Desharow Merman

Chapter 69


There are no human habitation settings in the abandoned aquatic research institute, but I don’t need to worry about this at all, because when Agares carried me into the large water reservoir in the institute, I felt something wrong with my body—that was The mutation that had stopped suddenly two years ago had reappeared, and it caught me off guard more than ever.

I watched as many shiny silver scales gradually grew on my legs, and excess muscle tissue sprouted from the inner thighs, melding my legs into one, and extending from the top of my feet. Countless translucent filaments were tightly twisted like machine threads, and then quickly unfolded, forming a pair of fan-shaped sharp tail fins.

My body mutated so rapidly, it was like a bombardment war broke out under the surface of the cell legion, like a group of devils fighting in the body, making my blood boil and scurrying in the blood vessels, all the time A force spewed out from the inside to the outside, and it was about to tear my whole body into pieces, leaving me no time to be shocked or in pain. I could just close my eyes, and my body trembled like chaff to bear all this.

During this ordeal, Agares hugged me tightly until the mutation was finally completed. I leaned in his firm and broad arms, my mind was in a daze, but the mutated estrus began to stir again, making me instinctively use the fragile fish tail that had just formed to twist, rub, and even tease Looking at his big tail, which is much thicker and longer than mine, he is as hungry and clumsy as a newborn needing milk.

I can't describe this wonderful feeling——

I clearly feel that the structure above my thighs is no different from my original human body (except for a thin layer of scales covering the buttocks with invisible cracks from the tailbone to the lower body), and the functions of these structures should be It's not much different from before, but it seems that all the scales cover my sensitive spots, and just rubbing against Agares' fish tail makes me feel so comfortable. This reminds me of the scene where I caressed Agares' fish tail on the boat, and now I realize why he showed that look at that time, because I did it like I was stroking his genitals In the sensitive area, he unconsciously sent a courtship signal to him: Hey, come on, I belong to you, come and take me!

You can't touch fish tails casually, no wonder Agares thinks I'm trying to seduce him, hell...

I was thinking in a daze, touched the scales under my body, and the figure of Xuecun appeared in front of my eyes, and my heart sank. Can I ever turn back into a human? Or is he destined to exist as a mermaid for the rest of his life? I shook my head and was hugged by Agares, who lovingly kissed my new winged ears. This thought only flashed in my mind, and then sank into the depths of my chaotic nerves, swallowed by the charming breath filling my nasal cavity.

"Do you still feel pain, Desaro?" Agares didn't know what I was thinking about, but he gently combed my hair with his webbed claws, and put my head on his shoulder, but he didn't Any touch at the time made my blood pump, "You will get used to it soon."

I murmured hoarsely, raised my heavy head, and engulfed his fingertips by accident. His hands are slender and strong, his skin is cool and thick, and his joints are very convex, exuding the dominance of a king. I sucked on every joint of his hand intoxicated, and raised my eyelids, squinting at him like a sneaky cat.

Agares seemed to enjoy my courtship to him very much. He slowly grinned, his eyes dark and wet like a swamp. Scratching the back of my ear lightly, as if enjoying it. But my ear wings were itchy from him, trembling like two small fans, and the fish tail couldn't help being entangled even tighter on his body, almost twisted into a braid, and I didn't want to let go for a moment. .

He immediately became excited because of my teasing, turned me over and pressed me against the wall of the pool, and twisted my restless newborn body tightly with his powerful fish tail, just like last night Intense siege.

In this way, we had sex in the water for almost a day. I can't count how many times we did it, but it must be so dark that I even suspect that if I stay with Agares for a long time, I will die of excessive sex. Almost immediately after my mutated estrus subsided, I collapsed into Agares's arms, unconscious.

Then I had a very confusing dream.

In my dream I saw my home and relatives in Moscow, I dreamed of people who were separated from me at the port when I set off, dreamed of the scene on Mermaid Island two years ago, dreamed of the mermaid world like a huge tomb, dreamed of See the long-lost Rafael and Da Vinci, as well as Rhine and their army, all kinds of things.

Scenes of pictures flashed through my mind like those film films, frame after frame, short and silent, leaving some scattered auspicious feathers, gradually drifting away from me. Stretching my soft and slender fish tail, led by the back of Agares, I passed through the bodies of huge and glowing unknown underwater creatures, as if passing by some things that I once had in life, Going through some indescribable ups and downs and tribulations, sinking into the depths of the ocean silently, is like spending a long life.

"Dert, Delt! Call, Delt, can you hear me?"

In the groggy floating, a voice gradually woke me up. I opened my eyes, stared at the voice in a daze, and found that it was the voice from my pile of clothes on the table by the edge of the reservoir, it was a pager, and it was the voice of Rhodea. I quickly leaned over and climbed onto the floor only to realize that my legs had changed back again, but there were still a few shiny scales on the insteps that could not be retracted in the skin in the future, but my skin color had become very pale, It's a light cool blue, just like Agares, and I don't feel the cold. Being in the water makes me feel very comfortable, and I can sleep well in the water. This may be my last time in human form, and my body is transforming into a mermaid, inside and out.

It seems that the reason why my body stopped mutating in the past two years is because I didn’t have any sexual contact with Agares. I thought sadly. I stood up and looked around, and found that Agares was not there. I don’t know where he went. Outside It is already night. There was a dry bathrobe on the table, obviously for me, as if he expected that I would return to being human for a while. I took a deep breath, got dressed, and found out the pager. It had been flooded, but the light was still on. I had to be amazed at the high quality of the American product.

