Desharow Merman

Chapter 58


"Eh?" Rafal blinked his eyelids in confusion, then paused, "What... you?"

I moved my lips, but didn't say anything, I just shook my head stiffly and let out a long breath. He didn't know about the entanglement between Agares and me, so he obviously didn't understand the meaning of my sudden words. After all, it would be a strange logic to connect all these, because my grandfather was also a young man in his twenties when Dr. Winograd was young. At that time, there was no me at all. Agares made a promise that he didn't know whether he could keep - to pay his grandson, who he didn't have at that time, as a "check". Damn, how ridiculous that sounds!

Only I believe that this is the cause and effect of Agares suddenly breaking into the gear of my destiny, although I don't want to admit it. I don't want to believe my reasoning at all. I guess my grandfather may have lost his mind when he made such a promise. Maybe he was impulsive and reckless at the time. He never thought of the huge impact it would have on me in the future, and I can't blame a deceased relative. ——I still clearly remember how much he loved me when I was young.

He often took me fishing, rafting, and camping, and let me spend my whole childhood carefree by the sea. Until now, whenever I look at the sea, I still think of his hearty and kind smile, and his touching me The generosity of the palm, these are settled in the deepest mind, so I can not forget. He even played the role of my father.

I don't believe that these behaviors are all to fulfill the promise he made, although when I think about it carefully now, some of his past behaviors are really weird. He often shoots fireworks towards the vast sea, and often stops at the bow to blow Sound the horn, as if calling and responding to something. Is he trying to dedicate me to Agares

My breathing was tight, my mind seemed to be blown by a sudden strong wind, my thoughts were scattered and messy, what Rafal said next seemed to pass by my ears, and I didn't hear a single word.

"Desaro!" Rafael shook my eyes, bringing me back to my senses, "So, listen, these Nazis may be eyeing you because they know about your grandpa's past, you have to Be careful, and try to use what you know to keep your life alive, the time gate can let them know, because they can't get out even if they go in..."

"Understood, I will," I took a deep breath to calm myself down, forced myself to retract my dusty thoughts, and my eyes fell heavily on Da Vinci: "I will try to save my life, and do my best for you. Time delay. Those Nazis need to use me to study Agares, I may be able to gain limited freedom, maybe I can get a doctor for Da Vinci... Wait!"

Saying this, I couldn't help but suddenly think of my blood. correct! I slapped my thigh, hurried to the bed, grabbed the corner of Da Vinci's coat, but hesitated again, Eva grabbed the wrist: "Desaro, what are you going to do?"

"Treating his wounds...I...maybe there is a way to heal him, but I need you to avoid it." I whispered in embarrassment. It's not hard to imagine that it would be a very ugly picture for me to heal Da Wenxi's wounds. Especially in this small room, facing Rafal and Eva. I know that humiliation all too well, and it's as scary as when I was violated in the lab. I should be glad that Da Vinci was asleep, otherwise maybe he would have the urge to commit suicide.

When I thought about it this way, I couldn't help but think of the monitors, my heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly realized that I did this because those Nazis must be watching here.

"You'd better not do that," Rafael pressed my arm, shook his head solemnly, and motioned for me to watch his hand brush over Da Vinci's face, and I saw his eyelids like The creases of the heavy bell floated up like a tightly tightened towel, the contours of the eyeballs trembled extremely quickly, and even the muscles of the face twitched, and the whole face was deformed, as if in a fierce fight, a person who was enchanted by a ghost In the encircling nightmare, the slightest slack will be swallowed up.

I gasped, isn't that a sign of severe PTSD

At this time, Da Vinci was like a frightened bird. If I woke him up recklessly, he would probably die suddenly like those who entered a deep sleep and were suddenly awakened.

"You get it, he needs a doctor. His wound is actually healing, but there's dead tissue inside..."

"Bang, bang, bang."

There was a heavy knock on the door, "Desaro!"

Rhine's voice came, and then the door was slammed open, "Hey, wait!" Before I had time to reply to Rafael, my body was roughly dragged out. He was escorting me to the other side of the boat, and when he turned a corner, he bumped into a group of tall and burly militants. They saluted Rhine in unison, and one of them had a tanned bald head. The man's expression changed immediately when he saw me. I coldly swept them around, oh, this is the guy who watched me beat that big orangutan-like jackass all over the floor. They should look at me with admiration. But I noticed that they were armed with guns and explosives, and in the distance a helicopter was about to take off. Damn, they must be starting to take over the island.

