Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 111: Violent Cursed Cat Demon (Part 2)


(Please vote for recommendations and collect them. Thank you to Niucha Residents, Little Age ~ Big Drop of Love, Sorrow of the Arc de Triomphe, Sky Fengzi, and Pirate Heart Children's Shoes. The bloody book will be on the shelves next month. After it is on the shelves, I will Explosive, thousands of words updated every day, Pirate Heart Children's Shoes, I'm sorry, Wuwujiang, please forgive me)

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Wu Lingfeng, Galen, and Xiao An entered the Forest of Cat Demons and started an adventure-level map.

"Ding, do you want to open the adventure level map of the Forest of Cat Demons? The entry requirements are: 1 Void Magic Stone fragment and 1 Chaos Magic Stone fragment. After confirming the opening, it will be automatically deducted from the storage space..."

"yes… "

Wu Lingfeng chose to open the map. If he clears the adventure level map, he will be promoted to level 20 today, which is the so-called third level in this world, and then he can apply to be promoted to the second level student.


A Chaos Demonic Stone fragment and a Void Demonic Stone fragment disappeared from Wu Lingfeng's storage space. Then the momentum of the Cat Demonic Forest became stronger, and a wave of vibrations occurred in the entire area where the Cat Demonic Forest was located.

"Let's go in..." Wu Lingfeng, Galen and Xiao An nodded and walked in.

Not long after Wu Lingfeng and the others entered, Xue Yuejing came near the Forest of Cat Demons and poured the demonic energy concentrate in his hands onto the land of the Forest of Cat Demons. Then the demonic energy turned into a terrifying skull face and the shadow sank in. Underground in the Cat Demon Forest.

"Jie Jie, Junior Ling Feng, don't blame me. It's not me who wants to harm you. I hope you can come out alive. Hey, I wanted to make a deal with you, but it seems there is no chance. Descendant of God... The mission you shoulder is to save the world, but what you don’t know is how powerful the power of the devil has become. The previous battle between the ground and the abyss underground was just a side dish, but this time is the real explosion. Ah, 666 demon legions. The number of demons in each demon legion is 6666. Haha, I wonder how long the ground can last?" Xue Yuejing sneered, and her body gradually cracked and disappeared in place, leaving only a shallow sound. A shallow sneer.

When Wu Lingfeng and the others entered the Forest of Cat Demons, they easily eliminated the first wave of monsters. There were more than 30 ordinary goblins, but there was an elite monster called the Cursed Ten Husband, but it was destroyed by Uncle Galen. Lost.

Xiao An's fighting was even more sharp, and she used the skills of the female mage to perfection. It is estimated that if she was placed in the game in her previous life, she must be the PK king. Seeing this, Wu Lingfeng, the master, felt a little ashamed.

However, in Wu Lingfeng's previous life, the entire space suddenly fluctuated violently, the entire space became gray, and a trace of purple demonic energy began to arise.

"Ding, due to the influence of external factors, the Forest of Cat Demons has now evolved into a hell-level map. The highest difficulty level is the challenge level. There are five levels: normal, adventure, warrior, king, and hell. The number of monsters has increased five times, and the monster strength has increased by five times. Increased by two times, elite monsters will appear in large numbers, lord-level monsters will appear in small numbers, and the original lord-level monsters will evolve into king-level monsters!!"

"Please note that a large amount of demonic energy has invaded, and the anti-magic attribute has been temporarily started. It is currently unified at 10. You must clear the level within 10 hours, otherwise the demonic energy will invade and the consequences will be unpredictable!!"

"Ding, after clearing the dungeon, the system will randomly reward you with a mage skill and a special first-level doll drawing..."

"Ding, after clearing the hell-level dungeon in this stage, the system will give you a bronze warrior badge. Attributes: Physical +2, Strength +2, Intelligence +2, Spirit +2."

The system prompt that suddenly came made Wu Lingfeng stunned. Damn it, who is plotting against your grandfather? Hell-level copy, I just went there. The number of monsters increased five times. Damn it, the original ordinary ones were counted. There are about 300 monsters. Five times is 1,500. Damn it. Fortunately, the strength is not increased by five times, otherwise your sister will really die.

