Destined Marriage with Fragrance

Chapter 90: The sky is wide


Today, Murong Shuqing got up very early, and there are two days left before she leaves the palace. She should be here soon. He made a cup of dragon birthday with his own hands. Murong Shuqing stood by the window and let the morning light fall on his face, body, and heart. It was so warm that he wanted to sleep. Murong Shuqing fiddled with the tea leaves, not in a hurry to drink it, letting the faint tea fragrance surround him, refreshing his heart. The weather has been sunny and warm in the past two days. The pear blossoms in early spring are already eager to try.

Murong Shuqing was enjoying the fragrance of flowers and tea, but the door of the palace opened gently, and a pleasant male voice asked with a chuckle, "Shu Qing, are you feeling better?"

Finally came, Murong Shuqing turned around with a smile, and replied, "It's much better."

She looked in good spirits today. Her long hair was lightly tangled and fluttered in the breeze. She closed her eyes and bathed in the sunlight. Seeing that she was carrying tea, she walked slowly and sat down at the round table, Xuan Tiancheng raised his hand gently, Tong Fu put the medicine in his hand on the table, and bowed out of the hall.

Murong Shuqing glanced at the thick black concoction on the table, which was similar to the medicine he drank in the past few days. The difference was that the one who delivered the medicine today was the current emperor.

Sitting down beside Murong Shuqing, Xuan Tiancheng said softly, "I know you don't like the palace, and you can go out soon." He will let her live a peaceful and carefree life from now on.

Murong Shuqing raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled, "Yes, there are still two days." It seemed that Xuan Tiancheng wanted her to go out today. Holding the medicinal juice on the table, Murong Shuqing looked at Xuan Tiancheng and asked lightly, "Is this for me?"

Xuan Tiancheng also looked at the concoction in front of her, as long as she drank it, everything would be fine. Nodding lightly, Xuan Tiancheng replied, "Yes, you will get better after drinking it."

Murong Shuqing caressed the medicine bowl lightly, the thick black medicinal juice, against the background of the white jade bowl, was filled with deep waves. She raised a gorgeous smile and whispered softly, "You are so kind to me." Then, she drank the thick black concoction in one gulp, and a spicy breath flowed from her throat. And down.

Xuan Tiancheng was shocked by such a smile. She had never smiled at him like this before, but why did he suddenly feel frightened? Seeing her stuff the empty bowl into his hands, Xuan Tiancheng's restless heart seemed to be comforted a little, and she would soon belong to him.

Holding Murong Shuqing's hand, Xuan Tiancheng asked dotingly, "Do you like the beauty of the south or the grandeur of the north?" He could take her on a tour of famous mountains and rivers, she would like it.

Murong Shuqing didn't break free from his hand, just looked at her with a smile, with a soft light in his eyes. Xuan Tiancheng was in a better mood. It must be the heart-bending grass that worked. From now on, she would look at him with such a smile. Gently stroking Murong Shu's soft cheeks, Xuan Tiancheng said softly, "Your handwriting is very good, and we can study it together in our spare time."

Xuan Tiancheng indulged in the beauty of peaceful coexistence with Murong Shuqing, and did not notice that she was laughing harder and harder. It wasn't until Murong Shuqing's face was pale that in the morning of early spring, his forehead was covered with thin sweat, Xuan Tiancheng felt that something was wrong, patted her face, and asked, "Shu Qing? What's wrong with you?" Will it harm the human body

Murong Shuqing took a deep breath, suppressing the burning pain in his chest, and still chuckled, but reluctantly. She raised her hand gently, brushed Xuan Tiancheng's slightly wrinkled brow, and said in a low voice, "You are not afraid, if I drink Mengxincao, I will forget him, you, and myself? , what you have deliberately obtained may be just a chicken rib."

she knows? Then why does she still drink? Xuan Tiancheng was shocked by Murong Shuqing's words, but what made him more concerned was the tasteless words. Holding Murong Shuqing's shoulder, Xuan Tiancheng couldn't hide the urgency in his heart, "No, if you forget him, you will stay by my side obediently, I will love you, pamper you, love you, and give you what you want. everything of."

