Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 115: Revenge of the Great


"Papa..." Applause sounded.

McCartney clapped his hands, looked at Jialan with some sympathy, and said with a smile: "The members of the Heinous Six of Holy Dawn College who were feared by everyone back then seemed to be nothing more than that. Jialan, in this case it is not Should you take care of yourself first? You are known as the queen of finger arts in the magician circle. Almost all of your skills are performed with your ten fingers. Now you can't even use a single finger. How can you fight me? "

"Teacher Jialan, how are you doing!"

Ayrin and Moss who were behind Jialan both shouted angrily.

Both of them could clearly see that there was no blood oozing from Jialan's fingers, but the fingers and the back of the hand were constantly glowing green, and there were patches of moss-like plants growing and peeling off.

"Your Teacher Jialan was successfully attacked by my microvine enchantment." McCartney glanced at Aylin and Moss leisurely, his eyes were full of complacency, "It looks like moss, right? But In fact, it is the smallest vine in the entire Dorast continent. Now your teacher Jialan's hands look like nothing, but in fact the blood inside has been pierced by countless such tiny vines. There is no way for Yuan particles to flow in a regular way.”

"What, you villain! How dare you sneak up on Teacher Jialan!" Aylin was so angry that he cursed directly.

"Bastard! You've already made a sneak attack, and you dare to dare! Now the key is what to do." Moss felt the real threat of death, and while cursing Ayrin in his heart, a chill rushed into his heart.

"Unexpectedly, you are also a fallen magician who has betrayed your faith." Jialan didn't move, she didn't even look at her hands, but looked at McCartney with an unusually cold gaze: "It seems that you are still the one named Pa Ding Sen's Evil Dragon Cultist is in the Aegis Academy, no wonder that person can escape from Aegis Academy and Saint Laurent under such circumstances."

"Mages exist because of battles. What you choose is to gain glory in protection, but what I yearn for is to gain glory in epic wars." McCartney looked at Jialan and smiled gently, "Jialan, Liszt and the others should have been trying to track down the reason why Pattinson appeared here, wondering what our plan is. But in fact, the direct reason why he appeared here is because of you."

Jialan looked at McCartney, she didn't know what McCartney meant.

"Master Tias has been missing you all these years." McCartney said with a smile: "You may not know who he is just by name, but if he is the one who killed Axiu, you should be I will never forget it."

Jialan's face suddenly became extremely pale, and the skin on her face seemed to be instantly frozen by a layer of ice. Even Ayrin and Moss could clearly feel the unprecedented killing intent emanating from her body. .

"We've been looking for him, and I've been looking forward to seeing him again." Her voice was as cold as the winter wind in the northern region: "Why, he dared to look for us?"

"The assassination team he led back then wanted to eradicate the kingdom's future elites and kill the most vile six. As a result, you killed Axiu, but he also died a younger brother." McCartney said lightly. Said: "Back then he brought such a strong force, thinking that he could kill you easily, but unexpectedly he underestimated your strength. Among the three magicians you killed back then, one of them was his younger brother Pierre. Er. Back then, you were just young magicians who had just shown their talents, and he was just the captain of an assassination team, but now, he is already one of our thirteen bishops, and he already has the power to bestow blood real big shot."

After a pause, McCartney looked at Jialan whose hands were trembling slightly, and continued jokingly: "When a small person becomes a real big person, revenge begins. It seems that he really loves him Brother, Jialan, as long as you kill any one of the remaining five of you, you can get a rank of the blood of the evil dragon and become a true follower of the evil dragon. But having said that, you, led by Liszt, are our last One of the most important enemies."

"So, from the very beginning of Pattinson, it was a conspiracy against us, revenge against us?" Jialan calmed down slowly, looked at him and asked.

"Not all of them." McCartney shook his head, "Now the colleges are developing better and better, and the fierce confrontation between colleges has created too many powerful newcomers, newcomers like Ivan's level, It is itself the object to be eradicated first.”

"But this time it can be said to be a surprise." McCartney laughed again, "Not only did you act alone, which gave me a chance to attack, but you also brought these two people out. This person from Holy Dawn College The two freshmen are also at the top of our assassination list, so my status can be further improved."

"Ayrin, Moss."

Jialan suddenly called the names of Ayrin and Moss behind him, and then said: "With his tracking ability and athletic ability, even if I let the two of you go now, it is impossible for you to escape back to St. Lauren City. So now There is only one choice, he kills us, or we beat him."

