Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 24: Entered the police station


Yan Hua thinks she likes shopping and shopping. Especially the sparkling jewelry and the beautiful ready-to-wear. But she took out the secondary card given by Lang Hongyue and looked at it for a long time, but still didn't buy anything.

"Am I a prodigal girl before?" Yan Hua felt depressed and wanted to buy something...

I could only read but not buy, and immediately lost interest. I found a book bar on the first floor, and Yan Hua ordered a piece of cake and freshly squeezed juice. She picked up a women's magazine and flipped through it. She wanted to kill time and go back after dinner.

"Xiaotong can't come out?" The voices of two girls sitting next door reached her ears.

Yan Hua's ears twitched when she heard the word Xiaotong.

"Don't ask her out recently, she's probably not available anymore! You don't know yet, right? I heard that her family is getting married to the He family."

"He Mingkai is divorced!"

"What's the matter! Didn't it mean that her wife has become the widow of the Lang family..."


Yan Hua looked at the beautiful cream and suddenly felt a little tired. She stood up and walked into the bathroom slowly, with several voices shouting in her head. One shouted that Guo Xiaotong's dream could not come true, and the other comforted her that now was not the time to care about them.

"Wow wow wow wow!" The cry woke her up, and Yan Hua saw a middle-aged woman changing a diaper on a small baby on the sink.

The woman was wearing a very rustic flowered gown, and the cloth shoes on her feet were also dirty. However, the baby lying in the exquisite cradle was very beautiful. Because she was pregnant, she was particularly curious about the baby, so Yan Hua took a closer look.

"She is so cute!" The baby in the quilt is white and tender, and the princess dress she is wearing is of good quality.

But at this moment, he was crying with his mouth open, looking particularly worried.

"Is she okay?" Yan Hua walked closer, "Do you want help?"

The middle-aged woman seemed to be in a hurry, and her diaper was crookedly on.

"It's okay, I'm just hungry."

Yan Hua glanced at her and felt something was wrong: "Where is her mother?"

"I just..." the woman blurted out, then her eyes flickered, "I am her nanny, and her mother went shopping."

"You can't cry like this." Yan Hua read a lot of parenting books. The little guy's face turned red from crying and he choked easily.

The woman was a little impatient and didn't cover the baby with her skirt. She picked up the cradle and left.

"Wait a minute!" Yan Hua stopped her, "The air conditioning is so strong, why don't you cover the baby with a blanket?"

There is obviously a small pink blanket on the side of the cradle.

"I... oh why are you so nosy!" the woman got angry, "I want to go find her mother quickly, please get out of the way."

Yan Hua smiled: "Then it's better to go out crying like this! Leave it to me to coax her, I can find a way to stop her from crying."

"You?" The woman took a step back warily and looked at her, "What can you do?"

"I'm a pregnant woman!" Yan Hua's smile became even more beautiful, "I have read books on this subject and attended prenatal training classes. If you don't believe me, just look at it!" After saying that, she reached out and picked up the baby.

When the woman saw it, she immediately wanted to snatch it away. Unexpectedly, Yan Hua raised her hand and knocked the cradle over, and the mattress and pillow inside hit the woman head and face. When she raised her head again, Yan Hua had already ran out of the bathroom.

"Please call the police for me, I suspect someone is abducting children!" Yan Hua ran directly to the bar. The young man inside was eye-catched by the beauty at first, but after hearing this sentence, his expression became dull again.

"You stole my child!" In the blink of an eye, the middle-aged woman had chased Yan Hua and grabbed her.

Yan Hua hugged the baby tightly while shouting from the waiter: "Hurry up and call the police!"

"Oh, I can't live anymore!" The middle-aged woman looked around, sat down on the ground and hugged Yan Hua's legs, "Help, someone is robbing my child in broad daylight..."

There were not many people in the book bar, but everyone gathered around when they saw the movement.

"Miss, whose child is this?" the waiter asked.

Yan Hua shook her head: "I don't know, but it's definitely not hers."

"You fart!" The middle-aged woman jumped up, still holding Yan Hua tightly with one hand, "I was in the bathroom to change the baby's diaper, and this woman suddenly snatched her and ran away. If you don't believe me, you can check the surveillance! Look! See if she holds the baby when she goes in."

"I didn't say the baby was mine." Yan Hua was a little anxious and kept trying to persuade the waiter, "Look at her, and then look at this baby, does it look like a family?"

When she said this, the waiter and the people around noticed the problem, and everyone began to question the middle-aged woman.

"You said this is your child, do you have any evidence?"

"That's right, do you have photos of your children in your wallet..."

Everyone asked questions, and the woman glanced at Yan Hua with a proud look: "I am a nanny, and our child has a birthmark on his buttocks."

"This beauty, look at it!"

Yan Hua carefully took off the diaper, and sure enough, there was a red birthmark on her left buttocks.

