Desharow Merman

Chapter 39


I forced myself to keep my head empty and think about nothing. The sea breeze is blowing on my face, and the sea water is so blue and calm at this time, reflecting a large area of clouds on the sky.

When I was in Moscow, I dreamed of dedicating my life to the mysteries of the sea, hoping to explore the world of mermaids living in a completely different environment from humans. I was even willing to sacrifice my life for research, but I never I expected that I would fall into the control of the mermaid, and I would bury my body and the rest of my life in it!

I am obviously a student with great prospects! !

I put my head in my hands, fingers digging deep into my hair. According to the original plan, I should return to Moscow to continue my studies with the video materials and data about mermaids, and then concentrate on completing my graduation thesis. Life.

But everything has been messed up, completely messed up! I went too far with the tide, from the moment this damned mermaid appeared, my life was completely out of track, or from the moment I set foot on the scientific research ship, my fate was out of my control. I have too little social experience, and my mobility is also poor. I am powerless to everything derailed around me like a mantis holding a car.

hateful! God knows how much I want to go back!

My eyes wandered around the hull, and a sudden inspiration flashed in my head: Maybe, I am not completely powerless. I might be able to use the lifeboat and sneak away at night...

But where are we now, what is the latitude and longitude

I looked around, but I couldn't help being stunned because I saw a silhouette looming behind the clouds. I stood up involuntarily, grabbed the binoculars on the observation deck, and looked into the lens.

The sky at the end of the sea level turned out to be the color of night, like another world separated by life. In that piece of night, there is clearly the outline of a cloud-shrouded island, and there is a layer of faint blue mist around it, which seems to be shrouded in water vapor, as illusory as a mirage.

My mood was suddenly as excited as the waves of the sea, because I knew that it was not a mirage, it was the floating island inhabited by mermaids, Lemegeton, as Dr. Winograd said!

God! God! We... have arrived!

The idea of wanting to escape a moment ago dissipated, replaced by the excitement of exploring the mysterious place, but at the same time, I couldn't help but think of what Agares said in the bilge, and the flirtatious red dog that I met at sea. Fa mermaid, my jumping heart couldn't help falling into my chest again, and my thoughts became complicated.

I don't know what kind of danger I will encounter when I land on Mermaid Island. I hope I won't be targeted by mermaids other than Agares. It seems that I have to find Rhine to practice self-defense. He and I couldn't go on like this forever, because after landing on the island, he was the only person I could be a teammate with. No one else can be trusted.

I opened my palm and took a look—there was only a thin and soft callus on the palm of my hand, but it was only ground out with a pen, and it didn't look like a pair of hands that were good at fighting. However, I fully believe in myself.

But, how to ease the relationship with Rhine? After so many things, it seems that he and I can no longer communicate normally, not to mention that he has seen Agares treat me several times...

damn it! I clenched my fists, hammered a few times on the railing in embarrassment, sat down again, stretched out both legs from the outer edge of the observation deck, leaned on the railing and stared in the direction of Mermaid Island, trying to calm my mind completely Down, unexpectedly but unknowingly dozed off.

When I woke up again, it was already night. The floating island of the mermaid no longer needs a telescope to distinguish its outline. It emits a ghostly light in the vast night fog on the sea. Compared with the daytime, it looks more mysterious and weird, which makes my heart I couldn't help feeling a chill, and the temperature of the sea breeze also dropped at this time, making my hairs stand tall.

I subconsciously looked up at the sky, the clouds above my head were very low, I'm afraid it's going to be windy and rainy again. I quickly stood up and climbed down the stairs of the observation deck.

In the next two or three days, everyone seemed to be immersed in the tension and excitement of arriving at Mermaid Island. Rhine seems to be interested in reconciling with me, never mentioning what happened before. My life was back to its usual calm, though I knew it was short-lived.

