Desharow Merman

Chapter 48


As if to prevent me from moving restlessly, the thick and long fishtail under Agares wrapped around my ankles, his arms wrapped around my neck, and he put his chest under the back of my head. Such an intimate posture made me feel awkward and nervous, because I don't know when Agares will suddenly become wild, but I am staying in his lair, and I am completely at the mercy of him.

So, I simply closed my eyes—pretending to be asleep.

And Agares didn't seem to want to move me for the time being, his chest heaved slowly and rhythmically, and his breath was as long and steady as the sea breeze, gently sweeping over my head, pressing his slender and wide webbed claws like a basketball player. In my hands, it was as if the two of us were really an intimate gay couple.

This guy really doesn't seem to be planning to do anything. I sneaked a sideways glance at him, the eyes that were usually gloomy and shining were closed at the moment, the water droplets stained on the eyelashes dripped down the straight bridge of the nose, calm and quiet like a statue. Agares seemed to be really sleeping, and had fallen asleep. I didn't dare to wake him up, but I also didn't dare to sneak away while he was sleeping.

Undoubtedly it will fail. I could swear I hadn't gotten my foot out from under that damn heavy tail before Agares would have woken up.

I closed my eyes again, took a few deep breaths, and slowly relaxed my stiff body, but the hormonal fragrance permeating the lair made me unable to fall asleep anyway. Sweat, even if I lie quietly like this, I feel my physical energy is being consumed rapidly. I just lay down for a while, my body has already betrayed itself—

My stomach made a series of growls.


I swallowed, only to realize that I hadn't eaten for a long time. Agares was obviously startled by me, he opened his eyes, I touched my stomach a little embarrassedly: "Hey... that... I'm... hungry."

Confused, he stretched out his webbed claws to my stomach and pressed it. I stared at him helplessly, I was really starving and the only way to get food was from him. Agares seemed to know that he had caught my weakness, looked at my expression, raised one corner of his mouth narrowly, and laughed.

His webbed claws then gently pinched my chin, making me close to his side. I was inexplicably not knowing what he was going to do, but I saw him put his pointed ears close to my lips, as if Tell me what to do.

I knew it right away - this guy was asking for a kiss! More precisely, he wanted me to... lick him like last time—as an "advance reward" for getting food. This made me suddenly feel that I have become a big dolphin, but he has changed into a trainer. This mermaid feeds me and tames me, and I have to obediently cling to him.

This is too ridiculous!

I froze there, but my stomach let out another cry, louder than the last time. The strong sense of hunger forced me to give up the struggle in my heart, and unwillingly, I leaned forward and licked Agares' ear, but unexpectedly he pushed his cheek under my eyes, His eyes slanted at me, and the corners of his mouth curved even deeper.


I cursed fiercely in my heart, closed my eyes and licked his side face, but this guy handed his webbed claws to my chin again, and gently stroked my lips with his fingers, his eyes were very ambiguous, obviously a little excited —

Just imagine how sexually suggestive finger licking is, and if this goes on, do you have to lick his whole body to get food! Then I'd rather starve to death.

"Hey, you bastard!"

I glared angrily with a flushed face, but the opposite party grinned, grabbed my wrist with a backhand, stuck out my tongue and licked it back and forth wantonly. This made me feel as if I was petrified. I was there stupidly, the roots of my ears were burning, and after letting Agares lick it enough, he gave me a meaningful look, bowed his fish tail, and jumped away. Out of the cave, before I could react, I was already submerged in the darkness, only the sound of water could be heard from a distance.

I clutched my aching chest and climbed to the edge of the cave to see how he hunted, but my eyes suddenly lit up, and my vision suddenly became clear.

This lair is indeed located on a cliff on the outer edge of the island, but the altitude is not high, Agares can jump up, and there are many connected reefs around it, like stairs Generally direct access to the sea.

As far as the eye can see, there is a boundless sea all around, and the moonlight shines on the sea, shining waves, seamlessly connecting with the star-studded sky.

The sea breeze poured up from the bottom, lifting my clothes and hair, as if flying. The moon is so close that you can touch it with your hands. It makes people feel like they are in the vast universe, stepping on a spaceship and wandering in the vast galaxy.

Witnessing such a magnificent and mysterious beauty, I couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy. I forgot time and myself for a while, and immersed myself in this vast world. It wasn't until a black shadow like a sharp arrow broke through the sea that I suddenly came back to my senses and saw the half The graceful figure of a man and a half fish draws a beautiful arc in the brilliance of the moon, and when it falls into the water, it sparks a splash of water light like stars, but it seems that it does not plunge into the sea, but directly into my heart. There was a wave that could not be calmed.

My heart was splashed into my throat like a drop of water.

I stared blankly in that direction for a while before I forced my eyes back. Otherwise, I'm really afraid that I can't help but jump into the sea and swim with Agares.

I reminded myself that I should quickly explore the terrain in the cave before he came back, so as to make early preparations for the future escape. Thinking like this, I groped my way into the cave step by step.

There are many firefly-like plankton floating in the depths of the cave, exuding dots of blue light clusters, which play a good role in lighting, allowing me to see the structure of Agares' lair clearly. In the center of the cave there is a large sunken pit filled with flowing water, like a large natural bath. I guess the bottom should reach directly to the sea. This may be the place where he usually sleeps.

I carefully walked around its edge and found a secondary hole on the left side where half a person can pass through. It is like an oval window, but its inside is not deep, so it can be seen clearly at a glance. This is a A dead hole with no other exit. I couldn't help noticing that there seemed to be a bunch of things inside, so I curiously poked into half of my body to have a look.

