Desharow Merman

Chapter 89


The bright light above gradually faded as Agares and I sank rapidly, and we both fell into the depths of the ocean like meteorites. to the scale on my chest, but when his palm finally pressed there, nothing happened. Agares swung the tail suspiciously, easily got rid of my entanglement, and swam upwards. I tried my best to hug his tail, but I was slapped hard and hard in an instant. During this time, my back seemed to be broken, and I could only stiffen my body in the severe pain and sink down, watching his back as he went away.

The huge panic squeezed my eardrums like the pressure from all sides in the sea, making my brain buzz, and my thinking was as chaotic as a torrent of rivers and seas. The severe pain spread from my back to the bottom of my tailbone Spreading, I felt a tearing pain in my fish tail. I looked down and was surprised to find that the outline of my legs had separated from the scales again. At the same time, I immediately felt the pain behind my ears. Discomfort—the newborn gills seem to close at this moment. Immediately afterwards, a strong sense of suffocation engulfed the whole world. I opened my mouth instinctively to seek oxygen, but the seawater poured into my nasal cavity.

I used my hands and feet to swim up to the surface of the sea, my chest seemed to be pressed into a piece of cake by the pressure of the sea water, which made me feel dizzy, and the sea was nearly 100 meters away from me, which made me realize that I might still be there If you don't swim to the surface, you will be drowned. I moved my limbs desperately, but my body became heavier and sluggish due to the extreme lack of oxygen, and my consciousness gradually became blurred.

And at this critical moment of life and death, a black shadow loomed in the bright light above, I opened my eyes wide, and a warm current surged in my heart—it turned out to be Agares, and he turned back again. In an instant, my arm was firmly grasped by a powerful webbed claw, and I was quickly pulled to the surface of the sea. Before the last trace of oxygen in my lungs was exhausted, my head finally broke through the sea water, and my body fell again. Was dragged onto a flat reef.

I coughed violently, expelling the choking seawater was as uncomfortable as eating a big chili. It was as if there were still air bubbles in my lungs, and with the slap on my back by Agares, it was no exaggeration to say that it felt like being hit by a rhino! I suspect that one of my ribs is broken or my spine is damaged. I don't even have the strength to straighten up. I am basically on the verge of dying.

The upper body of Agares was lying on the reef, squinting his eyes, looking down at the pitiful me at this moment. Originally, I could bear it and not react, but I know that showing weakness in front of him now is actually the best way to let him eliminate his guard and hostility towards me. After all, I impulsively "attacked" him, the leader just now. Probably no young species would dare to do this. So I simply curled up and hummed exaggeratedly, so that he could understand how much pain I was in.

His webbed paw rested on my back, and he pressed it a few times, as if he was testing whether my injury was really serious. Miraculously, when he touched me, I felt less pain in my back It's unbearable. I don't know if it's a psychological effect, God, I really want to be caressed by him. I slightly moved my body into his arms, feeling like a seal asking for food from the trainer in the aquarium. I looked up into his eyes, but his eyes were focused on my legs, observing thoughtfully, and even grabbed one of my ankles, stroking my webbed claws along the way, obviously he was very suspicious of my fish How did the tail become a human lower limb. The current Agares has not yet evolved the function of imitating human genes. Of course, my changes are novel to him, but he doesn't know that all these are caused by him in the future.

Despite his ambiguous behavior towards me, his eyes were extremely calm, like a doctor treating a patient, and the webbed claws that slid across my legs were like cold scalpels, without any emotion. I tried to pull my leg back, but his heel was firmly held in his palm. He raised his eyelids and glanced at me threateningly. He looked at me like I was an ant that he could crush to death at any time. . Agares had never shown me this look before.

I gasped, and was frozen there by his eyes, like falling into an ice cellar. I couldn't help comparing the man in front of me with the man in the future. This kind of gap made me feel like jumping from a height of 100 meters into an abyss.

Although this fulfilled what Agares mentioned that the Black Scaled King didn't really need it, it made me realize that he won't be in heat or woo me now. But God knows I'd like him to act like a pervert! In this way, I can take the opportunity to get in touch with him more, so that it is possible to "introduce" the life core in the scales, but now I really dare not offend him easily, and I can't afford to be flicked by him again.

Tell me, what am I supposed to do, Agares

Agares' arm froze suddenly, his eyebrows raised high, a strange wave flashed across his dark pupils, and his eyes fell on my face. It was only then that I realized that I had accidentally pronounced it aloud. I froze for a moment and realized that it was the mermaid language "agaras" that surprised him.

