Desharow Merman

Chapter 50


Vaguely, I felt a strong strange sensation in my legs, which was painful and itchy, as if being eroded by thousands of ants, and as if new flesh was growing on the bones. I subconsciously wanted to touch it, but my arms were pressed against my head by a pair of moist and powerful webbed claws, and the moist soft thing licked my neck. Soon, I felt a sharp pain behind my ears and fingers, like thorns breaking through my skin surface, struggling like a parasitic virus body.

I let out a howl from my throat in pain, and opened my heavy eyelids.

The moon above my head is close at hand, and it looks like a broken glass ball in the water light, because my focus is scattered, and my sight is shaking with the overwhelmed head. I was very dizzy and a little nauseous. I could recognize that the black shadow suppressing me above was Agares, I opened my mouth to call him, but my mouth could not utter anything, and the increasingly intense pain and itchiness of my legs made me subconsciously go down look -

God, what did I see

A layer of silver-gray scales grew on my legs, and they densely covered my skin. At first glance, it looked like a fish tail. My feet were still there, but two fan-shaped scales grew on them. Webbed membrane, long hanging into the water.

I raised my eyes in panic and glanced at Agares, before I could see his expression clearly, I passed out again.

Darkness swept in from all directions, as if a thick fog had formed around, everything disappeared in an instant, no moonlight, no sea, no Agares. The pain in my body disappeared completely, and my body seemed to be sinking into the depths of the sea, but I knew that I was just in a nightmare.

I tried to turn back and swim upstream, but I felt a force grabbing my feet, pulling me down, pulling, pulling...

His body sank suddenly, and a light appeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

I found myself in a deep glass corridor without knowing when. Huge swimming fish and translucent jellyfish flitted around me, brushing off mottled water marks and shadows. They looked so close, so close that they could be touched, which was much more real than when I looked through the glass before. . I vaguely felt that something was wrong, and stretched out my hand in confusion, but touched a layer of glass.

But it is not between me and Yuyu, but between me and the corridor. I am in the glass ornamental pool, like a dolphin.

Hey, hey, what's going on! !

I yelled, but the only answer was the gentle sound of running water.

Where the hell am I

I pushed hard on the transparent boundary separating me from the outside world, feeling that it was indestructible. He turned his head and looked around in disbelief, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a pair of dark eyes through the reflection on the glass. That's Agares! Instinctively, I immediately approached the glass, but I was stunned by the scene in front of me.

Agares was wearing a black windbreaker, and the long fishtail on his lower body disappeared, replaced by a pair of slender human legs wrapped in leather pants. Through the reflection of the glass, I could see myself more instantly. My legs are wrapped in a long silver-gray tail, the fan-shaped tail fin slowly undulating with the current. I raised my head and looked at him in disbelief, while he frowned and stared at me deeply. He pressed his palm on the glass as if trying to touch me. Fist, hit the glass heavily.

With a crackle, several cracks spread, the glass shattered, and the world in front of me instantly returned to darkness.

I tried my best to reach out and spread my five fingers, but what I grabbed was only air. The sudden panic caused me to open my eyes, and the moment my consciousness returned to my body, I immediately sat up and looked at my legs.

Fortunately, nothing.

My legs didn't turn into fishtails, they were still alive and well, and the skin was the same smooth human skin as before, not a layer of fish scales. Then I looked at my hands sensitively, and after confirming that there was no web between my fingers, I let out a long breath, touched my legs up and down, and kissed excitedly like a patient who was almost amputated His knees were dripping with cold sweat.

Thankfully, nothing weird happened to my body.

What happened to everything before...

I felt that my thoughts were in disarray. I carefully recalled the previous scenes that were both real and illusory. I looked around and found that I was back in Agares' lair again.

Maybe I've never left here, stuck in an unreal dream since the strange rituals of the merfolk? Rubbing my forehead, I was not sure, because the joy of leaping on the sea with Agares, and the pain caused by the mermaid's growth in my body were all too real, and they mixed into a kind of contradictory feeling , still remains in my limbs and bones.

If it did happen, there must be some trace left, or something really went wrong with my brain.

Thinking of this, I subconsciously raised my hand and touched the back of my ear, and my whole body froze—

There is clearly a small crack behind the earlobe, and there are even some traces of water. This made me immediately recall the feeling of the sea water flowing from here when I was taken into the sea by Agares. It was evidence that something strange had happened to my body, and its very existence shattered my chances of luck.

The overwhelming sense of astonishment oppressed my nerves and almost suffocated me. I took a few deep breaths, hugged my head, and rubbed my temples vigorously to prevent myself from fainting again due to this incredible fact, and forced myself to think calmly.

