Destroyer of Ice and Fire

Chapter 41: Star player (first update)


Update time: 2013-08-30

"Seven times the gravity hall!"

Moss was so shocked that he was a little numb. The cold sweat on his body kept flowing, and his fear became less and less. Something new was injected into his body. disappear.

Gravity Hall, this is one of the most special self-cultivation halls.

Using some unique materials, people who enter the area will become heavier than before.

The seven-fold gravitational gymnasium, which means that entering it, the body will become seven times heavier than usual, and the force applied evenly to the whole body makes it difficult for people who are not used to it to even control the balance of the body.

It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to walk normally inside, but now these people from Tielin College stand inside, as if nothing happened, as if there is no difference from standing outside.

"The guys from Tielin Academy, are their bodies really made of steel?"

Moss heard a crackling sound, the sound of his own knuckles clenched too tightly.

"Strange guy, it's not raining outside, why is there so much water on his face?"

This voice even made Si Dinghan notice his existence. When he turned his head and saw his face covered in sweat, Si Dinghan muttered, then walked towards the venue in front of him still looking narcissistic.

Sweat pooled on Moss' chin and dripped to the floor.

At this time Moss heard the sound of his own heartbeat.

When he saw Si Dinghan walk into the venue, he didn't feel anything unusual at all, it was no different from when he was shopping outside.

There was silence in the empty arena.

"I've never seen you before. Are you a freshman who hasn't participated in any competition yet?" Fei Qiluo's voice sounded faintly again, but in the silent stadium, it seemed extraordinarily cold.

"Haha." Si Dinghan laughed and shook his hair: "I am indeed a freshman who has never participated in any competitions, but this year I will definitely become a dazzling figure who sweeps the entire city of Saint Laurent and fascinates thousands of beautiful girls. The most powerful and handsome guy in the game!"

"I can't stand this kid, Boss, let me beat him up?" A man's hair on both sides and back of his head was shaved, but the hair in the middle of the head was braided, and there were several lines on the bulging chest muscles. With cross-shaped scars, the boy who looked particularly tough said to Fei Qiluo, who still had a calm expression: "Anyway, we don't have any friendship with those people from the Golden Lion Academy."

"Be careful." Fei Qiluo didn't say any nonsense, but said calmly.

The face of the tough boy who had seemed peaceful before the questioning suddenly became ferocious.

"Boy, you are the first person who dared to come to Tielin Academy and say that to us. I will definitely treat you well."

"Bloodthirsty Fist!"

What made Moss, who had unconsciously walked to the entrance of the venue, stop breathing was that he just let out a smirk, and this sturdy boy turned into a gust of wind, punching Si Dinghan with his fist.

The muscles on one side of his body swelled wildly in an instant, and the half of his body almost doubled in size. When he took a step forward, the fist wind brought out had already blown Sting Han's hair straight and elongated back.


There was a sound like a knife cutting the air.

Moss' eyes suddenly lost the figure of Si Dinghan.


Several suppressed exclamations sounded in the venue.

Si Dinghan had already appeared in front of the tough boy, with one hand stretched out, he strangled the tough boy by the throat.

With just one hand, the sturdy boy's body was firmly fixed!

Half of the tough boy's body returned to normal, and his entire face turned blood red.


Just in the next second, this sturdy boy who was a full head taller than Si Dinghan was sent flying by Si Dinghan's hand, and fell heavily to the ground.

Moss no longer knew what mood he was in.

But Si Dinghan just showed a charming smile and shook his hands, "This is too slow."

The sturdy boy who fell to the ground groaned in pain, unable to get up for a while.

"Death Grips," a tall boy with a crew-shaven head and thick hands and joints said gloomily.

Except for Fei Qiluo, the rest of them nodded solemnly.

Death Grip, this is a secret technique of the Golden Lion Academy that draws the opponent directly into your hands through the coquettishness generated by the magic element grains. It is beyond everyone's imagination, and the power seems to be extraordinarily strong.

"Extremely strong affinity for the arts. His ability to use techniques is much stronger than that of ordinary people." Fei Qiluo's voice sounded again: "He is a magician with a special bloodline."

"Boss, am I coming?"

A fair-skinned boy with a strange yin and yang hair style, half of which is short, and half of which is covered by long hair hanging down half of his face, glanced at the complacent Si Dinghan, then turned to ask Fei Qiluo.