It hurts so much... Murong Shuqing grabbed the tablecloth, and although he was unable to smile, he still asked lightly, "Does it include freedom?"

free? What is her so-called freedom, which is to escape from him? Murong Shuqing's words completely angered Xuan Tiancheng, causing him to ignore Murong Shuqing's bluish face and pale lips, he shook Murong Shuqing's shoulders and growled furiously, "Why? Run away from me?"

His violence made Murong Shuqing's already aching body unable to withstand it any longer. Murong Shuqing only felt his blood rise, and a smear of blood slipped from the corner of her lips. Dark red bloodstains fell from his lips drop by drop and dripped onto Xuan Tiancheng's hand. He was awakened by the warmth on the back of his hand. Xuan Tiancheng asked in a panic, "Shu Qing? What's wrong with you, Shu Qing?"

The blood did not stop, and it continued to slip from Murong Shuqing's lips. For the first time, Xuan Tiancheng felt that his heart seemed to become cold with the flowing blood. He shouted sharply: "Come here, come here, pass the imperial doctor!"

Tong Fu was ordered to stay outside the hall, and suddenly heard Xuan Tiancheng's roar, and hurriedly entered the hall, only to see Murong Shuqing lying softly in the emperor's arms, the emperor's hands were full of blood, and his face was no worse than his arms. The Murong Shu was so clean, full of madness. He was so frightened that he rushed out of the hall and asked the best imperial doctor to come. He didn't understand what happened. He only knew that Murong Shuqing must not die, otherwise - he couldn't imagine it.

How could this be? Xuan Tiancheng put his arms around the cold Murong Shuqing, unable to think in his mind at all, but kept saying, "Shu Qing, you will be fine, no."

The Queen's medicine was really powerful. Murong Shuqing felt powerless all over her body. The cold feeling seemed to drown her, and the burning sensation in her chest was not as strong as before. Murong Shuqing panted softly, grabbed Xuan Tiancheng's hand tightly, and although it was difficult, he still said word by word, "So, what you want is my life."

Although I know that all this was done by the queen, Xuan Tiancheng is the ultimate reason for what it will become today. Since he said how much he loves her, then she will die at his hands and in his arms. inside. She wanted him to never forget the scene of her death in his arms, which should be the greatest punishment for him.

Xuan Tiancheng held her tightly in his arms, and said painfully, "No, Shu Qing, you can't die." Her icy body temperature and scalding blood were tormenting his heart, and now he only hoped that she would not Die, don't leave him like this!

Murong Shuqing coughed lightly, and the constant rush of fishy air made Murong Shuqing spray a mouthful of fresh blood on Xuan Tiancheng's chest, the dark red blood, like a ghostly flower, bright and intense.

Murong Shuqing gently put his lips to Xuan Tiancheng's ear, and said in a weak voice, "You will never, never get my heart, because, because you are... unworthy."


Xuan Tiancheng felt as if his heart had been hollowed out, and looked at the body that was limp in his hands in pain. She only left him a faint smile that seemed to be relieved, then closed her eyes, and let her shout and shake no matter what she did. There is a response.

"Do not-"

Tong Fu brought the imperial doctor into the hall, only to hear a painful low roar, which shocked everyone there, no one dared to come forward to disturb the emperor who was full of sorrow and choked with pain.

Xuan Tiancheng wanted to dry the blood stains from the corners of her mouth, but it seemed that he could never, the blood still dripped down his fingers. Tong Fu swallowed his saliva, took a step forward in fear, and said timidly, "Your Majesty, the imperial doctor is here."

