Desharow Merman

Chapter 97



Yukimura screamed in a low voice, helped up Shinichi who was unconscious at the side, and looked at us, while Asura looked at us in a panic, as if he was at a loss because he broke the "good thing" between me and Agares.

Agares glared at him gloomyly, and hugged me tightly in his arms, his body covering my naked part tightly. At this time, there was a faint sound of pursuit in the distance, hell, I thought to myself, it seems that it is impossible to complete my last union with Agares in human form here, because ejaculation It will make me and Agares weak. I shrank my hands and feet, and Agares supported my limp body, and led me up with only my strong arms, until I reached the cliff leading to the vast sea.

I looked down, and the gale of gunpowder smoke was blowing upwards, making me feel suffocated for a while, but the strong reaction of my body was miraculously alleviated a lot.

Burning ruins were scattered on the boundless dark sea, as if the stars in the sky were on fire and perished, and the gray fog filled the air silently, crying out for the cruelty and cruelty of the war. And Agares and I are about to jump into this sea area full of death breath, but at this time I am not afraid at all.

"Desaro, don't be afraid." Agares approached my ear, calling my name in a low voice. He hugged my body and approached the edge of the cliff.

"Wait." I grabbed his arm and couldn't help looking back at Xuecun and the others. I saw that Xuecun had helped Shinichi up, looking at the mottled flames in the distance with a complicated expression, as if hesitating for something.

Asura's webbed claws held one of his hands and pointed to the cliff at the end of the hill. The distance is not far, and the voice of the mermaid is extremely penetrating. I can hear him stammering in jerky Japanese: "Snow... village... let's go... to the sea..."

Xuecun was stunned for a moment, looked at Asura absently for a few seconds, then looked at me and Agares, I'm sure his eyes were shining with envy and longing, but I was also sure that his heart was struggling violently.

"Mr. Yukimura!" I yelled, he nodded to me, then suddenly turned around, picked up Shinichi and walked down the hillside, which surprised me. However, Asura grabbed his arm tightly, and his fishtail lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground because he could not support it on the sloping hillside. The sharp webbed claw brush scratched the cuff of Yukimura's kimono, but there was no trace of it. He didn't let go of his wrist either. Blood flowed from Xuecun's fair arms, turning his sleeves red.

"Don't... go back!"

Asura half-folded on the grass, his arms wrapped around Xuecun's calf, like a child who is about to lose his most precious treasure, his eyes were wide open, and there was a hint of nervousness, embarrassment and anger in his eyes Light, I couldn't connect him with the bloody Asura in the phantom for a while. I never thought that he was like this, from this we can know that mermaids are not naturally cruel and evil as described by the old woman and Shinichi, but the cruel behavior of Shinichi and these fascists drove the mermaids into revenge the devil.

Xuecun's shoulders trembled slightly, he turned around stiffly, his beautiful black eyes were full of mist, but he looked straight at me as if he didn't dare to look at Ashura. He bit his lower lip, his teeth were cut on his lips like a knife blade, and he raised his voice tremblingly: "Mr. Desaro, please leave this island quickly and take Asura with you. I can't betray me family, I have to go back and take responsibility."

I froze for a moment, and opened my mouth speechlessly. Damn it, how can I convince Xuecun to leave with us? I heard that the Japanese are notorious for their paranoia, especially Yukimura was born in a family that was burdened with "missions" during the militarism period, and there is a father like Shinichi, hell, I don't know he was indoctrinated since childhood How many thoughts I can't understand. Although my father likes to use force, he is by no means cruel and inhuman like Shinichi, even at the expense of his own son.

Asura firmly grasped the hem of Yukimura's kimono, tried his best to raise his body up from the grassy slope, the fish tail entangled his body, making him unable to move. Xuecun staggered a bit, looked at him with a pale face, and seemed to be saying something to Asura, but I couldn't hear a word. I can only see Asura's eyes burning in the night, and his sight seems to burn Xuecun into ashes in his eyes. And the next moment, to my surprise, Asura suddenly stretched out his webbed claws and grabbed the back of Shinichi's neck, dragged him aside, turned his head threateningly and screamed at Xuecun: "Follow...I...leave... "

"Asura!" Xuecun exclaimed and hurriedly blocked Asura's wrist, but he was suddenly pulled into his arms and dragged up towards the cliff, no matter how much Xuecun struggled, he would not let go. But at this time, I was surprised to find that Shinichi, who was lying next to him, woke up. When he saw Yukimura and Asura, his reaction was extremely fast. Before I even had time to remind Yukimura, I saw Shinichi rubbing his body at them. past. I yelled, "Be careful!"

