Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 105: Training has started again


"Chris, get up so early to go to the Thinker Stone Forest to practice hard again? You have already entered the national competition, don't you want to relax?"

"How can we relax? Our goal is to win the championship. I don't know how powerful the opponent we will meet next."

When the eastern sky had just turned white, on the road not far from the Thinker Stone Forest, Chris had a conversation with some students of Holy Dawn College who got up early to practice.

If they had heard Chris say that when they were greeting each other in the past, these Saint Dawn College students would have muttered in their hearts again, they are really crazy girls, and they kept talking about hopeless things again and again.

But now, seeing the back of Chris running into the thinker's stone forest, the students of Saint Dawn College who greeted her had a completely different mood: "If you are so determined to pursue your dream, maybe one day you can really dominate the whole country." uncertain."

At the same time, Chris, who ran into the thinker's stone forest, was in a completely different mood from before.

She felt that the first rays of sunlight in the morning were brighter than usual, the air she breathed was fresher than usual, and her condition was better than before.

Because her dream finally had a ray of light, and it was no longer pure fantasy.

"Aylin, you must have started to train hard, right? With you together, every day of hard training and every game seems to be happier and happier."

She took a deep breath, and the corner of her mouth curved into a beautiful arc.

After the match with Tielin Academy and the qualification to participate in the national competition, the entire Saint Dawn Academy has undergone great changes invisibly.

Originally, in such an early morning, there were not many students of Holy Dawn College who came out to practice by themselves, but now, there are obviously many times more people who wake up early and practice hard than before.

Many people have changed their minds and wanted to enter the Department of Combat Arts Division.

Even the usual speaking voice is much louder and more energetic than before.

"I don't know what kind of special training Bello and Moss have started to receive again?"

Ayrin stood alone in the primordial jungle in the secret training ground of Holy Dawn College, looking at the gradually brightening sky, he couldn't help but think so.

For him, watching the progress of these teammates around him is also exciting and interesting to him.

"Why, it's much earlier than the agreed time." Kate's voice sounded.

"I can't help it." Ayrin smiled embarrassedly at Kate who flashed not far in front of him, and scratched his hair: "Although it's been a few days since the match with Feiqiluo and the others, when I think of scoring It’s the national competition, but I’m still a little excited and can’t sleep.”

"Can't fall asleep thinking of those more powerful opponents?" Kate laughed: "It seems that I have more motivation to practice hard."

"That's right, we must first find a way to catch up with Fei Qiluo and the others." Ayrin nodded vigorously, "Teacher, what kind of special training are you going to arrange for me this time?"

Kate looked at Ayrin who was full of expectations, and said seriously: "I will make you faster, faster than everyone expected."

Ayrin said: "Isn't it a special strength training anymore?"

"It's easier to defeat the opponent only if you never expect it." Kate looked at him and said, "This is the meaning of the magician hiding the secret of his blood and skills. Ayrin, you are truly the strongest The difference lies in your progress and learning ability, as long as you are good at hiding these, you will always be able to make your opponent make a wrong judgment. And in a warlock battle, a single misjudgment can determine the outcome."

"I understand." The belated Ayrin finally fully understood Kate's intentions, "When everyone thinks that my strength lies in my explosive power and my weakness lies in my slow speed, I have actually become faster than them If so, they may be defeated by me directly because of this."

"You are just a beginner, and there are countless ways to shape you, because your talent, each method, can make you have amazing abilities in a certain way. Then you can let your opponent have The surprise lies in how much you can achieve in the special training in these fields." Kate glanced at Ayrin, "Come on, follow me."


Ayrin ran quickly and jumped up without any nonsense, following Kate.

Kate obviously didn't accelerate to full speed, but was just leading the way. After only ten minutes, he stopped suddenly.

In the dense forest ahead, a large area of cold light suddenly appeared.

"This is?"

Ayrin, who braked abruptly, gasped.

He saw a very weird jungle in front of him, all the trees looked like black iron, without any leaves, and long spikes grew on the branches, the shortest spikes were half a meter long , and the thinnest is the thickness of a baby's finger.

The cold light flashing from the tip of these long thorns makes people shudder, thinking about it is very hard.

