Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 104: The soul of the goddess


(Please recommend and vote for collection, various requests...)

(Thanks to Sky Fengzi, North to South, Sap Line, Heart of a Pirate, Little Age ~ Big Love, and Sad Children’s Shoes at the Arc de Triomphe for the rewards. This is today’s third update)

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After opening his eyes again, Wu Lingfeng found that the others were still engraving. He was the only one who opened his eyes. He could clearly feel the fluctuations in everyone's body. They were all very powerful. None of the guys in Magic Class A were ordinary. After all, they are the elites selected from all over the continent.

Wu Lingfeng walked out of the pool, came to the ice and snow area, and began to release the magic he had just learned.

"The gift of ice and snow, the wind and frost of the banquet, the flower cutting, the shattering, the dust curse, the carving - the ice blade!!"

As he chanted, a trace of magic power flowed out of his body, and then the space in front of him began to fluctuate. An ice blade as thin as a cicada's wing appeared in front of him, and then rushed forward quickly...


A crystal pillar that came out of the ground was immediately cut into two pieces, and the broken section was smooth and shiny. Wu Lingfeng looked at his magic attack with some joy. Compared with the system's magic, the alien magic he had learned seemed to be more exciting. feel.

Then Wu Lingfeng continued to practice, and the chanting of spells gradually sped up, but he discovered an important thing, that is, if he chanted magic too fast, his own magic would not be able to resonate with the magic elements of the outside world.

Maybe a person can finish a sentence quickly in one or two seconds, but magic singing is obviously not like this. Clear pronunciation is a must. While singing, you must also pay attention to the communication between mental power and external magic elements. Only Only with extreme proficiency can you release magic quickly.

The time it takes for Wu Lingfeng to release the ice blade is now as fast as five seconds. This is already the limit. This is only low-level magic. How long does it take for intermediate magic and high-level magic? So the magic that comes with the system is abnormal. Intermediate level Magic and high-level magic are all instantaneous, which is indeed very abnormal.

However, unlike system magic, there are no fixed restrictions on the magic of other worlds. For example, how much magic power is required to release it. If you use more magic power, the size and power of the ice blade will become larger, but relatively The longer it takes to chant and prepare, and it is not an unlimited increase in magic power. Once it is strengthened to a certain level, it cannot be strengthened anymore. After all, low-level magic is low-level magic, and its composition is inherently weak. It is not possible to reach the level of high-level magic. possible.

While Wu Lingfeng was practicing magic, suddenly, the entire Water God Space shook!

The whole space began to shake, and the huge goddess of water's skeleton actually started to move and sit up from the pool, opening and closing her head as if she was talking. Suddenly the whole space became dim, and then the water goddess The goddess's skeleton lay down again and fell into a deep sleep.

"How dare you!!! Who dares to steal the goddess' soul!!"

The loud and clear voice suddenly sounded, and the waves shook. Everyone couldn't help but cover some of their ears. Wu Lingfeng also covered his ears in pain. Who could have such a shocking voice? Just a roar, he The magic power in the body began to become disordered, and the bones began to tremble involuntarily!

"Roar... ow... groan... hoo! hoo! hoo!"

Finally, the roar became stronger and stronger. Wu Lingfeng and all the students were blown up. The entire secret room of the Water Goddess shook. The water in the pool also flew all over the sky. Blood flowed from the corners of everyone's mouths, and some even directly Passed out.


Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but gritted his teeth and ran to grab Charlotte's little hand. His other hand tightly grasped an icicle protruding from the ground. I'm just going to go. What kind of situation is this? The end of the world

"Fifth-level student Nanoka*Takamachi! Take the top five third-level students to the Water God's secret room in the Water Tower. It has been sealed. Get the traitor out. Hmph, you dare to steal the goddess's life while we sit and watch. Soul, kill without mercy!!"


There was a moment of silence, and Wu Lingfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief, held Charlotte in his arms, and asked concernedly: "How are you, are you injured?"


