Destined Marriage with Fragrance

Chapter 79: Let go again (2)


Xuan Tiancheng fell into deep thought. Murong Shuqing slowly got out of bed. Her sprained foot seemed to be much better. She walked carefully to the bedside and pushed open the window. In addition to the cold morning wind, there was also a faint ray of sunlight. Break through the clouds and bring the first ray of dawn to heaven and earth. He raised his hand gently, as if the sun could also be held in his hand. Day, it's almost dawn-

Xuan Tiancheng looked at Murong Shuqing's back looking at the sun for a long time. The rising sun seemed to be rising at her fingertips. The morning wind blew her blue silk to the ground, making her dance wildly, arrogant and casual. Xuan Tiancheng got up, draped the cotton robe on Murong Shuqing's shoulders, turned around, and left the wing, but after the door closed, Xuan Tiancheng's voice came faintly, "I won't force you, but—you, don't I want to go back to Xuanyuan Yi's side again."

The rising sun shines on the ground behind the snow, and the pale snowflakes are covered with a touch of red. Beneath the tall plum tree, a lonesome figure stared at the rising sun, letting the falling plum and residual snow be stained. She likes to stand under the plum tree and enjoy the snow the most, but now, where is she?

"Xuanyuan Yi," Pei Che said urgently, standing behind Xuanyuan Yi, "Shu Qing is not in Cang Yue's camp." Yan Yu turned Cang Yue's camp over and over, but there was no trace of Shu Qing. It's just that there is little news.

Xuanyuan Yi closed his eyes sadly, and in his low voice, with a tiredness, "The next thing is up to you."

Startled, Pei Che walked up to Xuanyuan Yi and said, "How can this be done? Although Cang Yue has withdrawn, she still has to talk about the subject of surrender. How can you leave?" Xuanyuan Yi has been going crazy these days. After fighting continuously, Cang Yue couldn't hold back for a while, so she withdrew and surrendered. With You Xiao's style of doing things, she didn't know what tricks she would use when she was surrendered.

Xuanyuan Yi opened his eyes, patted Pei Che on the shoulder, and said casually, "Aren't these your expertise, and the court will definitely send someone here, it doesn't matter if I'm here or not."

It doesn't matter what the hell, since ancient times, when you were surrendered, there was no reason for the coach to fail. However, looking at his exhausted appearance, what Pei Che was about to say was choked in his throat, and he couldn't say it. He hadn't had a good rest for almost three days and three nights. In this way, he didn't look like him at all. In the past, even after fighting for days and nights without sleep, he was still in good spirits, not like now...

It's all because of her.

Pei Che couldn't see his depressed appearance, and said angrily, "What on earth are you trying to do?"

Xuanyuan Yi slowly raised his head, and in those bloodshot eyes, there was an imperative light, "I want to find her."

Seven days, it's been seven days. This kind of long ordeal that seems to have passed for seven years will make people painful. If before, he only regarded himself as a yearning for Qinger, a possession, a love, then now, he admits that he has already treated her. Can't leave, can't let go. What used to be called love will silently invade your soul, flow through your blood, and take over your heart.

The pain in his eyes made Pei Che involuntarily take a step back. Is Xuanyuan already so incapable of letting go of Shu Qing? That's all, Pei Che patted Xuanyuan Yi's shoulder hard, and said aloud, "Go. Leave it to me here."

"Thank you." Xuanyuan Yi finally showed his first smile in a few days, although reluctantly.

After a good night's sleep, Murong Shuqing finally walked out of the room with energy. There was a small garden outside the house. Although it was winter, it was planted with evergreen plants, which seemed to be full of life. The branches and leaves were trimmed very neatly, and it was not difficult to see that the people who took care of them were very attentive. Murong Shuqing stood in the garden for a while, breathing the fresh air. Although it was a bit cold, it was refreshing.

Walking and stopping all the way, the road in this mansion is winding and winding, and there are many kinds of plants and trees. Murong Shuqing is in a good mood hanging out, and there is no one to stop her from walking around at will. She will feel happier.

