Desharow Merman

Chapter 78


At the moment when this idea popped up, a cluster of astonishing sparks exploded from the bow of the ship, and many figures of people fleeing in a panic suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. A boy in a kimono ran out of the cabin, and I recognized it as Yukimura I met on Mermaid Island.

I called out to him reflexively, but he just looked around hastily with a desperate expression as if he couldn't see my existence.

The bitter sea wind tore the corners of his trench coat, making him look like a fragile and beautiful bird. He stumbled back to the edge of the boat, as if he was in extreme fear of something.

I followed his gaze and saw what he was afraid of——

It was a mermaid with a dark purple tail. The scorching fire light shone on his blood-soaked body, which looked so shocking in the dark night, like a vengeful undead crawling out of the grave. He slowly climbed out of the stairs leading from the bilge to the deck, his wet black hair dragging on the tail of the fish, like a cluster of parasitic moray eels. I noticed that a samurai sword was pierced through his back and came out from his abdomen, but it didn't seem to hinder his movement. He quickly grabbed the fleeing people on the boat, as cruel as a seasoned butcher They tore their bodies apart, and blood flowed into rivers on the deck in an instant. But during this process, his eyes were staring at Xuecun without blinking, his eyes were filled with some kind of emotion close to madness.

I'm pretty sure that look wasn't real hate, it was the opposite.

Skin-to-skin love.

The word popped into my head suddenly. But I dare not speculate on the entanglement between them, because the protagonist of the story unfolding in front of me is not me, but I stare blankly at the thrilling scene in front of me like a demon, as if accidentally peeping into the record. A corner of a page in the diary of someone else's secret past.

"I'm sorry..." I suddenly heard Xuecun yelling, tears streaming down his fair cheeks. He leaned against the side of the boat and knelt down on the ground, but in such a flustered situation, he still maintained the traditional etiquette. He prostrated on the ground in a posture that was almost worshipful, bowed to the mermaid, and raised his head again, as if Laughing like crying: "You are the god of the sea... How can I offend you? I beg you to let the people on this ship go, as if I have never met you..."


The mermaid chanted this syllable like a mantra, meandering across the staggered corpses on the deck, and slowly approaching Xuecun, who bowed to him, stretched out a bloody hand and raised his jaw, forcing him look up.

Xuecun looked at him obediently, he stretched out his trembling hand as if he wanted to caress the mermaid's webbed claws, but he was hanging in mid-air, his fingers trembling. Those beautiful eyes suppressed a deep nostalgia. I thought he might be in love with this mermaid, but besides that, I read deeper despair and pain on his face.

A bad premonition suddenly surged up in my heart, and my feeling was confirmed in the next second.

I saw Yukimura grabbing the handle of the samurai sword at an alarming speed, stabbing the sharp blade into the mermaid's body, the tip piercing himself directly, then he hugged him tightly, Falling backwards absolutely into the vast sea, like a pair of intimate lovers who died in love...

"Snow Village!" I involuntarily shouted while lying on the side of the boat, looking towards the sea. Even though I knew it was an illusion recorded by the magnetic field at sea decades ago, I was still shocked by it. What kind of entanglement is there between Xuecun and this purple-tailed mermaid, so that the two of them will come to such a tragic end? I can't help recalling Xuecun's experience and his lonely blue figure in the sea in my mind, and my heart throbs inexplicably.


At this time, this faint call suddenly sounded again from behind me. Before I could turn around, I smelled a stench of corruption. The viscous liquid like venom dripped down my shoulders. The haggard black claws stretched out from the back of my waist at some point, and a deep chill seeped into my back, making me feel like falling into an ice cellar. I realized that this monster behind me, who I don't know what to call it, used to be the mermaid who had something to do with Xuecun, and now it probably regards me as the shadow of Xuecun...

"Hey... I, I'm not Xuecun!" My mouth was trembling, I raised my knees and stepped on the railing, with only one thought in my mind: run! But in an instant, I heard a creepy hoarse laughter from behind, and the pair of webbed claws resting on my waist were stuck in my throat unexpectedly, and I saw the monster's jaw stretched like a shark from the corner of my eye. With a horrifying magnitude, the mouth cracked to the temporal bone, and it bit my shoulder heavily!

I screamed uncontrollably in pain, my eyes darkened, "Ah—"

"Dert, Delt!!"

At this moment, I heard a familiar voice shouting my alias, and dripping cold water fell on my face. I immediately opened my eyes, gasping for breath, and Rudy appeared in front of me. The faces of Ya, Nick, and several other Poseidon companions. When I was pulled up by them, I suddenly found myself lying on the deck of the Poseidon, and those horrifying illusions just now had disappeared without a trace. I couldn't help but wonder if I had a nightmare? But how could I dream about Xuecun's past? It's something I don't know about at all, and it's so wrong.