"Hey, isn't this the little Russian bird that beat Canossen half to death?" The bald man twisted the corners of his mouth, looked at me with a ferocious expression, and stretched out his hand as if wanting to touch my face, but I turned him away The head flicked over, grinning and shining teeth: "Hey, be careful, buddy."

He wanted to grab my neck with his backhand, but was blocked by Rhine, and his face immediately twisted into a ball: "Captain Rhine, since Colonel Shaqalla ordered you to interrogate him, you have to use the method of interrogating prisoners of war." Let him taste the 'sweetness', don't waste this fair little face," he twitched the corners of his mouth, and pressed his fist heavily on Rhine's chest, "Carnosson was severely concussed by him, and his retinas were detached gone."

God, it deserves it. I wanted to say this word, but I held back and just let out a disdainful snort from my nose. If I could move my hand, I would have raised my middle finger to the bald man in front of me.

"I will deal with it. Be careful, don't fight mermaids near the water, try to attack them from a distance. They are all crazy beasts," Rhine turned to look at the helicopter, and drove me past them. : "Good luck, hahaha."

After the footsteps were far away, a sense of crisis filled my heart, and when Rhine carried me towards a dark hatch, I started to feel hairy. Rhine drank, although he was able to talk freely just now, which superior would suddenly laugh when he warned his subordinates, he was not only drunk, but also drunk, who knows what he would do to me by taking advantage of his position !

"Line! I want to see Sakalla, I have a secret that she is very interested in telling her!" I shouted in desperation, but he pushed me straight into the cabin and slammed it shut behind me. Door.

In an instant, the scene in the darkness quickly became clear in my sight. I found that the walls were covered with chains and all kinds of horrifying metal instruments of torture. I kicked my legs and struggled, but he grabbed my arm tightly, pulled a chain to fasten my handcuffs, hung my arm above my head, stepped on some mechanism, and suddenly a mechanical force dragged me away. As my body lifted off the ground, my arms felt a dull dislocated pain, which made me let out a miserable cry and gasped for breath.

"What secret? Why don't you tell me first, let me hear if you are playing tricks, my little genius." Rhine looked up at my face, stroked my cheek with one hand, and used rough and hot Palms rub against my skin. His blue eyes were cloudy and bloodshot, and the whites of his eyes were covered with blood. His expression seemed to be pity and admiration. I could feel his emotions trembling violently like a sawed steel wire, and he completely lost the loyalty he had tried to maintain before. The appearance of running dogs. The current him is ten times and a hundred times more dangerous than Shakaral.

"I swear it's a secret that Shaqalla wants to know very much. I can tell you first, but I have one condition." I endured the pain in my arms, gritted my teeth and remained calm.

Maybe it was the superior's name that slightly stimulated Rhine's cerebral cortex, he frowned: "What condition?"

"My friend needs medical treatment. You have military doctors, right?" I squinted my eyes and panted, sweat trickling down my forehead and down my chin.

Rhine's fingers wiped off my sweat, and then pressed it on my collar along the flow of sweat, fiddled with the buttons, stared at my slowly wet chest, thinking about something thoughtfully, and drunk Laughing: "Oh, so it's this? Are you asking me, Desaro? Then I also have a condition that your friend can get the best rescue—" He said, and he unbuttoned me a few buttons , "Make love to me, make love to that vile beast, I want him to hear how I possess you." He squinted at the upper right, where there was a black box covered with many small holes on the surface, That is a VCR.

"Are you crazy, Rhine!" I glared at him in shock, my teeth chattering would only drive him crazy with alcohol. I had to clenched my fists, forcing myself to ignore his hand that untied my clothes, and stared at him coldly: "It doesn't make any sense to do this, you want to declare to that beast that I should be yours, don't you think he Jealousy like you? You're wrong! He won't care, maybe he'll get as high as listening to a porno tape, he's just... just treating me like a paid sex tool. You think a What beasts can really do to humans...Love, oh, what a joke! You don't understand...I just found out that I'm just...payment in a conspiracy!"

As I said this word by word, what spit out between my teeth seemed to be the turbulent waves that I suppressed in my heart just now. The moment I blurted out, I even felt that this was logical, true and credible, but something about Agale came to my mind. The scene of Adams violently refuted what I said, his eyes were full of night-like eyes when he looked at me, and a voice shouted that this is not the case, this is not the case!

