Desharow Merman

Chapter 23


The surrounding scenery seemed to be shaking, and I was dizzy and limp on the ground. The thing from Agares was still firmly attached to the inner wall of my intestinal tract, pulsating slightly due to nerve stimulation. The remaining bursts of pleasure made my legs tremble, and I couldn’t even muster the strength to squeeze his fishtail from between my legs. I could only rely on my waist to twist on the ground, moving my body inch by inch, so that he stuff out of my body.

However, every time I move, the giant mermaid is rubbing against my intestines, and the itching it arouses is almost piercing. Resisting this instinctive desire is like pulling a dagger out of my body. Sweat dripped from my forehead continuously. At one point, I even had a shameful urge to do it alone, but thinking of the monitor above my head, the huge embarrassment made me desperately force myself to bend my legs and retreat from under Agares' heavy body.

The moment his stuff left my body, it suddenly bounced, and I looked down reflexively, a stream of white fluid suddenly poured into my face, and the fishy smell unique to men hit my nostrils, thick and sticky. The liquid dripped down his cheeks slowly.

I was completely dumbfounded for a second or two, and mechanically stretched out my arm to wipe the things on my face before I realized what happened.

If someone is watching from the other end of the monitor, I look like a GV actor with the mermaid liquid on my face.

The overwhelming shame almost made me pass out. I frantically wiped the liquid off my face with my clothes, took off my clothes, and threw the clothes covered with mermaid things far away, then stood up, and kicked the mermaid's tail fiercely. One side, bent crookedly in the corner. And his thing was still standing tall in a coma, full of energy.

In a fit of rage, I grabbed a few books and pressed them on top of Agares' stuff, and pulled his hair to punch him in the face. I was so angry that I didn't care about whether the anesthetic effect was good or not. I only knew that I wanted to beat Agares hard to calm down my manic state of mind.

My trembling fist was only an inch away from his face, and my bluish-white joints were protruding. I knew that I could break his high nose bridge and make this vile beast with a face that captivated all living beings bruised and swollen, because I hate his inconsistency!

However, I couldn't do it. It’s not that I’m soft-hearted, but that if I beat Agares, I’d abuse a rare beast, which completely violates the basic principles of biological research, and once Shakaral discovers his injuries, I can’t even say a word about it.

I can't beat him, I can't beat "it" after suffering such a shame!

I stared at his long fish tail, clenched my fists, and kicked hard on his tail fin a few times. How I wish Agares could turn into a human being at this moment, because then I can beat him without any scruples, even if I get imprisoned, I have no fear!

I rushed into the bathroom and rinsed myself thoroughly, not sparing every nook and cranny. I felt that no part of my whole body was clean and complete, even the bones and blood were stained with the breath of mermaid rice green liquid. I hugged my body and squatted down under the shower, with my head buried in my arms and crying like a child, completely lacking the appearance that a grown Russian man should have.

If my stern father had seen me like this, he would have hit me with a belt.

I can't even figure out why things are going the way they are.

One week I was just an ordinary biology researcher, a senior student with passionate and pure ideals, but a week later I was trapped in this cage, raped by a beast in heat, and had to deal with this matter The matter swallowed and concealed it.

no no!

I dug my fingers deep into my hair and shook my head, feeling my head be in disarray.

I need to get out of here! Get out of Iceland! Stay away from this evil mermaid, so that he can never entangle me again!

Desaro, take heart, you have to take heart, you must erase this matter before you leave, and make it a permanent secret!

A voice shouted in the back of my mind.

I managed to support myself to stand up, turned off the shower, rushed to the desk to turn on the computer, banned all programs that might be controlling the monitor, grabbed all available heavy objects on the desk, and swiped the lens of the monitor. Just smash it to pieces before giving up.

Then I stared at the long unconscious beast on the glass floor, step by step, forced myself to walk over with heavy steps, and dragged him to the cylindrical water tank where Lily was staying before, closed the door, and put The electronic lock was reset again.

After doing all this, I fell on the bed exhausted, and sent an emergency message to Shakaral and the others with the last of my energy. My brain cooled down slowly like a pot of boiling soup, and heavy sleepiness hit me.

When I closed my eyes, I vaguely saw Agares waking up in the columnar reservoir. He pressed his hand on the glass wall, staring at me deeply, full of hunger and thirst. , that gaze swept over my body like a sucker, making me hairy.

I hugged her tightly, retracted my head into the bed, and finally couldn't resist the invasion of drowsiness, and fell asleep completely.

