Desharow Merman

Chapter 34


Is Agares planning to go into the sea and fight against such a big monster

"Hey, wait!" After I realized it, I rushed over, but Agares jumped out of the boat, plunged his upper body into the sea water, and swept his long tail , and slammed the hatch in front of me shut, blocking my way.

But my footsteps didn't stop in time, and my head hit the metal door in front of me head-on. In an instant, my head seemed to explode, and I fell to the floor.

Damn Agares...

I cursed viciously in my heart, forced myself to sit up, and shook my heavy head. It took me a long time to recover from the dizzy state. Putting the long black object, the spirit suddenly lifted. Those are several AK47s! I stumbled and immediately stood up, took a grip and held it in my hand, the cold touch of the gun body penetrated into my palm, which relieved my panic a bit.

Even though I only have experience with tranquilizer guns, I don't intend to run out and fight those scary tentacles with a gun, I don't even know why I'm holding on to this gun, but it does magically calm me down . I thought maybe it was something in my blood that Russian men were born for guns and hunting.

However, when I checked whether the gun was loaded, I accidentally found a string of very clear letters on the gun - US Army Springfield Armory.

Transliterated as "Springfield".

My heart skipped a beat, and I froze on the spot. Because I have seen this string of words once, in a military theory course in college. Unfortunately, my memory is excellent, I remember every detail of every class clearly, and I took detailed notes in class. This string of words is the name of the famous military gun manufacturing factory in the United States during World War II.

God, who can tell me why the munitions on a pirate ship are produced in the US military munitions factory! ? Could it be that they have robbed American warships? still…

I can't help thinking that it is during the Cold War between Russia and the United States. A conjecture flashed through my mind like lightning, and I couldn't help but startled myself.

Maybe the people who look like pirates are not real pirates, they may be US Navy troops who have concealed their identities for some military purpose. By the way, it also makes sense why Henry was lurking among us in the early morning. How deep a vortex of military conspiracy did I step into? What goals did Rhine, Shakara, and these so-called fake pirates have? Could it be related to Mermaid and Mermaid Island

I frowned, my thoughts were in a mess, and I held the gun tightly with my hand. At this moment, out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a shadow passing by behind the glass of the cabin door. I followed the trend, and at a glance, I saw Rhine, who was covered in colorful clothes, turned out of the bottom cabin door just now. Avoiding the pirates who were fighting with the tentacles of the swallowing eel, they ran straight up the stairs leading to the second-floor cabin, and they must have planned to take the opportunity to rescue other people who were trapped.

God knows how he got there!

I subconsciously grabbed the gun and wanted to follow up to help, but when I reached the door, I couldn't help but stop. My marksmanship is not very good, and there is nothing I can do right now. Not only will I not be able to help Rhine when I go out in this situation, but I may accidentally lose my life—Henry’s incident is a bloody lesson, and I don’t want to have two more headaches. a bullet hole, or be dragged overboard by those tentacles.

No, just wait and see.

I silently advised myself, took a deep breath, and tried my best to suppress the impulsive factors in my body. Da Vinci once joked that I am a contradictory body. I usually look like a nerd who concentrates on research, but in my heart I am a full-fledged Russian warrior. When I encounter the need to use force, I will work harder than anyone else. Self-respect, but what he said was not wrong at all.

Calm down, Desaro.


Suddenly there was a deafening crash from the hull of the ship, and the violent swaying around caused me to stumble a few times and hit the wall behind me. damn it! I barely held on to the wall, and immediately looked out of the cabin window beside me, and saw a huge black shadow brushing against the water surface below the boat, setting off a huge wave like a green light curtain, covered with jagged blood. The spout opened from under the sea surface, swallowing a stream of sea water, as if tearing open an abyss leading to hell on the sea surface!

What about Agares? !

My chest tightened, and my eyes searched for his figure in the turbulent waves. At this moment, a black slender figure jumped out of the water, and the fish tail with shining scales split like a sharp blade. The wave ridge turned into a lightning-like arc and passed over the top of the huge eel, the tail fin cut straight across the fish eye as big as a lantern like a sickle, and a fluorescent liquid instantly seemed to be Like a broken water balloon, it exploded from the crystal on the fish's eye.

In an instant, the swallowing eel was writhing in pain, its huge body leaped beyond the high end of the hull, and it swung its tail in mid-air and opened its mouth, going crazy like Agares in the sea. The figure tore away. For a moment, there were huge waves, water mist splashed everywhere, and the glass in front of me was full of big water droplets. I could only vaguely see terrifying eddies of large and small churning on the surface of the sea, and the fish monster had only one eye. His head floated up from the sea from time to time, but he couldn't see clearly how Agares was wrestling with it, but just thinking about it could tell how dangerous his situation was.

This one is not a tiger shark. The size of the swallowing eel is more than ten times bigger than him, and it is not enough for it to fit between its teeth!

I gritted my teeth, swung the gun seat two or three times and smashed the glass of the cabin window in front of me. I carried the gun head in a non-standard posture, and followed the other eye of the swallowing eel.

God bless my bad marksmanship that only fires tranquilizer rounds works!