Our ship took some damage from the encounter with the swallowing eel, slowing down the speed, and the sailors needed to make repairs in calm daylight. During this time I was able to rest and recuperate, and learned some effective self-defense techniques from Rhine, and succeeded in obtaining a sharp military knife and a light pistol. Of course, these are all kept from Shakara. Obviously Rhine did it out of selfishness. He hoped that I could guard against the sudden appearance of Agares.

But, for some reason, Agares seemed to have disappeared since that day.

As the tip of my pen spit out the last sentence in the logbook, my heart suddenly beat wildly, as if the name had become some kind of taboo. Those bright pupils could not stop appearing in my mind, and the deep cry seemed to linger in my ears, and I could even feel his moist breath lingering on my neck, burrowing into the collar if there was nothing.

My fingers trembled, and the long ink marks on the tip of the pen cut through the long lines, staining a large piece of paper.

I simply waved the pen aside, hugged my head, and knocked heavily on the table a few times.

Don't think about the beast, don't think about it, Desaro!

I threw myself on the bed and covered my whole body with the quilt, even covering my head. But I still felt like there was a pair of wet webbed claws on my back, sliding down my spine, and a pair of soft and cold lips licked against my chest.

I closed my eyes, my whole body gradually became hot, but my hands couldn't help playing with myself like what Agares did to me. I am extremely ashamed to admit that in the past few days when Agares left, my body and mind were craving him crazily, just like being addicted to drugs. I cannot deny that I have suffered from Stockholm Syndrome! This makes me don't want him to appear again, otherwise, I am even afraid that I will open my legs to him and let him violate me as gently and fiercely as a female

The bloody beast! He ruined me! He made me unable to even pursue a woman normally from now on, and became a complete sufferer!

I bit the quilt tightly and curled myself up into a ball, but my hands moved faster between my legs.

At night after a week, our ship finally approached this mysterious mermaid floating island. But when we all ran to the deck to cheer, we found that we were about to face a dire situation.

——By the faint light, I saw that the coastline of Mermaid Island is full of strange-shaped reefs, many of which are as sharp as blades, and seem to be the sharp teeth of monsters. As long as anyone dares to step on it, they will tear them into pieces debris. It is conceivable that if our ship passes here, it will become a pile of scrap metal.

According to common sense, we should wait for daytime to land on the island, but unfortunately the surroundings of this island have no chance of being exposed to sunlight. During the few days we have been here, its surroundings are always cloudy, like a sleeping bird A giant beast in the night. When we were at a loss, a sailor holding a telescope and watching suddenly shouted, "Hey, hey, look, there is a natural entrance over there, and we can go in there!"

I looked along, and sure enough, I saw a structure similar to the entrance of a strait looming in the distance, or in other words, it is more suitable for a cave like a cave above the sea, but I don’t know how deep it is inside. However, there are no reefs out of the sea near it. Although it is impossible to determine whether there are deadly reefs underneath, it is absolutely impossible for us to paddle across with lifeboats or swim across the water at the beginning.

Very slowly we approached the entrance of that strait. Fortunately, the ship did not bump into any reefs on the way. But although the entrance of the strait is large enough to accommodate the volume of the hull, there are many jagged and strange rocks on the upper rock wall, which look like a criss-cross pattern. If we drive the boat in, it will not only damage the watchtower, but also cause the hull to be damaged. Can't turn, can go in, can't get out.

In desperation, we had no choice but to lower the lifeboats into the water and divide them into three groups to enter one by one. I don't know what the intention was, but under the order of Shakaral, the fake pirates who were locked in the bottom cabin were also tied up and escorted out, and they were stuffed into the lifeboats of me and Rhine.

The motor was slowed down to the slowest speed. When we gradually drove into the strait, the cold wind hit our faces, and the coolness penetrating into the bone marrow penetrated into the pores all the way, which made me wrap myself tightly in thick clothes. life jacket. The wind lamp shone on the dark water surface, reflecting a layer of sparkling blue waves, clearly illuminating the subtle fear on everyone's face.

