Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 104: How can there be time to be sad (second update)


"Thank you."

At the moment when Fei Qiluo lowered her hands and let herself knock him out, Chris also felt his intentions and said this softly in her heart.

Then she stood still, looked at Ayrin and the other members of the Holy Dawn Academy team, looked at the stands occupied by the Holy Dawn Academy, and said seriously; "We can go to the national competition."

At this moment, countless students of Holy Dawn College in the stands had inexplicably red eyes.


"Warriors, we won!"

While Corian and the others were still staying, Ayrin was the first to rush out like a wild horse, cheering and rushing towards the center of the field.

"Victorious... Saint Dawn Academy entered the national competition without suffering much loss." All members of the Onyx Lake Academy team were also shocked by Fei Qiluo's flying figure and Chris's strong and independent appearance.

"it's over?"

"It's all over?"

On the edge of the field where the Iron Forest Academy team was located, only a few substitute players were still standing.

Wilde, who was lying on a stretcher, stared blankly at the center of the venue, at the huge shadow formed by the huge keel blocking the sunlight.

Is it all over

He tried to open his eyes in confusion, why is everything blurry

Why can't I see clearly


"Don't cry! Boss doesn't like to see us cry like little children."

A voice sounded.

Wilde turned his head with difficulty, salty water dripped from the corners of his eyes and flowed into the corners of his mouth. He saw several pairs of red eyes.

Then he nodded, rubbed his eyes, and let out a wolf-like howl with all his strength.

"What is he going to do to the boss!"

At this time, many students of Tielin College in the stands with red eyes and clenched fists suddenly cried out. Many people fell into great anger, and even rushed towards the edge of the stands, trying to jump into the field.

Because they saw Ayrin running towards Feiqiluo who was being treated by the medical magician team.

However, they soon stopped.

"Come here!"

Because at this time, Aylin shouted at the people in the Iron Forest Academy team: "When there is that kind of guy in the stands who wants to see his details thoroughly, he still fights without reservation, and he is just like you , you will never leave standing up. At this time, shouldn’t you be with him? Even if you climb, you have to climb over! Regardless of the outcome, don’t you think that you and him deserve the respect of everyone in the stands? Come on! You are true warriors too!"

"Boss!" After being stunned for a while, the team members of Tielin College uttered a loud cry, supported each other, walked towards the field, and gathered around Fei Qiluo.

The entire arena suddenly burst into applause.

Almost everyone stood up and applauded for the Holy Dawn Academy team and the Tielin Academy team.

Only Aya Siyi's face was extremely gloomy.

"That kind of guy? It's hard for this freshman to meet Fei Qiluo, yet he dares to hurt me publicly!"

"Charlotte! We won!"

"Next time you want to come to the National Competition to watch my game!"

At this time, Ayrin had already shouted at Charlotte in the stands.

"..." Charlotte lowered her head, but thinking that if she didn't answer, Ayrin might shout even louder, so she blushed even more, and agreed weakly.

"It's all like this, and I still don't admit it. Can he hear the sound of mosquitoes like you?" Several girls next to her in the same corridor as her suddenly looked down on her, "Let's answer it for you! Before Charlotte could react, these girls all shouted at the same time: "Aylin, Charlotte said, I will definitely come to your national competition! If you can win next time If so, she can reward you with a sweet kiss."

"Ah?" Ayrin was a little dumbfounded, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Charlotte was stunned all of a sudden, and became so angry that she wanted to strangle the girls around her.

"Could it be that you are more than this?" Several girls looked at Charlotte suspiciously: "Could it be that the kisses are not exciting enough?"

"Goddess Charlotte is really with him..." Many students of Aegis Academy suddenly wailed, feeling that their first dream in life had been shattered.

"There is no need to be sad." Fei Qiluo, who was gathered by Wilde and others, looked at all the members of the Tielin Academy team indifferently but seriously.

"Aren't you sad that you can't make it to the national competition after practicing hard for so long?" Although the members of the Tielin Academy team had great respect for Fei Qiluo, they couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts.

"There is nothing so sad about losing convincingly and trying your best. The meaning of this kind of competition is not just to pursue the final champion." Fei Qiluo looked at them and said softly: "The journey of a magician is so long. , the enemy ahead is so powerful, there is no time to be sad."

"Don't leave any regrets in every battle, so that even if you die in battle, you won't be too regretful."

"We are limited here and can't see much, but under this starry sky, there are countless magicians stronger than us, and there are countless enemies stronger than us. We have no time to waste."