Immediately, I was surprised to find that it was all human objects. Miscellaneous, everything, canned sesame oil, large pearls, valuable ivory products, red wine, white wine, beer, these things are common goods in the trade between Asia and Europe in the past, and there are also some nautical products Many of the utensils commonly used in the study were used in the past, such as the sextant and the nautical map made of sheepskin. The oldest one is a monocular telescope that was only seen in the 18th century, and a mirror like It was the steering wheel that was snapped off the ship!

My God, when I was wondering what I saw, I saw a dilapidated but very thick English dictionary-I think this is why Agares can use English. He is really a studious mermaid...

I flipped through the dictionary casually, and saw that some words in it were marked with special marks by ballpoint pens. They must have been left by humans who used this dictionary before. When I opened the letterhead, I could tell that there were many handwritings densely packed inside. I am not sure which language it came from, because the writing was too messy, and the writing was wilder than mine, and after years and The erosion of sea water makes it difficult to see what is written.

I subconsciously hid it in my trouser pocket, because maybe it contained some things about the last person who met Agares, and I was very curious.

These things are enough to prove that Agares is at least 300 years old. These things are the proof of his long marine career, some of the trophies he brought back, or souvenirs.

And I may not be the first human being he brought back to the lair... nor the first "spouse" he chose, after all, my age is too different from his.

I was thinking wildly, and a sour feeling suddenly appeared in my heart, but I immediately forced myself to dismiss these strange thoughts, and continued to focus on the dictionary, flipping through it casually, but my heart was messed up and a little irritable stand up.

Damn it, Desaro, what do you care about! Think about how to leave in the future, this is the real business, this beast brought a few humans back to the nest, it's none of your business!

I frowned and looked in other directions. There seemed to be other entrances in the depths of this cave, but just as I was about to exit the small cave I was in, there was a sudden movement outside the cave, and I immediately realized that it was Agares who had returned, so I hurriedly exited Come on, who knows that as soon as I retreated to the pool, the figure of Agares appeared at the entrance of the cave unexpectedly, my foot slipped, and I couldn't help but staggered and fell into it.

Damn, what a bad luck!

I was so panicked that I choked up several sips of water, and just as I was jumping up from the water, I raised my head and met Agares' face, almost scared me so that I fell back again, but was quickly caught by his webbed claw eyes waist, the fishtail wraps around my feet, lifts me up from the pool, and puts me on the ground. In the dim light, I couldn't see Agares' expression clearly, but I felt a burst of panic after looking through his private collection just now.

I knew he must have discovered what I did just now, but I didn't know if doing so would offend him, so that when his webbed claws reached the back of my neck, I shivered subconsciously, fearing that he would strangle me to death I. However, he just held down the back of my neck and head, lowered his head, moved his mouth close to my chest, and started licking.

I looked down stiffly, only to realize that the bullet wound on my chest was split open again due to the large movement just now, and the blood had already stained my skirt, but I didn't even realize it. Agares' tongue licked my wound carefully, then licked it along the direction of the blood flow, biting open the seam of my clothes, and was about to lick my lower abdomen. I quickly shrank back, and clamped his ears with my hands to stop his downward trend: "Hey... stop licking, I feel much better!"

Damn it, if you continue down, you will react again...

I gritted my teeth, already feeling goosebumps on the place where his tongue touches. But what I said had no effect at all. Agares licked it without heeding it, and the two slippery ear wings slipped off my tiger's mouth easily. His tongue scratched the bloodstains running down my chest, causing my lower abdomen to feel sensitive. twitched.

I had no choice but to hold on to the only line of defense—the waistband. In fact, I had a premonition that something would happen if I was alone with Agares, but I didn't want to come now: my body can't do it now. Take the toss of this beast!

But my defense obviously backfired. Agares moved his webbed claws from the back of my neck to my pants, raised his eyelids and stared at me. I turned pale and stuttered: "No, no."

" should take off cl...othing..." (wet, you should take off your clothes)

Agares murmured word by word in an almost commanding tone, his moist breath sprayed on my face, and the hormonal aroma on my face made my eyes black.

"It's okay, I can just wear it, and I'll do it later!" I argued loudly, and grabbed the waistband of my trousers even tighter. If it were any other man here, I would be able to show off my body without any ostentation, but facing Agares, I dangled in front of him without clothes, and jumped into the territorial waters of sharks with blood What's the difference!

"Take off..." Agares grinned, his tone full of threats.

A chill runs down my spine.

In the end, the result of my struggle was only that my pants were torn in two, and my top was ripped off in two or three times, leaving only a pair of poor boxer briefs all over my body. Fortunately, Agares didn't intend to let me be naked, and I reluctantly held my hand under the desperate struggle of clutching my crotch.

I curled up like a shrimp, staring at Agares in embarrassment, but didn't dare to attack. Under my glaring gaze, he casually pulled out a few fish from his back. It looked like salmon, which was a food with high nutritional value, and the meat was said to be very tender.

Hungry, I swallowed involuntarily, and couldn't help but stare at Agares, who used his webbed claws to open up the fish and disembowel it. It wasn't until he tore off a long piece of fish and handed it to my mouth that I felt like a dream Awake.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to expect to eat cooked food. I took the food in front of me without hesitation, and took a tentative bite.

To my surprise, the fish in my mouth did not have the expected strong fishy smell, but only a little salty sea water, and it was still a little sweet when I bit it. Now I had a big appetite, and I devoured Agares I ate all the fish I brought, and had a good meal.

When I was belching contentedly, suddenly there were several long chirps from outside the cave. I heard the sound and looked around, and was surprised to see many mermaids popping up out of the sea at some point. Their heads were exposed in the water. I don’t know why. They all looked up at Agares and me, as if expecting something.