After walking for about half an hour, Murong Shuqing walked into a larger garden. Compared with the meandering outside, it was simple and magnificent. In the distance, a dark blue figure is carefully pruning the branches and leaves, skillfully and freely. Murong Shuqing just stood not far behind him, admiring his "creation".

The last dead branch was neatly cut off, and the man turned around slowly and met Murong Shuqing's smiling eyes. The man also smiled slightly and said, "Murong Shuqing."

Except for her disguised face, she is still the same ordinary, but without that layer of mask, her expression is more natural and relaxed.

It was the young man in the inn, dressed in commoner, with the same outstanding style. Murong Shuqing chuckled lightly, "Zhong Yan."

"You know me?" This made Zhong Yan curious. He had never met her before. Whether he was on the arena or in the courtroom, he was unknown. How could she know him?

"I just know you." Murong Shuqing looked around and looked around. After walking for so long, her feet couldn't take it anymore. She walked to the edge of the bush and sat down, and Murong Shuqing replied generously, "Legend. , next to the emperor today, there is a sea of ​​danger, and there is a Zhong Yan in the dark." She has seen Wei Hai, but this Zhong Yan only knows his name. It is said that this person is erratic and good at tracking and assassinating. Unexpectedly, I saw it here today. In comparison, he is much more difficult to figure out than that old solid wood Wei Hai.

Zhong Yan looked at her again, wearing a white shirt, but sitting casually among the trees without any restraint. Zhong Yan smiled and said, "Murong Shuqing is indeed Murong Shuqing, it is better to see it once you hear it." I have heard the name Murong Shuqing countless times, but it is still the first time I see it. .

Murong Shuqing found that the grass between the trees was unusually soft and had a good feel to the hand, and in winter, it was still so green, so he couldn't help but pull one out and play with it, and returned his words casually in his mouth, " You have passed the prize, and your duty now is to be the head of the prison?"

"The head of the cell?" Zhong Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Haha, it's the first time someone said that to me." It was also the first time he saw such a self-satisfied, laid-back prisoner. Zhong Yan asked with a smile, "You put this place here. Do you think it's a prison?"

Murong Shuqing looked up and looked around, his eyes were full of green, tall trees were arrogant, and the low shrubs were full of vitality. The scenery in front of him was probably rare. Murong Shuqing swept the green grass across his nose, smelling the faint scent of green grass, and replied, "Where people lose their freedom, they are all prisons, it doesn't matter where they are."

Although she looked indifferent and peaceful, Zhong Yan still keenly sensed her unpleasant breath. Zhong Yan walked to her side, pulled out a piece of grass, put it in his mouth, and said, "Are you angry?"

Murong Shuqing also put the grass to his mouth, bit it lightly, there was no smell, just felt that the original faint grass smell was stronger. Continuing to play with it, Murong Shuqing looked at Zhong Yan and asked with a smile, "You saved me, do you think I should be angry?"

"Saved you, but made you lose your freedom, shouldn't you be angry?" For some reason, Zhong Yan could feel her anger.

Murong Shuqing nodded lightly and said, "I should be angry. However, if you stay for a short time, consider it a rest."

Zhong Yan was not as relaxed as she thought. The master went to great lengths to find her, and rushed over as soon as he received the news. This time, the master was afraid that he would not let go so easily. Shaking his head in disapproval, Zhong Yan said affirmatively, "He won't let you leave."

Murong Shuqing didn't lose his smile because of his seriousness, but laughed even more happily, and stood up slowly, she lightly patted off the grass clippings from her clothes and hair, stretched her waist, and said with a small smile: "I won't let myself be trapped here forever. The head of the prison will take it as... a provocation to you. You should watch the prison." It has long been known that women in this era will be imprisoned for different reasons. Whether it is by power or the so-called marriage. Otherwise, why would she have to work hard to manipulate and control the power.