Maybe it was the conflict in my heart that made my face look painful. Rhine looked up at me, as if he was a little confused, the smell of alcohol kept breathing on my face, and he hugged me so tensely that he was about to break His waist, his hot crotch was pressed against me, and the contents of his trousers had obviously lifted his head, but fortunately, he still seemed to have a little sense of reason.

"Yes, I just found out, Rhine." I closed my eyes, "I am a compensation, and my family has some entanglements with mermaids. Maybe Shakara didn't tell you, but she must know. The actions I saw in the device were all because I was bewitched, and there was something about that beast..." I swallowed, feeling my throat was a little dry, and it was difficult to speak as if I was speaking against my will, " Bewitched."

My heart constricts like a small animal curling its body in protest, but I can only speak because I know it will win Rhine's mercy so he won't skin me now swallow it down. I was so stupid that I didn't pay attention to the monitor's lens and got too close to Agares. I didn't expect how strong Rhine's desire to conquer me was.

"If you... had even the slightest... liking for me..." I actually gagged when I uttered the word, but I held back.

If Rhine's "feeling" for me is called liking, it must be the most terrifying and extreme liking in the world, because I still clearly remember how he pushed me off the kayak and threw me into the mermaid crowd In the strait, it was like dropping a stumbling block to stop their progress, but when he found out that I was still alive, he became crazy because he couldn't ask for it, just like the Nazis chasing their unattainable ultimate dream Crazy and perverted.

The funny and easy-going mentor I remembered was just his skin, but he was indeed a Nazi in his bones, a terrorist through and through.

"Stop torturing me... Rhine, find a doctor for my friend, I will thank you forever. Truly, he is dying."

I thought of Da Vinci's trembling eyelids, and a stream of heart-rending heat rushed into my nasal cavity, making my voice a little hoarse.

"Thank you..." Rhine repeated the word, and smiled lowly. His fingers were inserted into my hair, and he spread out to comb my messy bangs, and then grabbed them lightly, so that I had to face him face to face. TV: "I don't want your thanks, Desaro, I want a chance, since you said you have no feelings for that monster, you can accept me, right?"

"If you give me a reason to accept you. Doctor, Rhine." With red eyes, I emphasized hoarsely. His wine-smelling lips were almost touching the tip of my nose, making me almost suffocate.

"Let me taste your taste first, I have endured it for too long." He closed his eyes, held my head in his hands as if holding glass, and kissed my earlobe with his lips, I didn't even have the energy to feel sick , as the pain from the hanging of the arms was exacerbated by the weight of his head, my arm was about to dislocate as I heard a slight rattling of the bones.

He sighed softly in my ear: "Why are you a Russian? It would be great if you were a German. Desaro, you are the one I met in this dirty, complicated, and shady battlefield." The purest existence..." He paused, stroking my back: "You don't know that when you first visited the Canterbury Cave with me, the earnest and brave spirit was so charming, I can't imagine You just jumped in and created a miracle. And many times, you surprised me and amazed me, so I gradually understood that even if I am your mentor, I can't control you, there is no People can limit your persistent drive and ambition, and your attitude of chasing your dreams is the most admired by the Germans. Sakalal is right, you are like a beautiful moth, people can't help but want to flap their wings Goofy you hold on tight..."

He took a breath, and laughed almost intoxicated: "Otherwise you will fly, so flying that no one can catch up for a lifetime."

"You didn't catch me..." My wrists in the handcuffs were trembling slightly, the cold metal was stinging extremely painfully, "You want to tear off my wings and turn me into a worm that can't fly. I pray for your pity and love. You enjoy that feeling, don't you? Rhine, this is what you want to do to me. Don't describe yourself... as affectionate."

I looked at him sideways, eyes as sharp as nails, "Come on, you want to destroy me, then do it, you will never see the moth you want to catch. Or... you can try Give me a reason to be grateful to you."

Rhine was stunned, his eyeballs were as cloudy as a layer of cobwebs, I could see that his alcoholism was getting worse, his mind was a little unconscious, and his heart was a little shaken.

At this time, I really feel lucky that he has more than pure sexual desire for me. In fact, if he is sober, he may not really do anything to me, but just relying on strength to make me surrender will make him feel extremely unwilling. Because that would prove he couldn't beat the hormones of a beast. Rhine is a conqueror at all, and wants me to submit to him completely, love and worship him, but that is just a dream.

