Desharow Merman

Chapter 75


I hid in the casino, and finally fled to the bathroom. As I expected, there was a knock on the door behind me, and I saw the figure of Agares following in. I kicked open the window, only a step away from the sea, ready to jump in and leave this chaotic night behind. But my body froze.

——Damn it, from just now until now, I don't really want to leave, I just hope that this can force Agares to stop his wild action style and communicate with me properly, but I failed up. I was frightened by Agares, and I still have lingering fears about the horrific scene just now. I have no doubt that if I go against his wishes, he will catch me and do something to make me calm down.

God knows I don't want to repeat the situation just now, and I am even more unwilling to walk away full of grievances, fears, and doubts. Thinking of this, I simply turned around, stared into Agares' eyes, and swallowed: "You asked me what you should do to me—Agares, this should be what I should ask, hell!"

I opened my mouth to say more, but my throat seemed to be stuck by a fishbone, and my mind was buzzing, looking at him like a puppet with a disjointed jaw, waiting for his response.

Unexpectedly, Agares stood silently at a distance of two or three meters away, neither stopped me nor rushed over to grab me immediately, nor said anything, but quietly revealed Looking at me through the reflection on the glass, his face is so strange and stiff, as if after changing the face, even the inner things have changed, except that the eyes still exude the unique glint of mermaid pupils in the dark.

I really couldn't figure out what was going on in his fish brain, after a long while, I saw his lips move, and he said in a low voice: "Let's go, Desaro, go back to your boat ,leave me alone."

This sentence made me stunned for a few seconds, and I stood there in a daze. I even suspected that I was insane or just had a dream. Everything that happened just now was my hallucination, because only this can Explaining the fickleness and inconsistency of Agares, but I just know it is true, he stood in front of me, and after trying to force me to stay a few minutes ago, he told me to stay away from him Come on like this.

"Damn, what is this? Are you kidding me?" My heart was so uncomfortable, it was dripping with blood, and for a moment I really wanted to kick open the window and leave, but the blood flowed The restless anger and unwillingness occupied the upper part, I clenched my fists and rushed forward, grabbed Agares' collar with both hands, and slammed him against the wall next to me, staring at the strange picture. The face squeezed out a voice through the teeth, "What the hell is going on with you bastard? Personality, oh no... Is the fish personality split, or are you playing me on purpose? You said let me not be afraid of you, let me know everything about you , but your inconsistency makes me do it? I used to be terribly afraid of you, Agares, because you are too mysterious, fickle, and scary, and now I am finally not afraid of you, and you are like this again... I I really don't understand you..."

I uttered the last few words with difficulty and slowly, my emotional vocal cords trembled, and my pupils in the dark rippled like a dead marsh because of my words, but I could see that his emotions were being suppressed by him, and his mouth was closed Tightly stretched into a slit that seals the secret. If I can, I really want to pry open his brain, get some samples of his neural tissue, put it under a microscope and observe the structure of this guy's brain carefully, so as to understand his complicated thinking that I can't figure out, and know that he What are you thinking.

"Stay away from me." He opened his mouth and repeated the sentence again in a deep voice.

"I don't!" I blurted out subconsciously, and my arms pressed harder against him, "Tell me, what happened just now, your... weird changes—your eyes, your behavior..."

"I'm dangerous, Desaro!" He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed my wrist, pulled me away from his body, lowered his head and approached my face, and his voice exploded in my ears like thunder: "I will It's getting more and more dangerous!"

As if in response to his warning, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed outside the window, and the glaring white light tore through the darkness and illuminated half of his face, which actually looked a bit terrifying.

I breathed as if being held in the palm of my hand, and took a deep breath: "You have always been dangerous, sir, I have experienced it since the first time you did that to me! You let me fall into it, now How can you get me to withdraw? I can't do this! If you want me to stay away from you, that's not enough just now, you have to be more dangerous... "

"You..." Agares gripped my wrist even tighter, causing my pulse to throb and hurt. The blood was accumulated in the blood vessels and accelerated to the heart, which made my head swell, and an impulse flowed from my body I jumped out, prompting me to wrap my arms around his neck, trying to put my lips together, but he stepped back as if he was afraid of touching me, and was forced to stick against the wall by my head. I tried my best to look into his bottomless eyes, trying to explore and touch everything that belonged to him just like he saw through my heart.

I twitched the corners of my mouth, narrowed my eyes and responded to his warning word by word, "I'm very sacrificing, especially when it comes to things that I don't want to give up. You really scared me, don't try to scare me like this I."