"Father!" Xuecun looked at him and screamed, and at the same time Shinichi's hand flashed coldly, and he stabbed something fiercely in Asura's tail. Asura let out a scream, and the fish tail slammed towards Shinichi, but he dodged it by taking advantage of the land, pulled the sharp weapon out of his fish tail with his backhand, and struck at Ashura's head. This sudden turn of events made me dumbfounded. At that moment, I even thought that Asura was dead, but Yukimura grabbed Shinichi's arm in time, and blocked Asura's stab with his body. I clearly saw the sharp weapon piercing through his back, and a large piece of shocking red bloomed from his kimono. In an instant, Asura let out a heart-piercing neigh, and Shinichi watched in astonishment the tragedy he had caused, staggered back, and was caught off guard by Asura's fishtails that struck him heavily and swept him down the hillside .

I stared stiffly at the sudden turn of the situation, my whole body seemed to freeze on the spot, watching Xuecun fall down helplessly, Asura struggled to hold Xuecun in his arms, and hugged him who was already unconscious, trying his best to climb up the cliff. climb up. The injured fish tail made it extremely difficult for Asura to move every inch. He raised his head and wailed at us. The voice sounded as sad and unwilling as I heard when he died in Xuecun, and it made my heart shrink. . I never expected the tragedy between Ashura and Xuecun to be irreversible, they are obviously so close to each other.

I felt extremely uncomfortable, and subconsciously moved my body down, trying to help Asura, but Agares grabbed my arm. He stared at Asura and frowned, and seemed to be moved with compassion, but he warned in my ear: "Stay away from them, or you will be attacked."

As soon as the words fell, I felt Agares' arms around me suddenly tightened, completely covering me under his body, and then jumped up suddenly. Before I even had time to exclaim, my whole body He was filled with the sense of weightlessness that hit his whole body, and the sound of the wind brushed against his skin in an instant, almost tearing apart the shell and all the internal organs in his body.

I even felt that my soul couldn't keep up with the speed at which Agares and I were falling. Time seemed to be stagnant in mid-air, stretched infinitely, and crushed by the wind. I couldn't see or hear anything during the spinning, except for the strength of Agares holding me tightly. I feel that we are like an arrow piercing time and space, piercing death, piercing darkness, rushing into the vast world that belongs to us.

In the end, with the deafening sound of water breaking, the cold but comfortable sea water enveloped the whole body, and the falling speed slowed down instantly. The sound of the surging seawater was accumulating on the eardrums, I blinked my eyes, and my vision was released into the hazy and dim underwater environment. . Mottled intertwined moonlight and firelight surrounded my Agares, his silver-gray hair seemed to be coated with a faint halo in the sea water, I swear he looked like a son of god from the underworld at this moment .

But he didn't want to take me to the underworld, but to the place where he and I belonged. Even if he really wanted to go to the underworld, aha, I was probably as determined as a moth to a flame.

As I thought about it, I put my arms around the neck of my beloved. Then the legs were wrapped gently and firmly by Agares' fishtail, as if they wanted to rub me into his flesh and blood inch by inch. I touched Agares' face, and he pressed against the bridge of my nose and kissed my lips deeply. At that moment, I suddenly had the urge to cry—for the reunion between me and Agares.


The sudden sound of falling water above my head broke my thoughts. I looked up and saw a pair of tightly entangled shadows outlined by the fragmented moonlight in the sea not far above. I couldn't tell whether Xuecun was still alive. I saw Asura hugging him tightly, swinging the fish tail, passing through the burning ruins, swimming into the depths of the sea, and finally disappeared at the end of my sight.

"Can Xuecun survive, Agares? The mermaid's brood can heal... Humans who haven't had time to become mermaids?"

