Desharow Merman

Chapter 81


"What is that?" Rhine immediately stood up vigilantly, approached the window, drew out his pistol and looked out. I also cast my gaze outside nervously, and there was a thick gray fog on the sea at some time, and I could vaguely see the undulating outline of the cliff not far away, and the moon seemed to be covered with a layer of spider webs, which seemed Hazy and dirty.

Everything was quiet, as if the scene just now was just an illusion of me and Rhine. But I know it's absolutely not. That grimace, or many grimaces, are hidden in this smog, secretly peeping at us in the window. They are not limited by time and space, they are four-dimensional beings, they are everywhere.

An indescribable chill crept up my back, I clutched the quilt, and smelled an ominous breath.

Perhaps because he didn't see anything, Rhine put down the gun hesitantly, "I'll go out and have a look, you just stay safe and don't run around."

My eyes seemed to be sucked into the darkness outside the window, and I didn't respond to him for a moment. Rhine grabbed my chin in dissatisfaction and forced me to turn around, but at this moment, I suddenly saw a "hand" on his shoulder. ". To be precise, it was a skinny black webbed claw. A carrion-like skeleton ghost face slowly emerged from the shadow of his back. Under the thick hair that was as wet as seaweed, the black empty eyes were silently moving. "look at me.

"Your back..." My scalp exploded, and I roared in fright. Suddenly, the light bulb above my head flickered a few times, and the surrounding area was pitch black, but a faint fluorescent green appeared in my retina. On the contrary, it was terrifying. In the dark, I saw Rhine's neck caught off guard by the webbed claws, and the whole person rose from the ground and was dragged backwards. However, his back was no longer the deck, but was split open A deep and secluded gap opened, and countless twisted grimaces grinned quietly in it, sticking out a long fishy tongue like a poisonous snake, wrapping around Rhine's limbs, and dragging him inward.

"Help me... Desaro!"

Rhine's entire face was distorted by fear, I got up and grabbed the gun in his hand, and shot into the black hole, but who knew the sound of bullets exploded on the deck behind me !


I jumped out of the bed in horror and fell to the ground, and the gap became even wider. As if the devil in hell opened its bloody maw, the crack extended straight to my feet. Black silk balls gushed out from the buttocks, wrapped around my body tightly like maggots attached to the bones, and spread upward rapidly. For a moment, I felt that my whole body was wrapped in a cold and smelly swamp, and a strangely large force dragged me down like a whirlpool.

I instinctively rolled on the ground, trying to break free from the clumps of silk that entangled me, but just as I was waving my right hand to tear them apart, the grimace in the crack shrank back suddenly, as if it had been burned by fire. In an instant, the cracks quickly closed, and disappeared without leaving any trace on the deck.

"Session..." There was a faint voice in the air.

I stood there in astonishment, raised my hand, and the ring made of mermaid spores on my middle finger was shining brightly. Before I realized what drove these monsters away, Rhine had already rushed towards me, pinned me down, and clasped my hand. Perhaps it is because the psychological quality of the Nazi soldier is different from ordinary people. I hardly found any emotional impact on him from the horrible encounter just now on his face. The speed at which he recovered his composure was incredible. Staring at the ring, pinching it, trying to get it off my finger.

But I immediately grabbed the gun in my hand, pressed it against Rhine's chin, and threatened coldly: "Take me to Xuecun, now! You should know the seriousness of the matter, Rhine, those things can be destroyed at any time." It will appear again, if you don’t want to mess up your action plan, just do as I say.” I looked behind him, “I saved you not because I couldn’t bear to let you die, but because we are We are in the same boat and we need to work together. Don't hold me hostage or you will pay for the mistake."

Rhine's pupils shrank, and he nodded. A strange color loomed in his eyes. He finally put away the usual frivolity and playfulness when he looked at me: "You have changed, Desaro."

I smiled disdainfully: "Oh, yes. You and Shakara have contributed a lot to this point. How can I thank you?"

"But that won't change my liking for you."

He raised his hand and tried to touch my face, but I hit him hard on the forehead with the butt of a gun, kicked him up, and turned over. The pain in my lower body is still unbearable, making my movements a little slow, but I know that I must find Xuecun quickly, otherwise, this ship may be swallowed by the sea tonight.

When I came to the deck, I found that the power supply facilities on the entire ship had stopped. The cabins on the upper and lower floors were pitch-black. Except for Rhine and me, everyone seemed to be sleeping. There was no sound around, as if a ship was drifting in the vast The ghost ship in the sea, everything fell into a tomb-like silence, even the calls of seabirds and the beating of waves disappeared strangely, and we seemed to have entered another illusory space, a world of nightmares.

We walked carefully close to the cabin to avoid the imperceptible dangers hidden in the vast night fog on the sea, but in fact nothing was safe, and this feeling was simply suffocating. Led by Rhine, I crossed the deck, entered the bottom cabin, and came to a particularly hidden cabin. Through the window, I saw the figure of Xuecun in the glass pool inside at a glance. He was soaked in a kind of light red In the water, the cabin is also extremely dark, just like the kind of darkroom used for taking pictures.

"Why shut him up like this?" I couldn't help wondering.

