Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 113: Bait and plot


"Follow me, it doesn't matter if you slow down a little, as long as you don't make any loud noises."

Ayrin immediately turned his head and said this to Moss.

"It doesn't matter what it means to be slow, just don't make any loud noises!" Moss curled his lips depressed, but in the next second, his eyes widened.

Ayrin who rushed out immediately turned into a faint running shadow in his eyes, and leaped across the jungle like a gust of wind, without even breaking a single branch.

Only then did Moss realize that Ayrin did have the capital to despise him.

Because not to mention not making a big noise, even if he made a big noise and charged forward like a wild bull, it seemed impossible to move forward as fast as Ayrin.

"What kind of medicine did this guy take? Why did he suddenly seem to be faster than Wilde!"

Desperately and cautiously, Moss began to move quickly, his mind full of such thoughts.

"Are we in the same group? Can't you run slower and wait for me!"

After running for about ten minutes along the hillside towards the entrance of the canyon, Moss cursed Ayrin in his heart depressedly.

Now not only was Ayrin who was running in front of him gone, but also Jialan who was behind him was gone.

Although he knew that Ayrin must be nearby, and Jialan must also be observing in secret, but because it was a real battle, he still couldn't help feeling nervous and scared.


Suddenly, he heard a small voice.

"..." Turning his head, he saw Aylin in the grass less than twenty meters away from him, winking at him.

"What are you doing!" Moss rushed to Ayrin's side, resisting the urge to pinch Ayrin's neck, and said in his ear, gnashing his teeth.

"It should be in the woods ahead." Ayrin didn't pay attention to Moss's eyes, but lightly nodded towards the dense woods, "You will walk in front later and be the bait. I followed secretly."

"Why do you want me to be the bait!" Moss almost fainted with anger, "Ayrin didn't expect you to be so heartless, why didn't you make the bait yourself."

"Because I am much faster than you now, I hide and act, and I am less likely to be detected than you. And I have fire eyes, and I can sneak attack him from a distance. What you know now are some melee techniques, right? .”

"If you don't do well, I will definitely not let you go!" Moss resignedly prepared to explore the way and make bait.

Ayrin smiled at him, "You have to be careful, there are so many dwarves dead here, maybe there are ghosts everywhere, don't be caught by the ghosts, or step on a pile of skulls."

"You idiot, at this time, you still have the mood to scare me and make fun of me!" Moss was terrified by Aylin's words again, and his eyes turned black with anger.

"Seeing how nervous you are, let's liven up the atmosphere, come on, warrior." Ayrin smiled at him and made a gesture of going forward.

"Next time, I'd rather go on a mission with that narcissist Si Dinghan than with you!" Moss screamed in his heart while sneaking.

"Where is this... person?"

A clearing in the woods soon appeared in front of Moss.

There was a bonfire in the clearing, and some small bones were thrown in the charcoal fire that was almost burnt.

At first glance, it should be the bones of a hare.

But around the bonfire, there was no sign of anyone.

Just when Moss was at a loss and was fully on guard, standing in place and looking around, a magician wearing a tight magician's suit of the same color as a dead leaf was standing not far behind him. Looking at him from a big tree.

This is a young man with disheveled and sparse light yellow hair, a sharp chin, and triangular eyes. At first glance, one can't help but think of a poisonous snake.

When he silently stared at Moss, his gaze was extremely cold, and he seemed to have the urge to make a move, but after hesitating for a moment, his body still slowly retreated, wanting to Just leave quietly.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a hot breath behind him!


Damn it!

The sorcerer's face suddenly changed drastically, and the tail finger of his left hand moved slightly. The back of his clothes suddenly split, and four half-meter-long blades like thin ice popped out, forming a knife flower, and shot out.

At the same time, the magic particles under his feet jetted out, and the whole lower body was wrapped in a ball of white lightning, and ejected forward at an astonishing speed.

There was a loud "pop".

Aylin who made a sneak attack let out a light snort.

The fire eye that Ta Shi issued was sliced into several pieces by the knife flower.

These four thin blades are obviously not physical skills, but real metal, and it is precisely because the opponent does not know how to pop out these four flying blades to block Huo Xieyan's blow, and the opponent has time to dodge.

"Do it?! Sure enough, someone is hiding?"

Moss jumped forward amidst the shock of the impact of the blade and Huo Xieyan, and turned around in horror.

"Fire eyes?"

At this time, the face of the sorcerer who had ejected at least twenty meters became extremely pale.

White lightning appeared under his feet again, and half of his body was wrapped in countless tiny lightning. His body ejected a distance of more than twenty meters again.


