Desharow Merman

Chapter 6: Emergencies!


I quickly returned to my private cabin from the bottom cabin, and before Rhine came after me, I stuffed everything under the bed, took off all my wet clothes, and rushed into the bathroom .

That way maybe when he asks, I can say I'm in the shower so I don't hear. Although this excuse is a bit far-fetched.

I listened to the movement outside in horror, and turned on the faucet. Hot water gushed down from the shower, and I rinsed myself in a hurry, but it was hard to calm down anyway. The strange scent of the mermaid that remains on the body seems to be irreversible, and it makes people feel dizzy. In addition, it also caused another unbelievable consequence——

I slumped against the wall and looked down.

The thing between the legs has stood up at some point, and it is very hard.

It's really not the time.

I frowned helplessly, stretched out my hand to hold the restless thing underneath, leaned against the wall to change to a more comfortable position, and kneaded lightly and sometimes shallowly.

I have always had the habit of solving my physical desires while taking a bath, which is quite normal for a twenty-year-old man. But this time, the desire seems to be much more violent. Every time I move, I feel that the pleasure comes and I am caught off guard. My thighs tremble and become weak, and my throat can't help but overflow with a humiliating moan. I bit my lip to hold it back.

The heightened pleasure quickly overwhelmed the brain. I raised my neck and let the water splash on my face. My consciousness seemed to follow the rising water vapor to the sky and then flow to the sea. There are deep and shallow dark blue waters in front of my eyes, and I sank to the bottom of the sea, sinking deeper and deeper, to the depths of the ocean where even light cannot reach.

Then, a slender shadow loomed from the darkness, parted the water, and stripped the silhouette in my hallucination. It became clearer and closer to me.

Then, there seemed to be something wet wrapped around the legs, and the roots of the legs rolled up, and a deep voice bewitched in the ear: ""

Agaras... What language is this string of notes, and what does it mean

I seem to have heard it just last night. I tried my best to recall, but there was always a small truncated layer in my memory that couldn't be pieced together. This feeling is very strange, as if someone deliberately cut the video tape and glued it together again.

The water flow hit the forehead, which seemed to make the chaotic brain even more chaotic, leaving only the pleasure of reaching the peak. I followed my instinct and rubbed it impatiently, and reached the climax amidst the lingering voice in the eardrums. Leak like a note.

After venting, there is always a short-term shutdown, but this time I woke up very slowly. After a long time, I was still in dizziness and couldn't stand still.

It must be the relationship between staying up all night last night.

I turned off the shower, shook my wet head, turned around and propped myself on the slippery wall, gasping for breath, trying to wake myself up with the cold. The remaining water flowed down from my neck and dripped down along the strands of hair. The sight was disturbed like water plants, which reminded me of the thick long hair of the mermaid, and even more so by the pair of dark animal eyes. The feeling of staring immediately gave goosebumps all over his body.

Just a few minutes ago, I actually had a sexual fantasy about that merman.

I actually have a sexual impulse towards an inhuman creature!

gosh. Desaro, are you driving yourself crazy with your research

I put my fist against my lips, opened my mouth and bit the back of my hand hard, but I didn't think it was enough, so I punched hard on the wall.

Blood dripped slowly along the finger joints, and the pain made me wake up a lot immediately, but the shame of immorality became stronger and stronger. I even recalled the hallucination just now in my mind: the mermaid and I were naked and entangled with each other, and his fish tail was shaking vigorously in the heels of my legs, as if we were in…

sexual intercourse.

How could this hallucination occur

I am devoted to biological research and have no sexual experience. But my own biological knowledge makes me so understand how men have sex. The body structure of mermaids is so similar to that of humans, and their sexual behavior must be similar. After thinking about it for a while, I felt very embarrassed, and the roots of my ears became hot. I couldn't help but be thankful that this was just an absurd illusion, and it would never happen in reality.

Must be too tired. I patted my forehead and comforted myself in my heart. Picking up the bath towel at the side, and just wrapped it around her lower body, she suddenly heard a click from behind, and the door, which was locked, was suddenly opened for some reason.

I was startled, and a familiar voice sounded behind me: "Wallace, why are you here?"

There was unconcealable anger in Rhine's voice.

I can't let Rhine find the blood on my hands. I was thinking, still leaning on the wall, trying to pretend to be lazy after taking a shower, and turned my head halfway: "Hey, what's the matter, buddy? What are you doing in such a hurry in the morning?"

In the mist and mist, I saw Rhine's face was gloomy, almost ashen-blue, but his gaze was scraped from my back like a blade, and stayed on the top of the bath towel around my lower body. An ominous premonition rushed up from the bottom of my heart.

After knowing that Rhine had unreasonable thoughts about me, how I hated that I didn't have time to bring in the bathrobe at this time!

I felt like I was on my back, I slapped my neck very uncomfortably, avoided him and hurried to the back of the door, "Hey, I said buddy, it's quite hot in here, how about we go out and talk about something?"

As I said that, I strode towards the bathroom door next to Lain, but unfortunately he was one step faster than me. His body, which was much taller than me, blocked my way as soon as he turned around, and locked the door with a click.

My eyes slipped up his wrist with exposed veins, just as I met the sharp and scorching gaze in his brown eyes, the threat he had said flashed into my mind, and I took a step back subconsciously , grabbed the towel that was about to slide down under her body.

