Desharow Merman

Chapter 30


That tongue...touched...touched...

Even though it was clear that Agares was just healing my wounds, this scene caused my dull cerebral cortex to explode all of a sudden, and the bad memories packed with surging shame rushed to the nerves, making my ears and even my cheeks swell. All of a sudden it heats up.

I suddenly felt that the tip of his tongue was not wandering over my wound, but some unspeakable part. My whole body trembled, and I pushed him violently like a spring, but my hand was limp like a lump. Sponge, the action is almost the same as stroking his cheek.

Agares grabbed my hand, turned his face, and took a deep breath in my palm, as if he felt very happy.

"Don't continue." I withdrew my hand faster than being burned, slurred: "I'm much better!"

"No..." He glanced down at my wound, his eyes sank, and he lowered his head again.

"No, don't! Hey!" I frantically pushed his head, but my hands were clasped on my shoulders, and the tingling feeling of being touched by his slippery tongue came back. I straightened my upper body instinctively like a carp, The shame that had been suppressed by the pain rushed to the nerves. The musky scent emanating from his body made my breathing quicken all of a sudden. My body soaked in water should feel cold, but at this moment, my whole body is hot.

I gritted my teeth in embarrassment and took a few deep breaths, trying to suppress my rapid and abnormal breathing and gradually disordered heartbeat. I can't admit that my body has become quite sensitive, as long as I am slightly touched by Agares, I will have a physiological reaction. The fishtail held between his crotch rubbed against mine slightly due to the movement of his upper body. I knew that I was going to be hard irresistibly, and Agares would notice it immediately.

In a moment of shameful panic, I grabbed him by the shoulders, flailed around his legs, and yelled, "Agares, Agares, put me down, I'm really better!"

Using this address seems to be more effective than "Hi". My waist was loosened by his claws, and my body was also put down. When he found a gap for his feet, he immediately folded his legs together, for fear that he would notice the movement beneath him.

Agares really didn't seem to notice my strangeness, he just turned over and leaned against the wall, exhaled a moist breath with relief, and then lowered his head to examine his body.

It was only then that I noticed that there were several sunken holes in his abdomen, and I could see the faint metallic luster of the warhead inside, and a translucent film had condensed on the outside of the wound. Although the bullet couldn't penetrate his tough skin, it got half stuck in it, which must have hindered Agares's own healing ability.

Perhaps because of the unbearable pain, Agares suddenly stretched out his sharp claws to scratch the membrane on the bullet hole, and blue blood flowed out from the scratched opening. My chest tightened for a while, and I immediately grabbed his arm and sternly stopped: "Stop, you will only open the wound! I..."

At times like this I should help him. But if these bullets are taken with bare hands, they will only tear his wounds. The best way is to suck them out with his mouth, but, God, this position is also...

Too low.

I stared at his several bullet holes, one of which was close to the top of the scales covering Agares, and I could imagine how embarrassing it would be for me to suck ammunition for him.

Just when I was hesitating, Agares suddenly raised his head, locked my eyes with those deep pupils, frowned, and begged in a low voice: "Help me... Desharow..."

I was numb from his gaze, and moved my eyes to his abdominal wound, trying to restrain my eyes from sliding down, but I still felt a strong embarrassment. But Agares risked his life to help me, and healed my injury just now. Of course, I should do what I can to help him recover. Moreover, a healthy Agares is undoubtedly the best hope against those pirates.

Hey, Desaro, you just want to be a veterinarian, don't think about it!

"Okay... You bastard, don't move around, I'll help you get these things out!"

I replied solemnly to hide my embarrassment. Then I took a deep breath, rolled up my sleeves, squatted down, supported the wall behind Agares, and carefully leaned on the wound on his abdomen.

The moment my lips touched the wound of Agares, his abdomen suddenly trembled, and the wet webbed claws rested on my shoulder dishonestly, and the dripping water dripping into the collar attracted me. I got goosebumps all over my body. But at this time, I couldn't back down, so I had to pretend to be a calm doctor and suck up the shrapnel stuck in his skin.