I wiped the water on my face, and my memory seemed to be stuck in the vortex just now, which made me doubt whether I was in reality or a dream at this moment. The hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality: "Dert, why are you lying here? We thought you fell into the sea!"

"I don't know either." I raised my head and looked at them in confusion, "Did you...have you experienced anything strange just now?"

"Fog. Just now we sailed to a famous ship disappearance area and got caught in a cloud of fog, but we have sailed out of that area, not far from Hiroshima. But speaking of strange, aha, I think there is nothing like this It's even weirder, Delt, you should come and see." Nick lifted me up from the deck, and my raised arm suddenly pulled to his own, and there was a tingling pain in the place where I was bitten just now, and I was nervous I touched it, but felt that there was no wound exposed on the skin, but a swollen piece. It's incredible.

I followed them all the way to the captain's cabin, and at a glance, I saw on the screen of the radar scanner, it showed that a large object appeared within a hundred meters away from us, which looked like a small island or an abandoned ship.

"What's that?" I pointed to the screen.

"The wreck of a ship!" Nick looked very excited, looking eager to try, "We are very close to it, I have a hunch that we are going to get rich again."

"I feel the same way. We should be glad that we are faster than our new boss. According to the law of the sea, they can't share our share of the pie. Those who see it first serve." Rhodea snapped her fingers and giggled stand up.

"Ship?" I stared at the image that became clearer and clearer, the chill penetrated into the bone marrow, and even my teeth chattered. I turned around and shook my head: "Don't drive there, trust me, there is danger there."

"That's impossible, buddy." Sherlock, the first officer on the Poseidon, patted me on the shoulder, "Because we must pass through when we reach the radiation point." He pointed to the navigator next to the screen Take the green route, "This is the route our new boss set for us. Go around here, pass through this strait, and we will enter the final destination—Yam...Forbidden Cave, well, it should be the name, In any case, the wreck of the ship is near the entrance of the channel."

Nick slapped his hands, "Oh, this is good luck sent by God. I have a hunch that we will all become billionaires! After this time, we don't have to wander around anymore. I want to immigrate to the United States and find A beautiful California girl…”

"Hey, hey, hey!" I couldn't bear to interrupt his dream, I pressed Nick's shoulders, and looked at these outlaws who were more courageous than their lives, "Listen, don't be so ecstatic, I Your premonition is exactly the opposite of yours! Listen... I just saw a monster..."

"What monster?" Rhodea looked at me jokingly, "Did you see it when you were sleeping on the deck?"

"He's probably dreaming of a sexy mermaid!"

Several other people burst into laughter. I rubbed my forehead, knowing that there was no way I could convince them of the vision I had seen, that it would be impossible for them to give up the possible wealth that was right in front of them. When I was thinking about what to do, the speed of the voyage had gradually slowed down. I heard the beeping sound of the navigator and the radar, and the towering silhouettes of the two sides of the strait appeared vaguely in the darkness outside the window. Looking into the distance with night vision, I saw a large ship moored on the left side of the entrance of the strait. With the waves up and down, the hull seemed to hit the cliff from time to time, apparently abandoned for a long time.

As the distance got closer and closer, I gradually saw that the hull of the ship was covered with some kind of black attachment, as if it was covered with thick coal, and I couldn't tell its original appearance at all. But the only thing I can judge is that it is not the Japanese ship I was in in the illusion, it is much bigger than it, comparable to the rumored Titanic. This is a cruise ship. The wrecked cruise ship is the most dreamed fat of all salvage teams at sea. The relics of the rich people hidden in its body are of inestimable value. It is completely impossible to ask these guys who work for money on the Poseidon to give up the task.

I frowned and looked at the few people who had already opened their beer to celebrate, took down the guns hanging on the wall one by one, copied them in my hand, and smashed their beer cans angrily: "Hey, hey! Don't Get carried away and bring these guys with you!"

"Derte, when did you become as virtuous as Kolov!" Lodia smiled nonchalantly, and took the gun, "Aren't you going? Our most adventurous knight ?”

"I..." I couldn't help clenching my hand on the gun shaft, God knows how long I will go with them! But Agares was still lying locked in the cabin—I am a nurse now, and I can’t leave the patient behind, oh no, the sick fish don’t care. So I turned to pick up the pager and raised it, which means that I will stay as a backup and wait for their news at any time.

