Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 107: The broken Stinghan


"Sacrifice aura and Thorn Rebound!"

Moss was taken aback.

Although it is not a giant family with particularly pure blood, compared with some ancient families, it has long since lacked the awareness to worship those annihilated giant kingdoms as the land of ancestral spirits, but for anyone with a trace of giant blood, These two legendary technologies will cause absolute shock, because these two technologies were once a symbol of the glory of giants.

In the records of many classics, in those epic pictures, a giant wearing a hot lava rock armor, even ignoring most technical attacks, and fighting side by side with a giant monster partner like a hill, is far worse than the scene of a giant with a body covered in iron armor. Surrounding the giant with a golden halo, seven forked snow-white thorns bloomed from his body, killing seven powerful magician opponents of the same level in an instant.

Liszt continued lazily, with a touch of nostalgia: "After the dragon war, the battle between the wizards and the evil dragon cultists is still going on. Some powerful bloodline inheritance, those techniques that were once fatal to them, It's something they want to destroy."

"The more destroyed, the more powerful they are in the shadows."

"You are very lucky." Liszt looked at Moss and said, "Our Holy Dawn Academy team had fought many times with the followers of the evil dragon cultists, and one of them found that their last target was a giant The technology in the national relics. Therefore, among the highest technology of our Holy Dawn Academy, there is a "sacrifice aura" that only people with the blood of giants can practice."


Moss forgot his fear, and exclaimed, "Mr. Liszt, your Saint Dawn Academy team at that time successfully repelled the followers of the evil dragon cultists, and got the 'Sacrifice Halo' door in the ruins of the giant kingdom." Technology?!"

"There is no need to get excited. In fact, today, many academies have some techniques that have created history, but they can't find suitable people to practice them, and no one even chooses those techniques." Liszt said lazily. .

"Mr. Liszt, give me this secret art teaching." Moss called out, "At least if you are not an opponent of the enemy, it is still a weapon that can be guarded with life."

"It's not bad. It seems that Ayrin has brought you a lot of fighting instincts. But as long as you do special training to strengthen your vitality and recovery ability, even if you bear the same damage, you won't die so easily." Li Si Te laughed, "Guys like you and Aylin may be able to remind some people of the truth that this game wanted to explain from the very beginning when the rules were formulated."

"What?" Moss was stunned again.

Liszt looked at him and said: "Because of the powerful athletic ability of the magician and the avoidance of being killed by powerful legion weapons and large-scale technical skills, from the dragon war to the present, in the battle, it will naturally form in the Kuangkuo space." There are countless small teams fighting in the game. Therefore, when performing tasks, teams of magicians are sent out one by one. The team that knows how to cooperate with each other and knows how to sacrifice for teammates is often the strongest team of magicians."

After a pause, Liszt continued: "When the rules of this kind of game were formulated at the beginning, it was to cultivate the consciousness of fighting to the end for the teammates and being able to eliminate a few more enemies for the teammates until they could not stand up."

"Don't chase me!"

"Why are you chasing me all the time!"

"A college that betrays its promise and doesn't count its words! Didn't it say that it won't force me to train!"

Seeing Ai Lin who was chasing after him, Si Dinghan cried out in grief and indignation.

"There is no one who doesn't count. In the academy, love is free, and whoever chases anyone has the right." The calm Rui appeared on a branch not far from him, "No one forces you to train."

"Free love? What is this called!"

Si Dinghan almost spat out a mouthful of blood, but when he saw Aylin who was covered in ointment behind him and was smiling all over his face, he felt even more chilly and let out a scream.

"Asshole, this guy is obviously just a bit brute force, how could he suddenly become so flexible and fast now!"

Often, as soon as Ayrin was thrown out of sight, Ayrin's figure reappeared before it had time.

"Appropriate skills can speed up your movement, but the key is to master the timing of using them. If you use them improperly, your opponent will predict where you appear, or you will directly hit the opponent's skills and become a living target." Rui His figure flashed, and appeared next to Aylin, "Also, you must always pay attention to the level of your magic element grains, otherwise, if you use too much of this technique that speeds up your movement, you won't have much to use for offense. of the elemental particles."

"Understood, Teacher Rui! You are so quick!" Ai Lin said while continuing to chase Si Dinghan.

"Next, I will teach you the phantom technique. This is the same as the shadow dust technique of South Monsoon Academy. It is not easy to be discovered by the opponent when it is used, especially in the dark night. It is an extremely useful movement technique."