"This is Mr. Shinichi's order." Rhine's hand moved, and I vigilantly pushed him hard against the door, but saw that he was just slowly reaching into his pocket to get something. I blocked him with one hand, and stuck in with the other. Immediately touched a bunch of keys. He turned his head sideways, with a bit of tension in his eyes: "He is very dangerous. For a year, his body has been emitting some kind of radioactive substance, and the spirits of people who approach him will be disturbed to varying degrees. Mr. Shinichi did this for the sake of Quarantine him. Are you sure you want to go in?"

"No wonder... That's why that ghost couldn't find Xuecun..."

With a jump of nerves, I grabbed the key and inserted it into the lock, twisted it hard, grabbed Rhine and pushed him aside, walked in by myself, and locked the door behind my back—in case he did something bad. I walked lightly into the glass pool that was as tall as a person. I climbed the ladder outside the pool and saw Xuecun floating on his back on the water, letting the light red water support his slender body ups and downs, streamlined. A blue tail is like a wisp of nebula streaking across the evening sky. He closed his eyes quietly, the beautiful oriental boy's face seemed to be carved out of glass, which reminded me of his fierce expression in the firelight, and I didn't even dare to destroy his peaceful sleep at this moment. Too bad I had to.

"Hey, you have to wake up... Xuecun." I patted the glass lightly, noticing that those black spots also appeared on his body, and my breathing couldn't help but tighten.

Immediately, Xuecun was startled by me and opened his eyes. He seemed to be taken aback by me, shrank his body and hid in the corner of the pool, his bright black eyes looked at me in panic. I turned around and moved closer so he could see my face, "I''ve seen it."

His eyes focused on my face, and his expression relaxed instantly. He swam up to me with his tail swaying, lowered his neck, and sighed, "Future leader, what brought you to me?"

Future leader? I was taken aback by this strange name, and I wanted to ask, but I remembered that the situation was urgent and it was time to get to the point. I organized my Japanese incoherently: "I think... it's the one you met once. Mermaid, he is looking for you. He has a purple tail." I gestured, "I don't know what's going on, it's inexplicable, seeing your past, I guess maybe he is passing on his thoughts to me. I want to see your information."

"It's him, it really is he who is looking for me." Xuecun murmured thoughtfully, his eyes looked at the waves refracted under the water surface, but it seemed to fall somewhere deep in the clouds, and a sad wry smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth : "I actually felt it a long time ago. I really should give him my life back... Please, let me out, it's time for me to accept my fate."

As he said that, he climbed up to the edge of the glass pool, and his body slid down along the wall of the pool. I quickly supported him: "What fate? Isn't fate in your own control?" I forced the corners of my mouth, "Although I Not qualified to say that. Before you go, though, would you mind telling a stranger your story? Because... I don't think we'll see each other again. But if you're offended..."

"No, I feel very lucky to be able to say this at the end of my life." Xuecun raised his eyelids, and through those young eyes, I suddenly touched the vicissitudes of life that had settled in the depths, and only then did I realize He has spent nearly half a century in the sea, he is no longer the boy in kimono, but an old man in his twilight years, "But there is no story, only a lie and the price of a lie. 'Asura', that's what I call him. But do you know why he became the vengeful 'Asura'?"

I shook my head, Xuecun closed his eyes, his crow-feather eyelashes trembled slightly, as if he had fallen into an unbearable nightmare: "Because I, as the 'bait', seduced him, and also attracted the flames of conspiracy and killing." Go to the mermaid group, my family killed hundreds of mermaids and used them for extremely cruel experiments, so we paid the same price."

The thrilling scene reappeared in front of his eyes as he narrated. I seemed to see the purple-tailed mermaid standing in the flames like an Asura, covered in blood. Xuecun looked at him with nostalgic and extremely painful eyes. In the end they were in desperate gestures like birds falling into the sea. I couldn't help but gasped, my chest was as heavy as a heavy stone, and thinking of the terrifying appearance of that mermaid made me dare not continue asking, because it felt like holding a scalpel, To cut open the old wounds sealed by time, and analyze the bloody past.

For Xuecun, such a question is too cruel.

"You are much braver than me." His webbed claws suddenly rested gently on my head, like a kind old man treating his younger generation, "You dare to admit what you love, and dare to fight for him alone , even if you are of completely different races. I think our leader did not pick his successor wrongly, you are an existence that can save Atlantis."

"But I'm not his successor, how could I become the leader! I'm his..." I scratched my head, not knowing what to say, but at this moment, there was an unusual movement behind me. Xuecun's expression changed instantly.

I turned my head, and my whole body froze in shock. There was a black gap in the deck behind me, and a pair of pale webbed claws protruded from it, tearing it even bigger, and a thick black fish tail came out together with the gurgling sea water , Then, its owner slowly protruded his pale upper body through the gap like a zombie resurrected from the cemetery, staring at me with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Agares..." I was frightened for a moment and fell into the pool behind me. After his alienation, he also possessed this terrible four-dimensional ability. God, this is something I never expected in my nightmares ! I stepped back in horror and stuck to the pool wall behind me. As he climbed up the pool wall like a lizard and approached, a coolness poured into my bones, making my blood seem to freeze.