"The red oval one!" the woman shouted from the side, "How about it? I didn't lie, did I? This woman is the one who robbed the child."

Everyone started to look at Yan Hua with unkind eyes, and Yan Hua didn't know what to say for a while. At this time, two fashionably dressed girls suddenly ran to her.

"We have called the police."

Yanhua was a little surprised because these two girls were none other than the two who were talking about Guo Xiaotong before.

"We know who you are." One of them lowered his voice, "I saw you during Lang Jie's birthday."

Another added: "We have no ill intentions, we just don't want to see babies snatched away by traffickers."

"Thank you!" Yan Hua smiled.

Two girls stood beside her, one on the left and one on the right. Miss Qianjin made a strong gesture and threatened the middle-aged woman: "Since you are not a human trafficker, wait until the police come!"

"What do you want to do?" The woman panicked, and then started acting rude again, "Oh, what are you going to do... Let's judge. These three women are in the same group. Don't be fooled."

Compared with a rural woman and three beautiful girls, people's first impression must be biased towards Yan Hua. So someone advised the woman to wait. If it was really her child, the police would naturally give her justice.

"You city people are ganging up to bully me, a country boy. I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to find the mother of the child!" The woman suddenly was about to run out, but two policemen walked in.

"Comrade police, catch her!" Yan Hua shouted.

The woman was quickly brought under control, but as one of the parties involved, Yan Hua also had to go to the police station to record a statement. I thought I would be able to leave soon, but who knew that the woman refused to admit it, insisting that she was the child's nanny.

"Miss Yan, please wait a little longer. We have found the child's parents and they are on their way here."

A female police officer on the side saw that she was a pregnant woman and felt that it was inappropriate to wait like this, so she asked: "How about you ask your family to pick you up? By the way, you can make a guarantee and go back first. When we find out, we will notify you." "

"Yes, yes! It's okay." The other police officers agreed.

If they didn't have to follow the rules, they would have asked them to leave a long time ago. How could such a beautiful and good-tempered woman be a criminal

It is indeed a world where faces are judged...

"Then... okay!" Yanhua hesitated for a moment, then took out her cell phone but didn't know who to call.

After much deliberation, I dialed Lang Hongyue's number, but no one answered. She gritted her teeth and dialed another number.

"Hello." The voice came through the mobile phone, a little more mellow than usual. Yan Hua stuttered a little, "Hello... yes, it's me."

Twenty minutes later, Lang Ruoxian entered the police station. Watching him walk in, the female police officer talked excitedly to Yanhua.

"Oh, your husband is so handsome!"

Yan Hua smiled bitterly: "He is not my husband, he is me..."

"What's going on?" Lang Ruoxian had already walked up to her, looked at her a few times and then looked at the police, "If you have anything to say, tell my lawyer."

Only then did Yan Hua realize that behind him, in addition to the baby-faced assistant he had seen before, there were two young guys who looked particularly elite.

"Um..." The female police officer was a little embarrassed, "Sir, you misunderstood. Here's what happened..."

After Lang Ruoxian heard what happened, he glanced at Yan Hua expressionlessly.

"Can I take her away now?"

A policeman rushed out of the back room, "Of course! Of course! If we had known it was the young lady of the Lang family, we definitely wouldn't have been able to bring her back."

When the female police officer saw the captain's appearance, she opened her mouth, then reacted and looked at Yan Hua in surprise.

"Let's go!" Lang Ruoxian had already helped people to the door.

After getting in the car, Yan Hua felt tired. She leaned on the seat and moved her neck. The baby-faced assistant turned to praise her with a smile.

"Young lady, you are so awesome. I just heard from the police that that woman seemed to be involved in a gang crime. They had kidnapped several children, and now they can take them all together."

Yanhua thought of that beautiful baby girl, how lucky she was to have met her and be able to return to her parents, but what about those children who had been sold...

"The police said that if you only sell it once, you can still get it back. If you sell it again in the middle..." Baby Face stopped smiling, "However, as long as the police arrest them all and ask them about the whereabouts of the child, they will definitely be able to get it back. Come!"

"How many years can a human trafficker be sentenced to if he is caught?" Yan Hua asked.

"Generally, the sentence is five to ten years. If the circumstances are serious, the sentence is death."

"Is it the death penalty or a suspended sentence?"

"Directly." Babyface glanced at Lang Ruoxian, and Lang Ruoxian looked at Yanhua.

Yan Hua raised her eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

"I didn't expect you to study law." Lang Ruoxian looked away. Although it was only for a moment, Yan Hua still discovered it.

This man just despised himself again.

"I saw it on TV." She lowered her head. "If we are still suspended, we would be so sorry for the families who lost their children and the children whose lives were changed because of greed."

The baby face had already sat down at some point, and the car suddenly became quiet. After a few minutes, Yan Hua felt that the air was getting more and more oppressive.

"You..." She looked at Lang Ruoxian for the fifth time, "Are you angry?"