"I will find a doctor for your friend, and I will give him the best treatment... But, Desaro," Rhine breathed heavily, his hand twisted my earlobe to play, "promise me, after the base is completed , go back to Germany with me, become a German citizen, and marry me. And from now on, you can’t get close to that mermaid again, can you do it?”

"Married?" I froze my mouth in astonishment. The Nazi persecution of homosexuals during WW2 was horrific, this guy is making such horrible jokes on me, thank goodness it's not WW2, otherwise I would have been sent to a horrible place like a concentration camp by him!

"Yes, get married. We don't restrict homosexuality like you do in Russia now. Although it's not legal yet, it will be in the future..." He murmured dreamily, falling into his own imagination with some excitement, "I can't wait for you You have become my little bridegroom, Desaro, and you can’t go back. Your school status and household registration files have been canceled secretly by someone I entrusted. You are no longer a Russian, you are a stateless person, and you will be slow Slowly, slowly, year by year, it is forgotten."

I was stunned on the spot as if under a heavy hammer, and after thinking for a long time, I slowly realized this terrible fact. Rhine took away my chance to continue studying in university, he destroyed my dream, and erased my memory. Proof of existence, uprooted me from Russia, and turned me into a footless bird that couldn't land, so that he could make a kite and lead me away.

", no! What did you do, why did you do it! You mad dog, mad dog! I'm going to kill you!"

I kicked him hysterically, but he hugged my legs tightly. The severe pain in my arms made me unable to use any strength. The sound of clanging iron chains stimulated my eardrums like an explosion and made my brain Buzzing and dizzy, I heard Rhine keep asking: "Will you promise me, Desaro? I love you so much that I'm going crazy!"

"Go away, you bastard, you are worse than shit, lunatic!" I cursed weakly, the calmness I tried to maintain collapsed in an instant, and when Rhine trembled to untie my waistband, I knew I'm finished.

However, at the moment he took off my pants, I suddenly heard a messy electrical current sound, which made me tremble all over and suddenly held my breath.

"Line, call for Rhine!" Sakalla's voice sounded from his pocket, God knows for the first time I thought her female ghost's voice was like a melody, "Bring Desaro, this mermaid doesn't know what to do Sudden madness, I order you to bring him now and stop the interrogation!"

"It seems that your boss has made it impossible for me to agree to your conditions for the time being."

My vocal cords trembled.

Thanks to Tossa Kalal, I escaped from Rhine's clutches by luck, and when I was sent back to the bottom cabin, I couldn't help but feel a sense of amnesty, my legs were a little weak, as if I was stepping on the void All of a sudden, my sanity is like a vain sky, my mind is full of thinking about my warm home, my parents' meals, the exciting years spent in college, my dear classmates and teachers, all of them will become a dream, Like broken into dust dissipated in the wind.

My soul seemed to be pulled out of my body, and my heart was empty. My body was as fragile as a layer of ice, and I could hear the sound of cracking when I walked.

I was brought to Shakara without saying a word. She glanced at the strangle marks on my wrist indifferently, took out the key to open it for me, and said lightly: "Just now I saw this mermaid self-mutilating on the monitor. , please calm him down, little Desaro, and you need to feed him, he refuses to eat anything. We have to keep him alive."

After she finished speaking, she handed me a small bucket full of sardines and gave me a false smile.

I took it over in silence, and stepped into the hatch in silence. It wasn't until my sight became clear as the hatch closed that I realized the word Shaqalla said—Agares was harming himself.

When I saw his appearance clearly, my hands trembled, and the bucket almost fell to the ground. His wrists were no longer hung on the sides of his head as before, but were lowered to his shoulders. He pulled the chain so that it was derailed from the metal gear on the top, and his wrists were stuck several times. There is a deep sunken white scar, his flesh is turned outwards, and the blue blood coagulates like two wrist cuffs, thickly accumulated between the handcuffs.

"Desharow..." His eyes were tightly locked on me in the mottled hair, and he shook his hand with the chain: "come...I..." He spat out Russian syllables jerky, as if trying to express something , but I don't know how to make a sentence.

I suddenly realized that he wanted to break free by self-harm because he had heard all the conversations between Rhine and me. This idea led me to stagger two steps towards the water, and I wrapped my arms around his strong body in despair, and my hands sank into him. Clinging tightly to the thick hair, he closed his eyes and buried him in his neck, sniffing deeply at his scent.