Desharow Merman

Chapter 88


"Xuecun!" I was struggling to grab the fishing net that lifted me to the deck, and my body was held down by several sailors rushing up, but the strength I erupted was so amazing that they couldn't restrain me for a while , but I also couldn't break free from this very thick and tough bondage. Xuecun obviously heard my shout, he stared at me in astonishment, but before I even had time to say a word, there was a small tingling pain from the fish tail—

When I looked down, I saw a person holding a syringe and injecting me. I also knew that it must be something like an anesthetic. damn it! I was so angry that I immediately wanted to kick this guy to death, so my legs that had turned into fishtails made corresponding movements, violently swinging towards his back, and threw him into the sea. But just after I completed this resistance, a strong sense of numbness rushed up my body from bottom to bottom. My whole body was as heavy as if it was filled with lead, and it was impossible to even lift a finger. I can't do it, let alone open my mouth to speak.

Xuecun cautiously approached me, knelt down and pressed my tail comfortingly, looked into my eyes to show that he was not malicious, he seemed to be very experienced in how to get along with mermaids, the ridiculous thing is that he didn't know me In fact, it was a human being who had also come into contact with mermaids like him.

I moved my mouth slightly and mouthed his name silently, hoping that he could understand, but when Xuecun opened his mouth in doubt, a middle-aged man let out a low cry, and the sailors immediately moved I was lifted and dragged into one of the cabins in the cabin. Through the gap of the fishing net, the scene in the cabin came into my sight, and I couldn't help but feel a burst of horror. There are nearly a hundred transparent water tanks in that cabin, each of which is about two meters long, just enough to accommodate a mermaid. But most were empty, and only a few contained mermen, both male and female.

I recalled what Xuecun had told me about the cruel experiments they did on the mermaids, and I couldn't help but feel a chill. Hell, I never thought I'd live through this lurid past and play one of the victims!

But at this moment, I didn't have the strength to struggle at all, and I let myself be thrown into one of the closed cabins. I was submerged weakly in the water, watching several people who looked like researchers talking, unable to move at all, but fortunately, this anesthetic seemed to have a muscle-relaxing effect and would not make me pass out. I listened carefully to their conversation, but the sound was isolated by the glass cabin and muffled into a buzzing in my eardrums. I noticed that the face of a middle-aged man was very familiar, and the black kimono he was wearing made me suddenly realize that this was the former Shinichi.

Both Yukimura and Shinichi are here, so where is Asura

I was stunned for a moment, and turned my head and neck with difficulty to look at the other glass cabins, but I didn't see the mermaid with the purple tail. Asura has not appeared at this time, that is to say, I can determine the time point of this time-the nuclear bomb incident in Hiroshima, these Japanese people are absolutely impossible to have leisure to study mermaids, so I am in the midst of World War II Before, or in World War II before the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima. I must not be able to prevent the outbreak or continuation of the worldwide conflict of World War II and the series of disasters it brought by myself, but I was able to tell Agares in time to let Atlantis avoid this disaster. Perhaps, it can also prevent the tragic tragedy between Xuecun and Asura by the way.

But where is Agares at the moment? Should I find him again? I must first get out of the control of these Japanese. hateful. I have to bide my time.

Thinking of this, I simply closed my eyes to recharge my batteries, hoping that the effect of the medicine would fade away from my body sooner, but I couldn't help but fell asleep amid the gradually coming fatigue.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I was suddenly awakened by a strange electric shock in my chest. I opened my eyes and found that an area under the skin of my chest was shining blue light, like some kind of indicator light . That's where Agares' scales are, and the signal might mean that Agares is nearby. My spirit suddenly lifted, and I tried to move my body, and felt that the medicine had lost its effect, and my strength seemed to be stronger than before. This is probably also because of the scales belonging to the king. I immediately sat up from the water and observed the outside world vigilantly through the glass. The cabin was dark, and no one else was staying here. The mermaids soaked in other isolated water tanks all cast expectations at me. eyes, but I know that I can't let them go now, otherwise it will cause a big commotion.

"I'm sorry, but I will come back to help you." I said in a low voice, and was surprised to hear a series of strange sound waves vibrate through my throat, and immediately got the nodding responses from the mermaids. This made me feel a sense of responsibility, which made me clearly realize that protecting and rescuing these young species is the common task of me and Agale.

I curled up the tail of the fish and threw it towards the glass with all my strength, only to hear a crackling sound. The extremely strong cage was torn apart by my full force. I jumped up from it and slid to the ground like a The python-like driving muscle of the fish tail is indeed much faster than the human legs. I feel that the tightly closed scales under the body greatly reduce the friction force, and every push of the fish fins makes me quietly move. Sliding out a distance of several meters without a sound. When I approached the cabin door, a series of hurried footsteps came from far and near. I knew something was wrong, so I immediately dodged and hid in the darkness behind the cabin door.

The hatch opened suddenly, and several figures rushed in. I took the opportunity to quickly sweep my tail towards their ankles like a bolt of lightning, and just as they fell to the ground in horror, I rushed out of the door with the momentum they were caught off guard, and flew over the deck with the thrust of the fish tail. However, he quickly plunged into the sea, and dived into the deep water with the sound of shouting and chasing behind him.

