Desharow Merman

Chapter 41



Just as I was staring at Agares' side face, he also turned his face away as if sensing it, looked at me, stretched out his webbed claws, and bent his fingers towards me.

I leaned against the wall and was stunned for a moment, then saw a red light flashing in the dark, and the provocateur who refused to admit defeat rushed back to Agares aggressively, and suddenly a huge wave was rolled up, and the remaining soldiers behind The defeated fighter even wrestled with Agareth's supporters, and frightening roars resounded in the dark cave. I swear that the fight between mermaids is more shocking than any beast population I have ever seen, because at least when shooting seals or lions, you will not see a human body being disemboweled, arms ripped off, and head twisted off, for a moment In the meantime, there were many broken limbs and broken arms floating on the surface of the water, some of which were even lifted under my eyes, and a strong smell of blood instantly filled the air.

I pressed against the wall tightly, covering my mouth and nose with my cold and trembling hands, almost vomiting. I suddenly felt that I was in the movie called the Horror Wax Museum, or I was back in the corpse pool of the hospital when I was doing a certain internship report. Seeing all this made my spirit a little overwhelmed, and I couldn’t help but hope that there will be an orderly The way out let me escape this chaotic road repair field.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a voice above my head, "Desaro, Desaro! Come up!"

That was actually Da Vinci's voice! I thought I was hallucinating, but when I looked up, I immediately saw a piece of rope hanging above my head, and the blurred silhouettes of several people appeared in the light above. God! I wiped the water on my face, grabbed the rope, and restrained the pain in my waist, bound my body, and was dragged up by the force from above.

I quickly left the water several meters high, but my auditory nerves and attention seemed to be firmly tied to Agares, so I had to try my best to suppress the urge to look back at him, even though I clearly knew that Agares Si already has an absolute advantage, and if I continue to stay in the mermaid's lair alone as a human, it will only cause greater chaos. I can't rely on Agares to protect me all the time, so it's better to leave as soon as possible.

The moment I got out of the cave, several pairs of arms supported me one after another. When I raised my head, I was shocked to see a few faces that I was no longer familiar with. Because they turned out to be my classmates, besides Da Vinci, there were also my senior brother Rafal, senior sister Eva, and some strong armed men, who seemed to be mercenaries.

The excitement of getting together with my friends unexpectedly at a time of crisis made my nose sore. With them, I no longer have to worry about being abandoned by Rhine and the others. I suppressed the urge to hug them and cry bitterly, and whispered: "Hey, guys, we have to get out of here quickly, it's very dangerous down here!"

"Hey, buddy, you look seriously injured!" Rafal frowned while staring at my waist, and called for several armed men to set me up.

Rafal is a jungle biologist with rich experience in living in unfamiliar wild environments. Under his leadership, we quickly evacuated above the cave and settled near a freshwater lake in the jungle. In order to prevent them from being attacked by wild animals at night, the members of the team climbed to the trees to build a simple resting place.

After nightfall, we built a bonfire and shared food. In conversations with other people at dinner, I learned that Da Vinci and the others arrived here before me and the Rhine 1 team. And I further learned that Da Vinci was originally invited by Sakalal to participate in the research of the mermaid project, and was going to the mermaid island together, but after she suddenly fainted and woke up in the deep-sea laboratory that day, she was placed under house arrest by the medical staff In the hospital. He noticed the clues of some conspiracy, managed to inform Rafal and the others, and escaped.

Perhaps because our ship encountered pirates, they were one step ahead of us.

"Why didn't Shakal not let you participate in the plan after you fainted in the deep-sea laboratory?" I asked suspiciously, and the scene at that time involuntarily flashed through my mind, the fragmented picture from the time I woke up in the hospital At that moment, it started to play backwards, and with the bewildered and changing eyes of Da Vinci behind the lens in the firelight, you can gradually get a glimpse of it——

I saw a black fishtail wrapped around my legs, and I couldn't help shaking.

It's obvious what happened in the gap where I lost my memory during Da Vinci's fainting. Coupled with Rhine's strange reaction behind him, I am even more convinced of this fact that I really don't want to admit. The vile beast of Agares may have been...

