Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 5: Kidnapped and resold?


Two hours later, Yan Hua was taken to the airport.

She only had a small suitcase with her, and she wanted to delay while packing, even though it was useless...

The man was still sitting opposite her wrapped in a blanket, and Yan Hua struggled to give up.

"Sir, I think it's better not to fly, right?" She put on a troubled expression, "He Mingkai will find out."

If she could fly away, she would have flown to the horizon long ago. Why wait until now? Once on board, everyone can check her destination...

The man glanced at her and ignored her.

The young man wearing glasses who had been following them asked expressionlessly: "Miss Yan, do you want to go to Northern Europe or Australia?"

Yan Hua wanted to roll her eyes at him. She was kidnapped now... Who would be in the mood to care about the destination.

"You can't take me away like this, it's a crime!" In desperation, she shouted at the man.

"Then I'll take you to the police station and tell them that you not only stole my watch, but also hurt someone." The man said calmly, "Together with the two charges, you will be sentenced to at least ten years."

Yan Hua's face changed as she heard the man's demonic voice continue.

"The child in your belly will be born without a mother and can only be sent to an orphanage..."

"No!" Yan Hua screamed. She couldn't imagine such a scene, as if a piece of flesh had been cut off from her body.

Yan Hua suddenly understood those mothers who left hope for their children at the critical moment of life and death. Before, she was still thinking about what she would do in her place.

Now she knows, there is no need to think about it, it is a mother's instinct, the instinct to give everything for her children...

"I promise you, but you have to ensure the safety of my unborn child, and..." Yan Hua looked straight at the man opposite, "When the child is born, you can't separate us."

She suddenly had a strange intuition. Could this man kidnap her for the sake of the child in his belly

"As long as you obey me and don't run around." The man turned his eyes and said, "Don't do things that exceed your capabilities, unless you don't want children anymore."

"As long as you do what you say, I will listen to you in everything."

Yan Hua made the decision with a decisive mood, but she never expected that the hesitation and determination just an hour later would be like a joke.

"Are you Yan Hua?" A middle-aged woman looked at her. She was wearing designer clothes and exquisite makeup. It looked like she had spent a lot of money on maintenance.

Yan Hua was a little confused. She just went to the restroom before boarding the plane, and someone covered her mouth and passed out. When she woke up, she was no longer at the airport, and there was an unknown person in front of her.


After experiencing being bullied by a pervert and being kidnapped and taken out of her home in one day, she was already numb when faced with such a scene again.

Wait a moment! She has seen this woman before.

It was the woman who was in the hospital elevator. Although Yan Hua didn't see her face clearly at the time, her voice was exactly the same.

"My surname is Lang, Lang Hongyue." The woman spoke with a proud look on her face, "Do you know the Lang family?"

How could you not know...

The Lang family is the richest man in G city. Counting the two neighboring provinces, the Lang family is one of the top. Yan Hua heard He Mingkai mention that if the He family was a wealthy businessman.

Then the Lang family is a real aristocratic family that rings bells, eats cauldrons, and accumulates generations of clothes.

"Sit down!" Lang Hongyue glanced across Yan Hua's belly, and her tone became much gentler, "The child in your belly belongs to the Lang family."

Yan Hua was struggling with how to ask why she was brought here, when she suddenly heard the sentence that the child in her belly belonged to the Lang family, and there was lightning and thunder in her heart, but she still asked calmly.

"are you sure?"

Lang Hongyue was a little surprised. According to the information returned from the investigation, this Yan Hua was picked up by He Mingkai. Apart from a beautiful face, she was nothing but a fool.

But the woman in front of her is too calm. If this is the case... she has to consider another way to control people. After all, fools are more obedient.

"The man you had sex with in the hotel three months ago is my nephew." Lang Hongyue got straight to the point, "We have also investigated your matter very clearly."

Snapped! A stack of documents was thrown on the table in front of Yan Hua.


"Master, I was taken away by Lang Hongyue." The young man with eyes reported in a low voice.

Who would have thought that Lang Hongyue's people would find Yan Hua so quickly and follow her to the airport.

"Fortunately, we took measures." They contacted Yan Hua under the banner of the He family. Even if Lang Hongyue found out, he would only think that He Mingkai wanted to secretly send people abroad.

"Master, what should we do now?"

The man's face was still hidden under the blanket, his narrow phoenix eyes slightly narrowed. After a long time, he spoke lightly.

"Of course... I'm going back to Lang's house."