Several people quickly packed up their luggage and arrived at the black ship safely through the iron chain. I watched their figures searching on the deck, my shoulders became more and more painful, and the ringing in my ears was buzzing in my head. Waddled. My instinct was that going to Agares might be the best choice now, so I hurried back to my cabin.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a sound of chains hitting in my cabin, and I couldn't help breathing tight. I was worried that Agares had another abnormal state, so I opened the door carefully, but I saw He turned his head sideways, the color of his eyes hadn't turned into that pure black, he felt relieved, locked the door tightly with his backhand, and walked to his side. I found that the chains that bound him were pulled and deformed by him, leaving deep purple bruises on his skin, obviously those noises were caused by his struggle.

I couldn't help but leaned down and kissed the places where he was strangled by chains one by one. His body was extremely dry at this time, and his skin was slightly peeling like after being exposed to the sun. This made me feel a little uneasy. Is Agares an aquatic creature? , out of the sea for a long time may turn him into a huge dried fish, I should get some water to keep him moist. Thinking of this, I immediately squatted down and dug out the wooden bucket for bathing under the boat, but was swept away by his untied rear half of the tail: "Where have you been, Desaro?"

I raised my head and met his gaze staring at me, the deep worry in my eyes couldn't be hidden.

"On the deck." I obediently lay down on the bed, curled up next to his dry body, and pressed against his face. I felt his lips were also dry and peeled, so I couldn't help licking them subconsciously before I confessed: " But I encountered some strange things, I saw some visions, it was about the mermaid named 'Snow Village', do you know him?"

"Snow Village?" Agares raised his brows in denial, "We don't call each other with vocal syllables like humans, but through sound waves that you can't hear. And I can't guarantee that I will treat each of my ethnic groups well." There are impressions, except for some special existences."

"Then what was your original name?" My thinking seemed to go astray immediately.

"My name is taboo, Desaro, and only corpses at death rites are allowed to hear my name."

"Why? Is it related to your dignity like a human being?" I smiled.

"We don't have that kind of constraint, Desaro. We rely on strength and blood to determine the king. My name is a string of rebirth codes. When I say it myself, our brood will be awakened, and her life channel will be opened. to give birth to a new life."

He leaned against my ear and whispered word by word, and suddenly I imagined a structure like a beehive in my mind. Now I have finally figured out how mermaids reproduce. They are all born from brood hatching, and selectively assimilate humans through divergent spores to achieve the purpose of expanding their race, instead of continuing their offspring through viviparous birth like mammals. This conclusion is even more unbelievable than the UFO files. It is the best evidence to prove that mermaids are indeed a miraculous race. It is a pity that I did not research these mysteries, but mermaids that were supposed to be studied by me. What the leader told me himself was a frustrating good fortune. What's even more regrettable is that I can never write this experience into a thesis, I can only satisfy my thirst for knowledge.

"I think that's maybe one of the reasons why those Nazis thought you were very important."

I stroked Agares' cheek, he closed his eyes, brushed my palm with his lips, but stared at my shoulder vigilantly as if smelling some unusual odor, "Desaro, take off your clothes , let me see your body."

"Damn it, I almost forgot, I was just about to show you this." I just woke up like a dream, unbuttoned the half shoulder that was attacked, looked down, and suddenly found that the shoulder was swollen Even bigger, the same black spots as on Agares's body faintly revealed under the skin, and they moved slightly underneath. My heart suddenly fell into the abyss, and I looked at Agares in astonishment. His facial expression was stiff, his lower eyelids trembled slightly, and he was silent for a moment before he spoke: "I will hurt you, but I have to."

My heart fluttered, and my mind almost went astray because of this ambiguous sentence. I nodded, he raised his neck, and I passed his shoulders over, he grinned and held the flesh there, his mouth His fangs seemed to be testing how to lower his mouth so that it would not hurt me so much. While hesitating, the half-dried hair made my chest itchy. Alright, sir..."

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and lingered on my shoulder for a while like sucking a kiss, then his fangs pierced heavily, and opened a gash the length of his index finger on my skin, sucking out a mouthful of bright red blood, I was amazed I found a strand of hair-like black filaments drilled out of my skin, but it turned out to be active. It tried to retract into my body, but was caught by Agares, pulled it out and spit it out on the ground. The pain at that moment was like peeling and cramping, and the pain made me tremble all over. But fortunately, this torture only lasted a few seconds, and Agares' tongue quickly relieved my pain like a dose of anesthetic.

"What was that just now, Agares?" I buried my head in his neck and panted.

"The 'yoila' affected by dark matter belongs to a polluted young species, you are being targeted by it, Desaro, the polluted ones are very dangerous, they can appear at any time, space, and place, because their lives The shape has changed."

"Time, place, space?" I sighed in disbelief. This is something that exists beyond three dimensions. It should be called a four-dimensional creature. No wonder that ghost can attack me without my awareness. Time and space are not limited to them, isn't this as scary as ghosts

Volume 5 Invasion of Darkness/Hiroshima Sea Caves