"No, no, Da Vinci, it's fine if you don't remember it, I'm a little uncomfortable, first, first, leave!" The shame seemed to explode in my nerves, and I stood up in a panic, staggering I took a few steps and wanted to escape, but Rafal grabbed my arm and touched my forehead with concern: "Hey, buddy, are you okay, why is your face so ugly all of a sudden?"

I shook my head with a pale face, the memory in my mind became more and more clear, and I couldn't help sweating on my forehead. I didn't dare to look at Da Wenxi's expression, because I was so afraid that he would still be conscious during that fainting, If he thinks about it, I will never be able to face these classmates who are facing me day and night again!

"I don't know." Da Vinci shook his head solemnly, and sighed helplessly, "But I guess maybe Shakara was using me from the beginning, but she didn't want me to touch the core secret she hides —Maybe it’s hidden on this Mermaid Island. My electronic map was stolen by Shakara, and the backup was also destroyed. Fortunately, Rafal restored all the data, otherwise we would never be able to get here.”

I wiped my sweat with my sleeve, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, sat down again, tried to keep myself calm and told them what happened these days. Of course, I avoided Agares All the clips that appear focus on the discovery of the logo of the US military arsenal in the cabin.

After hearing all this, Eva, who had been silent all this time, frowned her slender eyebrows: "It seems that our guess is correct. This plan is military in nature, but it is illegal." She raised her head, her beautiful pair of There was a complicated light in his blue eyes: "A few days ago, I asked a friend in the Navy Department to secretly investigate the information of Colonel Shaqalla. She was dismissed for espionage within three months. She escaped later, but this matter is a military secret, and no one knows about it. I think Rhine is either with her, or was deceived."

Espionage? My heart sank heavily, but it was like a stone sinking into a bottomless swamp, my chest was stuffy and I couldn't breathe. I said in a deep voice, "I think this is likely to be done by a third country that wants the cold war between Russia and the United States to develop into an open flame war. No matter what, we must follow up on Sakal's plan and see what she wants to do." .”

"Yeah." Rafal nodded, took out a black instrument, pointed to the flashing green light on it and said, "Look, I've found a radio signal on this island, it's in the west, about 100 meters away from us. Four to five kilometers, I think it must be Shakaral and the others, and we will set off to track them tomorrow morning."

"Understood." Da Vinci and I replied in unison, and he smiled at me: "If we can, we will stop this spy, capture her, and take her back to Russia."

"Yes, we can do it! We are the best students of the Nautical Academy in St. Petersburg, we fight to defend the Admiralty, we fight to defend Russia."

In the blazing fire, our hands were held together, and several familiar faces couldn't help smiling at each other. Our blood seems to flow in each other's veins, so passionate, so powerful, it seems that we have returned to the years when we stepped into the threshold of the St. Petersburg Nautical Academy together after the harsh military training ended. At such a moment, I think I will never forget it until I am old and my life is gone.

Unknowingly, it was almost late at night, and thick fog rose on the island, everything around seemed to be covered in a gauze tent, which provided an excellent cover for unpredictable dangers. In order to ensure the safety of our lives, we each climbed up to the resting place on the tree.

I lay down in a simple hammock, and my body was finally able to relax completely, but my heart could not be calm for a long time. I can't help but because the sutured wound on my waist has started to ache due to the anesthetic dissipating, and because I can't stop thinking about what happened in the mermaid's lair today in my mind. I clearly looked at the deep blue sky above my head, but I couldn't help floating in front of my eyes the figure of Agares, motionless and suffering from the pain of having his scales peeled off when I was threatened.

I even clearly remember the look in his eyes at that time, which made my whole heart tighten. I couldn't help wondering whether Agares would chase after me after I left the mermaid's nest, and then hide somewhere in the dark, watching me quietly, waiting for an opportunity to attack me. I couldn't help turning over and sitting up, looking around nervously, and then, my eyes couldn't help but stop in the thick fog floating on the lake not far away.

I don't know if it is an illusion caused by psychological effects, but I seem to see a faint shadow in the heart of the lake.