Charlotte wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, coughed twice, waved her hands and said, "It's okay, haha, one of us must have moved something that shouldn't have been touched, which made some people angry."

Wu Lingfeng frowned and looked at the others. He didn't know what happened during the ice and snow trial, but what he knew was that it should be over after he woke up. In other words, someone here was in a coma. It’s time to start taking action, the goddess’ soul? It doesn't sound like something simple.

He Lila stood up and frowned at all the first-level students. Who is it? The first-level students probably don’t know much about the life soul of the water goddess. She shouldn’t say that she doesn’t know the life soul of the water goddess. The life soul of the water goddess is very special. If precious things can be refined and used with some secret techniques, the spiritual power will be raised to the level of a demi-god in an instant, and it is not impossible to become a true god in the future.

"Whoever took something, I advise you to hand it over, otherwise, hum, I think you understand the consequences. In a moment, the strongest white tyrant No. 3 of the fifth-level students in the academy, Nanoka-sama, will come in, and The five strongest third-level students, no matter how powerful you are and how much you hide your strength, you will not be able to escape from them. Even if you pass through their siege, you will face the five magic elders of the academy. If you go up higher, hehe. The demigod creature on the magic tower." He Lila glared at everyone with cold eyes, but actually avoided her own sight. Who among the first-level students has this ability

Wu Lingfeng looked at He Lila's eyes and looked at him. He couldn't help but waved his hands and said: "Don't accuse a good person unjustly. I didn't take it. I don't even know what the goddess' soul is. And am I that kind of person?"

Charlotte stood in front of Wu Lingfeng and said: "I believe him. He has been in our sights all the time. How could he get the goddess's life soul? Besides, the goddess's life soul is definitely not a simple thing. There must be something strange like that. "

Bei Lu also supported Wu Lingfeng and said: "I also believe in him..."

Bertha looked at her sister in confusion, raised her hands excitedly and said, "I also believe in my brother-in-law..."


Beilu's cold little face suddenly became shy, and she covered her sister's mouth. If she didn't tell her, would she die? How embarrassing and annoying, what do other people think of me

Helila nodded and said: "Well, hum, it's okay since no one stands up. The goddess's life soul is a high-level item and cannot be put into a different space. Moreover, concealing magic and the like can only cover it for a while, which is very difficult. There will be magic waves coming out soon. It's best to hand it over now. When the seniors and others come, I can help you intercede. But hum, if you are still obsessed with it, I will be powerless. What you will face by then It’s not just a little punishment, haha... "

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but nod. Since there was no way to put it into space equipment such as a storage ring, the prototype of that guy would definitely appear in a while.


A burst of light flashed, and a girl wearing a white half-breasted robe appeared in front of everyone. The plump and white breasts were enough to attract the light of all men, and also made all the girls look at their petite breasts and their brown breasts were eclipsed. The braid hangs down to his waist, and there is a strange staff floating next to him. The body of the staff is made of white wood, and the head of the staff is a huge ring, with a string of lightning condensing in the middle of the ring.

"簌簌..." Then there were several bursts of light, and the five strongest empress Bridget, Yijian Ningxue, Jian Ningxue, Son of Elements Colt, God of Wine Maxwell, and Winged Wind Mori also appeared one after another.

The girl in the white revealing robe held the robe in her hand, smiled slightly, covered her mouth with green fingers, and said: "Hee hee, I haven't been out for a long time. Woohoo, I miss that little guy who stole things so much. , hurry up, come out and fight with me, if you beat me, you can leave here."

Bridget and others immediately rolled their eyes. They asked you to arrest people, not to fight, but they didn't dare to question, the fifth-level student's No. 3 white tyrant, haha...

ps: The third update! ! ! Decided to broadcast, there is a fourth update, it will be after 11 o'clock in the evening at the latest... My small universe explodes, Pegasus meteor update! !