"Finally got rid of this perverted guy?"

Panting heavily, Si Dinghan hid in a dense bush, waited for a long time, but finally did not see Ayrin's appearance.

But just as he wiped off his sweat, he wondered if he should simply sneak out of Holy Dawn College and go to the Onyx Lake College for a while.

Suddenly, he felt some hairs on his back.

The moment he turned around abruptly, he saw a black shadow descending, and then Ayrin seemed to float out of the wind inexplicably, filling his pupils suddenly.

"Haha, finally caught you!"

Before he could dodge in time, he was hugged by Ayrin.

"Ah! Go away!"

A terrified scream burst out from his mouth, and a huge stream of water rushed up from under his body, directly sending him and Ayrin flying more than ten meters apart.

"Why are you lingering, I don't like men! You are self-respecting!"

He was rushed by his skills like a stone fell heavily, and when there were stars in front of his eyes, Si Dinghan saw a shadow flying over again. "What kind of technique did you suddenly learn? You can move so fast!" He jumped up and ran regardless of the pain in his body, but this time no matter how hard he tried, Ayrin was always within a distance of five or six meters from him. , he couldn't get rid of Ayrin at all.

For the next few days, for Si Dinghan, it was one nightmare after another.

Except when Aylin was eating and sleeping by himself, Aylin would always appear in front of him.

And what frightened him the most was that Ayrin became faster and faster, stretching out more and more.

One morning six days later.

Rui and Ailin stood side by side on the roof of one of the buildings in the Ivy House.

"You're progressing faster than I thought." Rui looked at the misty giant tree forest and said, "Today should be almost the same, right?"

"It should be possible to chase him if you want to." Ayrin said with a smile while holding his head.

"Then go." Rui nodded, and said very simply in the same style as usual.

"Teacher." Ayrin suddenly remembered something, and the figure suddenly stopped, "I think there will be someone who is more suitable to accompany me in this training."

Rui glanced at him, "Who?"

"Lin Luolan." Ayrin said excitedly: "His physical coordination ability, direction change, and overall speed are few people can match. Teacher Kate said that it is the natural advantage of high elves. If I can As fast as him, there shouldn't be many people in the national competition who can surpass me, right?"

Rui frowned slightly, "But I heard that he doesn't want to join the academy team to participate in the competition at all."

"Although he doesn't want to participate in this kind of competition, we are friends, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to help with training." Ayrin said with certainty.

"Okay." Teacher Rui nodded, "You can go to him after completing the task today."

"Here it goes again! Are you finished!"

Si Dinghan's screams sounded again in the giant tree forest.

"Hang on, just make it through today." Ayrin, who was chasing after him, stretching his body and warming up, said with a chuckle.

"Asshole, what do you mean by staying through today?"

"Because you will be chased by me today."


"It seems that it's almost ready, we can start!" After exercising for a few minutes, Ayrin felt his body become completely light.

"Where are people?"

Si Dinghan suddenly found that Ailin, who had been following behind him like a ghost, suddenly disappeared.

As he continued to sprint, he looked left and right.

left, no.


When he turned his head to look to the right, he found that Ayrin was standing on a branch to his left, smiling, with his face close together, only less than one meter away from him!


Si Dinghan's face was almost green, and he screamed and flew backwards, but he lost Aylin's trace in front of his eyes, and the moment he turned around, he saw Aylin standing in front of him again, pointing at him. smile.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

Si Dinghan ran away desperately, but no matter where he fled, Aylin's smiling face always appeared in front of him.

"I'm here."

The more extreme time was when he didn't see Aylin's figure at the first time, Aylin reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't do this! Just let me go."

After nearly bumping into Ayrin dozens of times, Si Dinghan finally broke down and went straight into a tree hole, refusing to show his head no matter what.

"Ah? I gave up so soon, so I'm going to find someone else. I'm leaving!" Ayrin's voice gradually faded away.

"Did you really leave?"

Si Dinghan leaned out his body slowly, and when he found that there was finally no Aylin around, and he was finally clean, he burst into tears.

"You can't even run away, you can't go on like this, otherwise, wouldn't he be able to catch me whenever he wants to come to me?"

After a few minutes, he darted toward the direction where Rui would usually be, "Mr. Rui, teach me! Make me faster!"