Royal doctor? Xuan Tiancheng suddenly came back to his senses and shouted at the imperial doctor standing by the door: "Quick, look at her, I want her to live. I must save her." She will be fine, she will.

When the imperial physicians got the order, they immediately surrounded Murong Shuqing to check the pulse, but the emperor refused to let go of her hand, held her in his arms, kept wiping her blood, and kept calling "Shuqing" in his mouth.

Several imperial doctors took turns to take their pulse, and almost everyone's hands were shaking. Everyone in the emperor's arms knew that no matter what happened between her and the emperor, let the emperor be so frantic, just in terms of her identity , if she had an emergency, neither Xuanyuan Yi nor the Qi family would give up.

After the five imperial physicians had examined the pulse, they all looked at each other, all five bowed their heads and took a step back. Xuan Tiancheng saw a few of them standing aside, but they didn't save people, and said sharply and angrily: "Save her, what are you doing there, save people."

The emperor was furious, and the five immediately knelt down. It wasn't that they didn't save, but it was—

Seeing that they still didn't take a step forward, Xuan Tiancheng faintly felt something, hugging Murong Shuqing in his arms, Xuan Tiancheng asked with a trembling, "What's wrong with her, talk to you."

The five looked at each other, and finally the head of the imperial physician, Imperial Physician Lin, raised his head with difficulty and replied cautiously, "Miss Murong has been poisoned, her pulse and breath—nothing at all."

In March of the 234th year in the east corner, Murong Shuqing, the daughter of Murong's parents, died in the palace.

In April of the same year, Cang Yue did not believe what she said and raised the army again. General Xuanyuan Yili fought against Cang Yue. In the final battle, the enemy commander You Xiao was killed by the general's sword. On the way back, the general was ambushed by the enemy and died at Linfeng Pass.

Yuelai Inn outside the capital.

As usual, in the lobby of the small inn, there were many merchants and travelers passing by. The journey was boring, and everyone gathered to chat, which was a common thing for ordinary people. It's just a topic that everyone is discussing today, but it's the hottest event in the capital and even in EAST.

A scholar in a blue shirt sighed in disbelief: "How could this happen? Isn't the queen always kind and noble? How could such a thing be done?"

A middle-aged man sitting on the right sneered: "Alas, these women in the harem are all vicious!" With so many women surrounding a man, it's strange that they don't play tricks!

The man at the table with him saw that everyone was listening to them with great interest, patted the middle-aged man with some worry, and said, "Be careful, don't talk nonsense."

The middle-aged man didn't care, he took a sip of wine, and said with some righteous indignation: "I'm right again, I have pity on Miss Murong, this is going to be married and killed. General Xuanyuan also gave his life for the country, and also It's a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate."

Hearing this, the scholar nodded and replied, "Yes, but the Qi family is really powerful, and now the Bi family is finished." It is unexpected that the Qi family still has such strength after 20 years of the imperial court.

"I said it should be like this. Miss Murong is the jewel in the Qi family's palm. If she were to be the daughter of another family, she would be killed in vain."

"If Xiang Xiang seeks justice for her, the emperor does not dare to show favoritism."

Everyone was chatting vigorously, but the boss couldn't listen anymore. While adding tea to each table, he said with a sullen face, "Can you talk about something else? I still want to do business!"

The middle-aged man laughed, patted the boss on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of, boss, who doesn't talk about this in the city now, the queen has long been put into the cold palace, and the little prince is also raised by the German concubine, Bi Xiang We’re going to return home again, who else cares what we say!”

But the boss was unmoved, and murmured: "A hundred-footed worm, die without being stiff. Just be careful." How could these little people know about the things in this palace, they are so quick to talk, they just say it. After leaving, his own small shop is all his efforts.

The middle-aged man laughed heartily, shrugged, and replied, "Okay, let's not talk about it."

