Destined Marriage with Fragrance

Chapter 88: Anger comes from the heart (2)


Xuan Tiancheng stared at Murong Shuqing unpredictably, the Empress looked into her eyes secretly, but did not speak, the Queen Mother also saw Xuan Tiancheng's absent-mindedness, and hurriedly said to Murong Shuqing: "Okay Shuqing, let's flatten. Come to Ai's house."

Murong Shuqing stood up straight and walked towards the Empress Dowager without looking sideways, but saw a pink|nen beauty beside the Empress Dowager. Murong Shuqing sighed in his heart, could this be the enemy Luzhai? Nodding slightly, Murong Shuqing said, "Shu Qing has met Princess Chuqing."

Chu Qing didn't even look at her, but surprisingly didn't use words to ridicule her, which was unexpected to her.

Just as Murong Shuqing sat down, he heard the gentle voice of Concubine Shu, who was sitting on the emperor's left, "Miss Murong, Su Nishang's silk cotton is indeed well-deserved, it feels smooth and delicate. I don't know why such a good material is not sold in the store. Woolen cloth?"

It came, and it came so fast. Murong Shuqing glanced at the little prince, and did not expect that the silk and cotton that was sent to the queen yesterday had already been made into clothing today. The light blue color, worn on the little prince, makes the little guy more clever and cute.

With a light cough, Murong Shuqing smiled and replied, "Thank you for the praise from Concubine Shu. Silkworms cannot be raised in captivity, and there are very few in the wild, so they are very precious, so there are not so many materials to sell."

"I see. The gift that Miss Murong gave to the little prince is really unique." Concubine Shu's smile did not change, but "unique" was a bit harsh. The women in this palace really have to fight. Also need to be skillful.

But Murong Shuqing didn't want to give her a few horses today. If she did it today, not only would she immediately slap the queen, but the price of Tiantian silk cotton would drop.

Murong Shuqing just smiled gracefully and did not answer Concubine Shu's words. Concubine Shu's expression was obviously not as good as before, but after staying in the palace for so long, she was still not prudent, so she still smiled gracefully and pretended to praise: "Miss Murong is very thoughtful, and General Xuanyuan is a match made in heaven."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a glass slammed onto the table. The crisp voice startled everyone. Looking at the voice, Chu Qing had a pretty face in black and her hands were tightly clasped. write. Everyone knew Princess Chuqing's affection for General Xuanyuan, and for a while, no one spoke anymore.

Chu Qing suddenly got up and walked out of Feifeng Palace without saying a word. The lively atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point. The emperor didn't speak, just held the wine glass in his hand. He didn't seem to feel that the atmosphere was getting weird. The queen who had been paying attention to him knew that when Concubine Shu spoke of General Xuanyuan, the emperor's hand holding the glass suddenly tightened.

Concubine Shu was also surprised that she had said something wrong, so she quickly took out the gift she had prepared and said, "Today is the first birthday of the little prince, and the concubine has prepared a small gift for the little prince."

The queen followed suit and praised a few words. The other concubines and ministers quickly followed suit, and the atmosphere in Feifeng Palace became a little more active.

Murong Shuqing looked at the intertwining of gongs and chips in front of him with amusement. They were all putting on a good show. Who said that the best mask is to turn one's face into a mask, and that is the highest level. But Murong Shuqing didn't have the heart to watch this top-level performance, so he quietly got up and walked out of this gorgeous palace.

Royal Garden. The moon tonight is not bright, it seems to be able to sense the mood of people, and it will be covered by dense clouds from time to time. The breath of spring makes the flowers that know spring bloom impatiently with their own beauty, but unfortunately, the consequence of exhaling the fragrance is to make the breath of the garden in this side become mixed and disordered.

A thin shadow huddled in the bushes, and the low cry was covered up by the rubbing of leaves swaying in the breeze. Chu Qing slumped her head on her legs, her face mottled with tears. This is her safe haven. Since she was a child, when she felt sad and sad, she would hide here, and no one could find her. This palace is so big and there are many princesses, and no one will come to her specifically. With both hands weakly pulling the leaves in her hands, Chu Qing murmured reluctantly, "What's so amazing, isn't she the daughter of a merchant."

"Murong Shuqing."

