Desharow Merman

Chapter 21


"They, are mine..."

Agares stared at my face, and grinned meaningfully, as if he had seen through some flaws in me.

My nerves jumped suddenly, and I suddenly realized the meaning he expressed. I sat up suddenly, pushed him against the wall, and wanted to punch him down, but my wrist was easily grasped by his claws. In mid-air, he opened his lips slightly, and licked my finger. The corners of his lips hooked slightly, and the pupils under the long eyelashes were dark and bottomless, like a swamp that devours people without leaving any trace.

What a sinister fellow!

He totally got me on the nail. I can't refuse, and I have no room to refuse.

I gritted my teeth, feeling that reason was fighting with shame in my brain, and my nerves were all tangled.

Yes, if I reject Agares, the result will not only be the loss of the opportunity to study him, but more seriously, if I can’t find any results in the past few days, Shakara and the others will question this. What happened in a few days, Rhine will continue to investigate because of my call for help that day. With his stubborn character, if I don't take out the research records to cover up this shameful secret, sooner or later he will know what happened here.

They must never let them know... Otherwise, I will never be able to hold my head up and be a man for the rest of my life.

Just imagining the scene of being known by them, the cold sweat is already coming out of my back, and I feel restless.

And Agares simply let me go, leaning lazily against the wall, his thick, long and flexible fish tail carelessly brushed my calf, squinting and wandering around my face.

He knows how clever his seduction is, he knows what my weaknesses are, and he knows what I need most. He injected a dose of poison in my subconscious many years ago, let it slowly ferment in my mind, and then quietly spun a spider web waiting for me to sink deep into it, like softening my bone marrow Same traps me in it.

By the time I realized it, there was nowhere to escape.

I can't believe the city of the mermaid, the scheming of this creature is enough to become a criminal with a high IQ!

I put my fist against my mouth and took a deep breath tremblingly. It seems that I have no other choice besides agreeing to Agares's proposal and conducting the research according to the original plan, but... Fuсk, what is the difference between this and selling your ass for the research results

This thought made me suddenly irritable. I forced myself to be calm, because I couldn't do anything at this moment except to fight against Agares naked, but it would easily arouse his desire to ignite at any time.

I can only pretend to obey him, this is just a stopgap measure, when he relaxes...

I subconsciously glanced in the direction of the computer desk, and there was a reserve injection for the anesthesia gun in that drawer. I've got a chance to fight back, and Shakral said they'll be back tomorrow, and by then I'll be free.

"I promise you." I stared at Agares and said in English so that he could understand what I said more clearly, and immediately emphasized: "I will use my own method to study you. , forbid you... to do other things to me."

I almost squeezed out the last few words between my teeth, my cheeks were hot from the extreme embarrassment and humiliation, in order to restrain myself from recalling the scene of last night, I grabbed the flashlight from Agares' hand , flicking the switch irritably, staring at him: "Do you understand what I mean?"


Two thin lips spit out a clear syllable. The smile on his face seemed to deepen, and it seemed to me more sinister and cunning, as if the long-planned plan had succeeded.

Smile, beast, you won't laugh long.

"Then, lie down." I ordered unceremoniously, pointing to the glass floor, but felt guilty for a while. I'm not sure if this beast will keep its promise. After all, he is not a human being. He is not bound by any morality, law, or principle at all. Even if he acts like a hooligan, I can't do anything about it.

But to my surprise, the mermaid actually obeyed my command, slid down from the bed in a meandering way, and lay on the floor on her back, with her terrifyingly long black fish tail stretched out, extending from the foot of the bed to the bottom of the bed. Under the table, like a huge lizard lying on the ground. Then he squinted his eyes like that, resting his head on one arm, staring at me with interest as if he was sunbathing.

I resisted the urge to go down and kick him hard, wrapped myself in the bedding, stepped over his body, and ran to the pile of clothes I took off outside the bathroom. I can't study him naked!

Agares didn't stop me with his tail, but when I picked up the clothes, I realized: I have no place to change clothes, and I have to change clothes under the watchful eyes of the mermaid. Even with my back to him, I could still feel his gaze staring at my back, which made me feel like a light on my back, and I shrank back behind the table in a panic, grabbed my trousers and put them on my legs.

But as soon as I put on one of the trousers, Agares's fishtail followed me close to my ankle, rubbing against my calf, so scared that I didn't bother to put on the trousers, but hurriedly put on the long-term hexagram of the research uniform Stand up immediately.


The mermaid stared at my skirt, and her throat rolled. Such a naked meaning made me ignore my fear of being in a weak position. I couldn't help kicking his wet and heavy long tail aside, tightened the belt around my waist, took a step back, and used my body Covering the drawer, he secretly took out the anesthetic needle inside and hid it in his cuff.

I dare not look into the eyes of the mermaid, because I am afraid that if I look into the eyes with him, I will reveal my conscience because of my guilty conscience, because I vaguely feel that the mermaid seems to have the special ability to spy on the heart like an experienced elder, and the tricks I play in front of him are like a As shallow as a child.

God bless me not to be exposed in advance.

I prayed in fear, turned around pretending to be calm, sorted out all the tools needed to record the mermaid's physiological values, hugged him, and half-kneeled down.

According to the procedure of measuring the physical condition of creatures, the first thing I need to record is the blood pressure value of the mermaid.

I told myself in my heart that when I picked up the blood pressure monitor, my palms were sweating non-stop. I tried my best to maintain a scientific attitude like studying an ordinary wild creature, but just looking directly at his strong male upper body, I felt almost suffocated. This body was just last night... just last night...

I gritted my teeth and forced myself not to think about those unbearable scenes, but the scene of the mermaid's claws on the back of my hand kept flashing in my mind. I felt my thighs under the robe trembling, a feeling of being trapped The shame caused by shame comes from the bottom up. I grabbed the protruding wrist of the mermaid, quickly put the blood pressure monitor on his forearm, and pressed the switch.

I forced myself to focus on the numbers blinking on the tiny LCD screen. I saw it changing between 200 and 300mmHg, and finally stayed at the number 261.

Without looking up, I quickly entered this value into the tablet computer dedicated to recording, and forced myself to think and judge.

The systolic blood pressure of a mermaid is almost half higher than that of a human, and even an emotionally agitated old man cannot reach such a value unless he takes a large amount of addictive stimulants. Assuming the mermaid is physically as strong as an extreme athlete, he must be in a state of extreme hyperactivity.

- Estrus.

The word was popping out of my brain right away. At this moment, the mermaid is still at the peak of estrus. My eyes were fixed on the value, but I couldn't help sliding to the mermaid's body from the corner of my eye, and my back was completely drenched with sweat.