Desharow Merman

Chapter 43


"Agares, let me go! They will shoot you if they find you here!" I was shocked and tried to break his hands away, but his arms were as strong as steel bars, and I couldn't move. , the fishtail under me tightened my legs even more, and a thick hard object pressed against my butt like an iron pestle, "I won't...let you...leave..."

Roaring in a low voice, I felt Agares's fangs sticking to the back of my neck and biting down on my shoulder in a punishing manner. .

He didn't bite too hard, and didn't even break my skin, but I knew he must have left teeth marks on my body, and it wouldn't disappear for a while. But I didn't dare to continue to struggle, Agares' temperament is capricious, who knows if this beast is annoyed, will he bite me hard through my neck!

Seeing that Rafal and Eva are getting closer, my nerves are tense to the extreme. I really don't want them to see me being hugged by Agares in disheveled clothes at this time, and I don't want them because of I misunderstood that Agares was attacking me and used force. I suppressed my panic and tried to comfort Agares, I gently pressed my fingers on his webbed claws: "Hey, I swear I will come back to you, I know where your lair is! I There are some important things that must be dealt with first, and I will go to the mermaid nest to find you when I am done, okay? I really should repay you!"

"Will you, Desharow?"

Agares' webbed claws ran along my chest to my chin, pressed me on his shoulder, and looked down at me.

His pupils were unusually bright at this time, and the pupils were constricted, like a small nail poking on my foam lie, I had the illusion of hearing a cracking sound, which made me feel guilty. For a moment, I couldn't help but want to take back those nonsense, because Agares seemed to believe my words without hesitation, and would never allow me to break my promise.

"Will you?"

The thin, sharp lips parted slightly, repeating those spell-like syllables.

I looked into Agareth's eyes with bated breath, and suddenly felt that I was signing a contract with this older mysterious creature, which was simply putting myself as a bet that was doomed to lose.

The surroundings seem to be quiet, even the air is frozen, I can't even feel the passage of time, all the memories about Agares in my mind are like a movie film, and they are finally frozen on a piece of icy sea— —

I seem to hear a familiar voice far away in the sky and close at hand: "Little boy...Will you come back for me"

(will you come back for me?)

That voice completely overlapped with Agares' question just now.

Yes, everything is doomed.

At that time, Agares had already asked me that. It's just that I was a six-year-old kid at the time and couldn't remember anything.

Fifteen years passed in this way, and I completely forgot about it, but relying on the lure he planted in my subconscious, I almost went back the same way, crashing into this high-intelligence animal like a moth to a flame. The old guy has cast the net long ago.

My fate took a complete turn from the moment I met him.

"Desaro, hey, look, that seems to be Desaro!"

"Look, a mermaid has caught him!"

Rafael and Eva's people dragged me out of my sluggish state. I saw a group of black shadows rushing towards me with guns in the fog, and my nerves were messed up. I swallowed dryly. , blurted out: "Yes, I will!"

"So, I believe you, Desharow." (So, I believe you.)

Agares' voice penetrated deeply into my eardrums, shaking my entire scalp numb. Then my body was suddenly loosened.

The strangely long black fish tail set off a huge wave of water beside me, and he dived into the water in an instant. When I looked back, I saw his figure quickly disappearing into a dark underwater cave at the bottom of the lake. I thought that might be the direct route to the mermaid's lair, and I couldn't help but feel a little scared—I should be glad that Agares didn't simply kidnap me back to his lair.

"Hey Desaro, are you hurt?"

Rafal yelled on the shore, I hastily swam a few times to the lakeside, and even rolled and climbed onto the shore. They hurriedly hugged me, and Eva suddenly exclaimed: "God, you were bitten on the shoulder, did the wound on your waist...heal?"

"Uh... I don't know what happened to me! I woke up in the middle of the night... and ran into the lake!" I immediately covered my shoulders, trying to cover my body in a panic, but the top was torn into pieces A few rags, I couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at my pants. Luckily, the trousers were intact except for the broken belt.

Agares, the beast!

I cursed fiercely in my heart. Rafal took off his coat and put it on for me, then raised his gun and led a few people to patrol the lakeside. Eva looked nervously at the center of the lake, "Desaro, I think Da Vinci was attacked by a mermaid just like you, and he disappeared. Rafal and I found some of these things under a nearby tree. "

Eva spread out her palm, and there were a few gleaming crimson scales on her palm.

I immediately thought of the flirtatious red-haired mermaid, and I couldn't help being taken aback. I was dumbfounded for a few seconds: "Mermaid? Did you see what happened to Da Vinci? Is there any blood left?"

"No...none at all." Eva shook her head thoughtfully, "I was in a daze at the time, but I seemed to hear some voices in the woods, very fast, and when I woke up, I found you and Da Vinci is gone."

My nerves were in a mess for a moment.

It must have been done by mermaids that come out at night to hunt for food or find a mate. The only thing that can be lucky now is that Da Wenxi should not be treated as a prey, because no one else was attacked by the mermaid, only Da Wenxi who was next to me, and there was no blood at all. The biggest possibility is that the red-haired mermaid who coveted the status of me and Agares intended to capture me, but found that I was not there, so he took the unlucky Da Vinci as a substitute.