But the magician stopped fleeing immediately and stopped, the cold sweat from his vest continuously flowing inside the torn clothes.

The moment he paused, Ayrin's body seemed to emerge from a shadow, and was already less than twenty meters away from him.

It was just the comparison between the two sides at this moment, which made the magician see that Ayrin's movement speed was still higher than his, and it was impossible to get rid of Ayrin.

"You are the magicians of Holy Dawn Academy?" The magician looked at Ayrin and Moss's obviously immature faces, and said with a forced smile: "Is there some misunderstanding, why did you suddenly attack me?"

"Your name is Paul, right? You even used Lightning Step just now, so there should be nothing wrong with it." Ayrin made a gesture of outflanking Moss and said to the magician at the same time.

"He doesn't look scared at all...Why am I so scared and nervous that my body seems to be heavy. You bastard, you must not behave worse than him. If you make a fool of yourself, you will definitely be laughed at by him!"

Moss roared in his heart, and the tension and fear seemed to gradually disappear. He quickly walked around to the side of the magician.

"My name is indeed Paul, but I really don't understand why you guys want to attack me." The magician's face turned even paler.

"Moss, get bigger!"

Ayrin moved his mouth, as if he wanted to talk to the magician, but when he opened his mouth, he didn't talk to the magician at all, but directly called Moss this sentence.

At the same time, his body also disappeared from the original place, and suddenly appeared on the right side of the magician's body.

"Being bigger, doubling is called getting bigger? Do you think that when you say getting bigger, you just get bigger!"

Moston couldn't help cursing Ayrin again in his heart, but an indescribable enthusiasm ignited in his body more violently than usual.

The clothes on his body immediately made the sound of being stretched.

"Crack!" With a bang, Ayrin and the magician named Paul had already blocked a blow with both hands.

"It's just two newcomers who opened a door? How could this happen!"

"How can it be so powerful!"

Paul took five steps back, and the left arm that blocked Ayrin's punch was completely numb.

Aylin, who punched Paul back, jumped half a step back, his whole body seemed to be not lagging at all, and he was going to continue to charge forward.

But at this moment, he saw the brilliance of the magic element grain flashing in Paul's right hand.

"Chick!" "Chick!" "Chick!" "Chick!"

Five pieces of colorful brilliance fluttered to them.

Aylin's body, which had been leaning slightly forward, suddenly changed its direction in a very coordinated way, and his figure flickered, unexpectedly passing directly between the five colorful brilliance.

A fire eye rushed out from his left hand at the same time.

Paul's eyes straightened immediately, and his body became sluggish under the influence of Huo Xieyan.


At this moment, Moss also let out a war bang, he jumped up suddenly, and punched Paul on the body.

Paul's body immediately flew out and broke several small trees.

"Ah!" But at the same time, Moss couldn't help but let out a miserable cry.

There were rows of tiny blood holes on his fist.

"He's wearing thorn armor!" Ayrin called out, but his body disappeared from the spot, catching up with Paul's flying body.

"My fist is already like this, do you want you to remind him that he wears a thorn armor that costs twelve gold coins each!" Moss couldn't help crying this time.

The moment Paul just landed, Ayrin was already less than three meters away from his side, and his left hand had once again flashed the brilliance of the Primordial Grain.

But at this moment, more than ten cold lights appeared in his eyes. His two toes tapped continuously, and the whole person immediately flew obliquely to the left with his back on the ground.

This posture must be particularly awkward for others, but at the moment Ayrin swept out like this, it was surprisingly coordinated and light, with an effortless appearance.

A series of cold lights flew over his body, and one of them passed over his waist, making him feel a cold chill unique to metal.

"This can be avoided!"

"Is he a magician of elven blood?"

Falling to the ground, Paul, who couldn't help coughing, let go of the two pull tabs on the palm of his right hand. Whether it was the whirling blade that popped out from behind him at the beginning or the flying blade that popped out from his arm just now, they were all alchemist's masterpieces that he got at a high price.

This delicate but powerful metal clockwork weapon can make up for the lack of cultivation of some magicians. With the cooperation of these and his own skills, he even successfully killed an opponent who had opened three skills.

But now, he is subject to two entry-level magicians who seem to be newcomers again and again!

"Flying Fireball!"

In the great horror, he forced his body up, half sat up, crossed his hands in front of him, and made a blowing posture.

Shuyuan particles flowed out from between his crossed fingers.

Scarlet fireballs flew out like soap bubbles one by one, rushing towards Ayrin and Moss densely.