As I sucked harder and harder, his hard abdominal muscles shook like rocks on a volcano with the ups and downs of breathing, and the shrapnel sank deeper. I had to press his strong waist with both hands, Hooked out the shrapnel with his tongue and spit it aside.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead before taking the first pill, which was as difficult as a sophisticated experiment. Not only is inhaling the bullet a challenge to my lung capacity, but also because of the unspeakable embarrassment, but there are still several bullet holes waiting for me to solve.

I didn't dare to look up at Agares's expression, because I knew I must be blushing, so I simply spit out the blood in my mouth, and continued to bend down to suck it. I quickly dealt with a lot of shrapnel, and in the end, there was only one wound near a key part left.

I'm staring at that bullet eye and I'm tangled up inside, it's a huge mental challenge for me because it feels like biting for Agares...!

The moment this thought popped out of my head, I yelled in fright and shook my head vigorously, as if I could throw this terrible thought out of my mind. Both paws of Agares rested on my shoulders, trembling slightly, his breathing was heavy and oppressive, and the blood vessels in his abdomen protruded: ""


I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes and lowered my head to get closer, took a deep breath, and then sucked it up vigorously, in order to quickly get out those damn shrapnel. Agares's webbed claws moved to the back of my neck, holding down my head, the abdomen stretched forward, and the fish tail of the lower body was completely attached to my chest and abdomen, rubbing rhythmically with my breathing. my upper body. Those tiny scales slowly caressed my chest, touching my two sensitive points from time to time, like a pair of obscene palms.

Goosebumps have already crawled all over my body, but the shrapnel was finally sucked to my lips, I don't want to just let it go. I arched my back subconsciously, trying to avoid such contact, but the pair of webbed claws that were pressing on the back of my neck intensified their stroking on my back, and there was something hard under my head. It's on my chin!

Unbearable, I bit Agareth's wound, held the shrapnel between my teeth, and swallowed a mouthful of sweet blood at the same time.

This nasty beast, did he do it on purpose

I sat down in the water in a panic, spit out the shrapnel, and coughed up the blood of Agares. With a glance, I caught a glimpse of the huge purple thing under his belly lifted up I was tall, my veins were pulsating, and I faced my face aggressively, like a long gun about to fire bullets! For the first time, I saw so clearly up close the size of the mermaid's genitals, and it was...

No! Thinking of this incident, I felt that my nerves were in a mess. I stood up abruptly, scrambling to stay away from Agares, but the fish tail snaked and followed me step by step, like a cat stalking Like a large boa constrictor attacking its prey underwater, I passed between my legs and broke through the water in front of me, lifting me out of the water at once.

"Oh help!"

I opened my throat and shouted hoarsely, but my body was quickly pushed back by his fish tail. Before I could finish my words, I hit the wet and hard chest behind me, and was firmly hugged by a pair of extremely strong arms. inside.

"Desharow..." I felt Agares's cold and soft lips on the side of my neck, and the tip of his nose took a deep breath of my scent, and the jerky Russian syllables leaked into my collar with heavy panting: "Don't... Afraid...afraid...of me."

God knows how sincere his tone is, of course, if his big dick is not ready to move on my ass. This is no different from a rapist begging before raping you!

Even if this beast risked his life to save me, it still can't erase what he did to me, and it doesn't mean that he won't go into heat indiscriminately in the future. This is being proved at this moment, how can I not be afraid of him !

"Don't touch me..." The water dripping into the vest was like an undercurrent of lust that invaded the body. I felt every cell in my body was sensitively agitated, which made my teeth tremble in shame. I tried my best to suppress the voice that was about to change tone, and tried to keep my tone calm: "Agares, you hope that I won't be afraid of you, so don't do... that kind of thing to me again."

"Why?" Agares's breath tightened, his lips moved close to my earlobe, and he licked and bit heavily with a sense of encroachment: "You are mine. me..."


I immediately retorted furiously, turned my head away and tried to avoid his lips, but a claw slid down my back, came around my waist, and went straight into my pants, stabbing my vitals The whole cage is in the hand.

My whole body trembled in conditioned reflex, and my legs subconsciously moved closer together, but I couldn't hide the reaction of my lower body at all, completely falling into his control and being rubbed wantonly. I closed my eyes and felt numb all over, a surge of manic blood rushed to the top of my head, my brain was like a beaker about to explode in a failed experiment.