Yes, there are signs of a mermaid appearing on my body. A moment ago I saw myself with webbed claws, with tiny scales on my legs, gills (if that thing was gills) behind my ears, and the ability to breathe freely in water. In biological terms, my body has mutated, in other words, my genes have mutated.

My mind was buzzing, and I kept lingering over a passage in "Gene Biology": Gene mutation is the fundamental source of biological variation. There are many factors that cause gene mutation, which can be classified into three categories: one is physical factors, such as X-rays, lasers, etc.; the other is chemical factors, which refer to substances that can interact with DNA molecules to change the properties of DNA molecules, such as Nitrous acid, base analogs, etc.; the third category is biological factors, including viruses and certain bacteria.

Right now, the only possibility is the third category!

It must have been caused by Agares. He sexually assaulted me and injected mermaid DNA into my body. Their gene cells are highly erosive, controlling, changing, and reorganizing my chromosomes like viruses and bacteria—maybe it’s the structure, maybe it’s the number, Damn whatever it is, these damn things are killing some of my cells and replacing them with new ones...

The first change…

So is there a second, third, or Nth time! The end result will be to be assimilated by them...!

No no no no, hell!

I stood up and walked around the cave twice, my fingers stuck in my hair, and the hair was full of sweat.

Damn, why am I still thinking about this! I shouldn't be thinking about these theories at all, even if I write amazing papers, there is no point in bullshit, because I am the most fucking mutant sample, I can't save myself! I don't want to become a mermaid and stay on this island forever, I also want to go back to my school and live a good life with my parents!

Calm down, Calm down, Desaro!

The only way to prevent the mutation is to inject the serum that can suppress mermaid cells. I must leave here immediately, as far away as possible, and avoid any contact with Agares. I still have a chance to restore my body to normal. Rafael and the others may have snake venom serum on them. I don’t know if it will work, but it’s worth a try.

With this thought, I miraculously calmed down, because I knew no matter how panicked it was, it was useless. The only person who could save me at this moment was myself.

So I carefully went to the entrance of the cave, looking like the sea, but I didn’t find Agares nearby. He might have dived into the bottom of the sea to look for food, or he was dealing with conflicts in the group, but no matter what, I couldn’t find him. Confidence to escape.

Turning around, I came to the hole in the lair where Agares's collection was placed. I picked up some things necessary for survival in the jungle, and luckily they were almost all there-a dagger that was a little blunt, a A telescope, an old compass, an iron anchor that can be used as a weapon, unopened wine to disinfect wounds, flint and steel, and some other odds and ends. I quickly wrapped them into a piece of cloth that looked like a sailing flag under the pad, and tore off a few pieces of cloth to wrap around my body, and tied it with the only waistband that Agares hadn't torn.

I looked at my "full armor" and looked like a Robinson Crusoe trapped on Friday!

Well, it's time for the most important and crucial step.

This determines whether I can escape from this cave.

I squatted down and plunged my head into the water hole that Agares took me into the sea before. After confirming that I could breathe smoothly, I jumped and jumped in.

At that moment, there was a trace of reluctance in my heart, but it was immediately washed away by the sea water covering my whole body. I almost instinctively swam to the depths quickly, like an agile fish, shuttling through the sea water at a speed that is impossible for human beings, and following the light, I broke through the water surface in an instant.

After wiping off the water drops on my face, I found myself on a low shore, where the land was close at hand, so I quickly climbed up to the shore, pulled out the iron anchor at my waist, and was alert to possible predators on the shore , got into the jungle. I have to find a taller tree trunk and climb up to see where Rafal and the others and our boats were moored before.

However, just as I was about to climb up a nearby big tree, a low-pitched roar suddenly came from a distance, and I couldn't help being shocked. I didn't even need to look back to know that it was Agares chasing me. Conditions Reflexively, he rolled on the spot, hid himself in a low bush, and touched the wet soil under his body. With an idea, he grabbed two handfuls of mud and applied them to the sweat glands, neck, and armpits that emit odor. Down, and panties up.

How long has it been? The words Agares said before made me realize that at a certain distance, he relies on smell to find my position. The mermaid's sense of smell may be more sensitive than that of sharks, and my smell may be more sensitive to him. It was extraordinarily strong, just as I smelled the strange fragrance from his body.

I crouched in the shadows, staring nervously at the shore, and sure enough, I saw a huge black shadow rising from the sea, dragging its long tail into the forest not far away. He turned his head and looked around. Obviously, the mud on my body had played a good concealment effect, and he couldn't find me. Immediately, the anxious roar resounded around me, as if it was close to my ears, and I covered my mouth in horror, not even daring to breathe.