Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 109: Two harmonious figures


In the early morning, in the giant tree forest of Holy Dawn College, two extremely fast figures suddenly pierced through the white mist.

"about there."

Suddenly, a figure in front flew up again and again, until it reached the crown of a giant tree and stopped.

"What's almost there?"

The person behind was slightly out of breath, and immediately asked after following up with the first person.

In the eastern sky, just as the sun was rising, the faint, not glaring sunlight fell on the two people on the top of the tree.

One of these two people looks more delicate than a girl, and the other looks full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit. They are Lin Luolan and Ai Lin.

"I mean that your body's various movements during high-speed movement are almost the same as mine. At the beginning, when you were chasing me, you often dodged some branches, or turned sideways and twisted your body to pass through some small gaps. , your body looks very awkward, but now I don’t think you will feel so awkward when you do the previous movements.” Lin Luolan turned to look at Aylin, half of his face was illuminated golden by the sun , "Aylin, you are indeed a genius, your body seems to have a memory, many movements and skills, as long as you watch it once, your body seems to automatically remember and learn it."

"Really? I think someone like Si Dinghan who can quickly open two art gates is a genius." Ayrin looked a little depressed instead, "And I still can't catch up with you."

"It's really beautiful to watch the sunrise here!" But then, Ayrin couldn't help but let out another cheer when he saw the sun rising among the mountains in the distance.

Lin Luolan also turned her head to watch the sun rise, "Why do you seem to like the sun so much, and watch the sunrise? You say this sentence every day, and you have said it for four days."

"That's because in our Kolorin mining area, I have to dig in the mine every day, and I can only see the sunlight before entering the mine in the morning. Many times when I come out of the mine, it is almost evening, and the sun It's all gone." Ayrin scratched his hair in embarrassment, and said, "Maybe it's because I saw too little before, so I feel particularly beautiful now."

"Now I can see the sunrise every day and be basked in the warm sunshine. It seems that someone has been reminding me that those hard and miserable days are over, and every day will be better." After a pause , Ayrin said again.

"The past hard and miserable days are over. Compared with the past, every day will be better and better?" Lin Luolan was in a daze for a long time thinking about Ayrin's words.

"Ayrin, you have almost learned all the body movements. You already know what kind of evasive movements are the most reasonable while moving at high speed, and you can also practice some twisted movements with your body without feeling awkward." When the sunlight started to become particularly glaring, Lin Luolan turned her head, looked at Aylin and said seriously, "The reason why you can't catch up with me is because there are two other important reasons."

"There are two other important reasons?" Ayrin was startled.

"Yes." Lin Luolan nodded and said, "The first reason is that when we move at full speed, I always control the Juyuan grains on the soles of our feet. In this way, when I want to use techniques, the Shuyuan grains It can flow out from the bottom of my feet immediately, so I can always get to the front line faster than you with my mobile skills. Although people of our elven blood are born with much better physical coordination and agility than ordinary people, from the age of dragon wars to the present, many The important reason why wizards with elven blood are famous for their absolute speed is because most families with elven blood have this habit."

"Why didn't I think of this!" Aylin immediately exclaimed excitedly, "This can indeed shorten the time for the sage grains to flow from the sly gate to the soles of the feet! Although the time is very short, when the direction is changed instantly, there is Big difference!"

"It's easy to say, but it takes a lot of time to practice, and it won't take less time than the body movement training these days." Lin Luolan looked at him and said, "You will know if you try it now gone."

"Really? Let me try it!"

Just as Ayrin's voice sounded, his figure was already bouncing around several nearby trees like a rubber ball shot out at high speed.

"Really, if the Shuyuan particle is not controlled, it will automatically flow back to the Shumen like blood!"

"And if the control is not good, the feet will feel particularly heavy, and there will be Shuyuan grains flowing out from the soles of the feet, and the Shuyuan grains will be wasted."

After returning to Lin Luolan's side in an instant, Aylin immediately said again and again.

Lin Luolan nodded, "If you can always control the magic element particles that can use a movement technique at the bottom of your feet, but they will not flow out, and will not affect your usual movement and technique, this is considered a success."

"It seems really difficult."