Is it Agares...

My heart suddenly went up to my throat, and I guessed secretly.

I wanted to convince myself that I was wrong, but there seemed to be a voice in my heart bewitching me, telling me that it was him.

Subconsciously, I wanted to pat Rafal next to me, but my hand hung in the air and stopped.

An inexplicable impulse rose from the bottom of my heart, making me clenched my fists. I realized that I really wanted to see Agares, at least to make sure he was not seriously injured in that fight, because he came to save me. Thinking of this, I tiptoed around Rafal, and took the flashlight, dagger, and a roll of alcohol gauze. I grabbed the tree trunk, tried not to make any big movements, and carefully slid down the tree, slowly approaching the lake in the night fog.

I turned on the flashlight, held the dagger firmly in one hand, and watched the surroundings vigilantly. I squatted forward, so that in case any beast suddenly pounced, I could immediately squat down and roll out of its attack range to protect my fragile abdomen.

There is a layer of green light on the lake, and some light spots similar to fireflies are floating on the water surface, which seem to be some small shrimps and fishes that can glow, which are rare in freshwater lakes.

I looked towards the center from the shallows of the lake. With the halo of the lake itself, I saw a long figure leaning on a rock out of the water in the center of the lake. I could vaguely discern the long and thick fish tail entrenched on the rock. The bottom, with its black surface, stood out against the blue-green water.

That was indeed Agares, he was motionless, as silent as a stone sculpture. He is resting, maybe because he is injured and recuperating. I suddenly realized that maybe we came to the territory of the mermaid leader by mistake, and this might be his dormitory!

I'm sure that I'm not dreaming or hallucinating, but I can't help but take steps towards the lake step by step as if I've been enchanted.

When the water touched my body, I couldn't help but want to shrink back. I tried my best to dissuade myself from provoking this beast, but I was still overcome by the opposite impulse—sneaked back after just one glance, Ah Gareth must be very tired after fighting during the day, just be careful...

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, buried myself in the water, only one head was exposed, and slowly swam towards the rock, but my heart swelled like I was drowning, and I was struggling in the chest cavity, I could even hear it through the water. The sound of my own heartbeat, boom boom, boom boom, boom boom.

Slowly, I finally swam to Agares.

He didn't seem to notice my approach at all, his breath was long and distant, and his chest like ancient porcelain rose and fell rhythmically. The eyelids under the deeply sunken browbones are quietly closed, and the eyelashes are dyed a large ink-like shadow under the cheeks.

The gloomy light on the lake streams on his wet silver-gray hair and pale skin, outlining his muscular contours and body lines vigorously, containing primitive wildness that may burst out at any time, just like an ancient statue in a museum. Artist's sculpted Greek statue.

I couldn't help staring at that face, and suddenly felt that this evil beast was not so annoying and frightening only when it was asleep.

And when trying to look at it with human aesthetics, even though the innate viciousness of this beast makes him look far from being kind, he is indeed handsome, or in other words, extremely handsome.

As a man, I can't think of any other hypocritical words to describe him, I can only compare, if he is a human being, even if he stays in a place full of handsome men and beautiful women like my school, he is definitely an eye-catching stand out.

Too bad he's not...

If he was... maybe I would start to doubt my own sexuality...

No, Desaro, what are you thinking!

I forced myself to move my eyes away from his face, but I couldn't help but slid to the fish tail exposed on the water surface. Those fish scales flowed with a glass-colored luster, and were closely connected tightly, as if they were infinite. It looks like the claws of the attackers during the day did not cause any real damage to it.

In order to confirm my thoughts, I involuntarily put my palm on it and stroked along those scales.

The slight ups and downs at the bottom passed over the palm, as if there was a slight numbing current, converging towards the pulse of the wrist, which reminded me of the feeling when I was licked by the tongue of this beast, and my hand couldn't help shaking violently With a flick, the roots of his ears burned uncontrollably.

However, just when I was about to leave here, my eyes caught off guard into a pair of bright pupils.

Agares woke up at some point.

He lowered his head, looking down at me meaningfully, with the corners of his mouth hooked.