Desharow Merman

Chapter 52


"Are you sure someone was here just now?"

"Yes, Colonel, I heard a voice just now, it seems to be Desaro!"

My nerves were tense because it was the voice of Rhine and Sakalla. I shrunk in the shadows, stuck my back against the big tree and stretched out my head. I saw the two of them appearing next to a pile of stone pillars on the opposite side, only ten meters away from me. If they got closer, they would hear my uncontrollable heavy gasp. I tightly covered my mouth and nose, not daring to move, my eardrums were pounding with my chaotic heartbeat, my whole body was trembling due to intense dryness, I just hoped that they would not hear such tiny noises.

"He must still be around here." Rhine continued. He turned his head to inspect, raised his flashlight and shot around, and approached me. I shrank back and hid myself deeper. My heart was tightened. He clenched it into a ball and hung it in his throat, and when he was about to push away the bushes in front of me, Shakara let out a soft drink.

"Hey, don't look for it, it's important to do business. We must hurry to the coast to pick up the doctor and the others. As for the Desaro you want to find... Tomorrow the island will be occupied by the army, and none of the Russians can escape .”

Shakara said lightly, my heart sank suddenly, and I knew something was wrong. Those ships belonged to Sakalal and the others, and they came from the army! Which country are they from, and what is the purpose of coming to Mermaid Island

I stared at Rhine's thoughtful face, saw him frowned and remained silent for a few seconds, then turned around and said, "Colonel Shaqalla, I have no problem dealing with those Russians, but I hope you can keep Desaro He is so young and a genius in the field of biological research, he has the value of surviving, and we can recruit him as a member of the experimental base that will be built here."

Experimental base? They want to turn this island to build an experimental base? Experiment what? Mermaid? Why rely on the army to guard it? Is it using the mermaid's gene to make biochemical weapons

I gasped and sweated profusely.

Shocked, I saw Shakara turned around and sneered, with a cold gleam in her sharp eyes: "This is not something you and I can decide, Rhine, don't let your emotions affect your actions and your actions." Judgment. I admit that Desaro is very useful. Besides, he is very charming, enthusiastic and brave, and he is desperate for his dreams." Her face suddenly sank, and she spit out a few words softly, "It's like A moth. You know, moths are always fragile, they... die quickly. Wer hoch steigt, kann tief fallen."

"But Colonel, I'm not..."

Shakaral interrupted: "You like him, you are in love with him. Rhine, admit it openly. We are not rigid Russians, we allow homosexuality, but feelings can only survive forever under military orders."


damn it! I dug my hand into the bark and gasped for breath. The high tension in my thinking exacerbated my physical reaction, because I was sure that there was a sentence in a language other than English mixed in with Shakal’s words just now, and I couldn’t understand what she meant. , but I can tell it's a German sentence.

——They are Germans, and, most likely, they are a group of Nazi remnants who did not give up and wanted to stand up after World War II.

They have been lurking in Moscow for a long time, and they may have been eyeing the mermaid island discovered by Dr. Vinograd many years ago, and then they deliberately pretended to be the Russians and planned a huge conspiracy, and they also involved the Americans. Misunderstanding that Russia is going to do something, let us think that the United States is going to deal with Russia, and they are hiding in the dark, gaining benefits and opportunities for resurgence.

God... I must hurry up and tell Rafal and the others, I can't stay here any longer!

I swallowed my saliva, watched Rhine and the others go a little farther away, and then supported my limp body like mud to get up from the ground, but I just took two steps and fell back to the ground, accidentally falling down a small Immediately, Rhine's shout came from behind, and footsteps came from far and near: "Hey! Who is it? Is it Desaro?"

Damn it! I rolled and got up and fled to the woods, but my soft legs couldn’t exert any strength at all. I stumbled and ran a few meters before falling to the ground. When I turned around, I saw Rhine standing there very close to me. He seemed to want to help him up. I, with my hands frozen in mid-air, glanced around me in astonishment, obviously noticing the strangeness of my whole body—the fever-like redness all over my body, the bulging thing under a piece of canvas at my waist, and those Unspeakable transparent slime.

I curled up, shrank back, covered my flushed cheeks with my arms in humiliation, and shouted sharply: "Go away, don't look at me like that, stay away from me!"

"Let me help you, Desaro! You're sick!"

Rhine grabbed my arm and tried to pull me up from the ground, but my body was so heavy that he threw himself on me while struggling. The moment his face was vertically above mine, he seemed to be in a daze, his eyes couldn't move away as if he was staring at my face. I know that I look like a gv actor who has taken too many drugs. Maybe it's not very attractive, but it's too dangerous to fall into Rhine's hands like this.

Too dangerous! Desaro, quick, get out of here!

I thought about it and wanted to get up and run, but my body couldn't do it. I lay dizzy on my back, my eyes were wet and blurred, I was panting heavily, and I was groping for the ground to prop up my body, but I felt a rough palm touch my thigh. My legs trembled like a spring, and my out-of-focus eyes gathered again due to the sense of crisis, and I saw a trace of ambiguous warmth on the resolute face above: "Hey, did my little Wallace get hit by something special?" The medicine? It looks like you need to do that kind of thing..." He touched my crotch with his hand, his voice hoarse, "Here, it's all congested..."