I clenched my fists involuntarily, my heart was like a stone sunk into the bottom of the sea. I looked at Agares, who also looked at the direction they were going away thoughtfully, but did not answer me, but hugged my waist tightly, and led me to swim quickly towards the sea, to the edge of the cliff. Down the jagged rocks.

Agares carried me to a flat rock, climbed up himself, and lay down with his arms around me. He panted violently, his chest rose and fell like the earth that had been hit by an earthquake, and his moist and heavy breath was blowing on my cheeks. I know that after a lot of tossing, my omnipotent leader is also exhausted. Of course, my physical strength is more exhausted than his, and I don't even have the strength to breathe hard.

Curled up in his arms, I stared at the scene of the sunrise on the distant sea level in a daze. Dawn was slowly breaking through the night at the junction of the sea and the sky, and the dazzling brilliance gradually emerged from behind the dark blue curtain, dispelling the gray mist that permeated the entire sea area. It was brightening all around, except where we were on the reef, shaded by the great shadow of the cliff. It made me feel very safe, and damn it, I found out that after being with Agares, I gradually became obsessed with the night, just as infatuated with his swamp-like affection.

I closed my eyes, put my lips on the heart of Agares, kissed his chest soaked in the smell of sea water almost like a pious believer, and couldn't help but stick out the tip of my tongue to touch it, because only through this In this way, I can confirm that he really exists beside me before I fall asleep, that he has really passed through a time and space, merged with his past self, and became my "sashimi" again. Perhaps it was because I witnessed the unpredictable ending of Asura and Xuecun with my own eyes, my heart was full of panic. The excitement after falling into the bottom of the sea lasted only a few seconds, and it was fleeting, replaced by a strong sense of anxiety. Hell, I always feel like this is a fantasy dream, everything is just my imagination.

"Desaro? What are you thinking?"

The deep voice reached my eardrum through the vibration of his chest cavity. The wet webbed claws were placed on the back of my head, his fingers gently combed my messy wet hair, and pulled away the bangs that covered my eyes. He looked at me with downcast eyelids, his eyes were damn gentle and seductive, Made me almost put my doubts behind me. I lowered my head close to the bridge of his nose, stared into his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Can Xuecun survive in Atlantis?"

Agares was silent for a while, "I'm not sure. The brood of young species can restore all young species, but no human has ever entered the nest."

"I wish them good luck, God." I sighed deeply, and buried my head in the crescent of his neck, sleepiness came like a flood, and I almost fell asleep, but when the sea breeze blew , I just felt how uncomfortable the remaining cloth was sticking to my body.

I struggled to get up from Agares, took off the rag-like clothes on my body, and then leaned back naked on his body. This skin-to-skin feeling seemed to make him feel very comfortable. He half-closed his eyelids, and seemed to be about to fall asleep. The webbed claws rubbed against my back gently, as if he was caressing a cub. From time to time, the waves splashed on my back and legs, like sparks, reminding me of the crazy nights spent on the reef with the younger Agares.

I seduced his younger self, who had the memory but somehow didn't live it himself. Oh, wonder what he must be thinking about that night. In a daze, I guessed a little gloatingly, and traced the outline of Agares' face with my fingers, but was caught by his webbed claws, and he leaned down and licked my mouth heavily. Earlobe, "Desaro, when you are thinking about me, I can sense what you are thinking." His voice was lower and hoarse, "I am very satisfied with your initiative, so I am waiting for your When the estrus comes again, let me experience it to the fullest... "

"You greedy bastard!" I cursed angrily, my ears burning. I grabbed his ear, but Agares bit my chin in his mouth, a muffled laugh rolled in his throat, and his webbed claws carelessly rubbed my hair lightly. I lowered my head and bit his earlobe presumptuously, with no energy left. He pressed my head on his chest and murmured coaxingly: "Sleep... Desaro, before we leave In this time and space, before closing the channel, there is one more important thing to deal with."


"An unexpected intruder, I didn't expect his vitality to be so tenacious." Agares narrowed his eyes, "He came from our original time and space, and may destroy the development track of this time and space."

My heart skipped a beat: "You mean... Rhine?"