Desharow Merman

Chapter 55


"Desaro, get up."

A voice yelled amid the whirring wind of the propellers, and I felt the knees that were holding my body move away, and a hand dragged me from the ground.

No need to think about it, I also know that the person who suppressed me just now is Rhine, this Nazi lackey! In an instant, I exploded with great strength, causing me to jump up, knocking him over hard, and punching him in the face with a punch all over my body, but he seemed to have expected me to do this a long time ago As if, he quickly dodged sideways. My fist finally slid across the bridge of his nose, and when he grabbed and pulled my arm, my whole body leaned forward, and Rhine used a standard grappling style to restrain me. At the same time, the back of my neck There was a dull pain in the upper body, and before the whole person could react, he fell to the ground with stars in his eyes.

I shook my head, trying to get up, but my mind was in a daze, and my whole body was spinning. In the next blink of an eye, I heard a few brushings, and the extremely strong tape had already sealed my hands and feet, and a large coat fell on me, covering my vision in darkness. In order to prevent me from just passing out and being slaughtered by others, I had no choice but to bite my tongue hard, and the completely unexpected severe pain made me tremble instantly.

God bless me that I didn't bite off my tongue, because after I bit it off, I realized that my canine teeth had become very sharp! I could feel blood dripping from my lips and my tongue was numb.

Thank God, thanks to Agares, I may be dumb from now on!

Damn, this is too bad luck...

I struggled between drowsiness and wakefulness brought on by pain. Then my body lightened, and I was lifted up by a pair of strong arms, and I started to walk, and was quickly placed on a stretcher, tightly bound by straps, and rose upwards with the wind that rolled up around me. .

My heart was also beating violently as if suspended in the sky, and my hands and feet were sweating profusely, as if a person with fear of heights was taking a helicopter for the first time. Although I'm not riding now, I'm just transporting it like a livestock, a piece of cargo. It's a pretty uncomfortable feeling, like being stuck in a cave full of unknown darkness. I can't control my next fate and whereabouts, I can't know the whereabouts of my friends and Agares, and I can't even determine whether I still have value for these Nazis, even if I do, under the influence of their army Under control, do I have a chance to stand up again

May God bless me. I want to pray to God, but I don't believe in Christianity at all, and I know better that he doesn't care about me, an atheist. I had to face reality—I was in a state of real, utter, helpless isolation, on an ancient island thousands of miles away from Russia, held hostage by the remnants of the Nazis who were trying to take it over.

A sense of despair surged up in an instant, but I immediately suppressed those thoughts that made people sink. I took a few deep breaths, closed my eyes, forced myself to maintain a little bit of "Desaro" optimism, and spit out the blood foam in my mouth.

Hey, hey, Desaro, don't slap yourself to death first, at least you're still alive, aren't you? What a powerful creature those mermaids are, maybe they can use the laws of nature to fight back against these evil bastards!

Encouraging myself in this way, I felt a glimmer of hope rising in my mind. Also, some changes in my body have made me physically stronger (albeit with unpredictable dangers), but now it's at my best advantage, oh, hell.

While I was thinking wildly, the helicopter descended slowly and soon landed with a clatter on the metal flat.

The clothes covering my head were ripped off roughly, allowing me to see where it was.

—I came to this group of Nazi warships anchored off the coast. After being escorted by several armed men, I saw that there were four of their boats connected side by side by metal plates, which looked like a small hydropower station. But I couldn't be more clear that this is the "experimental base" mentioned in the conversation between Rhine and Shakral.

They will use this as the core, land on the island, and then start to expand the scope of aggression, just like the "Z" plan of the German Navy during World War II, although this plan died. I want them to be defeated here like they were during WWII, but it's ridiculous that D-Day had a strong Allied force and it's just me, a Russian kid, a paper biology student.

"Hey, where are you taking me? Where is the mermaid that you captured?"

I quenched the remaining blood in my mouth, stared sharply at the guy on the right who was in charge of escorting me and asked. He glanced at me coldly and ignored me. Realizing that they might not understand Russian, I repeated it in English, but with a slight lisp and a thick Moscow accent, the response was almost the same as before.

I breathed a sigh of frustration, turned my gaze elsewhere, and suddenly my eyes lit up——

I saw the barbed wire fence that trapped Agares, hanging empty on a hook on the outer edge of the boat, dangling. It looked like he was also on this boat.

But just as I was searching around, my head was pressed down hard by the palm coming from behind, and I shoved into the cabin door in front of me, the voice behind me said viciously: "Idiot, gehen! "(Fool, get in!)

I can't understand what he's saying, but I'm sure it's a curse, but in fact everything in German sounds like a curse to me. I was taken into a windowless cabin, where there were many chains and handcuffs, and there was a door next to it, but it was tightly closed. I guessed that this was where they wanted to keep me as a prisoner.

The hand behind me pushed me to face the wall. Before I could react, a huge jet of water suddenly hit me from behind, making me jump like a spring, but my head was firmly pressed On the wall, my body was immobilized by a few hands, and the high-pressure water flow with the salty smell of sea water attacked every corner of my body relentlessly as if shooting at me. I couldn't even open my eyes, I could only be in a panic choking on the water, this is just like what happens to every prisoner before going to prison!