His eyelids trembled slightly, and I couldn't see if there was any change in his pupils, but I knew that my attitude surprised him. Ha, maybe he didn't expect that Desaro, who had been evading him all this time, would take the initiative and hold him here for questioning. This gave me a little sense of psychological balance. I really haven't understood Agares yet, but At least he didn't know all the factors in my character. If I were a bait, then Agares would be the big fish that bit me, but was firmly caught by the hook hidden in my body, and I would not let the fishing line break.

"You don't know what I will become..." Agares suddenly opened his mouth after a long silence. His hand moved to my waist, his fingers were trembling, and the cold seeped in through the fabric: "... I could have suppressed it... but as long as it gets close to you, it will become more and more uncontrollable... "His lips were close to the bridge of my nose, and there was a cold breath between his lips and teeth, "Once it is released, I may kill or eat you, or squeeze you dry... Desaro!"

There was a loud thunder in the sky, and I muttered in astonishment: "It... what is it?"

I held his head in my hands, trying to calm him down, but my body was suddenly pushed away by a strong force. I was caught off guard and hit the window, and the glass behind it crackled and shattered on the ground instantly, and some fragments were scratched. My skin, but I can't feel any pain.

"Dark Matter..." Agares stared at me, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few syllables with difficulty, his hand grasped the placket where the heart was, and his fingers dug into the fabric, blue blood flowed out from the hole , with the flickering light of the lightning, I could clearly see some tiny ridges wriggling under the skin surface of his cheeks, as if something was going to come out of his body, making his eye sockets look like they were being squeezed. The ink was smeared, and the dark color gradually began to swallow the whites of his eyes.

I remembered the horrifying scene just now, and I couldn't help taking a step back, almost falling into the sea, but I immediately grabbed the window sill, and stood on the spot for a while, watching Agares' body as if it was moth-eaten Unable to support the empty tree, he half-knelt down, propped his arms on the ground, and twisted his back strangely, like a possessed person struggling with the demon in his body.

When I reacted and wanted to go forward to help him, Agares let out a terrifying hiss: "It desires you more than I do... Desaro, leave this ship immediately! Immediately!"

"Hey, what's going on in there? Who's calling?"

Suddenly a drunk man knocked on the door, and the next moment the door was pushed open, a drunk man broke into the darkness of the bathroom without even realizing it. I could see the appearance of that person clearly in the bright light, the screams and the sound of blood gushing from the body resounded throughout the room, and at the same time the shadow of Agares had already passed my sight like a ghost, A gust of hunting wind swept past me, and I plunged straight into the rolling black waves.

I wiped the viscous liquid that spilled on my face, staggered two steps, tripped over something, and lowered my head. It was a mass of blood and flesh, maybe it was a head or limbs, I couldn't tell and didn't want to tell, my body was leaning against the wall, my legs and feet were weak, and my ears were ringing like a broken metal alarm clock. In my brain, I was spinning and spinning, and all the sounds from the outside world disappeared in an instant, except for my own rapid breathing.

Where the hell is he

I opened my eyes in confusion and searched for the trace of Agares in the sea, but in the stormy sea, I could only see layers of white waves rolling up, and I couldn't find it at all, and my brain and vision were equally confused. A strong sense of foreboding surged in my heart, stronger than ever before, and it was the first time I smelled the breath of death so close. Perhaps Agares would die.

This idea occupied my mind irresistibly, so I stood on the edge of the window without any hesitation, kicked the glass, and jumped down.

I looked around, shouted, and looked for his whereabouts on the huge head of the sea, but found nothing, and the storm became more and more violent. Before I realized that I would not get back to the boat, I would be lost in the vast sea Finally, I swam back to the Poseidon with difficulty. The only good news is that Kolov, the captain, was not there, and the others had already fallen asleep in the middle of the night, and no one noticed my return.

I developed a high fever that night, but Agares did not show up. No matter how I used the radar or sonar detector on the ship, I couldn't find his whereabouts. After two or three days like this, I couldn't tell where I was Whether it was day or night, until I heard the sound of the sonar detector beeping in my ears, I seemed to wake up suddenly from the chaotic nightmare.

It's night. I rushed to the deck and looked at the sea as excitedly as I saw a mermaid for the first time, but there were no fishing nets on this ship, so I couldn't determine the direction of Agares, so I could only rely on my sense of sight and smell. It's almost like fishing for a drop in the ocean. I stood on the edge of the deck and waited for a long time. Just when I was almost disappointed in the boundless sea, I suddenly heard a dull slapping sound coming from my side.

I turned around following the sound, and at some point a black figure appeared on the outer edge of the deck. Accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing that I was familiar with, his body climbed up, and then fell heavily on the deck, with long black hair. The long fish tail twisted and dragged, lying powerlessly under my feet.

"Agares!" I was taken aback, looked around nervously, saw no one saw him, and immediately dragged him into my cabin.