I thought of the terrible situation in the mermaid's nest, and as long as I speculated about Da Vinci's possible encounter, my heart immediately felt a creepy feeling, and I broke out in a cold sweat. I clenched my fist and pressed it against my mouth: "God... Eva, we must rescue Da Vinci quickly!"

At this moment, I suddenly heard a beeping sound, and a messy electric current sounded from Eva's body. Her expression changed instantly, and she immediately took out a pager from her pocket, "Hey, hello, Da Wenxi, is that you! Can you hear me!"

I stared at the pager with extreme nervousness, and the reason let out an intermittent hiss, "Help... me, save me..."

That was Da Vinci's voice! I snatched the pager, "Hey, hello! Da Vinci, where are you?!"

However, I never heard any response from him, just a more chaotic sound, vaguely recognizable as the sound of the pager falling into the water, my heart sank like falling into the abyss—if so , our only contact with Da Vinci will be cut off soon, and we can only follow his trail like a chicken without a head.

Maybe relying on Agares to find Da Vinci is a good way...

I looked back towards the direction of the lake, I don't know if it was my hallucination, I seemed to see a shadow like Agares flashing past in the thick fog not far away, but when I blinked, but Nothing was found.

"Hey! I just saw Da Vinci's coordinates!"

The thought I just had was suddenly dispelled by this voice, and Rafael rushed towards us eagerly. He raised the electronic map in his hand, pointed to a position not far from Rhine's cursor in the upper right corner and said: " I just saw a bright spot here, which is Da Vinci's radio signal! Let's go, let's go!"

We simply planned the route, packed up our things and embarked on the journey to rescue Da Vinci. Because radio signals cannot be hidden and can be searched for by each other, once we meet Shakala and the others, it will inevitably lead to a fight. In order to effectively avoid Rhine and them, we chose another route that was completely different from their route. They traveled along the coastline, while we passed through the island.

In comparison, this route is shorter, but the downside is that it is also more likely to encounter other dangers in the jungle. However, it is better to be led by an experienced jungle biologist and explorer like Rafal than to choose the coastline route and make us fall into the trap. The mermaid attack is much safer than the front and back attack like the confrontation with Shakara and the others.

After determining the route of travel on the electronic map, we organized our formation and proceeded cautiously towards the deep jungle.

There seems to be no true daylight on the Mermaid Island, only the difference in the brightness of the moonlight. At this time, our watch clearly shows 8:00 in the morning, but the night here is darker than last night, and even the only moonlight that illuminates has disappeared, and there are sporadic stars floating in the foggy tree shadows around us. The faint blue light group is like the will-o'-the-wisps that can be seen everywhere in the tomb.

We maintained a high level of vigilance, each holding a gun in our hand, while walking along the route, while observing the movement around us.

"Hey, look, what is that? The compass keeps pointing in its direction, as if there is a magnetic field."

An armed man in front suddenly yelled, and by the direction of the high-power flashlight, I vaguely saw a gray-white outline of a low bush in front of me. It turned out to be an incomplete base similar to a cylinder, and some traces of chiseling seemed to be visible on it, perhaps it was originally an artificial creation similar to a statue.

"Look, there's one in that direction too, man, there's a lot of..."

The strong flashlight scanned the surrounding area, and I immediately found that there were many such gray and white ruins around us, and one of them was right beside me. I immediately knelt down and watched with a flashlight. What is in front of me is the top of a spherical off-white building, part of which is still buried underground, and its overall outline cannot be seen. I vaguely feel that this is part of a tomb.

It was covered with a lot of damp vines. I carefully pulled it apart with a branch, and saw that there were dense and unrecognizable strange symbols carved on the stone wall. I even found a three-dimensional sculpture in the shape of a lizard on the top, which seemed like an ancient tombstone. The guardian beast carved and cast by the city on the earth plays the role of guarding the soul of the dead. They show their ancient history and the imprint of civilization left on this island.

Eva murmured in amazement: "The ruins. These are the ruins of the mermaid civilization!"

"Oh my god..." I sighed lowly, gripping the flashlight tightly in disbelief.

It turns out that the mermaid civilization is not just a legend, but a real existence. I suddenly understood why Agares has such high intelligence and EQ, because mermaids have the same ancient civilization as humans, they are not uncivilized barbarians. It may be true that this place is part of Atlantis left on the sea, as the rumors of the ancestors said.

"Hey, I think we should knock off a piece and take it away, it's priceless!"

A guy next to Rafal proposed, and as he spoke, he grabbed the gun and approached the nearest ruins, but Rafal grabbed his arm: "Wait! Don't move around, the ground here is a bit rough. Something is wrong!"

I became vigilant all of a sudden, I saw Rafal squatted down, picked up a big stone, and threw it in front of him vigorously, but the next moment there was no normal muffled sound, there was a thud on the ground, and the stone quietly It disappeared without a breath.

Everyone gasped in unison.

Ahead, or rather around the ground we stepped on, was a swamp of indeterminate extent.


At this time, there was a sound of something moving quickly through the trees from nowhere, and the whole team immediately became alert and looked around separately.

Suddenly, I saw not far to the west, a triangular black outline the size of a washbasin floating up from the ground. Under the skull covered with armor-like scales, the ferocious dark red animal pupils are exuding bloodthirsty light, staring at us closely.