushed me towards the light. I felt my body float a few meters in the water waves, and then I was grabbed by several hands and dragged away from the cold water with a clatter. Fall into a soft and warm embrace.

"Oh my son..."

My mother's voice gave me strength all of a sudden. I hugged her tightly and wept weakly. Through my teary eyes, I looked at the misty dark sea in the distance, and a slender man loomed. shadow of the upper body. Ah, that's the man who saved me, why didn't he come aboard? With such cold water, he would freeze to death!

I blinked my eyelids and tried hard to distinguish his appearance, but I only saw a pair of eerie blue eyes in the night mist, which made me suddenly frightened, and even lost the courage to call him on board. He buried his head in his mother's arms.

The person who saved me did not come up in the end. Who is he, is he human...


A series of whispers suddenly sounded from the depths of the eardrum, and a pair of blue pupils emerged from the eyes, overlapping with the eyes deep in memory.

That is…

I screamed out suddenly, opened my eyes suddenly, jumped out of the nightmare, and everything disappeared without a trace.

But the cold still remained in my body like maggots attached to the bones. My back was covered with cold sweat and I was shaking all over. I felt that I was lying on a soft mattress, surrounded by pitch blackness, making people wonder whether it was day or night on the sea at this time, and my mind was in a daze, still in a dream.

——Ah, yes, I actually dreamed of a memory that was almost completely forgotten by me when I was very young.

That's right, it was on the coast of Norway... Grandpa's fishing boat hit an ice reef, and everyone in the boat died, only I was miraculously rescued.

I was rescued, but the person who rescued me disappeared into the sea instead of boarding the boat. It is impossible for normal humans to suddenly appear in such cold waters. This may be the reason why I have always believed in the existence of mermaids, and paranoidly searched for mermaids.

What a long time ago, why did I suddenly think of it...

wait, those eyes...

The drowsiness exploded, and the unbearable memory flooded into my mind like a wave of evil. The experience of being mermaid seemed to reappear clearly before my eyes. I curled up with a strong sense of shame, hugged my arms and buried my head in the pillow , opened his mouth and bit the cotton wick tightly.

No, it's impossible!

I shook my head vigorously and closed my eyes, but the pair of blue pupils in my brain could not be lingered. The memories of my childhood and the scene of last night were mixed together, which made me burst out. Roaring, the bottom of my heart seemed to be churning with turbulent waves, and I couldn't even breathe.


The mysterious black figure who rescued me when I was young in the sea many years ago... It's Agares, it's Agares!

He may have planted a bait in my subconscious, he may have foreseen that I will be obsessed with studying mermaids, he may have known that one day I will return to the sea area where he lives! He may have been waiting for me to ask for something in return. He once gave me life. In exchange, he has now taken my virginity as a male. His goal of dormant for many years has been achieved.

What a clever creature, I may have been his target at that time, my god, my god...

I held on to the bedding tightly, trembling all over my body, and didn't even dare to look up to see where the mermaid was, because I knew I was alone in the room with him, trapped in this cage under the sea, completely turned into him gluttonous feast.

"De... sharow..."

The more frightened things always happen when the more frightened I am, when my brain was in a mess, I suddenly heard a low cry from Agares.

As soon as I sat up, I grabbed the quilt and wrapped it around my naked body, and fumbled around the pillow with my hands. There was a flashlight with a self-defense electric shock function hidden under my pillow, and I successfully grabbed it in my hand, curled up in a corner, and turned on the light.

I was shocked at the moment, Agares was lying on the ground at the end of my bed, as if he had just come out of the water, dripping water all over his body, a pair of gloomy dark pupils stared at me deeply , like a mantra in a low voice: " of me."