Destined To Love You

Chapter 28


The cafe was fairly quiet, with the slight click of the keyboard in my ears, accompanied by the occasional whisper of someone talking.

The music above the head is soft and melodious.

"How do you want to express yourself?" Chu Han was opposite her, gently stirring the coffee in front of him. ask her.

Song Ning shook his head, resting his chin on the table, and sighed: "Not yet..."

Swiping his fingertips on the phone screen a few times, Song Ning looked at the search records in the browser and worried.

-What kind of confession made the deepest impression on you

-What are some vigorous ways of expressing yourself

- A high-level romantic expression.

- Novel and unique way of expressing.

If Ike Wei is concerned, he probably won't like this way of being surrounded by many people.

So many answers can't be beat.

As a person who has been a peony for 20 years, he suddenly wants to make a confession, and he has no clue at all.

If I start with what Ikeo likes...

"If you want me to tell you, it's best to just fall down." Chu Han looked at her with his chin propped up, and said casually, "I promise to let her remember it for a lifetime."

"… "

In this way, if she is rejected, she will never be able to face Chi Wei for the rest of her life.

"It's not a solution for you to struggle like this. Maybe your aunt will run away with someone at some point." Chu Han said, "Be bold, go straight up, press her against the wall, and say to her loudly, 'I like it you'!"

Song Ning was stunned for a moment.


It's fine if the person Ikeo likes is her, but what if it's not.

No one will dislike Chiwei.

If Ikeo confessed to someone she liked before her...

There was a sudden sense of urgency in my heart.

After returning home with Chu Han, the room was empty.

Ikei is not there.

She glanced at the time.

It's past half past nine.

Ike had never been back so late.

She huddled on the sofa.

The second hand turns around in circles.

Maybe it was because of waking up too early in the morning. The coffee he drank during the day was completely useless. Song Ning held a pillow in his arms and leaned against the sofa, feeling a little dizzy.

It seemed like a long time before the sound of the door opening came from the entrance.

The room was quiet, Chi Wei thought that Song Ning had fallen asleep, and moved very lightly.

The smell of alcohol on his body was a little strong, and his delicate eyebrows were slightly frowned.

She put down the key and walked towards the room, wanting to take a shower.

When passing by the sofa in the center of the living room, the movement of my feet stopped.

The dark round eyes looked at him, and the figure shrunk on the sofa looked a little thin.

She took two steps forward, put her hand on the top of Song Ning's hair, and rubbed it lightly.

The originally frowning brows stretched out, and there was a little bit of tenderness in the eyes.

She opened her mouth and said softly, "Waiting for me?"

There was an indescribable smell of alcohol from the tip of the nose.

Eyelashes trembled slightly, Song Ning looked up at her.

"Auntie." She said in a small voice, hiding the emotion in her voice, "You went to drink."

Chi Wei nodded: "Well, a little bit."

Great booze.

A little... how much.

"Are you in a bad mood?" she asked.

Chi Wei smiled lightly: "I went with Shi Wu, she drinks a lot."

Yu Shiwu was drunk and madly drinking on the street, she couldn't stop her.

Later, another intern in the department gave her a hand before stuffing Yu Shiwu into the car.

The intern volunteered to send Yu Shiwu home, and she was able to escape and come back.

Song Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

"Auntie—" she called her.


The words came to the mouth, but what they said was irrelevant.

"It's late, rest early." Song Ning said.

She spat on herself fiercely in her mind.

You are so cowardly, Comrade Song Ning.

Chi Wei looked at her and smiled softly: "Well. Good night, Ningning."

Watching Song Ning go back to the room, Chi Wei lowered his eyes, and there were waves in his eyes.

Red tulips represent passionate love.

After sticking on the spot for a while, she chuckled and sighed slightly.

Xiao Ningning likes delicate and beautiful things, she knows it.

- "Do you think there is a possibility that your child found out that he fell in love with this you, so he broke up with that you?"

He remembered what Yu Shiwu had said to her that day.

He raised his hand and pressed it lightly between his eyebrows.

Maybe she should try to be more proactive.

After counting the time, it has been almost two months since I joined the company.

She and Meng Wanjiao have been chomping at the sight of a screen full of codes, and now they are now.

Slowly become independent.

It is very rare for Teacher Chi to tutor her alone.

After seeing the call from the real estate agent on Chiwei's mobile phone, there seemed to be no movement on Chiwei's side.

If the person Chi Wei likes is not her, if Chi Wei is with someone else.

I didn't even get a chance to express myself that day.

It's sad to think about it.

The emotions in my heart became stronger and stronger, and the tumbling seemed to overflow, and the code in front of me became dazzling again.

On the grounds that she was not feeling well, she took a half-day leave.

Back home, I bought delicate flowers from the flower shop downstairs.

She couldn't think of a vigorous statement.

She just wanted to tell Chi Wei of her heart.

No matter what the result is, even in the most clichéd way, at least let her know.

- She likes her.

She was busy alone, and the room was decorated in a romantic and warm way by her.

Every flower, every streamer, every balloon, every candle, is her own arrangement.

very nervous.

She only took half a day off, and she has to go back to work in the afternoon.

I don't know how to face Ikewei at these times.

I don't know if I can survive the journey home from the company.

Been fidgeting all afternoon.

When Meng Wanjiao came to ask her, she could only make an excuse to say that she was not feeling well.

"Poor Tianning, are you hungry?" Meng Wanjiao said.

She nodded casually: "Maybe."

There is a meeting in the afternoon.

I still have some things in hand to give to Ikeo.