I heard Agares chuckle evilly in his ear a few times: " proof." He grabbed my hand and stretched it back, and my palm immediately touched it. A slightly bouncing big fleshy column: "Me, too." His moist breath blew into my ears and eyes.

My goodness, Agares mistook this for liking, he mistook my body's response to respond to his courtship, and the way this beast expresses love is the most primitive and direct copulation!

Damn, I can't let him heat here, those pirates are right above our heads!

"No, no!" I withdrew my hand desperately in a panic, grabbed his hand and tried to pull it out of my underwear, and argued shamefully: "Agares, I'm different from you, I..." I suddenly realized that I couldn't explain such a problem to Agares, because he couldn't understand how complicated human emotions are, so he simply changed his words, "I don't love you, this... doesn't prove anything, do you understand !"

I argued incoherently in Russian mixed with English.

Agares was unexpectedly silent for a few seconds, as if he was trying to think about what I meant. The hand around my waist loosened slowly, and put me down by holding my fishtail, but did not let go of my ankle, but dragged me against the wall.

I looked up at the tall black figure bending down like a haze falling in front of me. He stretched out his claws and completely encased my body in an unbreakable shackle. My heart was beating violently, and my palms were tightly grasping the wall behind me, trying to suppress the fear that kept rising from the bottom of my heart.

Agares's head hangs down, his long hair falls on my shoulders, the tip of his nose touches my nose, his lips hover near my neck, sniffing deeply: "Do you like that man?"

I was stunned for a second or two, thinking that I was going to suffer, but I didn't expect Agares to ask a question suddenly, and asked such an unimaginable question.

"You call him... Rhine..." Agares' face slightly moved away a few layers, and through the dim light, I saw his eyes squinted, a strange look surged in his deep pupils, and his eyes were straight Staring at me fiercely, I said word for word: "I'm under the boat...seeing you...together...every day."

He lowered his voice and struggled to express himself in a mixture of English and Russian. His lips were parted like sharp blades, emphasizing the last word. His sharp canine teeth even showed the corners of his lips, expressing his beastly expression. of jealousy.

I was dumbfounded and speechless for a moment. When Rhine and I were trying to find the traces of the mermaid with the underwater detector, Agares was also watching us like a shadow under the boat. It was not because we caught him by chance with the shark trap, but he wanted to get on the boat by himself. Come. We think we are superior, but we have long been in the hands of this high-intelligence beast.

For a few seconds my mind was not on his question at all, because it was nonsense to me. But my brief silence seemed to exacerbate Agares' misunderstanding. He looked at me deeply, with a strong unwillingness on his face, and he breathed heavily on my face, and his face suddenly got very close : "Do you belong to... mine? Or... his?"

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling my nerves being sawed through by his aggressive questions like violin strings, making a series of trills. I suddenly realized that Agares may have an IQ far superior to that of humans, but in front of the intricate emotions of humans, he likes to play tricks like a child. In fact, his emotional thinking is brutal and direct. Destruction and destruction are not bound by any principled ethics at all.

But this kind of simple problem is more difficult for me to solve than the most complicated equation at this moment. I don't know how to answer, because before this I never thought that I would have anything to do with homosexuality, knowing that it is forbidden in Russia, but now I have to rack my brains.

I am an independent man, how could I belong to anyone! But if I answer like this, Agares will definitely find it difficult to understand; if I answer that it belongs to him, it is basically equivalent to giving him a pass to eat me wantonly; if I answer that it belongs to Rhine, who knows what unimaginable consequences will be caused!


I struggled to squeeze out a few meaningless syllables, and felt overwhelmed. Agares suddenly seemed to be unable to bear the wait, so he lowered his head, put his lips on my neck, and bit his canine teeth gently. I take a bite. The pointy teeth slid between my carotid arteries, and his throat hissed warningly, like the sound he made before he killed. I was shocked and heard Agares exhale heavily: "Desharow... I'm hungry..."

I shivered, and a great fear suddenly overwhelmed me. I swear I was really frightened, all the bloody scene on the boat flashed in my mind, and I couldn't get rid of the dissected abdomen of the black man and Agares' appearance of Shura soaked in blood. I felt a strong nausea again, and my body shivered horribly. I suspect I may have changed his mind by irritating Agares, who thought I liked someone else and reduced me from a spouse to a food! How did I forget that Agares is a ferocious beast with an unpredictable temperament!