At this time, thinking of Aya Deathwing in the stands, all the team members of Tielin College, thought of what Fei Qiluo often said to them before, and felt a heavier meaning from it.

"Fei Qiluo! Fei Qiluo!"

"Ayrin! Ayrin!"

In the stands, Fei Qiluo and Aylin's support group kept shouting again. "Why are we fighting against each other? Both of them are very good." "Yes, we support both of them!"

It's just that it's different from outside the stadium at the beginning, the two support groups didn't have any quarrels, shouting and shouting, the two support groups seemed to become one.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, St. Lauren's two qualifying teams have been basically determined, Holy Dawn Academy and Onyx Lake Academy, which needs to play another game.

"Look at the two of them..."

"like what?"

"Like a couple of stupid new couples who just got married?"

After the chaotic carnival, when he walked out from the entrance of the arena, Moss tugged at the corner of Belo's clothes and said softly.

Bello pushed his glasses and snorted coldly. He felt that Moss might have been with Ayrin for a long time, and he was tainted by Ayrin's belatedness. Since when did the relationship between him and himself become better, and he actually started talking like a friend at this time? the corner of his clothes.

But hearing Moss' voice and looking forward, he suddenly had the urge to laugh.

"Entered the national competition."

"National competition..."

Aylin and Chris, who were walking in the front, were both pointing their fingers, and they also had obsessed expressions of constant joy.

This kind of expression is like two big tabby cats, standing in front of a whole warehouse of fish, constantly counting the number of fish, and constantly showing silly and secretly happy expressions.

But at this moment, a cold light flashed on the lenses of Beiro's glasses.

There was a haze in the open space not far from the passage exit.

Aya Deathwing was like a Grim Reaper, exuding an aura of death and unhappiness, which was incompatible with the atmosphere outside the square.

"En?" At this time, Ayrin had already seen Aya Deathwing.

But before he had time to say anything, Aya Death Wing, who was looking at him coldly, already said in a tone of approval: "I am waiting for you here, because I want to tell you that you have successfully ignited my real anger. So I hope that you will be more competitive and not be eliminated as soon as you enter the national competition, so that I will have a chance to meet you in the competition."

"It's too arrogant, don't you think that handsome guy doesn't exist?" Si Dinghan couldn't help but tossed his hair, and put on a pose that he thought he was handsome and wanted to scold, but immediately he realized something, tightened his body, "Be low-key, be low-key, but if you beat this guy's team in the national competition, it should be enough to be a blockbuster, right?"

"It's just the third-placed team." At this time, Aylin didn't take it seriously, and didn't even take Aya Deathwing seriously, pouted, "He also said that we don't want to be eliminated at the beginning, you don't want to start at the beginning If you directly meet the first and second-placed teams, you will be eliminated immediately."

"What a fearless idiot for the ignorant."

Ling Siyi glanced at Aylin with disdain, said nothing at all, turned around and left.

Aylin found that the people around him were also looking at him with strange eyes, "What's wrong?" He couldn't figure it out.

"It's really embarrassing. Ailin, you are an idiot." Moss said speechlessly: "Don't you know that every year the top eight are seeded teams, and they will be separated naturally when they are divided into groups at the beginning. Will they never meet before the group stage? How could they meet the first and second teams at the beginning."

"Ah? Is that so? I don't know." Ayrin laughed embarrassedly.

"Hey, that guy up front."

At this moment, Bello's voice suddenly sounded, full of impulsiveness and unfriendliness.

"En?" Ling Siyi frowned and turned slightly sideways.

"I don't care what family you are, or the third-ranked team." Bei Luo pushed his glasses, and an indescribable bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, "Dare to stand in front of my uncle, dare to stand in front of me Such an arrogant and provocative person in front of you, if you don't kneel down and lick your feet for me now, I will tear you to pieces in future competitions."

"..." Si Dinghan was dumbfounded when he heard that, "Ask Ling Siyi to kneel down and lick her feet. Who the hell is this guy? He's even more arrogant than me."

Aya Siyi was also stunned.

He also never thought that someone would be so arrogant in front of him.

"You will pay for what you said today." After a few seconds, he felt angry, and said this sentence extremely coldly.

"Ayrin and Bello." Moss felt terrified, but for some reason, seeing Aya Deathwing's back exuding terrifying pressure, his head also felt hot. Although his whole body was shaking with fear, he still felt big. He yelled, "We're waiting for you!"