Xi Lieyue is right, she will never compromise on what she wants to control, and she does so much just to control her life in her hands. Xuan Tiancheng wanted to imprison her, so he might as well compare who is better.

Zhong Yan looked at the grass in Qing Dang's hands in a trance. Murong Shuqing, who was walking away like when she came, was joking to him, or in other words, she issued a provocative letter to the emperor, but he didn't show any sign of it. I felt she was joking. The self-confidence from the inside out could not be concealed. Zhong Yan slowly lowered his head and said with a low smile, "No wonder."

Such a woman has never been seen by the master, she has no self-righteous self-righteousness, no self-righteous pretentiousness, no unparalleled appearance in the world, just that kind of freedom to come and go, do whatever she wants.

However, falling in love with her is a blessing and a misfortune.

After wandering around for an afternoon, Murong Shuqing had to say that this garden was not only beautiful, but also unbelievably twisty, so she got lost. Looking at the gradually slanting sun, Murong Shuqing simply refused to leave, rubbing his legs and saying to the air, "I'm lost, please take me back."

After a while, a figure flashed by the tree behind him. He didn't speak, but just walked silently ahead. Murong Shuqing followed him. It seems that maybe she guessed wrong, it's not that big, it's like the forest of Shangjun, what kind of battle is arranged is not necessarily.

As soon as he stepped into the room, he saw Xuan Tiancheng sitting at the table, looking at her with a smile. A table of dishes had already been placed on the table, and he was waiting for her to eat dinner. He didn't show any displeasure because of her late return. Instead, he waved to her and said softly, "You're hungry, eat something."

"Well, thank you." Murong Shuqing did not resist his gentleness, walked to the table and sat down beside him. There is really no need to struggle with your stomach. Besides, when everything is in your own hands, people will feel happy, which is normal.

Xuan Tiancheng brought the bird's nest porridge in front of Murong Shuqing. Seeing her rubbing her legs from time to time, Xuan Tiancheng said worriedly and helplessly, "Your feet are better. The doctor told me not to move too much." He knew from the room that he didn't believe that she wanted to escape. With her cleverness, she wouldn't rashly do some useless things.

I didn’t feel it when I didn’t see what I was eating, but when I saw it, I realized that I was really hungry. Murong Shuqing nodded and replied while eating the porridge, “Well, I see.” The feet are probably swollen.

Murong Shuqing ate with his head down while Xuan Tian Cheng looked at her quietly. After eating almost, Murong Shuqing raised his head and said, "I want to borrow some books from you."

Xuan Tiancheng's eyes lit up and asked, "What kind of books do you like to read?" He was very interested. What type of books would she like to read, poetry and poetry, or historical miscellaneous notes?

Murong Shuqing thought for a while, and replied, "Whatever." It seemed that she would read some books of any type, just to pass the time anyway. She generally does not deliberately study and memorize the knowledge in the book. After reading it, she forgets it, remembers it, and writes it down. Everything is optional. Therefore, it is never stressful or boring for her to read any book.

Xuan Tiancheng smiled in disappointment: "Okay, I'll have someone move some for you later." At first, he thought he could chat with her about the books she likes to read, but he and she always seemed to have no topics.

Murong Shuqing stood up from the round table, walked slowly to the soft couch beside, and replied with a smile, "Thank you."

Seeing her limping, Xuan Tiancheng held her hand, put her on the soft couch, covered her with a thin quilt, and said, "In the future, you don't need to say thank you to me. I will do whatever you want. For you." What he wanted was not her gratitude.

Everything is given except freedom. Murong Shuqing said with a smile in his heart, what he gives is always what he wants to give, and this is the starting point of an emperor. Murong Shuqing didn't want to argue with him anymore, and there was no need to flaunt his will anymore. They were all mature enough, and neither of them could convince anyone.

She smiled lightly, and said nothing, Murong Shuqing leaned on the soft couch and closed her eyes.

She just lay there quietly, turning a blind eye to him.