Chu Qing was crying and venting her anger when suddenly a low male voice startled her and made her stunned and dared not move. It was the voice of the emperor's elder brother. Chu Qing lowered her body carefully. Through the interlaced branches and leaves, she saw two figures standing not far away. Murong Shuqing and the emperor's brother, but what are they doing here so late

With his back to Xuan Tiancheng, Murong Shuqing sighed in his heart, what did he do after coming out? Such a beautiful night wasted. Turning around and bending his knees slightly, Murong Shuqing gave a perfunctory salute: "Shu Qing sees the emperor..."

Xuan Tiancheng grabbed her hand, took her into his arms, and snorted coldly in her ear: "I don't want to hear you call me emperor."

Murong Shuqing struggled, but Xuan Tiancheng's arms tightened more and more tightly, she was almost out of breath, and finally, Murong Shuqing gave up the struggle without strength, panted and adjusted her breathing, lowered her head, cold He said coldly, "Xuan Tiancheng, what do you want?"

Xuan Tiancheng gently lifted Murong Shuqing's chin, Murong Shuqing saw the hot and frantic light in his eyes, Xuan Tiancheng smiled softly, stroked her face, smiled and said, "You will be free soon. already."

What do you mean, Murong Shuqing felt that his mind was suddenly confused. When he was at a loss, Xuan Tiancheng suddenly fixed her head with one hand and kissed her lips. The chaotic and domineering breath made Murong Shuqing widen his eyes. He actually kissed her.

When Chu Qing saw them entangled, she was so scared that she covered her mouth with her hands. What did she see now? Brother Emperor and Murong Shuqing, they, they—

Mingyue seemed to be afraid that she would not be able to see clearly, she dispelled the covering clouds, and gently illuminated the two people who were embracing each other. Chuqing clearly saw their close lips, and was so shocked that she almost forgot to breathe.

Murong Shuqing couldn't push his restrained hand, she bit her mouth hard, and she tasted the blood.

Xuan Tiancheng didn't care about the wound on his lips, and finally let go of her, regardless of her angry eyes, he still smiled softly and said, "The freedom I give."

After speaking, he left happily, leaving behind Chu Qing, who was dumbfounded, and Murong Shuqing, who was full of anger.

"Sister-in-law, Sister-in-law—"

A louder shout came from outside the Feifeng Palace. Bi Xinsui, who was instructing the maid to clean up, frowned, and the voice sounded like Chu Qing. Just as he was about to leave the hall to see what was going on, he saw Chu Qing rushing in like a headless fly.

Bi Xinsui went up to meet her, and saw that her face was flushed, she was panting, and her hair was still stained with leaves. Bi Xinsui was taken aback. Looking closely, Chu Qing was well dressed except for her hair that was a little messy. There shouldn't be anyone in this palace who could bully Chu Qing. Finally relieved, Bi Xinsui supported Chu Qing, and while helping her remove the leaves from her head, she asked worriedly, "Chu Qing, what's wrong with you, you are so embarrassed?"

Chu Qing took Bi Xinsui's hand and let out a slight sigh of relief, and immediately said anxiously, "I... I just saw that the emperor's brother and Murong Shuqing..."

Hearing Chuqing mentioning the emperor and Murong Shuqing, Bi Xinsui guessed that Chu Qing must have seen something, and this matter must not be known to others. Bi Xinsui immediately interrupted Chu Qing's words and was cold to the palace maids and servants. He said coldly: "You all retreat, don't let anyone come in to disturb the palace and the princess."

"Yes." The rule of survival in the palace is that you don't listen to what you shouldn't listen to, and don't say what you shouldn't say. The less you know, the longer you live. A group of people immediately saluted and quickly retreated.

Holding Chu Qing to sit down on the chair, Bi Xinsui patted her hand and said comfortingly, "Chu Qing, don't worry, speak slowly."

"I saw the emperor's brother and Murong Shuqing in the imperial garden just now. They hugged each other, and they still..." Chu Qing recalled the scene she saw under the moonlight just now, her face suddenly flushed, and she didn't know how to speak.

Bi Xinsui clenched Chu Qing's hand and asked, "How's it going?"

Looking at Bi Xinsui's eager eyes, Chu Qing swallowed, lowered her head, and replied nonchalantly, "Also... still kissing."