"Call, call, Rhodea, is that you? I'm Delt."

There was a noise from the pager, I pressed a few keys, waited for a while, and finally heard a voice responding: "Hey, Delt, is that you, where are you, something happened in the city ,I am worried about you."

"Don't worry, Rhodea, I'm safe. What happened? You sound nervous," I replied.

Rhodea lowered her voice: "Do you have today's newspaper?"

"no, what happened?"

"Yesterday, the people from the German company that was going to trade with the Camorra family... Uh, I mean, the people who planned to buy the strange stones from Kolov came to Venice, but this morning, I found out that several of their people died unexpectedly. I saw it with my own eyes. Seeing their bodies floating on the water, their spines were all smashed, can you believe it, their spinal cords were sucked dry, and from the back of their necks, there are animal teeth marks. This is terrible. Where are you? Come on! Come back, the city of Venice is too unsafe now, the police are searching everywhere for that monster that hurt people."

My heart skipped a beat, and I took a breath, thinking that it wasn't Agares who did it, right? The so-called German company should belong to Shakal and the others. It is logical for Agares to deal with them and take back the mermaid spores, but why did he suck their spinal cords dry? Did he treat them as food by the way? Moreover, it would be too arrogant to do so, and it would cause turmoil throughout Venice. Tsk... so weird.

"Understood, you don't have to worry about me, I'm meeting an old friend, keep in touch." After finishing speaking, I turned off the pager, held it suspiciously, walked to the window of the institute, looked out, Looking for the figure of Agares. There are no lights in the surrounding water alleys, especially the area we are in, buried in the shadows, but the city not far away is brightly lit, with boats of all sizes passing through it, and heavy rain intertwined, which dazzled my eyes and confused my heart. An indescribable panic rose to my heart.

The group of Nazi remnants has made a comeback again. I don’t know if Rhine and Sakral are still alive, if they are aware of the existence of Agares, and what measures they will take if they are aware of it. This city is under the control of the mafia, and they are allies with mutual trade relations. After all, this place is occupied by human force. If they join forces to deal with Agares, can he handle it? He is indeed an invincible mermaid leader in the sea, but once he lands and is exposed to arms, he may be completely at a disadvantage, no different from a fish placed on a chopping board. It's clear, that's why he tried his best to pretend to be a human being and mix in the mafia.

Could it be that Agares had an accident and was caught? I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning, and if he doesn't come back I'll...

I paced uneasily, and ran upstairs to get a better view, but as soon as I opened the upstairs door, I was surprised to find that the upstairs room was fully equipped with human living settings, including beds, clothes, Wardrobe, desk, etc., there are some things I used a long time ago, and the water ball I played with him when I was young. I couldn't help being dumbfounded for a few seconds, holding it in my hands in disbelief, an indescribable warmth surged into my heart, and I haven't recovered from it for a long time. I truly realized the weight of Agares' love for me, which cannot be measured by anything, including time and space.

I picked up the water ball, squatted down and patted it, feeling a little dazed and startled.

Suddenly I heard a movement downstairs, my heart skipped a beat, and I ran downstairs in a hurry, just as I saw Agares push the door in, his tail was gone, he was wearing that ghostly black windbreaker, Put away the wet umbrella and close the door, like a mysterious tourist who came to stay at night. I went up to him and took the umbrella for him, but I smelled a strong smell of blood.

"Where have you been? Agares!" I grabbed his collar, fearing that he might be injured, so I hurriedly unbuttoned him to check, but when I opened the windbreaker, I found that he was unharmed, which was even more shocking. To my surprise, his lower body is much more normal than last time (except for the amazing size of course) - there is not a single fish scale on the skin, and there is not a trace of musculature attached to the inside of the legs, but there are still residues on the feet. There are transparent webs, but if you don't look carefully, these are a pair of male legs that are no different from human beings.

"If you want to pretend to be a human, you should at least wear a pair of underwear, otherwise you will be suspected of being an exhibitionist, sir." I frowned, put my hands on Agares' wet face, and looked straight at He looked down into my eyes and grabbed his collar with both hands, "Hey tell me what happened and how did you do this?"

I get a really weird feeling when I ask this because my behavior and attitude make me feel like I've turned into a housewife, oh no man, waiting for my late husband to interrogate him when he comes home late whereabouts. Damn, I don't want to do this at all, but I really care about where Agares went last night, I can't hold back my anxiety, I was so worried just now.

"I killed a few people. I need to absorb their genes to mutate myself." Agares whispered hoarsely against my nose. There were several clear clicks of bones.

Although I was mentally prepared, I couldn't help being a little disbelieving: "Sure enough, you did sucking the spinal God..."

Perhaps this is how Agares was able to temporarily maintain his human form. He needs to periodically absorb human cells for mimicking mutations. I can't use biology to explain what Agares has done, and it's even difficult to describe it: changing a part of myself by fusing human genes, what should this be called? It's appalling and unbelievable. If I didn't know him and knew that the few people he killed were from the Nazi side, I would definitely put him on the list of aggressive alien creatures on high alert.

"I thought you would run away." Agares stared at me thoughtfully, curled his lips, he took off his windbreaker, and clung to me naked, making my ears feel hot. Greedily lingered on his tall body and those pair of newly born strong and long legs, so that he really looked like a model figure, the golden ratio that could be on the cover of Italian fashion magazines.

I swallowed, and muttered dryly, "No, I won't run away again."