Desharow Merman

Chapter 46


After washing my face with cold water, the mud was finally cleared, but I still felt as muddy as muddy inside. Rafal wanted to come up to talk to me ignorantly, but he was scared away by my angry face. He understood my temper. He was usually gentle like a harmless lamb, but when he got angry, he had sharp teeth and sharp claws. wolf. So then I finally got a chance to be alone and quiet.

Although my heart can't be calm at all. My whole body is as hot as a fever, and the physical excitement caused by Agares' contact just now has not faded. I didn't dare to look at my crotch, because I knew it too well, I was hard—just now when Agares' lips were pressed against my ear, if I didn't leave in time, I might smell it Fishy wild cats generally cater to him uncontrollably.

hateful! This is so... shameful.

I took off my coat, and drenched my head with the remaining cold water. The cold liquid quickly lowered my body temperature, but it couldn't calm the restlessness in my body, and the momentum of lifting my lower body was still full of energy.

I didn't even know that I had such a strong desire from there - it seemed like I was addicted to masturbating Agares.

I secretly glanced at the pool with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, Agares is no longer there, and I can't see him. This made me heave a sigh of relief. I swallowed, leaned my back against the tree and clamped my legs, rubbing the roughness of my jeans against my bloodshot tops. I tried my best not to put my hands into my pants, but the more I endured, the more intense the reaction from below became. Sweat broke out on my back, and my breathing became more and more rapid. Raphael heard.

But my lower body hurts like hell, and I swear I can't take it anymore. You must know that I have always been a guy who has little restraint on physical desires, but if I masturbate here, I will be seen by others, and I don't want to do it in public, especially if there are girls around.

Moreover, it may be spied by Agares.

Just when I was thinking so suspiciously, my eyes couldn't help but glanced around, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a pair of ghostly light spots in the darkness not far away.

I'm sure that's Agares' eye. I wanted to stand up and go back to Rafal and the others immediately, but the gaze in the dark was like a trembling electric current entering my blood, making my hands and feet go numb. I just stared at the dark place like that, and saw Agares swimming closer in the mud, his outline gradually became clear under the moonlight, and I was able to see his movements clearly at once, and suddenly a sense of shame rushed to my forehead .

His hands were placed below his lower abdomen, holding the sexual device that had beaten me to death over and over again, and he was moving towards me vigorously. His muscular body was shaking like a volcanic rock, but because of the scattered silver-gray The covering of the hair makes it look cold and abstinent. And I actually feel that Agares exudes a terribly sexy at this moment.


I turned my head away like an electric shock, and wanted to stand up and go back to Rafah and the others, but Agares stared at me as if turning into a trembling electric current flowing into the blood, and the strange fragrance on his body It also came with the wind, making my hands and feet weak.

Agares was flirting with me when I was flirting with him, and in front of my face without hiding it. Perhaps this behavior is more properly called seduction. I have to admit that his seduction is quite effective, my body is in a commotion, and the stuff in my crotch is getting harder. I couldn't bear it anymore, stretched out my hands between my legs and rubbed them slightly, and turned my body sideways, but my gaze drifted back to Agares uncontrollably.

The hand movements he put on his lower body became faster, his eyes half-closed, his eyes wandering around my body, his throat kept rolling, as if silently bewitching me.

I suddenly felt like we were playing some kind of forbidden game, a tug-of-war with each other's desires to see who would lose first. Apparently I'm the one who's overreaching.

This reminds me of the feeling of secretly watching pornographic movies behind my parents' back when I was young Student, but that doesn't mean I haven't fantasized about it.

But who can tell me why the object of my sexual fantasy is not the most charming female star in Russia, but an evil male mermaid? Is it because my virgin body was buried in his clutches

I struggled in my heart, but my eyes lingered on Agares' strong body, my mind was full of irresistible thoughts, my whole body was burning like a demon, but at the same time, I wanted to die in shame. I leaned against the tree trunk limply, and my breathing was messy and heavy. I couldn't help feeling that I had gradually turned into a music box with a broken clockwork, playing beautiful notes as Agares plucked it.

Damn, everything is totally wrong.

Just when I was thinking this way, the conversation between Rafael and Eva suddenly sounded from behind, like a bucket of cold water being poured on my head. I couldn't help shivering, as if I had pulled out of the swamp of lust.

I looked behind in a panic, and they didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

I breathed a sigh of relief and didn't dare to act rashly again. If the two of them were going to come over, they would see me playing some weird sexual game with Agares, which would definitely be a scandal to make them look at me. I lowered my head, buried my hot face on my knees, didn't dare to look at Agares more, and turned on the kettle. After drinking a few mouthfuls of water, I simply poured the rest on my pants superior.

This finally eased my restlessness. I took a few deep breaths, and before my desire completely calmed down, I quickly left the spot, fearing that Agares would not be able to resist grabbing me if I waited a second longer.

'"Hey Desaro, did you piss your pants over there?"

When Rafar saw my embarrassment, he couldn't help but grow up, and Eva, who had just woken up, couldn't stop laughing at my crotch. I rolled my eyes at them in embarrassment, and took out a pair of Clean trousers, I hurried to the side to change them, and at the same time, I was wary of Agares suddenly appearing from somewhere. Just when I was halfway through my trousers, I heard a rustling sound. I opened my eyes wide and looked around, my heart reached my throat—I actually had a glimmer of expectation.

Suddenly, I saw a reflective object in the shadow of the tree, which looked like a military helmet, and then before I could react, a hard and cold object was pressed against the back of my head.

"Long time no see, Junior Maester Desaro."

A cold female voice sounded from behind me, and then I heard Rafal shout: "Don't move, we also have guns in our hands, let him go!"

I turned my head in astonishment, and saw a group of people slowly outflanking them. One person was walking in the front, his steps were slow and regular, his face was hidden under the shadow of the brim of his hat, but his eyes were clearly looking at me. My pupils couldn't help shrinking, my body was pushed hard by Shaqalla, and the muzzle of the gun was pressed against me tightly, so I had to face this person I really didn't want to see.

I stared at him coldly, and my eyes were reflected in the helmet illuminated by the fire, which was dazzlingly bright.