The deeper I went, the more I felt that the structure of the strait was like the inside of a huge fish skeleton, lifeless, as if there were countless undead ghosts hiding. However, I know that there are no ghosts here, but there are countless mermaids that are more terrifying than evil spirits. They may be hiding in the dark caves at the junction of these rock walls and the water surface, quietly watching us.

A chilling feeling spread from my spine to the nerves of my brain, and I held the pistol at my waist suspiciously, always delusional that those microorganisms that flickered in the dark were the eyes of mermaids.

I hope that the mermaids have not noticed the invasion of us uninvited guests, and hope that we can go ashore smoothly through the strait. At least on land, we are relatively safe.

"Hey, Miss Shakaral, is there really a mermaid treasure here like your father said, full of diamonds and mountains of gold?"

"Yes, yes, this place looks... like a dead man's island, do mermaids really exist? So far we have only seen a black one..."

"Could it be a mistake to come here, Miss Shakaral

After a sailor asked a question, several people quickly picked up the conversation.

"Of course, don't worry, the rewards for this voyage are more than you can spend in your lifetime." A determined and cold female voice brought the discussion to an end.

I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and looked at Shakal in doubt, thinking that this is not a mermaid research project created by the government, when did it get connected with Treasure again

The profile of Shakara in the water light was unusually calm, as if she felt my gaze, she turned her head and glanced at me slightly. That look is full of warning and calculation, as if reminding me that she is holding the handle, so don't talk too much.

I gritted my teeth in humiliation, and stared sideways at Rhine, but he made a silent gesture to me.

What's the meaning

Coercing me to go with me, but not letting me know what the real purpose is, wouldn't it be treating me like a lamb to be slaughtered, and I don't even know how to die when the time comes

These sailors seem to be more pitiful than me. They thought this team was a simple treasure hunting team.


I %_3xof4i c EHlN. hid a pistol, but at least one of Rhine was on my side, otherwise he wouldn't have secretly given me the weapon.

Just when I was thinking this way, I suddenly noticed a ripple different from the waves of a boat passing under the water behind Rhine, and then a glowing arc-shaped object flashed past very quickly.

"There are mermaids coming!" The sailor next to him yelled loudly, I quickly covered his mouth, and stopped in a low voice: "Idiot! Shouting will attract more, they are very sensitive to sound waves! "

As I said that, my eyes quickly swept across the sea, wondering if it was Agares who followed? The moment this thought came to me, my heart beat like a drum, and I was even more frightened than when I saw this beast for the first time, but apart from panic, I actually felt an indescribable feeling Looking forward to it, I actually hoped that the face with an evil smile would emerge from the water the next moment!

The two contradictory emotions seemed to be fighting in my chest, which made me stiffen as if I was suffocating. I held my breath and stared wide-eyed at the water surface with strange ripples near the boat.

However, after the sound of splashing out of the water, under the head that surfaced was another strange pale face. And then, two, three, four, five...

In the buried water caves on both sides of the strait, countless faces of mermaids emerged, pale arms protruded from the depths of the darkness, wet webbed claws opened to us, and faint eyes radiated longing light, as if Zombies crawled out of hell. Even though their faces all looked very young, such a situation still made people feel like falling into an icehouse.

They gradually gathered, and I caught a glimpse of the red-haired mermaid who once wanted to attack me!

Surrounded by a wave of mermaids gathering towards us, he raised his upper body from the water, staring at me with a pair of demon eyes.

Rhine grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I held the gun at my waist and observed the surrounding situation vigilantly. To be honest, confronting wild animals with real guns and live ammunition absolutely violates my personal principles, but it is an unavoidable and helpless move when life safety is threatened.

Shakal pulled out the long spear carried on her back, fully showing the sharp look of a female officer. She waved her arms and yelled at the armed men on the other lifeboat holding the fake pirates: Quick, throw them overboard! "

What? I was dumbfounded, and saw the unconscious fake pirates who were armed without any hesitation picked up one by one, threw them into the water like sandbags, and quickly drove away from the place with us. In an instant, a wave of mermaids swarmed over and quickly dived towards the place where those people fell into the water.