"This will be a battle without any suspense." McCartney nodded in salute to Jialan, "An eagle with broken wings and claws is no different from a turkey."

"Is this the real battle? A powerful opponent that even the current teacher Jialan can no longer deal with."

"Even if you die, protect Teacher Jialan!"

Ayrin felt a cruel breath that he had never felt before, and he felt his blood boil completely, turning into jealous anger and killing intent.

"Moss, grow bigger! Use all your blood power for me!" He let out a huge roar.

Amidst Ayrin's roar, looking at Jialan's hands in front of him, Moss seemed to have a cold current and a fire current in his body at the same time, colliding violently.

The cold current comes from powerful enemies and the fear of death. Moss knows very well that McCartney should be an elite magician who has opened at least four magic doors, and a real life-and-death struggle with a magician of this level, even in Moss' nightmare will not appear in .

The fire flow came from the extreme bravery and pride of blood in his body, as well as the calling of a companion like Ayrin.

He wants to fight, together with Ayrin and Jialan!

"I am a warrior!"

"Either defeat the enemy, or die together!"

At this moment, he didn't make any sound, but in his heart, he was roaring, roaring angrily.

His body has grown dramatically, and bigger again!

Stripes of flames appeared on his rock-like skin, and all his facial features were covered by rock-like muscles. It seemed that there were only two red lights shining in his eyes.

"Very good double bloodline, but it will take at least ten years to defeat me."

McCartney laughed disapprovingly.

"Who do you think you are! If you were powerful enough, would you still want to get the blood of the evil dragon! You are just an idiot who is unwilling to face yourself and even despises yourself, coward!" Ayrin yelled angrily, McCartney's expression turned ugly when he was scolded.

"Three-line attack! Ayrin, Moss, don't be more than ten meters away from me!"

Jialan uttered a sharp scream, and his body suddenly disappeared from the spot.

"Come on! Warrior!"

Ayrin yelled again, followed closely to Jialan's right, and rushed towards McCartney who was standing still.

"Dance of the Death Vine!"

McCartney's complexion suddenly became solemn, and with a low chant, the weeds in front of him suddenly mutated into dozens of dark green vines as thick as arms, "duh" "duh" "duh" "duh" ….These vines rushed up to the sky like a whirlpool, then fell down rapidly, and plunged into the soil, forming a twisting, growing cage, squeezing towards Jialan.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Violent impacts and explosions sounded continuously at the same time, and countless flying flames and broken vine fragments splashed out.

"Fire Evil Eye Art!"

"Die! Fallen! War Blast!"

At the same time, a fire evil eye and a huge sound wave blasted towards McCartney from both sides.

"This level of war blasting can only be used in children's play."

McCartney was not affected by the Moss war explosion at all. Amidst the disdainful laughter, his body moved forward like a ghost, and suddenly shot at Ayrin.

The moment he almost bumped into Huo Xieyan, the magic element in his hands reappeared, and a strange vine emerged from his cuff, and instantly grew a big mouth full of jagged teeth, biting off Huo Xieyan in one bite. .

The Huoxieyan, which was burning with strange flames, was swallowed by it in one gulp, and only a puff of hot air and countless tiny sparks came out.


Without any pause, his feet left the ground, his whole body spun like a spinning top, his feet were covered with silvery white flames, like a huge metal drill sending out a huge shock in the air, crashing into Ayrin.

Ayrin's body flicked to the left, and when it was obvious that he had exerted strength, he suddenly disappeared from the spot, followed by a shadow appearing on the edge of the death vine cage, closer to Jialan inside.


McCartney was very surprised that Ayrin was so agile and able to dodge this blow, and couldn't help but let out a suspicious sound.

"Super parasitic!"

"Stinging Seed!"

But his movements didn't stop at the slightest, while his body was still spinning in the air, before he landed, his hands had already appeared twice in a row with the flashes of magic particles, and he fired two techniques in succession!

There are many plant seed-like particles floating in the wind.

On the death vines that were about to disintegrate, many small purple-red vines suddenly grew, and these small vines bloomed instantly.

At the same time, some plant seeds floating in the air adhered to the flowers of this vine, and immediately grew into tiny plants covered with many transparent thorns on the petals of these flowers.

"Chichichichi..." Countless thin transparent needles shot out in all directions in an instant!