I don't know how long I slept, and in the dimness, I felt that I was in a dream again.

I stood in the glass tunnel of an aquarium and walked slowly. This familiar scene made me realize that I was back in my past memory.

I felt that my brain was empty, as if something was missing. I thought about it carefully, but I couldn't think of anything. My eyes followed the shadows of fish swaying behind the glass wall, and my mood was unusually calm. Ah, this is where I come every summer vacation. During the long holidays, Da Vinci and I always like to stay in the aquarium and read books, because it is quiet and beautiful here, which is really good for learning.

What about Da Vinci? I subconsciously looked for his figure, at the same time a voice sounded behind me: "Hey, dear little Wallace, good morning."

I saw Da Vinci's familiar figure reflected on the glass in front of me, so I turned around happily.

But the backside was empty, there was only a puddle of water on the smooth ground, and a mass of wet seaweed. A long water mark spread to the depths of the aquarium tunnel. I saw a pair of barefoot footprints of men, and my eyes followed. In the darkness at the end, there is a tall figure standing vaguely.

That's not Da Vinci, and it's not Rhine either. His hair was very long, hanging straight down to his ankles, and the water at the end of his hair trickled down to the ground as he approached.

A familiar sense of fear suddenly tightened my heart, I subconsciously took two steps back, leaning my back against the glass wall, a deep chill invaded my bone marrow, making me shiver all over. I knew I was dreaming, but I couldn't use my consciousness to force myself to wake up, and I couldn't even move my body in the dream.

The shadow finally walked out of the tunnel, and the shadow slowly peeled off from the man's body. I saw a gloomy and evil face in the changing cold blue wave light. Those eyes were covered by light-colored eyelashes, without any human light , devouring my consciousness like a gully.

It is this evil beast! He wouldn't let me go even in his dream, but...!

I suddenly realized the strangeness that I should have been aware of just now, but my brain seemed to be much slower in the dream than in reality, and at this moment my eyes widened due to belated surprise.

Agares' fishtail was gone, replaced by a pair of strong and slender human legs, and the big dark guy between his crotch was dangling as he walked.

——My angry delusion in the real world came true instantly in my dream. However, I didn't have the strength to really beat up Agares.

In the nightmare, I was even more restrained. My scalp was numb, and I wanted to wake up from this nightmare immediately, but my body was completely paralyzed. I let the figure in front of me walk in front of me, and he was pushed against the glass wall naked. His cold and hard chest was pressed against my body through a thin layer of clothing, and his tight muscles rubbed against my chest. This feeling was as real as reality, and it made my skin crawl.

I felt the back of my neck being held by his claws, and my head was forcibly lifted up to meet Jump's gaze. His face was against the light, and I couldn't see anything but a shadow that frightened me. He stood up straight with human legs, and was really 1.9 meters tall. With the advantage of being a head taller than me, he completely suppressed me physically and psychologically. He lowered his head and sniffed his neck deeply like the previous few times, without saying a word, all the drops of water on his forehead dripped into my clothes.

"Leave, leave from my dream." I almost suffocated and shivered, and said inarticulately. I don't know why I have such a weird dream, and I can't wake up, so I can't distinguish between illusion and reality.

"Desharow..." Agares called my name in a low voice in my ear, and said in fluent Russian: "Do you want me to be like you? Then, I will evolve... and will do as you wish... Remember, this is a... omen."

He lightly uttered the last few words, my jaw was suddenly tightened by his fingers, and the two wet and soft lips were repeatedly on my mouth with a predatory meaning.

I was dumbfounded for a few seconds. What does Agares mean? He wants to turn into a human and continue to haunt me like a shadow

no no! If he can assume human form, it won't be a matter of me leaving the deep sea lab to escape him and end this nightmare.

Even though I knew clearly that this was a dream, I was still so frightened that I screamed instinctively. The moment the sound broke out of my throat, the surrounding walls of the aquarium disappeared in smoke and faded into darkness.

"Desaro, Mr. Desaro?"

In the chaos, I vaguely heard a soft female voice calling me eagerly, and I recognized that it was the voice of Sakala, and she was by my side. Ah, I finally survived until help came, I was saved, and I no longer had to share a room with that beast! I felt extremely relieved, my tense muscles and nerves were all relaxed, and I couldn't help wandering in a lethargic state for a while. Slowly, I felt a gleam of light appear in the slits of my eyes, and my eyelids became less heavy. The hope of being rescued finally made me slowly lift my eyelids.