It was clear that at this time, I was the least able to see Chi Wei, but I had to face her face to face.

Song Ning walked to Chi Wei's office and knocked on the door.

Ike tail is still as gentle as usual.

When she put the document down and was about to turn to leave, Ike Wei suddenly stopped her.

The shallow curvature of the lips is so soft, and the voice is so gentle: "Can Ning Ning help me copy and print a few documents on the desktop? It will be used for the meeting later."

"I have something to do, I need to go out for a while," Ike Wei said.


Song Ning looked up at the gentle smiling person in front of her.

She was so nervous that her heart almost jumped out, any touch from Chi Wei was enough to break her defense.

She withdrew her hand without a trace and moved a little to the side.

Song Ning nodded: "Okay."

Chi Wei left the office, and the crisp sound of high heels disappeared from his ears.

Song Ning exhaled, calmed down, and walked around to the computer.

Ikewei's computer desktop is neat and has very little content, which is completely different from her almost full desktop.

Several documents were easy to find, and Song Ning selected the few that were placed on the table.

When dragging, my hand accidentally slipped, and the mouse that was originally in the center on the desktop was moved to the far left of the screen.

A logged-in *** will pop up.

At first she didn't care, she moved the cursor on the desktop and re-selected those files.

Something flashed in my mind, and the hand holding the mouse suddenly stopped.

Looking to the left, the mouse moved slowly.

Although it's just a glance, the avatar of the *** account hanging on this computer...

It was drawn by her, and she was all too familiar with it.

The cursor on the desktop moves to the left, to the extreme edge.

The hidden account jumped out.

She only had time to take a look when the door of the office was suddenly opened.

He looked up almost subconsciously.

— She thought it was Ikeo who came back.

However, the person at the door was not the person she thought.

"I knew you were here." Meng Wanjiao stood at the door with something in her arms, poked her head in, and reminded her, "What are you doing, Xiao Tianning, go to the meeting!"

In a hurry, I moved the mouse and didn't know where I clicked, maybe I clicked on the red X, and the account hanging on the desktop disappeared.

Song Ning copied several files on the desktop.

She suppressed the tumbling emotions in her heart.


Send the photocopied documents.

Song Ning was still sitting in the original position, that corner, looking at Chi Wei in front.

The man was always calm and calm in front of others.

The avatar was drawn by her, and only she and the person on the Internet had the original picture.

She hasn't uploaded it anywhere.

If she saw Chi Wei's avatar correctly.

If Ikeo is really that person.

Then why did he pretend for so long, and now he deliberately let her see it.

Because she was aware of her thoughts, because the person she liked was not her, because she planned to break up with her from the very beginning

But if, in case, she just got it wrong.

If it just happened that the pictures were of similar color tones, she would be wrong.

She turned on her phone and jumped the volume to the lowest level.

Click on the penguin icon that has not been opened for a long time.

The dialog that never responded.

Click on the small plus sign circled on the right at the bottom of the screen.

The finger was hanging a few millimeters from the screen, and after a while, it fell.

Voice calls.

Ikeo was talking about something, but was interrupted by the sudden ringing of the bell.

She paused, said sorry, and reached over to mute the phone.

A voice message from □□ is displayed on the screen.

Chi Wei paused, she looked at Song Ning.

There were subtle emotions in those round eyes, which were too far away for her to capture.

Fingertips tightened for a moment.

She lowered her eyes and tapped a few times on her phone.

The phone lit up, looking away from the man in front, Song Ning saw the message received on the phone.

- "Have a good meeting and don't get distracted."

- "Wait for me after get off work, darling."

The drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, and Song Ning almost clenched his hands in order to make himself look as calm as possible.

Be good ass.

How could it be possible to hold a meeting.

Her mind was in a mess, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Just want to cry.

But this time, no one could hug her.

At the end of the memory, Chi Wei was entangled, Song Ning lowered his head and ran away quickly.

It's not get off work time yet.

I didn't have time to carry the bag, and I still had the things I used for the meeting.

She went out and stopped the car.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

She was a little bewildered.

Where to go... yet.

do not wanna go Home.

Where can I go.

She leaned back in the back seat and gave an address.


There are not many people at this time, but there are also many scattered.

Song Ning found a remote corner.

Suddenly a person sat down beside him.

"Meet again." It was the bartender who spoke last time, "What would you like to drink? That glass of wine tasted good last time?"

Song Ning shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't drink. Please give me a glass of juice, thank you."

She didn't come to vent her emotions, let alone get drunk.

She just wanted to sort out the messy thoughts in her heart in a place with more people.

About Ikei.

About the person who has already returned to China and who has been by her side, but has been lying to her.

She is totally messed up.

If Chi Wei knew that "Ning Ning" was the one who wanted to be separated from her in the future, why would he choose to live with her

If Chi Wei didn't plan to separate from her, why didn't he send her a message after that, not even a simple reply. And the phone call from the agent.

If Chi Wei didn't like her, why would he be so gentle with her and have those ambiguous actions towards her.

If Chi Wei likes her, why has he been lying to her.

The balance in my heart swung back and forth between her liking me and her disliking me.

If it goes on like this, she can't think of sitting here all day and night.

She has to go back and find Chi Wei.

You have to die to understand.


The author has something to say:

It's late, orz originally planned to finish writing the rest in one go, but the roommates are sleeping and typing on the keyboard is easy to disturb them_(:зゝ∠)_Continue at night~

Take a survey:

I'm lost, do you still love me

A. love

b. love

c. love


The answer is over.

Okay, I got it, you all still love me.

What a coincidence, I love you too.

What a tweet!