"This is iron thorn wood. Before the age of the dragon war, some elf kingdoms planted a large number of this kind of trees on the outskirts of the forest where their kingdom was located to form a natural barrier. The wood of this iron thorn wood is harder than ordinary The black iron is not much different. Even if the legion with sharp weapons cuts in, I don’t know how much time it will take to open a way.” Kate slowly introduced: “But at that time, every magician in the elf kingdom Masters, can be very dexterous, almost completely unrestricted shuttling in this kind of jungle to fight. Pure acceleration comes from explosive power, but in battle, no one will run purely in a straight line compared to you. Ayrin, your The explosive power of the body is already very strong, but the overall coordination and agility are not enough. The so-called fast refers to all-round fast, every movement of the body, every flicker, has reached an astonishing high speed."

"Some people rely on technology to achieve high-speed movement. But I will have higher requirements for you. You can't let go of technology or your body."

"There is only one secret to making yourself particularly fast, which is to practice to make your body light. With the same height and weight, some people look heavy when they move, but some people look very light. This is The relationship between the force technique. With a punch, you only need to completely explode your own strength, which is relatively simple, but this kind of quickness often requires a complete explosion, and sometimes it requires a part of the strength , the quickness that gives people the feeling of a flash is not a rush to stop, you can't use your strength to stop your body."

"Through this kind of practice, first feel that your body seems to be getting lighter. When you can feel that you are rushing through this iron thorn forest at full speed, I will choose the most suitable coordination technique for you. On the stage of the competition, when facing the first opponent in the national competition, it can be so fast that the opponent can't even see clearly."

After saying these words, Kate moved suddenly.

Ayrin's breathing stopped at this moment.

Kate's body directly turned into a blue streamer, and instantly passed through the forest that seemed to have criss-crossed spikes and seemed to have no passages through which to pass.

"So fast!"

"You can reach this level without using skills. It turns out that Teacher Kate is really so powerful and so fast... If you fight him, you must have already received a few punches because you can't see clearly."

There was a dense layer of sweat in Ayrin's hands, and admiration shone in his eyes.

"Try to avoid those spikes at the beginning, just don't get stabbed, because being stabbed will definitely slow down your body movements. In this kind of practice, your body will naturally become more and more agile."

Kate said to him from afar at the other end of the jungle.

"Okay! Let's start now?" If it was another person, looking at the terrifying spikes in front of him, he would definitely feel numb in his heart, imagining how painful it would be if he was stabbed by those spikes , but Ayrin immediately cried out enthusiastically.

"I really don't know what to be afraid of... Your physical recovery ability is better than ordinary people. You can train in this kind of place for a long time, and you are really the most suitable person for this kind of training." Kate couldn't help but shook her head. , After muttering a few words in his heart, he coughed lightly, "Let's start."


Ayrin took a deep breath, rubbed his face, and rushed forward without hesitation!


"No practice."

"Why don't you practice?"

"Because I am so good in all aspects, why do I need to practice, and who are you, why do I feel more and more familiar with you, I always feel very weird."

In the giant tree forest outside the Ivy League school building, Si Dinghan was lying comfortably on a hammock with a cushion. He looked suspiciously at the ordinary-looking elite teacher Rui with short curly hair.

"Excellent in all aspects?" Rui said calmly, "Compared to Fei Qiluo in all aspects?"

Si Dinghan hesitated for a moment, but immediately said narcissistically, "Even if it's a little bit close, but a genius like this handsome guy can improve without practice and sleep in every day, so there is no need to practice."

"If you can catch up with her, let her be your girlfriend." Seeing his narcissistic expression, Rui still didn't get angry, but said this peacefully, and stretched out his hand to the side A little bit.

"Teacher Jialan?"

Si Dinghan froze for a moment, he saw Jialan in a red scarf standing on the branch over there.

"Teacher-student love... Beautiful teacher, if you have such a beautiful teacher as your girlfriend, you will be so handsome!" After being stunned for a while, he suddenly became excited and jumped up from the hammock.

"Your name is Teacher Rui, right? Teacher Rui, is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true." Rui nodded directly.

Then Si Dinghan nodded when he saw Jialan not far away.

"I am coming!"

As soon as Si Dinghan's body moved, a water dragon rushed out from under his feet, and his body flew past like a meteorite.

Jialan's body flashed and disappeared from the spot.

"Ah, only a little bit!"

"I haven't encountered any of this!"

"If you can't catch up like this, I don't believe it!"

Si Dinghan's exasperated voice kept resounding in many places in Holy Dawn College.