It has always been the woman around him, busy finding topics to talk to him, trying his best to please him. And is she tired of looking at him? The outstretched hand stopped when it was about to touch the calm face, and then put it down embarrassingly. Shu Qing, one day, you will accept me.

Xuan Tiancheng turned around and slowly walked out the door.

It wasn't until the footsteps faded away that Murong Shuqing slowly opened his eyes. After all, it was impossible for her and him, everything was just a futile effort. Sitting up straight, Murong Shuqing said in a low voice, "Who is it, come out." The atmosphere in the room was not just about her and Xuan Tiancheng, but the other party was hiding so well that it seemed like nothing.

During this time, she was used to being robbed, so even if Hong Ming appeared in front of her now, she would not be surprised.

However, when the dark black figure slowly walked out from behind the screen and was exposed to the candlelight, Murong Shuqing couldn't stand up calmly, her eyes widened in shock, but, this time, it was a surprise—

"Mo Can?" The same frosty face, the same indifferent eyes, but a faint smile flowed in the eyes.

"It's really you." Murong Shuqing recalled the moment when he fell off the cliff, and still felt a lingering fear in his heart. He couldn't help reaching out to touch Mo Can's arm. The warm body temperature told her that what was in front of him was really Mo Can. She needs to tell herself through this that he is still alive.

"Let go."

Murong Shuqing hadn't figured out what was going on, but he felt a tightness around his waist and was pulled by Mo Can, and he left his original position in an instant. He managed to stand firm. When Murong Shuqing looked, he saw a red-clothed woman on the face. stood there angrily. The woman pointed at her and said to Mo Can, "I didn't stop you from coming to see her and save her, but there's no need to hug her like this. You are mine."

The woman's words caused Murong Shuqing to raise her eyebrows, so she would be hugging her? Feeling that Mo Can, who was beside him, heard her words, his body froze, and then he said coldly, "Shut up, I don't need you to take care of my business."

Even though he said that, Mo Can withdrew the hand that Mo Can had put on Murong Shuqing's waist. The woman didn't seem to notice this little detail, so she still pouted and said, "Anyway, it's not allowed to hug."

Mo Can looked indifferent, but Murong Shuqing didn't see disgust in his eyes, some, just helpless. The special atmosphere between the two, as well as the aura of the confrontation between ice and fire, made Murong Shuqing interested. It was estimated that if he didn't speak, the two of them thought she didn't exist anymore. In order to satisfy his curiosity, Murong Shuqing tugged at the corner of Mo Can's clothes and asked, "Who is this girl?"

The woman took a step forward, walked to Murong Shuqing, raised her head slightly, and said, "My name is Wei Na."

Murong Shuqing was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Weina? What a special name." Looking at the woman in front of her again, her young face was full of youthful aura, which was different from the fair, wheat-colored skin that women pursue nowadays. , looks more healthy, with a delicate face, proud and candid expression, under the neat red clothes, it looks like a small pepper.

The woman was not pretentious, she nodded slightly with her slightly raised head, and replied, "Thank you."

Her smug look made Murong Shuqing laugh in a low voice, but Mo Can gave her a cold look, this idiot, she is so proud of her when others talk about it casually.

Wei Na pursed her lips, waved at Mo Can, lay down on the soft couch where Murong Shuqing rested just now, grabbed the apple next to her and put it in her mouth, turned her head to the side, and said vaguely: " Don't stare at me, I won't disturb you, just chat."

In other words, this woman is almost self-willed, speaking and doing things neatly, but not unreasonable. Murong Shuqing thought this Wei Na was very cute, but she didn't know where Mo Can found this baby.

Ignoring her, Mo Can said to Murong Shuqing, "I'll take you away."

Murong Shuqing poured a cup of tea for him and himself before shaking his head lightly, and replied, "Not now."

"Why?" Wei Na sat up straight in confusion, she just saw that she was not interested in that man, why did she stay here, could it be that she likes being imprisoned?