I narrowed my eyes and aimed the scope at the bulb-like eye, pulled the safety catch, and fired a few shots as soon as the head of the swallow eel came out of the water. The firepower of the AK47 was worthy of the name, and the bullets exploded on the huge black head. There was a splash of water, although I couldn't be sure whether it was shot in its eyes, but I knew it must have caused a lot of damage to it from the magnitude of the black shadow's churning. At this time, I found that Agares seemed to be taking the opportunity to cooperate with me. Shooting floated up, quickly circled behind the swallowing eel, pierced the water surface like an arrow, turned around and rushed down again, grabbed the long tentacles growing on its tail with bare hands with sharp webbed claws, as if Like driving a fierce horse, it leaned on Tun Eel's back, and its powerful right arm pierced deeply into its only remaining eye, digging out the glass-like transparent crystal!

The severe pain caused half of the eel's body to emerge from the sea surface due to the struggle, exposing the fragile abdomen of the fish.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, I immediately lay down and aimed at its weak point. My arms were trembling due to the thrilling situation, but I could not restrain myself from pulling the trigger again and again to shoot. The swallowing eel quickly dived into the sea surface, and the waves A large piece of turbid bloody water bloomed in the center, and the situation in the water seemed to be stirred up into chaos by a tornado.

I couldn't tell where Agares was, and I couldn't help worrying that my poor marksmanship would hurt him as well, so I stopped shooting and lay down by the window holding my breath to observe the situation in the sea.

I looked down, and suddenly a black shadow came from the side, which shocked me a lot. I raised my gun subconsciously to block it, and a terrifying mouth with three layers of serrations rushed in from the window, biting my gun shaft in one bite. The sudden attack made me forget to let go of the gun in my hand for a moment, and my body was dragged out of the window by a strange force. Before I could scream in surprise, I fell to the sea with it!

In an instant, the coldness engulfed my whole body. I choked on several mouthfuls of salty seawater, and thumped my arms and legs to get my head out of the sea.

The chaotic waves swept me into the air and threw me into the water. In a blink of an eye, I was thrown dozens of meters away from the hull. I completely lost my sense of direction in the turbulent sea, and the waves disturbed my sight even more, making it impossible for me to see where the fish monster and Agares were.

hateful! shit…

I flicked the water off my face, and just as I found the direction of the boat in the wall of the waves, I suddenly felt a stream of water coming straight behind me—I didn't even need to look back to guess that it was just pulling me The tentacle that went into the sea!


I was so excited by the great fear that I yelled, and I swam forward with both hands and feet. The waves pushed my body forward for a distance. I can swim nimbly and skillfully with my amazing skills, my legs are close together like a fish's tail, and I am completely uncontrollably swinging up and down in the waves. I'm sure that my swimming speed is even more amazing than the freestyle world champion!

God...what's going on! I was secretly shocked in my heart, but I didn't have any time to think about the reason. At this moment, the desire to survive has occupied my brain nerves the most. I just swayed my body instinctively, imitating Agares at the moment when I approached the hull. Struggling to jump up from the sea, he stretched out his arms to grab the mast that was close at hand.

However, the moment my fingers touched the hull, my back suddenly tightened, and a sharp pain that penetrated into the bone marrow pierced my nerves, making me howl like a beast, my hand slipped, and my whole body I was dragged down by the strange force that bit my back!

The icy seawater instantly submerged my body from all sides, and at the moment when my head was about to be submerged, the oppression of death forced me to scream: "Agares... Agares!"

Before I finished speaking, my voice was swallowed by the seawater pouring into my nose and nose, and my body was dragged into the deep water by the strange force. The suffocation of drowning made me shake my head desperately, and the pressure of the seawater made my eyes tear open. Suddenly, a slender black shadow passed by my right side, and the extremely long fish tail swung a bend, approaching me like a deep-water torpedo. I could only see a pair of long and narrow pupils in the turbid sea water. Almost in the blink of an eye, that familiar figure approached me. The webbed claws tore through the darkness like lightning, and attacked the ghost on my back. go.

Agares' attack was so fast that I couldn't see clearly how he dealt with the terrible thing that was biting me. I just felt my back suddenly loosen, and my body was wrapped up by the long fish tail, and I was thrown off all of a sudden. out of the water.

Rebreathing the lost and regained oxygen made my brain go blank for a moment, and my eyes went black for a while, as if I was still under the sea and my ears were buzzing. I knew that I should have developed stress disorder from over-diving. At this time, if I gasped for breath, it would easily lead to sudden death, so I had to desperately restrain my breathing rate, not daring to move around, and let myself float like a driftwood on the waves. Looking at the dark blue night sky, trying to calm himself down.

I don't know how long it took before I gradually regained consciousness. Through my blurred vision, I saw that the pirate ship had sailed far away, and the figure of Agares wrestling with the fish monster disappeared from the sea, and the huge vortex not far away was churning deep. A group of black shadows could be vaguely seen churning in the center of the vortex.

I don't know if Agares has the upper hand in the sea at this time, although I hate and fear this beast, but at this moment, I don't want him to be the prey of that fish monster at all. This strange worry even surpassed my sense of fear at this time. Even though I clearly knew that I should quickly swim away from the vortex and return to the boat, my eyes could not be moved away as if they were caught in the vortex.

However, my back was in hot pain, and the increasingly intense pain forced me to move and swim towards the direction of the boat, but the moment my eyes swept towards the sea ahead, my body couldn't help but jerk froze.

——In the gradually calming, endless dark sea water, several bright spots of light appeared faintly, and after that, the silhouettes of human figures peeled off from the darkness, and slowly surrounded me .

That is, countless... mermaids.