Fei Qiluo thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay."

"Is your name Wilde? I've heard of you. Your hairstyle is really cool." Si Dinghan glanced at the boy with a strange hairstyle who passed Fei Qiluo, and suddenly said seriously, as if he really admired the other's hairstyle.

"Is it?"

Wilde glanced at Si Dinghan, his tone was also very flat, as if infected by Fei Qiluo's innate calmness.

Streams of magic particles flowed out from his fingers and began to rotate around the palms of his hands. When these magic particles emitted an unusually bright purple-red light, it seemed that there were suddenly many fairy tails in the air. Tail-like cyan air streams converged into his hands, forming two long and narrow cyan knives in his hands that were as long as his entire body.

"This is a physical skill!"

Moss' hands trembled violently again.

Physical technique can be said to be the signature secret technique of Tielin Academy.

The substantive weapon produced by the combination of magic element grains and magic power is even stronger than the metals refined by most alchemists, and can cut steel!

But the key point is that even though most magicians in St. Lauren City know that Iron Forest Academy has such a powerful secret technique, only a very small number of elite students and elite teachers in Iron Forest Academy can master it and use it in battle This kind of secret technique.

Because this kind of secret technique of Tielin Academy needs to burst out a large number of magic particles at one time, the arm bones and muscles of an ordinary magician simply cannot withstand the bursting and entanglement of this level of magic particles.

"I'm going to make a move, but you have to be careful..."

As soon as the word "some" sounded, a wave of water suddenly rolled up under Wilde's body, turning into a whirlpool.

His real body, however, has silently appeared behind Si Dinghan.

In his hands were two strange-looking blue long knives that shone with a cold light, only one meter away from Si Dinghan's back.

But Si Dinghan just turned his head slightly, without any movement, as if he was waiting for the two long and narrow knives to pierce his body.

Wilde's body suddenly disappeared again.

Seeing that the two long knives were about to pierce Si Dinghan's body from behind, Wilde's body suddenly disappeared into the air and reappeared on the left side of Si Dinghan's body.

"In this kind of gravitational gym, you can achieve such speed and use such technology!"

Moss' face became even paler. Before, he only knew that there was Fei Qiluo in Iron Forest College, but now he was sure that even this Wilde, Corin and the others from the Holy Dawn team would not be able to stop him at all. one strike!

A cold light flashed in Wilde's eyes, as sharp as the light of the knives in his hands.

"Boy, you don't care about Tielin Academy at all!"

"You dare to be so arrogant to me and Fei Qiluo, and now I will leave you a lesson that you will never forget!"

The two knives in his hand slashed towards Si Dinghan's shoulder fiercely!

"Frost Nova!"

"Lie down!"

But at this moment, Si Dinghan also let out a frenzied shout, and his golden hair fluttered completely.


Wang Degen didn't realize what was going on, he just felt that his blade had already touched Sting Han's clothes, but a sudden burst of cold and hailstones directly threw his body away, heavy Booming on the ceiling of this venue, and then being pulled by a strong gravitational force, it hit the ground heavily. The whole body was completely numb, and it was impossible to even lift an inch from the ground.

In the eyes of others, his appearance is even more miserable.

On his bare upper body, there were countless sunken pale wounds from the hailstorm, and half of his hair was directly frozen on his face, and a lot of it was broken.

If it weren't for the hot air coming out of Wilde's mouth, then his appearance might directly remind people of a corpse that has been frozen for a long time.

"Even Wilde's blitz..."

"Who the hell is this guy!"

"Why is his Frost Nova so powerful... With Wilde's body, he can't even resist it!"

Even when the first muscular man with braids was knocked down by Si Dinghan, the muscular men beside Fei Qiluo quickly regained their composure, but seeing that even Wilde was defeated so simply and neatly, these The person's complexion completely changed.

The time and air in the entire venue seemed to be frozen.

"Ha ha!"

But in this atmosphere, Si Dinghan suddenly put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly: "The famous Green Bee Wilde seems to be nothing more than that."

"How about it, you guys are afraid, you can just abstain from the next game!" After laughing with his hands on his hips and a cheap look, he stretched out a finger in a very arrogant way, and nodded. Fei Qiluo and others said.

"Is it the blood of a giant dragon?"

Fei Qiluo walked forward slowly, walking towards Si Dinghan.

Even in this situation, his expression and voice were calm.