Desharow Merman

Chapter 72


Where is this? I opened my eyes from sleep, and saw a wooden ceiling with many cracks and a small black hole in the corner. I habitually stared at it for a while, and my mind slowly came to my senses, only to realize that I was actually lying in my cabin on the Poseidon, and there was no doubt that it was Agares who sent me back.


I straightened up and sat up, rubbed my messy hair, jumped out of the bed, when I was about to open the door to go out, my peripheral vision glanced at the things I used to disguise my appearance on the table, and my footsteps couldn’t help but stop Living. I must find Agares and catch up with him as soon as possible, but I can't just go out like this, it's too dangerous, I'm a wanted criminal, and Rhine and the others are also in Venice, unless it's absolutely necessary, I have to try to sneak up.

Thinking of this, I turned back to my desk, took out the scissors, looked at the reflection on the window glass, quickly cut my hair short, and made a rather neat hairstyle, then put on my sunglasses and put on a fake beard , I darkened my face a bit, and a middle-aged man that I didn't even recognize appeared in the reflection. I looked at my side from side to side, carefully spread the dark powder evenly, and found the guns, binoculars, and flashlights in the drawer, wrapped them in waterproof plastic bags, and put them in the changed jacket. , so that in case I want to go into the water, they can be guaranteed not to be damaged.

I opened the door and went out, searched around the ship, and found that there was no one on the Poseidon, and the ship in Nuoda was quiet, only when I came to the captain's cabin, I heard some noise from a pager I pressed it, called a few times, and immediately heard the responses from Rhodea and several other Poseidon companions. From their mouths, I learned that Kolov is still involved in the transaction between the Mafia and the so-called German company, and that he has successfully participated in their mysterious project as an intermediary, and that the Poseidon will go to Japan together.

The voices of Rhodea and the others sounded extremely excited, because they thought they could make a lot of money this time, but my heart sank like an anchor, and my heartstrings were uneasy like a shaking anchor chain.

Why did Rhein and the others go to Japan? Did they already know that the location of the atomic bomb wreckage is the key to opening the passage

But this is also good, after all, it is much easier to recapture the mermaid spores at sea than in a city controlled by human forces, and Agares will have an absolute advantage. But where is he now

I got off the boat very anxiously, and took a gondola to the underground blockade that Kolov took us to that day, but just after passing the Bridge of Sighs, I immediately saw a boat moored on the west side of the port not far away. The ship was slowly approaching the Poseidon, and after putting a bridge on its deck, a group of figures walked past the ship, they were my companions. In addition, there were several other figures standing on the third deck of the ship. I saw a familiar silhouette wearing an army green coat at a glance, and immediately squatted down reflexively. , got into the bottom of the gondola, quickly jumped ashore, and observed the place against the wall.

That person was clearly Rhine. So what about Sakal? I vigilantly looked at other places on the ship, but I didn't find that sinister and cunning woman. I couldn't help being relieved for a while, and I prayed that she didn't come, or she was dead. Because the truth is that Rhine is a great threat, but he is not as difficult to deal with as Shaqalla. Although I didn't find Sakala, I found another threat—Shinichi. He was standing on the second deck, talking to Kolov and Liciardi, the godmother of the Camorra family. Seeing her refreshed me, and I hurried to a place with a better view and searched for it with my eyes. He looked at Agares, but did not see him.

But I vaguely feel that he is nearby, because I can feel an invisible magnetic field attracting me, making my nerves jump. Maybe he was hiding somewhere on the Poseidon or Rhine's ship, the latter being more likely.

"You want to play hide-and-seek with me, sir?" I said to myself, squinting my eyes, and I couldn't help being extremely glad that Korov also wade into this muddy water, so that I could follow Agares logically. Colleagues, this was probably something he didn't expect. Seeing that Rhine had returned to the cabin, I took the opportunity to sneak back to the Poseidon, hid in my cabin and used a telescope to spy on the situation on the opposite ship. In the camera, I saw Shinichi talking with Liciardi with an electronic navigator, Maybe he was talking about the location of the atomic bomb wreckage in Hiroshima. There were a few bodyguards in black standing behind him, and one of them was carrying a suitcase in his hand. Maybe it contained the cash needed for the transaction, but I didn't find any possibility around him. The container containing the merman spores, it is not known where they are stored now.

I observed all this carefully, the camera inadvertently passed the faces of the men behind Shinichi, but my heart suddenly trembled for some reason, which made my eyes freeze through the camera, and I couldn't help but focus on a person's face, that A tall man with short light brown hair and sunglasses carrying a suitcase. The appearance of that person has no similarities with Agares, except for the same too pale skin, he is clearly a stranger, but I just can't move my eyes, my eyes seem to be attracted. I swear I'm definitely not empathizing!