"Line, I..."

I swallowed, trying to explain something, before I could say a complete sentence, my body was pulled forward a few steps by a strong force, and was pressed against the door by Rhine's body from behind, his hard chest firmly It squeezed my back tightly, and I immediately felt a breathless oppression.

"What did I say last night, Desaro? Huh?"

His hand reached down my waist and grabbed the edge of the towel. I didn't expect that Rhine would suddenly become so scary, because unless something important happened, he would appear gentle and witty on weekdays, a typical professor and scholar's appearance, not the state from last night to now at all. I even suspect he has schizophrenia.

At this time, I have to admit that I was scared because I was caught off guard.

I really believe that his threats are not just for fun.

Cold sweat broke out on my back: "I don't know what you're talking about, Rhine, calm down!"

Rhine snorted, although that smile made me feel even more creepy: "You forgot? Then, do you want me to use actions to help you recall? I warned you, don't approach dangerous creatures like mermaids without authorization, but you may fall into danger." Who dropped the light stick in the tank?"

My breathing suddenly tightened, and I was so annoyed by my negligence that I had the urge to hit the wall and commit suicide. Sophistry became futile, but I still couldn't say softly: "Maybe, maybe it fell on the deck today, I swear I didn't go!"

"I won't believe your oath, Desaro, you're a complete...little liar." Rhine suddenly called my real name, and it throbbed through my back, making my chest numb. He was judging me like this, as if he were doing a definitive biometric.

His right arm came from both sides of my body tightly, tightly encircling my arm, and at the same time, he grabbed my bath towel with one hand, and suddenly tore off the only thing covering my body .

I was finally sure Rhine was serious. No one on this boat can save me!

"Rhein, don't mess around, I'm your student!"

I roared and jumped up and struggled almost like a rabbit, but my muscle strength was too different from his, and every inch of room for movement was limited to negligible, except for my naked buttocks, which could still be twisted. But I'd rather not leave it there, because the lure makes no difference.

"If you want, Desaro...I've endured it for a long time," Rhine said in a half-threatening, half-negotiating tone. He pressed my hands behind my back like a policeman arresting a criminal, freed one hand, and brushed the hair on the back of my neck, "I have liked you since the day you chose me as a mentor. If you obey Me, I can get government support for the mermaid research project, and you'll be world famous...a biologist better than Wallace and Darwin."

I stayed for a few seconds for this sentence. It's not because I was tempted, but I never thought that the outstanding and excellent mentor and partner in my mind, a person I looked up to, would actually tempt me so nakedly. What's ridiculous is that what he wants to exchange is me, his student, a man's body.

It is because I have been living in the academic world and ignored the dirty and cruel reality.

"You acquiesced, Desaro?" Rhine stroked my chest, with a hint of success in his tone, he lowered his head and kissed my neck, and sighed: "You are so fragrant, so fragrant that I can't bear to taste it." .”

I dodged my head like an electric shock, and the disgusting feeling of being humiliated made me furious, and I struggled hard: "I refuse! Rhine, I refuse this dirty deal, and I refuse to continue to be your student! I would rather drop out !You shameless bastard!"

"But now, have I given you room to refuse?"

Rhine suddenly laughed out loud. He grabbed my arms, pulled me over, and grabbed the back of my neck and head with his big hands, forcing me to raise my head to meet his face. I looked straight at him without any hesitation, gritted my teeth, and made my face look tougher, so that he could clearly see that I was not a weak person.

But a bachelor who is spiritually and morally enough to look down on him: "I refuse. Rhine. Don't make me despise you."

His intrusive and threatening smile slowly disappeared under my gaze, and his expression was forbearing and depressed. His brows twitched, and he leaned into my ear and said: "Desaro, you are too simple. One day, the nobility you think will collapse in the face of the cruelty of reality, and you will surrender to me. And I, Waiting for that day. Your cute appearance makes me almost fall in love with you..."

Rhine turned her face sideways, as if to kiss my lips.

I turned my head and wanted to hide, but I slammed into the door panel behind me with too much force, my head hurt, and I felt my surroundings were spinning. At this moment, the feet really shook violently, a familiar smell floated through the air, and the bathroom was suddenly pitch black.

I couldn't see anything clearly, but I felt that Rhine left my body, almost as suddenly as being pulled away by a force, and then he groaned in the darkness, as if he was frightened by something.

"Storm! Storm!"

There were distant shouts from the sailors outside.

I didn't care about what happened, so I slammed open the door of the bathroom. Before I could even pick up the towel, I ran out naked, rushed back to my cabin, and closed the door tightly.

The wind and rain were raging outside the window, and the sudden storm blew dryly, causing the whole ship to toss violently. The glass was covered with flying and mottled rain lines, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

I leaned on the bed rails and sat down on the bed, picked up the clean clothes and put them on, but when I was putting on my coat, I suddenly saw a black shadow passing through the rain and fog outside the window at an inhumanly fast speed. I thought that maybe something on the boat was blown away by the wind, but after I put on my clothes, in just a few seconds, I found a strange change on the window.

A vague outline was imprinted on the vapor from the window.

A person's handprint, but the prints between the fingers are connected together.

That is, the webbed claws of the mermaid.