I can't see the scene under the water, and I don't sympathize with the enemies who are trying to murder us, but I feel chills all over my body when I imagine their possible end, and it's even more chilling and horrifying for Shakal's coldness—just imagine how this coldness can be used to deal with My body... If Shakara thinks I'm useless, what will she do to me? Nothing more than the same treatment.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and scratched the side of the boat. Several large waves of mermaids competed for the unlucky ones that fell into the water and stagnated, but there was still a small wave following us, and the leader was the red-haired mermaid, whose speed was as fast as a shuttle , the blink of an eye is only a few feet away!

Shakara questioned as if talking to herself: "What's going on?"

I felt that Rhine was holding my arm tightly, and it seemed that I felt Shakal's eyes fell on me, making me feel like a light on my back. I glanced at Rhine with a pale face, only to see that he was also looking in the direction of Shaqalla, frowning tightly.

"It's him..." Shakara's voice sank, and the back of my head suddenly went numb: "Rhein, do it. Desaro can't stay now."

The nerves in my whole body exploded, and the reaction of my body was even faster than that of my brain. I raised the gun at once, grasped the handle of the gun with both hands, pointed at the people around me, and squeezed out a few words from between my teeth: "Who dares to touch me!" I stared at Shakal and yelled viciously: "I won't get off this boat, why do you decide other people's life or death? If you want to go down, you get down, you vicious woman! "

Shakara frowned, her eyes sparkling, "Because to achieve the goal, there is always a price to pay, but you are unlucky and just happened to be selected as the bait." As she spoke, she patrolled around , "You guys still don't do it, do you want to die here without even seeing the shadow of the treasure?"

Several sailors on the boat looked at each other hesitantly, but they finally cast their eyes on me in unison. On the faces of these companions who have been together day and night, there is a complex and intertwined expression, mixed with fear, pain, greed, and longing, and the final appearance is so ugly.

My wrist was trembling, and I was clearly holding a weapon that could defend myself, but I felt a bone-chilling chill: "Hey, guys, don't listen to her, this woman will treat you like this one day!"

However, no one answered me. What responded to me was only a pair of black muzzles. In the face of such firepower, I had no room to fight back. Before I fell into the water, I must have been beaten into a sieve. I took a step back and bumped into Rhine behind me, and he grabbed my arm firmly. Sakala yelled: "Rhein, what are you hesitating about? How dare you disobey the order? Emotions are forbidden to influence our actions. It is a rule to keep in mind on the first day of enlistment! Still not doing anything?"

I turned my head mechanically, and saw the blood vessels protruding from Rhine's face. He looked at me with a livid face, and the muscles in his arms were trembling uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry, Desaro." I heard him seem to be saying this to me, but I didn't hear anything, I just felt my body was pulled back suddenly, and the whole person fell overboard, I subconsciously Waving his arms forward, he grabbed the edge of the boat with all his might, half of his body fell into the water and was dragged by the boat.

The resistance of the water was so great that the knuckles of my fingers were livid and white at a glance, my eyes were red from exertion, my brain was buzzing under the roar of the stern motor as I fought I looked up, just to get one last look at the faces of the people who were going to throw me off and kill me.

However, before I had time to look at it, I felt my legs being grabbed by a strong force and dragged backwards. My face sank into the salty sea water, and I heard Rhine's heart-piercing cry above me. The voice is full of remorse and unwillingness: "Desaro, Desaro!"

It's a pity that I have no room to hate him in the face of the oppression of death. Rhine's voice quickly disappeared with the light, and I felt that I was dragged into a dark cave by a pair of webbed claws, and there were one after another in the water. Countless pairs of bright eyes appeared.

The fear and despair that went deep into the bone marrow were drowning me like sea water pouring into my nose and nose from all directions.


In extreme panic and helplessness, I desperately shouted this name in my heart.

And the next moment, I don't know if it was my hallucination, I suddenly heard a low and sharp whistle like the strings of a cello, which came from afar.