If Agares can imitate the lower body of a human by absorbing human spinal cord to obtain genes, maybe he can also imitate the appearance of a human in this way? Perhaps he was impersonating one of the three men he had killed

Suddenly a bold but reasonable hypothesis for Agares popped up in my mind. I had to find a way to confirm my guess, otherwise I would have to go crazy in a hurry, because I didn't know if it would Just my illusion. I'm going to try to get to that ship, but it's a stupid thing to do now in broad daylight, and there are two people on that ship who know me. I have to wait until after dark. The boats traveling with me will not be too far apart, and I can swim across the sea and climb onto that boat.

After using the binoculars to see the structure of the ship, I silently planned the night's action in my heart, watching the few people trading on the deck enter the cabin, it seemed that a gambling feast was about to be held inside, and the The man I had a special feeling for also followed in, disappearing in the shaking figure. The sky gradually darkened, and the Poseidon and their ship sailed out of the port one after the other.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Nick and Lodia came to invite me to play poker. I didn't refuse. I played until midnight. Then I slipped out with the excuse of going to the bathroom and jumped into the poker room when no one noticed me. In the sea, taking advantage of the dark night and high wind, like a shark looking for food, we swam to another ship not too far away from us. The speed of the boat is very fast, and the waves caused by the trajectory are also extremely large. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to catch up with it by swimming, but it is not too difficult for my mutated body.

After several hard attempts, I finally used a dagger to fix myself on a lifeboat tied outside the hull, grabbed the rope hanging down, and climbed up cautiously. When I reached the edge, I looked around. Everyone was in the hall of the boathouse for the gambling banquet that was coming to an end. An accordion band was singing German songs inside. The beautiful blonde showgirl was sitting halfway on the stage, her snow-white thighs seemed to attract everyone's attention. , and no one noticed me, the "ghost" who climbed up from the sea in the dark.

I flipped into the boat quickly, and stuck to the window of the cabin hall to observe the inside. The smoky and dim light was mottled and dazzled. I didn't find Agares, but I saw Rhine sitting at a gambling table not far away, gambling with Kolov and the others, with a cigarette in his mouth and a lot of chips in his hand. He seems to be a boss who is rich and rich, and he doesn't know what his current rank is. Maybe without Shakal's suppression, he finally looks like a human being.

I swallowed the disgust rushing up my throat, squatted down and moved to the other side of the hall, thinking maybe Agares was on the second or third floor, so I sneaked up the stairs leading to the top, the whole second floor The third floor was pitch-black, and all the cabins in the corridor were tightly closed. There were several armed men with guns standing guard at the bow and stern of the ship. I don’t know if they would start patrolling. I quietly hid myself in the dark night, almost sliding against the wall, without making a sound. Just as I approached the stairs leading to the third floor, I suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance, and my heart couldn't help beating wildly.

Agares is nearby, on the third floor, very close to me.

I groped for the railing and climbed up, almost slipping and falling because of my eagerness, but fortunately I held onto the stairs with quick eyesight and hands. When I poked my head out of the hatch above, a black figure appeared in my sight in the darkness of night. That was the man I saw in the binoculars during the day. He was looking at the sea in a daze, as if he was thinking about something, and he didn't notice my presence at all. Although his lower body does not have a fishtail, nor does he have long silver-gray hair on his head, and even his height is a little different, but the strong fragrance that is blowing in the wind and belongs to Agares still attracts me, step by step walked over.

"Hey, Agares."

I tiptoed to his back, his shoulders shook because of my call, I think he must have been startled by me. I raised my arms, and before he had time to turn around, I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind, buried my nose in his suit and took a deep breath of the charming breath, "Don't you want to leave me. "

A cold hand held my wrist, and his fingers stroked my skin. He turned around slowly, and when I looked up, I saw a pair of dark sunglasses. His eyes shone faintly in the shadows. I leaned close to the bridge of his nose, expecting a passionate kiss, but all of a sudden, I felt a hard metal object hold my forehead, and I didn't react the next moment. His arms were slammed behind him, and his whole body was pushed to the second floor. A familiar deep voice shouted in German that I couldn't understand. In an instant, the surrounding armed men surrounded him. The muzzles of several black holes were aimed at me.

what happened? My brain was buzzing, I didn't turn the corner for a while, and I was stunned on the spot.

"What's going on?" Another voice asked this sentence for me, but it came from the first floor of the hold. I looked down, and Rhine was standing underneath, looking up at me, the uninvited guest who was captured alive.