The electric current in the chest became more intense at this moment. I am sure that Agares is not far away, and I can even faintly feel his position and distance range. It just needs to be more precise and clearer. My nerves jumped, and I suddenly remembered that mermaids communicate with each other through sound waves of a special frequency, so can't I also sense Agares in this way? In mermaid form, it has become a bodily function that I have just now, just as I inadvertently did.

I scanned the dark surroundings, opened my mouth and tried to make the same sound waves as before, the surrounding water immediately produced strange waves as I made the sound, and they spread out in all directions, and I quickly got all kinds of different Feedback, forming countless messy images in my mind, they have sound and even smell, I can't believe that I can distinguish a trace of "data" belonging to Agares from these extremely complicated information ( That's all I can describe), but I did get a general sense of where he was.

Following that direction, I swung my tail and swam quickly like a shuttle. When I was getting closer and closer to the sea surface, a series of stronger sound waves suddenly came from nowhere, which seriously affected my direction judgment. It almost made me wander as if I was lost all of a sudden, and I kept spinning in the sea water, as if I was attracted by something. I had to temporarily stop swimming and swim towards the water above. With the help of the moonlight penetrating into the sea, I saw the shadow of a small boat floating on the sea not far away. The black thing, there's something in the shape of two horns—that's sonar.

It is undoubtedly this ghost thing that hinders my action. I vigilantly swam a little farther, and slowly surfaced, exposing half of my head to observe the boat, but I was immediately surprised to find that the person sitting on that boat was Xuecun. He was wearing a white kimono, and he was playing the flute ecstatically, as if he was not on the sea. The melodious and distant sound of the flute floating on the sea, combined with the sound of the waves beating, sounded like the sounds of nature, and I couldn't help being a little distracted by the quiet and beautiful scene in front of me for a moment. But I soon woke up, because I knew it all too well, it was a trap. A trap for merfolk.

This is what Yukimura mentioned, the moment when he used to lure Asura as bait.

I stood up and looked over the sea, and sure enough, I saw dozens of mermaids floating out of the nearby sea, and one of them was the closest to Xuecun's boat, only a stone's throw away from him. He has long black hair, and his purple fish tail looms in the moonlit sea. He is clearly Asura. He seems to be deeply attracted by Xuecun, and his webbed claws are clinging to the edge of the boat, looking up curiously. This beautiful Japanese boy.

Impulsively, I wanted to swim over to prevent them from continuing to contact, but I immediately dismissed this idea. Because Asura and Xuecun once loved each other deeply, even if the future development is so miserable, what reason do I have to prevent them from meeting? What right do I have to erase this story that belongs to them? What I should do is to reverse their ending, not the beginning, shouldn't I

Just when I was in a daze, my chest jumped up again, and a wave that made me feel extremely strong came from behind me, and I intuitively felt that it was Agares. Sensitively, I floated half of my body out of the water, and patrolled around me, looking for his trace. In an instant, I saw a familiar figure floating in the sea. His silver-gray hair seemed to be shining under the moonlight. There was a thin layer of mist, and the gloom from the abyss of the sea was revealed between the brows.

"Agares!" I shouted in surprise and joy, but he seemed to not pay attention to me at all, and swam straight to the direction of Xuecun, and he was also attracted by the sonar of Xuecun. My heart sank to the bottom, I quickly stopped his way, and stood in front of him like a panicked dolphin. He was obviously shocked by my sudden appearance, and stopped immediately, using A kind of warning eyes stared at me, looked at me, as if looking at a young species that dared to provoke the leader recklessly. And indeed, I hadn't appeared in his life at this time, and he didn't know that the guy who broke into his eyes now was his descendant and lover who would regard him as a treasure in the future.

I was breathing quickly, feeling extremely uncomfortable, as if a pair of claws had grabbed my internal organs in a mess, and I wished I could immediately guide the life information that belonged to him hidden in the scales on my chest into his brain, so that The Agares of that world was reborn and reminded him of who I am and everything we've been through. But what should I do? I looked at Agares anxiously, but he showed an impatient expression, squinted his eyes and cast his gaze behind me, as if he felt extremely anxious. Suddenly, there was a lot of sourness in my heart, and I bared my teeth. The ground rushed towards him and hugged his body tightly.

Agares froze in astonishment, but I was immediately thrown away roughly by his webbed claws, and fell heavily into the water. He rushed towards him like a menacing shark, grabbed his waist tightly, twisted his long tail, and dragged him into the water. Now he seemed to be irritated by me, and my neck was caught by his powerful webbed. The claws were firmly grasped, and my body was quickly pressed into the depths of the dark sea water by him. I didn't make any struggle, but just stared at his eyes intently as I sank rapidly, and I quickly caught a trace of him in his eyes. Doubt and shake. No matter which time and space I am in, I carry his genes, even if the core of life has not been imported, he should still have a special feeling for me.

I firmly believe in this.

Volume Six Different Orbital Time and Space