Bi Xinsui's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. Although she had long noticed that there must be affection between the emperor and Murong Shuqing, thinking and hearing were still two different things, and her heart suddenly ached.

Chu Qing suddenly raised her head, she didn't pay attention to Bi Xinsui's forbearance expression, and shouted to herself: "Sister-in-law, that Murong Shuqing actually seduces the emperor's brother, she is not worthy of Xuanyuan's brother at all, she can't marry her. Xuanyuan's family is humiliating to the lintel. I'm going to tell my mother and Aunt Qiu that Brother Xuanyuan will definitely not like such a watery woman." I just felt flustered just now, but now that I think about it seriously, Murong Shuqing is so shameless, Brother Xuanyuan will definitely I won't want her anymore, so wouldn't I still have a chance to marry brother Xuanyuan

Thinking of this, Chu Qing's heart filled with joy, and she quickly got up to find the Queen Mother.

Bi Xinsui took Chu Qing's hand, pulled her back to her seat, and said anxiously, "Chu Qing, no."

Chu Qing looked at Bi Xinsui suspiciously and asked, "Why not?"

Bi Xinsui pressed Chu Qing's shoulder and said soothingly: "Sit down first, and tell me clearly, I will give you an idea, don't be impulsive." She wanted to stabilize Chu Qing, this matter must not let her mother And Song Lingqiu knew.

Chu Qing sat down, pouted, and asked reluctantly, "What else is unclear?"

"Tell me honestly, did Murong Shuqing kiss the emperor, or... the emperor forced her?" She wanted to know Murong Shuqing's attitude, the emperor was sure of her love, so what about her? She also has a crush on the emperor? Or does she only like Xuanyuan Yi in her heart? Does Xuanyuan Yi know the emperor's thoughts towards Murong Shuqing

Chu Qing pouted and said embarrassedly, "Yes... It was the emperor's elder brother who hugged her and kissed her, but how could the emperor's elder brother force her

"What did they say?"

Chu Qing frowned and thought about it, shook her head, and replied, "I can't hear clearly, it seems like what gave her freedom." She was far away at the time, and they spoke very quietly. She was completely shocked by the sight of them embracing each other. Didn't pay attention to what they said.


The emperor suddenly wanted to take back his military power. Could it be that he had already decided to occupy Murong Shuqing, so he first abolished Xuanyuan Yi's real power? Why is the emperor so confused? According to her father, taking back military power is a matter of time. With Xuanyuan Yi's character, he doesn't care about power at all. As long as the emperor follows the steps and takes his time, after ten years, military power will be firmly in his hands. And the emperor has chosen the most wrong time now, the battle of Cang Yue will be won, Xuanyuan Yi can't let go of the military power immediately, he is willing, and his subordinates will not. Could it be that for the sake of a woman, the two of them should ignore the friendship between the ruler and the minister

She would never allow such a thing to happen.

"Sister-in-law, Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you?" Chu Qing looked at Bi Xinsui's sharp eyes and fell into contemplation, pouting. Sister-in-law must also be angry because the emperor's brother liked Murong Shuqing, and she definitely didn't have the heart to help her. She still figured it out on her own. Chu Qing said to herself: "What should I do? I must tell Brother Xuanyuan."

Bi Xinsui came back to his senses and shouted sharply, "No."

"Why?" Chu Qing couldn't understand why the Queen's Sister-in-law yelled at her. It was Murong Shuqing who didn't obey women, so why couldn't she say it

Of course not, if Xuanyuan Yi knew about this matter, the emperor and Dongyu would have a catastrophe immediately. No man could bear his wife being molested, and even a person like Xuanyuan Yi could not bear it, even if that person is the emperor.

Bi Xinsui took a deep breath, stabilized her mind, and said to Chu Qing, "Even if you tell Xuanyuan Yi, he still wants to marry Murong Shuqing."

"Why?" She didn't believe that Brother Xuanyuan would want Murong Shuqing after knowing what kind of woman Murong Shuqing was.

"Because it has been ordered."

Chu Qing stood up unconvinced and said, "But, it's the emperor's brother himself—"

Before she could finish speaking, Bi Xinsui interrupted her coldly, "You have no joke. Besides, do you dare to reveal that Murong Shuqing's lover is the emperor?"