This is a way to destroy the self-esteem of criminals, so that they clearly realize that they no longer have any privacy and room for resistance before they go to prison. They are no longer treated as a "person", but livestock. These guys treated me like a prisoner, maybe trying to torture me before torture interrogation.

I started to feel a little apprehensive, but I gritted my teeth and didn't make any reaction, motionless like a stone sculpture. The feeling of being sprayed all over my body with high pressure water cannons was quite uncomfortable, they didn't even avoid my buttocks and lower body, it made me feel extremely humiliated, humiliated to the extreme, and even reminded me of the worst time in my life Memory—when I was brutally punished by my strict father when I was young. But the scary thing is that these people don't have at least as much regard for my life as my father did.

I don't know how long the water gun has been sweeping over my body. When I felt that the water in my ears was about to pour into my brain, everything finally stopped. My eardrums were buzzing, and my mind was a little numb. I mechanically wiped the water on my face, and patted my head, which was heavy as if soaked in water. Before I recovered, I suddenly felt a rough palm touch to my ass.

This made me stunned for a moment, and then I heard a few people behind me burst into laughter, and one of them mocked in blunt English: "Hey, Russian boy, I heard that the captured mermaid is your lover?"

As soon as my brain exploded, I slammed the unruly hand on my buttocks, turned around, and looked sullenly at the person behind me who spoke. He was big and dark, with thick muscles on his arms like a tangled tree trunk, and his lush chest hair was curled up, making him disgusting like a big chimpanzee. I stared at him in disgust, and slowly said word by word: "What are you talking about? I can't understand your crappy words."

There was a silence in the room, and then another burst of laughter broke out. The guy in front of me swept me all over with malicious intent, scratched my chin, and clicked his tongue contemptuously and ambiguously: "I heard that before we arrived , you and that beast were engaged in... some kind of fierce struggle in the cave below?"

The roots of my ears became hot, and the sense of shame and anger flooded into my brain, making my nerves smoke like a burnt clockwork, and I couldn't stop trembling with anger. My fist tightened involuntarily on my side, and my nails sank into the flesh, but the rationality caused by the pain told me that I had to be patient, because right now I don't have any capital to resist.

So I stared at the guy in front of me, my eyes turned into a knife and gouged out his disgusting face: "I used to be his breeder, and I was trying to tame him, but the process was not so smooth."

What responded to me was a more presumptuous sneer. The guy who was teasing me seemed to have heard some big joke. He covered his belly and laughed out loud. A hand suddenly reached out and stuck my chin, and with his chest He knocked me against the wall in a demonstrative manner, and exhaled almost face-to-face: "Oh, really? With what domestication? With your upright little ass or your soft tongue, look, this beautiful Russian boy With thin skin and tender flesh..."

I can't hear anything clearly, I can't see anything clearly, I only know that the boiling anger has burned through my skull, my body's reaction is even faster than the brain nerves, and it's only a blink of an eye to hit his fist on the bridge of his nose , he screamed in pain, and I punched him again, and I punched him backwards, and I jumped on him without hesitation, crushing him to the ground. The people around raised their guns and aimed at me and shouted, but I didn't care about anything at this time, I just pressed my knees on the man who was much stronger than me, and beat him crazily , Even a few people hit my body with gun butts, it didn't have any real effect, I almost felt like they were using sponge pillows against me.

These people obviously didn't realize that I would suddenly evolve from a seemingly docile lamb to a lion, but in fact, I myself didn't realize what kind of power would erupt when I was angry in this physical condition, I just indulged the blood The violent factors in the film exploded like sparks, happily fighting with the guys who rushed up one after another, and the ground was bleeding from the beating. Finally, after I knocked down a few people, the people around retreated a circle, and pointed their guns at me in unison.

Panting, I crawled on the ground, wiped the blood dripping from the top of my head and nose, and ruthlessly patrolled the people around me like a real beast, their faces were not as contemptuous as before , but stared at me in surprise, which made me much more comfortable. The bad thing is I know they're going to shoot me straight away.

But I'd do it again ten minutes later—I can't fucking stand the fucking humiliation, damn it. If I would kill someone with my own hands, then it must be in this mood. I wish I could take a machine gun and shoot this all over.


I heard a snap of the safety catch. A voice desperately reminded me what to say to save my life, but I couldn't utter a single word, so I simply closed my eyes.

Damn it, Desaro, you are such a stubborn bull-temper, you have suffered a lot since you were a child, well, now you are finally going to pay for your life.

"Wait! Don't shoot, Colonel Sakall is still useful to keep him!"

Just at the very moment, I suddenly heard Rhine's voice at the door.

I opened my eyes and saw him walk in, looking at the blood-stained mess under my feet, paused in my footsteps, looked at the poor bastard with a broken nose and broken teeth, looked up in disbelief I was obviously asking: Did you do this

I stood up, shrugged, half-closed my eyes, and looked at him defiantly, and wiped the blood dripping down my chin with the back of my hand, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed something was wrong with my hand—between my index and middle fingers. The transparent membrane grew again, and all the blood vessels on the back of the hand bulged. This made me tremble all over, and I hurriedly lowered my hands, and put them together quietly.