And the most important thing is the appearance of the unknown king monster. Can Wu Lingfeng say that this is the first time he encountered the king monster? Wow, so cruel.

Xiao An said cautiously: "There is a wave of monsters approaching, as many as 300 in number..."

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "Now we may be in big trouble. While giving priority to destroying long-range monsters, we should put our own safety first. You are the ones I summoned with great difficulty. Don't die..."

Galen nodded silently and said: "Young master, don't worry, I will definitely protect your safety. I, Galen, can die on the way forward, but you can't. You are our king, you have to fight on. When I die, the next paladin will inherit my responsibilities. The meaning of our existence is to be my lord's spear and shield, to break the enemy's courage and stop the enemy's footsteps!"

Xiao An also said: "Don't worry, I will also protect you, because you are my only relative. Without you, my heart will completely turn into darkness and become a cold-blooded weapon, so I will die in front of you!"

Wu Lingfeng was suddenly moved, stretched out his hand to grab the hands of the two of them, and said: "Well, since we will fight until the last moment of our lives, and we are not destined to die, Galen, your magic power is the least among the three of us, so you Try to avoid using skills, because there is a really powerful monster to deal with in the end, and your magic power can also use skills to restore blood for us, so your magic power is very important, and Xiao An, you are a mage, so don’t blindly fight in close combat. In fighting, make reasonable use of your own skills, well, I don’t need to tell you, because you are very smart, okay, now let’s start fighting!!”


This time Wu Lingfeng and the others encountered a group of cat monsters, but there were many elites, such as ice cat monsters, fire cat monsters, accelerating cat monsters, etc., and there was also a powerful lord monster, too. It's called the Cursed Cat Demon, haha. The ordinary-level boss arrived in this hell instance. It's just a small boss, and the real boss is behind it.

"Galen, you lure the lord cat monster aside to fight. After Xiao An and I have eliminated the other guys, we will fight with you. With the lord here, the wisdom of these monsters will increase. By then we will face a disadvantage. In this situation, we can only let you go. You are the three of us in close combat and have the highest defense, so..." Wu Lingfeng said to Galen.

Galen nodded, sprinted, golden light flashed on his right hand, and sprinted towards the group of cat demons. All the cat demons along the way were blocked by his body. He jumped to the side of the lord cat demon, and the golden light on his right hand flashed again, knocking it away. He grabbed it in his hand and threw it away!

"Straight punch impact!"

"Tiger Attack!!"

Galen used two skills in a row to perfection, throwing the lord cat demon out of the cat demon group, and then started fighting with it.


The lord cat demon roared and sent out a shock wave from its body that knocked Galen down. At the same time, it was summoning its little brother to help fight.

Seeing this, Wu Lingfeng and Xiao An took action. How could they make it happen? The two quickly joined the battlefield, attracting the hatred of a large number of monsters.

Xiao An turned into a small puppet in his hand and remained on the ground, forming a dark golden wave zone. All the monsters were immediately attracted, and the cat demons gathered crazily towards the wave circle formed by the doll.

"Provocative doll: Shu Lulu!!" Xiao An shouted sweetly.

This is the skill of a female magician, specifically used to provoke and attract hatred. Moreover, in this dark golden wave zone, the monsters' magic defense will also be reduced, so magic attacks will cause great damage.

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but sigh that Xiao An was really a born fighter. He completely mastered the use of all skills in just a few days. He was really amazing.

Seeing a large number of cat demons sprinting over, Wu Lingfeng flashed blue magic power in his right hand, and a small tornado shot out from his hand, sending several cat demons in front of him flying away, and then four magic patterns appeared in front of him, namely flame, cold. Ice, black moon, holy light, Wu Lingfeng chose holy light, and then a series of light magic balls flew out of his hand and hit the cat demon, causing a knockback effect. Then a huge flame shield condensed in front of him and rotated. Attack forward! ,

"Magic whirlwind!"

"Attribute changes - light!"

"Magic ball burst!!"

"Spinfire Shield!"

Wu Lingfeng's series of skills completely knocked the monsters away from his eyes. Because of the dark golden wave zone, the defense of the cat monsters was reduced, and the light attribute happened to be their nemesis. In an instant, three cat monsters turned into minced meat!