Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 109: Practical magic class


(Please vote for recommendation, thank you for the rewards of Xiaoxiaosi, Xiaoxiaojiu~dadaiai, Hunter Crayon, Gone with the Wind, Children's Shoes, and thank you for the evaluation votes of Hunter Crayon Children's Shoes. This is the second update today)

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The magic class on the third day was not in the classroom, nor in the water mystery room, but in the huge floating field between the towers.

Suspended stone slabs are needed from the base to the first tower. There are five floors in the first tower. The first floor is the magic classroom, the second floor is the restroom, the third floor is the entrance to the teleportation array of the Water God's secret room, and the fourth floor The first floor and the fifth floor are both magic classrooms. You must know that in addition to the students in Class A, the magic students from Classes B, C, and D also have to attend class. The fourth floor is the classroom for Class B students, and the fifth floor is for Class C students. Class D students, haha, do not have a fixed class, they just drift with the flow. The magic class of whichever class is not in use will be temporarily used by them.

There are still suspended stone slabs from the first tower to the second tower, but there is an extra landing point in the middle. This landing point is the actual battlefield for magic students.

Wu Lingfeng, Charlotte and others stepped onto this site one after another. It was a flat plain when they first entered, but it turned into a jungle in an instant.

Xue Yuejing patted her head and said to Wu Lingfeng and the others: "Okay, today's class is mainly for practical exercises. The area here has changed into a jungle. Next, various first-order monsters will appear to attack you. You need to be here Survive inside for a whole morning. You are all geniuses of Class A, so don't be defeated by a level one monster. I'm not trying to scare you. You are responsible for your own life and death. Haha, if you want to quit, you can fire a signal flare. , I will save you. Of course, you will also be eliminated by me from Class A. Go to Class D. One of the biggest features of our college is the test of actual combat and life and death. This has just begun. There will be more in a month. For Level 2 Warcraft, it’s time to start..."

After Xue Yuejing finished speaking, her body broke into pieces and left. A large number of first-order monsters rushed towards Wu Lingfeng and the others. All the students in Class A chose to retreat temporarily. Of course, this also caused everyone to be scattered.


When Wu Lingfeng saw a Flame Wolf attacking Charlotte, a magic ball suddenly appeared in his hand and attacked the Flame Wolf's vitals, but soon Wu Lingfeng was surprised, because the Flame Wolf's vitals were recovering quickly. It seemed that it belonged to this venue. It worked, the most powerful magic academy haha...

The magic class on the third day left everyone dumbfounded. Everyone understood how powerful this most powerful magic was. What was powerful was not only its appearance, but also the actual combat test. After years of training in this kind of venue, the magicians could If you survive, your fighting skills must not be too bad. This is the real test of fire, the wandering between life and death.

"Magic whirlwind!~!" Wu Lingfeng flicked his right hand hard, and a small tornado flew out of his hand, knocking several flame wolves away, but the next moment suddenly a huge tree appeared between him and Charlotte Trees!

This venue is indeed not an ordinary venue. Obviously, everyone will not be allowed to fight together. Everyone will be automatically separated and each will fight on their own.

"ah… "

Suddenly, a magic student was gored by a spurred pig, but there were no wounds on his body, but the student's cry was obviously not fake.

"I'm not dead? But I really feel pain..."

The magic student suddenly said doubtfully, he didn't understand, but this is great, he won't get hurt or die...

Wu Lingfeng immediately understood the purpose of the Strongest Academy, which was to create pain, but it was not a real injury. It was a kind of protection. The students felt relieved knowing that they would not be injured, but they still had to fight, otherwise they would not be injured. , but the feeling of pain is still there.

Wu Lingfeng glanced at Charlotte, chose to believe her, and started his own battle. He began to hone the alien magic he had just learned, the Ice Blade.

People always have to make progress, right? It’s easy to use systematic skills all the time, but it’s boring if it’s too simple. Moreover, the magic you learn by yourself is more fulfilling. This is not a cheat, but your own efforts. Results.

"The gift of ice and snow, the wind and frost of the banquet, the flower cutting, the shattering, the dust curse, the carving - the ice blade!!"

Wu Lingfeng started singing, mobilizing the magic elements around him, and condensed an ice blade as thin as a cicada's wing in front of him, and under his mental control, he slashed at the flaming wolf in front of him.

It is also necessary to attack key points with alien magic, but the energy consumed will also increase, but this is necessary. The determination of key attacks will win valuable combat time for the next battle.

If the amount of magic input is increased, the sharpness and size of the ice blade will also increase. Wu Lingfeng began to try and test again and again, and he had a great time. The original trial class became his magic research class. Moreover, after the upgrade, his physical attributes in all aspects increased rapidly, but he did not fully explore his potential.

This trial made Wu Lingfeng change his mind. In fact, his own strength is much stronger than it is now, but he has never used it. Take strength as an example, on earth, the strength of a person is only a dozen or so at most. Well, look at Wu Lingfeng now. His strength has reached 48. 1 represents the strength of 10 kilograms. 48 is the strength of 480 kilograms. Counting his hands, he has the strength of almost a thousand kilograms. Lifting a thousand kilograms is a legend. This is the case for Overlord Xiang Yu.

Therefore, Wu Lingfeng has power in his hollow body but cannot use it. Even without magic, his own power can fight with monsters in close combat, but why is it not used? The reason is that he has not adapted to this kind of power at all. Instant magic is powerful, but I don’t even think about how to avoid attacks, melee attacks, etc...

If using magic from another world, it will take a period of time to chant, and it cannot be interrupted midway. In order to gain this chanting time, Wu Lingfeng must exert the potential in his body, repel the monsters, buy time, or avoid the monsters. .

Wu Lingfeng's body speed has now reached 18.5 meters per second. In his previous life, this speed could dominate track and field competitions. Is 18.5 meters per second still a human being, Superman

However, Wu Lingfeng did not show his speed. The fastest time was 15 meters, which was not at the limit. This was because he had not adapted and failed to break through his own limits.

So Wu Lingfeng began to exercise his potential and bring out his true potential. If he only used systematic magic to kill monsters, he would be doing nothing but wasting magic power and time. In the end, although his skill proficiency increased, but It has no effect on his growth. This magic class is a good opportunity, an opportunity to develop his own limits.

The morning passed quickly. All the monsters and jungles on the field disappeared. Wu Lingfeng and all the other magic academies had the same gray-haired face. Charlotte's pink hair was even more messy, and there was some dirt on her little face. Magic There were even several cuts in the quilt, exposing her pink skin.

"Put it on..." Wu Lingfeng took out a piece of his own clothes from his storage space and put it on Charlotte's body. Xiao Nizi's beauty could only be seen by himself.

Charlotte nodded and grasped the clothes draped around her body. She had always been raised in the palace and had never received such training. She had encountered so many attacks from monsters, and she naturally lost her sense of proportion for a while. But after all, It was a magical genius girl. After a brief panic, she recovered.

There is another student who is in a worse situation, frothing at the mouth. Your sister clearly can't beat her but she still doesn't ask for help. In order to continue to stay in Magic Class A, she has to endure the torture of Monster-chan again and again. This person is no one else. , officially our Mr. Donald, the guy who was framed before, was almost killed by Nanoka.

"Pa bang..."

"Okay, that's it for this morning. It will continue in three days. It will be changed to an intermediate monster in one month..." Xue Yuejing clapped her hands, her body gradually cracked, and then left here.

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