Chu Qing was stunned, yes, she can't say, even if she doesn't understand the government, she also knows that if the emperor seizes his wife, he will label the emperor's brother as a fool. Leaning back on the chair deflated, Chu Qing looked at Bi Xinsui helplessly with tearful eyes, and asked, "What should I do?" She didn't want Brother Xuanyuan to marry such a woman.

Bi Xinsui gently stroked Chu Qing's hair, however, her dark eyes and condensed voice did not match her gentle movements, "Without her, there will be no conflict between the emperor and Xuanyuan Yi, and your brother Xuanyuan will also Don't marry her."

Chu Qing's originally helpless eyes widened, and the hand held by Bi Xinsui trembled slightly. She asked timidly, "Sister Huang, what do you mean..."

Bi Xinsui's indifferent eyes had already answered her question.

Murong Shuqing, if you were not Xuanyuan Yi's woman, this palace would never kill you. There are already so many women in this harem, and there are not many more than you. It's just that your existence has affected Dongyu and threatened the emperor. Since both men insisted on you, then only - you died.

The night was dark, and the moonlight had been completely drowned out by the clouds. The mottled tree shadows seemed to devour the entire palace. Inside the hall, two women whispered; outside the hall, a pair of sharp eyes had a panoramic view of all this.

Murong Shuqing slowly walked back to the Auspicious Palace. Along the way, she had no intention of admiring the beautiful scenery. Xuan Tiancheng's strange behavior made her already restless heart even more uneasy. What was his so-called freedom? What is he going to do? And the scorching heat between his lips made the fire in Murong Shuqing's heart keep rising.

Murong Shuqing lived in a side hall on the far right of the Xiangrui Palace. It was clean and distant, and she liked it very much. Once back in the hall, Murong Shuqing lay down on the soft couch by the window, stroking his aching head. It seems that since entering the palace, there is no time when her head does not hurt.

"Master." A shadow appeared quietly behind Murong Shuqing.

The familiar breath calmed Murong Shuqing's restless heart a little. She sat up slowly and asked, "Yanyu, is there any news?"

Yan Yu took out an envelope from his arms and handed it to Murong Shuqing. Murong Shuqing took out the letterhead and read it by candlelight.

Yan Yu was curious about what was written in Shen Xiaoyun's letter to the master, because Murong Shuqing's face was getting worse and worse, from a smile to an expressionless face, and now it was gloomy and angry, and then—

"No reason!" Murong Shuqing suddenly smashed the letter in his hand, his cold and arrogant face, his slightly squinted eyes, seemed to be scorching hot. Yan Yu raised his handsome eyebrows in surprise. The master rarely gets angry like this. What made her so angry

Yes, Murong Shuqing's current mood can only be described as rage.

free? What a freedom! So this is what he calls freedom!

Murong Shuqing clenched the letterhead in his hand tighter and tighter. The letter only said one thing, that what Zhong Yan had been looking for recently had been found, and its name was Mengxincao.

Mengxin grass: boiled into water, it is colorless and tasteless. When you eat it, you will no longer remember the past.

She had never understood why Xuan Tiancheng was so eager to take back his military power, and why he let Zhong Yan go all over the country. It turned out that he was not in a hurry to take back his military power, but to make Xuanyuan Yi mistakenly think that Xuan Tiancheng was targeting him. She always knew that Xuanyuan Yi was worried about her, whether in the palace or in the capital, he sent people to monitor Xuan Tiancheng. Xuan Tiancheng did this, first, to distract Xuanyuan Yi's attention, and second, to disturb Xuanyuan Yi's line of sight. And Zhong Yan's task is to cover the heart.

This grass should be prepared for her, as long as she has self-awareness for a day, no matter what Xuan Tiancheng does, it is impossible for her to be imprisoned for long. She doesn't believe that a bowl of medicine can make people lose their memory, it will only make her stupid. Such her, he would want? It turned out that in order to get her, he did not hesitate to destroy her.

Murong Shuqing closed his eyes gently, adjusting his chaotic mood. After a long time, she opened her eyes and said in a low voice, "You go back first and see me tomorrow." She needed some time to think about what to do. This time, she won't forgive him.

"Yes." Seeing that she finally regained her usual calm, Yan Yu walked out of the house and quickly disappeared into the night.