"Agaras..." I repeated the syllable clearly, even though I knew the meaning of the word very well - I can't guarantee whether Agaras will reject a human being who actively sends a courtship signal to him, but at least it can make him not so cold Treat me hard? But as soon as I finished speaking, his webbed claws suddenly pinched my chin, leaned over and pressed me against the reef, and stared at me as if examining me from above. His lips moved, and he suddenly opened his mouth in a low voice: "You... what are you?"

"Your future descendants and... spouses."

I spoke word by word, my voice hoarse. The moon wheel on the back outlines the muscular figure I am familiar with, and the strong fragrance blows to my face, making me feel both oppressed and full of security. A few drops of water on his shoulders slipped into my eyes, and I Blinking, eyes sour and moist. Hell, how can this sentence make people so sad

Agares's grip on my chin tightened suddenly, his eyes were so bright that he revealed some obvious cruelty and rage, I couldn't help suspecting that he would strangle me to death in the next moment, because my words were right to me. What he said may be too ridiculous. If it were the old me who heard a mermaid tell me this, I would probably think it was a fairy tale, and I would probably lock him up in the research institute.

"It's true!" I emphasized, I reached out to touch my chest, but he immediately grabbed my arm tightly, preventing me from moving, and at this moment the scales in my chest were dead silent, without any movement, This made me anxious, and I pointed him to my chest with my eyes, "This spot is the imprint left by your future self, and there is a piece of your scale hidden under the skin, maybe you take it out, You will know that what I say is true.”

He stroked the birthmark on my chest half-believingly, his fingertips that were as sharp as a knife stopped at my heart, and cut a not-so-deep gash in my skin, from which the blood gradually oozed His nails pierced my flesh and caused sharp pain, but I was shocked to feel that the scales seemed to have melted into my body, and there was no foreign matter under the skin, but if Agares' fingers poked deeper One point, I might be killed by him. Will he have the heart to kill me? Maybe my death can be exchanged for his awakening? Why can't the scales be found? Aren't all the things Agares told me true

Countless doubts were fighting in my mind, I gritted my teeth and endured his fingertips digging deep into the breach, dripping with sweat. Just when I felt his fingers almost piercing my ribcage, he finally pulled out. I immediately clutched the hole in my chest tremblingly, blood gurgling out from between my fingers, but he twitched his nose, lowered his head and moved closer to my chest, sniffing deeply the smell emanating from my blood.

He sniffed a few times, then frowned. Then, my fingers were broken off by him, he lowered his head, pressed his lips against my wound, and licked my wound with his tongue. I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and my heart seemed to light up again. I can't know whether my smell attracts the current Agares, but it must smell very special to him. I carry his genes in my body, which cannot be erased by time. He couldn't bear to see me die.

I couldn't help but put my arms around his slender and powerful neck, wanting to seize this rare opportunity to give my leader a hug. When I touched his back carefully, he raised his eyelids and took a deep look at him. I glanced at it, but did not immediately stop my movements as before, but continued to treat, the tip of my tongue licked the wound on my chest that was slowly healing, my pain immediately eased a lot, and I couldn't control my concentration All the way down his sexy collarbone and chest muscles, a thought came to my mind——

Agares caused me to mutate by doing that thing with me. Could it be said that the same method must be used to successfully introduce the core of life? It is true that the scales have disappeared from my body, the only possibility is that they have merged with me, and the core of life of Agares has entered my body, and I am like a test tube carrying bacteria. Therefore, this guess seems reasonable in light of the current situation. That meant, I had to seduce Agares and make him "sexually interested" in me.

Damn it, I never imagined that one day I would have to use "beauty tricks" against Agares, and I have no confidence in my own attractiveness. I took a deep breath, feeling that the wound was closing, I had to seize the moment.

I swallowed my saliva, my heart was beating wildly, I boldly raised my legs, and encircled his fishtail, my calf brushed against those chain mail-like scales, and the tip of his body floating in the sea was exposed. The tail fin swung slightly, but there was no big movement. My courage immediately grew fatter, and I lowered my head aggressively, opening my mouth to lick and bite his ear wing.

Agares suddenly raised his head, so that I was facing his dark and cold pupils, and a wave of water suddenly rose from below, and the thick and tough black fish tail slashed at the top of my head. I flinched back, but was forced to lie down on my back by his tail fin, only a finger away from this scythe-sharp weapon, and the sea water splashed all over my head and face.

Breathing seems to be frozen together with the air, I stare stiffly at the caudal fin hanging on the bridge of my nose, the moonlight passes through its translucent edge, and slides through the cold light with the water droplets, I can even see clearly The fan-shaped fish bones that support its shape are each as thick as a corkscrew. It can be imagined that they are sharp enough to easily pierce my skull. My whole body was trembling with fear, and once again I realized the danger of offending Agares. Obviously, it is quite difficult to seduce him who is not in estrus. He is like a hard to pry With a dagger in its scabbard, approaching rashly may really cost you your life.