After Aylin said this, he suddenly remembered something, and exclaimed, "Lin Luolan, when did you condense the magic element grains? It wasn't the last time when you fought with Jeberweiser and the others. You haven't condensed Is it an elemental particle?"

"Is it true that the Empress Dowager realized that?" Lin Luolan shook her head helplessly, "I practiced with you in the past few days, and I also used mobile technology. You didn't suddenly think of this until now."

"I've been concentrating on practicing for the past few days, but I didn't think about it at all. Haha, Lin Luolan, as expected of the blood of the high elves, has condensed the magic element particles so quickly."

"I did the basic exercises much earlier than you, and it took me twice as long to condense the Juyuan particles. I have nothing to be proud of." Lin Luolan turned around, "Okay, the control skills of the Juyuan particles You need to practice by yourself, and then we will talk about the second reason, have you seen this branch?"

"What?" Ayrin followed Lin Luolan's gaze and saw a small branch that was only as thick as a thumb in front of him.

Lin Luolan didn't speak immediately, but just walked up to the branch.


Ayrin cried out in disbelief, he saw the branch shaking slightly, and bent downwards, it looked like it might break at any moment, but it just didn't break, Lin Luolan preferred to stand on it.

"How did you do it?" He couldn't help but yelled again.

"Actually, such a branch is not as fragile as you imagined, and your body is not as heavy as you imagined." Lin Luolan looked at Aylin, and said quietly and patiently: "Today we all removed the magician's counterweight. Block, this branch is completely capable of withstanding our strength."

"I can't bear it, it's just because of this." While saying this, Lin Luolan suddenly took a step.

As he fell with this step, it didn't seem to be very hard, the small branch under his feet broke with a snap, and he fell onto a branch below.

"This is?" Ayrin looked at it stupidly, but couldn't understand the difference for a moment. Because Lin Luolan stepped up directly like that before.

"It's just because I used a little more strength when I stepped on it." Lin Luolan looked up at him, and then explained: "So the branch couldn't bear it, but it couldn't bear the impact we gave it besides our body weight Strength. What it can’t bear is what we give it, which comes from the strength bursting out of our body.”

Ayrin seemed to realize something, and nodded repeatedly.

Lin Luolan continued: "This is just to let you understand the importance of reasonable control of power more intuitively. Sometimes it is not necessary to have as much power as imagined to stop our body, or suddenly change direction or dodge. The strength is just a bit too much. When your body is doing the next movement, it must first eliminate the recoil force of the part of the strength you use more, and if you use more strength for this movement, the next movement will be possible. You don’t have enough power. You need to know how to let go of your strength, but also know how to restrain and control it. Our skill element particles are about the same level, and your physical strength is much stronger than mine, but I can use strength moderately.”

"You try to walk this kind of branch that can just bear your weight, to feel how to control your strength, to be able to walk on it, but it will not cause it to break."

"As long as you can well control the appropriate operative element grains under your feet, and you can master every movement with moderate strength, you will definitely be faster than me. You can surpass a level of speed!"

On another giant tree not far away, Kate, Jialan, Donna, Rui and the others watched Lin Luolan and Ayrin quietly.

"The high elves do have a lot of special features. These are easy to say, but it is really too difficult to be like them who have the blood of the high elves, and it is impossible for us to do it."

"I bet that Ayrin can approach or surpass Lin Luolan's level."

"Kate, no matter what you bet on, no one would bet against you. If it weren't for their current state, I couldn't help but want to see Donna teach him the fire art immediately, and see what is known as the most difficult art to learn. One of the techniques, the Ember Technique, will he not be able to learn it."

"No wonder you have the confidence to return to the championship and runner-up competition. There are too many monsters in your freshman world, right?"

"Anyway, look at the way Lin Luolan teaches Ayrin now, doesn't it look like a strict teacher teaching a studious student?"

"As a teacher and a friend, they are in a very good state, so that they will be able to promote and improve each other more easily."

The figures of Aylin and Lin Luolan in the sun at this moment reminded the powerful magicians of these kingdoms of many happy things when they were young.

"It's just that Si Dinghan is really a headache." Kate couldn't help but said.

"No matter how talented a person is, it is always impossible to have smooth sailing. Something will always happen to make him change." Rui said slowly.