"Why, am I still worth using? Rhine, my dear mentor." I snorted coldly and looked at him calmly to cover up the panic in my heart. I don't know if the mutation will intensify immediately, I can't be sure if my legs will suddenly turn into fishtails, or have that damn shameful rut again.

No, no, oh my god...don't ever do it again.

"Bring him, quickly."

At this moment, a sharp female voice suddenly pierced the dead silence in the room, which came from the pager on Rhine's body. This successfully diverted Rhine's complex gaze that contained several emotions on me. With a wave of his hand, he motioned for the others to put down their guns, and gave me a covering so that I could finally be naked without humiliation. He escorted me to the other side of the boat.

Going down the stairs leading to the bilge, I immediately felt like I was in a heavily guarded underground cage, oh my god! what did i see The glass water tanks on both sides are covered with a layer of metal mesh. Through those narrow and dense gaps, I found that there are individual isolated mermaids inside! I stared at each of them dumbfounded and cold. Among them, there were both males and females, and they all pressed their heads against the inner layer of glass, looking at the outside world in despair and horror. Those eyes made me suffocate like strangling my throat.

But I found that there was no trace of Agares in it.

Where is he

Just when I was full of doubts, Rhine carried me all the way to the end of the bilge. Sakala was standing in front of me. Behind her was a closed hatch with several recessed holes. There are traces of blows, and the handle is even stained with blue blood.

My heart suddenly tightened.

"You're lucky, Desaro." Sakala slightly bent her red lips, revealing her trademark, disgusting sinister smile, "You will have a chance to live, but not because Rhine helped you Not for pleas, but because of this merman in the cabin behind me. I just found out that he is the chief of this merman island. Look around you, these poor little things are all here to save him. "

She paused, and stared at me with extremely hypocritical soft eyes, "Little genius, we need his genes now, but unfortunately no one can get close to him and pierce his skin with a syringe. Only you— "

"Colonel!" Rhine interrupted her.

"Shut up!" Shakara's face turned from sunny to cloudy: "Otherwise, what better way do you have? Or do you not want your little baby to live?"


"I promise. I'll help you." I opened my mouth and spit out a few words expressionlessly. God knows how much I want to spit on the face of this beautiful snake and slap her face twice, but I clearly realize that this is the only chance for me to meet Agares and rescue him.

"Very good..." Her eyelashes drooped, and her eyes focused on my face again. The light in her green eyes made me shudder: "However, before you go in, I want to show you something."

I frowned, seeing that she suddenly raised her hand and pressed a button on the wall, followed by the sound of a metal panel opening overhead, I looked up subconsciously, and staggered in an instant.

Through a piece of glass above my head, I saw Rafael, Da Vinci, and Eva lying on their sides with their eyes closed, their hands and feet shackled.

"What... what did you do to them?" My eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets, and my voice trembled with emotion. I can't wait to stretch my neck so that I can bite the throat of this stinky bitch!

Shakal folded her arms, stepped back a little distance, and lightly pressed the button again: "Don't worry, they're just in a coma. But their lives will depend on your performance. Desaro." Her red lips spoke my name, as if casting some fatal spell on me. She moved her hand in her pocket, took out a syringe wrapped in a sterile bag, handed it to me, and signaled Rhine to let me go.

My chest rose and fell violently, and my eyes stayed on the needle tube, and then fixed on her face. I really wanted to strangle her to death, but I tried my best to suppress this impulse, reached out, took the needle, and put it in my pocket.

"I have a condition." I stared at her, "No one is allowed in while I'm sampling."

Shakara smiled, showing a delicate expression, and opened the hatch: "We will only monitor you outside, you'd better not play any tricks, your poor friends can't last for a few days."

My fist clenched suddenly, and my knuckles creaked. I took a deep breath and stepped in. The cabin door slammed shut behind me. It was dark all around, but it only lasted for a few seconds, and the night vision ability I got after mutating played a role.

This is a rather spacious cabin, and there is a dark glass water tank on the center deck, and Agares is being bound by several very thick chains with his arms hanging and his head hanging down. He was so strong and brave in the sea, but at this moment, he was locked there dying like a dying Jesus. His upper body was exposed on the water. There was a scorched black scar - it was left by the electric shock.

I was dumbfounded for a second or two, and then I stumbled into the water tank and rushed to him in front of the water. The chest cavity was filled with shattering pain like being hit by a hammer, and an emotion was bulging to break through the ventricle. My fingers tremblingly caressed the skin near his wound, and then my whole body trembled so badly that I couldn't even make a full syllable from my throat. But in the end I made a sound: "Agares."

My voice was rather hoarse, barely audible.

He was panting heavily, his head hung and swayed, and he lifted it up slowly and with difficulty, the deep pupils under the narrow eyelids seemed to lose focus, and gradually closed on my face.


He murmured in a low voice, his face was very close to me, the bridge of his nose was close to the bridge of his nose, his voice was as low as a whisper. I held his cheek, as if to make sure that he would not die immediately, and imprinted my lips tremblingly.