"Go away!"

I barely bent my knees and gave Rhine a kick. I took the opportunity to get out, but he rushed up from behind and hugged me. I yelled, and he pressed his body against the tree trunk, and cut my hands back as if trying to tie me up. I struggled with him with the last bit of strength, and the mud on my body was completely covered in the fierce struggle. Wipe it clean. I couldn't fight against the skills of a soldier like Rhine, and I was tightly restrained within a few strokes. Just when I was out of breath and exhausted, a low-pitched hiss suddenly came from an indistinct distance in the darkness, It made the surrounding leaves rustle and sway in an instant, and then an extremely strong and strange fragrance filled the air.

It's Agares...

My whole body trembled like an electric shock. Taking advantage of Rhine's slackening strength, I jumped up and rushed towards the woods like a cornered rabbit. At this moment, several gunshots rang out behind me. Sakala yelled: "That mermaid! Rhine, shoot!"

"Bang bang bang" was another few gunshots, but I heard Agares's roar seemed to be getting closer, and the gust of wind behind me pressed against my back. Stumbling back and forth, I was gasping for breath. The lack of oxygen caused by the rapid running made my brain confused. I couldn't even tell whether I was dreaming or in the real world. Shouting as if far away: "Desaro, come back, that mermaid is in front of you!"

I looked forward in panic, and suddenly my feet were empty. There was an extremely steep cliff in front of me, and there was a huge dark cave underneath. At this critical moment, my arm was grabbed instantly, and my whole body was suspended in mid-air. When I raised my head, I saw Rhine looking at me with his eyes open. The instinct of survival made me grab his arm with both hands, but I heard the faint roars floating up from the bottom of the cave.

My nerves were stretched to the extreme in an instant. Rhine firmly grasped my arm, which was slipping inch by inch due to sweat, and stared into my eyes, "Don't look, Desaro! Hold on! I'll pull you up!"

But when he warned, I couldn't help but look down——

God knows what I saw.

I actually saw Henry in the past. He stared at both sides with his eyes wide open, lying naked on a rock, with his hands and feet pressed on the rock in a big shape by a few pairs of white webbed claws. Several strong male mermaids They were pressing down on him, and one of them was shaking violently on him, fucking him. The gap between his two buttocks was already full of blood, mixed with some invisible objects, maybe his intestines. Apparently, he was fucked many times in turns and was dying. And he was surrounded by countless hungry guys, obviously waiting to go into battle.

What about Da Vinci? I looked around in a trance, but I didn't see where he was, but the disgusting scene in front of me made me retch like convulsions. I was terrified and grabbed Rhine's hand, and I pushed my feet on the rock and tried my best to climb up. My arms were too slippery, and my feet couldn't find a point of support no matter what. At this fatal moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared from behind Rhine!

I was taken aback by surprise, my body shook, and my arm slipped out of Rhine's grasp in an instant. The feeling of weightlessness instantly filled my whole body, and the next moment I plunged into the sea water. I looked at the hole above the hole in a daze In a few seconds, I saw many black shadows rushing towards me all around. My brain exploded, and I immediately floated to the surface of the water with my limbs fluttering. All I could see were male mermaids gathered from all sides and staring at them. Countless pairs of ghostly pupils flickering with crazy light were like will-o'-the-wisps floating in the cemetery, as if they were going to kill me. I burn to ashes.

Henry's screams of pain stimulated my scalp, I didn't dare to turn my head to look, I just flinched in panic, climbed onto a rock in the center of the water cave, trembling all over, I couldn't tell how many pairs of webbed claws came from my body Some pairs are touching my legs, some pairs are tearing at my clothes, like fighting for a precious trophy, I swear goddamn this is definitely the time of my life Scariest day ever, I've never had such a hellish experience!

Just when I felt that I was about to collapse on the spot from fright, a long black shadow suddenly fell from above, splitting the sea like a sharp blade, and stirring up a huge wave. Familiar silhouettes emerged from the splashing water mist, those gloomy eyes just patrolled around me, without even yelling in warning, all the mermaids around me who were planning to divide and eat me immediately retreated They all hid in the water one after another, only showing half of their heads, quietly watching their leader.

I leaned limply on the rock, the hot and hot desire rapidly expanded in my body, and I had no strength to escape at all, so I could only watch Agares gradually approaching in the water and swim to my body From above, I leaned down, and the shadow of my body fell down, completely covering me below, and the strong hormonal aroma seemed to condense into a large cloud that was about to pour down a rainstorm, and suddenly landed on me.

His webbed claws grabbed my waist and pulled me into his arms. And I took a deep breath of his breath, as if a heavy addict who had been out of drugs for a few days was impatient to regain a large bottle of heroin, a hoarse moan escaped from my throat.