He didn't want to say it, but it didn't mean that others didn't want to hear it. I saw the bamboo curtain in the private room was lifted, and a fiery red figure came out, speaking in a tone that was as hot as her red clothes, and asked aggressively, "Why not? After all, you said that Murong Shuqing died? Is it true?!"

Seeing that this little girl was young, everyone didn't take her rude words to heart. The middle-aged man smiled shyly: "Of course it's true, the emperor list is out, don't believe it and see for yourself."

After hearing this, Wei Na immediately retracted her private room, sat next to Mo Can, and looked at him worriedly, only to see that he was still cool and expressionless, and he was still thinking about drinking tea. Could it be that he was too excited? Wei Na gently pulled on Mo Can's sleeve and said carefully: "Mo Can, Shu Qing she—"

"She's not dead." Mo Can coldly threw out a sentence before she could finish speaking.

"Really? How do you know?" Wei Na heard him say this, and her heart slowly returned to her position. Although she knew that Mo Can would never forget Murong Shuqing, she had to admit that she couldn't hate her.

Mo Can glanced at Wei Na and saw that she was waiting for his explanation with anticipation. He sighed in his heart. When will he start, he is willing to explain to her! Holding the clear tea, Mo Can still replied ruthlessly: "Chu Yin injected a qi in her body, which was obtained by practicing for many years. With the protection of this qi, when she suffered a severe internal injury Or poisoning, the true qi will close all the acupoints, like dying, Chu Yin will have time to save her."

After listening to her, Wei Na opened her eyes wide, stared at Mo Can, and asked, "You have something on you, right?"

Mo Can ignored her and nodded slightly.

She had become accustomed to his indifference, and Wei Na said to herself: "No wonder you were seriously injured and fell off the cliff and didn't die." At that time, the master said that he seemed to be dead for a while, and then he didn't seem to be dead for a while, she I thought the master was confused.

After figuring this out, Wei Na was relieved and said proudly: "I'll just say, how could Murong Shuqing die so easily."

Mo Can lowered his head and drank the tea, the corners of his mouth were still slightly hooked up under the cover of the rim of the cup.

The blue waves are connected to the sea, and under the clear sky, the light blue sea water is crystal clear, the sun penetrates the clouds, reflects the waves, revealing a refreshing breath, and even the breeze carries the salty taste of the sea. On the reef by the sea, a figure of sea blue was reclining, and a head of blue silk was tied casually with a light blue hairband. Chased by the sea breeze, the black hair was tangled and played with the breeze ribbon.

The woman stepped on the soft sand with her bare feet, allowing the waves to drown her feet from time to time. The woman raised her hand gently to cover the dazzling sunlight, feeling the familiar breath behind her, and the woman smiled faintly: "You coming."

Xuanyuan Yi wrapped his arms around the woman's slender waist behind him, and held her tightly in his arms. A painful voice sounded in the woman's ears, "You really can torture people." She finally returned to his arms.

The woman let him hold her, but she didn't say a word, enjoying the broad shoulders and the sea breeze blowing her face. Xuanyuan Yi suddenly pulled the woman's shoulder and made her face him, with teasing in his serious eyes, "By the way, did you do it on purpose?"

The woman chuckled and raised her eyebrows, "What?"

Xuanyuan Yi sighed and smiled dotingly: "Why did you choose the sea area?"

The woman replied as it should: "This place is completely cut off from the mainland, Xuan Tiancheng will not find us."

Xuanyuan Yi was not so easily fooled, he continued to ask her, "What else?"

The woman didn't hesitate, leaned into Xuanyuan Yi's arms, and said badly, "Don't you think this is a brand new experience, it will be very interesting?"

Xuanyuan Yi was dumbfounded by her outspokenness, ruffled the woman's hair, and smiled helplessly: "You think it's funny!"

The fluttering breeze blew the two people's flying jackets, tangled and tangled, as if melting into the sea and the sky.

He came anyway, and the corners of the woman's lazy lips fluttered happily.

I believe the days to come will be very interesting.