Rather than dying, I would rather bear with it and be his spouse!

"...I want to"

At that moment, Agares raised his tone, leaned close to my ear and neighed in a low voice, and opened his mouth as if to bite down on my shoulder, the corners of his mouth were completely exposed with his flickering canine teeth! Suddenly I blurted out in fear: "I belong to you, I belong to you, Agares! Please don't eat me...I belong to you!"

I don't know how many times I yelled "I belong to you" in a series of panic, as if this is more effective than saving my life, but Agares turned a deaf ear to testing my carotid artery with his canine teeth, as if deciding to go from here No matter how I opened my mouth, a deep and strange hiss suddenly came out from my throat.

I immediately realized that it was his laughter, and I couldn't help but look down, and at a glance, I caught a glimpse of his mouth almost reaching to the ears, his narrow and deep eyes were squinting at me, full of erotic and playful meaning, " You are my... Desharow..."

His breath penetrated into my nasal cavity like a stream. I suddenly realized that my guess about the mermaid's EQ was another shallow misunderstanding, and even gave him a logical reason to taste me.

hateful! Before I could utter a short exclamation, he opened his mouth and covered two lips. The slippery tongue drove straight into my upper and lower jaws, and wantonly stirred the inside of my mouth, imitating intercourse, rolling the base of my tongue in and out slowly, as if deliberately savoring my taste slowly. At the same time, the fishtail under his feet curled up along the calf, stroking my buttocks with the friction in front of him.

I was so ashamed that I was about to go crazy, but Agares is a natural master at making love, being teased by him so much, I stood up tremblingly, and was even more confused by his kiss Basu's body was so soft that it couldn't be softer, lying on the tail of the fish like a starfish without a spine, allowing him to sweep the neck wantonly and lick it down along the chest.

The tip of his tongue spread instantly like an electric current, which made me tremble with sensitivity. I inserted my fingers into his hair and pulled his hair, trying to pull his head out of it. Move away from my body. My jaw was shaking and I whispered, "Don't do this kind of thing here... you beast!"

He raised his head from my chest, breathing like a storm: "Where... is it okay?"

I almost wanted to slap myself, so that my disobedient mouth could not say the wrong thing, "I mean..." I heard my voice was so soft that I felt ashamed when I said it, it was like saying Same as seduction. Agares' eyes became darker, his chest heaved violently, his neck bulged, he swallowed a mouthful of body fluid, his eyelids were congested with extreme restraint, and I could even clearly see that he was pale enough Tiny bloodshots floating out from under the blue skin.

I took a deep breath. Agares has changed, he is restraining himself. In the lab, he was completely a beast driven by sexual desire, but when he came out, he clearly had a temperament similar to that of a human being, and tried to communicate with me, and even saved his life. This shows that mermaids are completely different in estrus and normal . At least I have some leeway to keep myself from being violated by him here. As for what will happen in the future, I will think about it later!

Damn, can't manage that much anymore. Thinking of this, I simply blurted out: "If you lead us to escape from these people, I yours. Do you know what I mean?"

It was as difficult to spit out the last few words, because I didn't know what the consequences would be if I lied to this ferocious beast. The moment I said it, I suddenly had the illusion that I was really desperate. But who knows what will happen in the future, if he can return to land, can Agares really catch up

When I met Agares' eyes with this kind of luck, the sincerity of the disguise almost collapsed in an instant, because he was staring at me, smiling, and a crease at the corner of his mouth was deeply sunken in the shadow, sinister And ambiguous.

"I know you..." Agares stretched out his slender and sharp fingers and brushed against my chin, just like a wise old man making fun of the idea of a little devil, his lips pressed against the tip of my nose and breathed: "No If you need to...escape, you not leave, this ship...will take go."

"Where are you going?" My nerves thumped, "The island we started from?"

"No..." Agares shook his head, squinted his eyes unfathomably, wrapped his webbed claws around my waist, stretched his fish tail along the wall, and approached a small crack in the bottom cabin wall.