Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 124: Food spirit


(Please vote for recommendation, thank you for the tip of Tianfengzi Children's Shoes)

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Xiao An instantly knocked back Balohan, and Wu Lingfeng also took advantage of the situation to attack. He was very confident in Xiao An. With the power of purple gold equipment and her fighting consciousness, the magician was not a problem at all.

Huge magic power emerged from his body. Wu Lingfeng clenched his hands hard, and then a blue magic wave formation appeared at Balohan's feet. Three huge ice crystals suddenly dropped from his head and hit him violently.

At this moment, Balohan's body suddenly shattered like a mirror and turned into powder. Even if his body turned into eleven clones, his skills can still be used universally. This is a clone of the entity, not an ordinary clone. The clones, and each clone is conscious, the power of the Mirror Demon has just been revealed...

But what is Xiao An? If we talk about fighting, there should be no one who can beat her. Haha, of course, that is the absolute number one in "Queen of Secrets", but even so, she is very powerful. Although Barrow Han is very powerful, but he still loses a lot to Xiao An in battle.

Xiao An's ruby-red eyes turned coldly to his side, and the trident in his hand turned directly. Eyes can sometimes deceive people, but perception and hearing will not deceive themselves.

"Snapped… "


Xiao An's trident directly knocked out the hiding Balohan, and the huge force caused Balohan to slide out a deep ravine on the ground! Moreover, a trace of gray aura wrapped around his body, temporarily imprisoning him. The Snow Soul Ice Trident came with a dark attribute attack, and the dark attribute attack would have slow and curse effects.

Not all demons have dark attributes. The dark attributes of demons' bodies are only part of them. Their evil comes from their souls, and they can only grow through killing and blood-devouring. In fact, they are a kind of cursed creature. Evil soul creature.

This is also the reason why they hate the light. The filth of the soul is only painful when faced with the light. They cannot be redeemed. They can only spend their days killing in blood and darkness. Gradually, their souls are distorted, and some fall in love with yin|yu, Some like greed, some like arrogance, some like anger, some like gluttony, some like laziness, some like jealousy...

This is the origin of the seven deadly sins. After death, the soul will have three destinations. The first is to wander in the human world and be reincarnated. The second is to enter the devil world and become a demon. The third is to enter the heaven and become an angel. Angels also have Attributes belong to different gods and are in charge...

If it is the human world, there are no requirements, but there are strict requirements for entering the demon world and the heaven. The demon world must possess one of the seven deadly sins in order to be reincarnated in the demon world through the imprisonment on the ground. To enter the heaven, you must possess the seven deadly sins. Only when the belief in a certain attribute reaches its extreme can one enter the heaven.

You can probably tell some important information from here, that is, to enter the demon world, you only need to possess the seven deadly sins, and there are no attributes restrictions, so the demons in the demon world have all attributes. Entering the heaven requires an extreme belief in a certain element, but it does not prohibit villains from entering. In other words, angels are also divided into evil and good, but their elemental beliefs are more noble.

Putting aside these words for the moment, Wu Lingfeng watched Xiao An knocking out the hidden Balohan. He snorted coldly and gently grasped the Balohan in front of him with his right hand. Suddenly, Balohan's body appeared in front of him. In his hands, the hand skill of time and space was activated, and then he threw it away with force. Of course, this was not the end. Wu Lingfeng put his hands together, and a huge flame shield was formed in his hands. Then he pushed forward, and the flame shield suddenly moved toward Barrow. Han rushed over and knocked Barohan's body away again, and burned his body.

Then Xiao An started to attack again, her body sprinting forward like a sharp arrow. After the successful attack of the Dragon Fang skill just now, a frost five-star dazzling pattern was condensed around her. The battle mage's passive skill "Dazzling Pattern*Ice Attribute" "Whenever you use "Dragon Teeth" to attack an enemy and hit, you can generate ice attribute dazzling patterns.

While sprinting, Xiao An activated the ice attribute's dazzling pattern to attack Balohan. The ice attribute's dazzling pattern hit Balohan's body, making his body slow for a moment. The ice attribute's attack was powerful. The effect of freezing.

In this way, Xiao An took action again, and the Snow Soul and Ice Trident in his hand danced rapidly. He took action five times in an instant, smashing five bloody holes in Balohan's body. In addition, the Snow Soul and Ice Trident's The dark attribute attack immediately made his body stiffen. The slowness and curse of the dark attribute were taking effect.

Although the battle mage's attack cannot be so fierce, and it is impossible to attack five times in one instant, but who is Xiao An? The number one killer in the universe has even broken through the awakening mode before, let alone the speed of attack, so those system data cannot measure Xiao An’s true combat power at all. She is a guy with unlimited potential, in a petite loli body. There is a small universe that can explode at any time!

If Balohan were a great mage, it would be okay to say that he was no match for Xiao An and Wu Lingfeng in the level of mage. Although a mage knew the weird secret art of mirror turning, he also had a time limit. Yes, it is impossible to cast it infinitely, so when you encounter a real enemy, if the first mirror-turning technique fails, the opponent can quickly kill you. Although the mirror-turning technique is weird, no matter whether it is Xue Yue The mirror was used by Balohan, and there was nowhere to hide under Xiao An's perception.


"Grappling Palm!!"

Wu Lingfeng then activated teleportation, and his body quickly appeared next to Balohan. A huge demonic palm appeared in his right hand, grabbing Balohan in his hand, and then threw him away!

"Sky strike!!"

Xiao An clenched the Snow Soul Ice Soul Trident with both hands and poked Balohan into the sky. A dazzling pattern of light attribute condensed around her. The same passive skill "Dazzling Pattern*Light Attribute" was activated when the sky was activated. The light attribute dazzling pattern can be generated while hitting. After the light attribute dazzling pattern is generated, Xiao An hits the dazzling pattern towards Barohan, causing light attribute damage to him, and then Xiao An uses the Snow Soul Bingso to The trident hit the ground, and his feet lightly occupied the ground. He jumped into the air, grabbed the handle of the trident, and kicked Barohan hard with a pair of small feet, kicking him high into the air. Then his body did not land immediately, and his small hands exerted great force. Pulling out the trident, the delicate body rotated in the air full of beauty. The trident immediately penetrated Barrowhan's body. In an instant, Barrowhan's eyes rolled over and he died!

Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but break out in cold sweat on his forehead. Balohan was simply tortured to death. It was unimaginable that Xiao An's delicate body would face Balohan's three-meter-tall body and seduce him so hard that he looked like a demon. , rather than a bullied puppy, Loli is so fierce.

Although Wu Lingfeng and Xiao An quickly defeated their enemies, some people were still killed by the clone Balohan. After all, not everyone had Xiao An's fighting consciousness and could break Balohan's mirror turning technique.

"Ah..." There was a third-level student whose body was penetrated by Balohan's palm, and then a light green figure emerged from his body. The figure looked at Balohan with fear, and then Balohan He opened his mouth and sucked hard, and the soul was sucked into his belly. Suddenly, Balohan's body flashed with a dark purple light, and his strength suddenly increased...

ps: The quota voting is about to end. Currently, Fairy Queen Erza in "Fairy Tail" has the advantage, and Tachibana Kanade-chan and King Arthur Arturia are chasing closely. The difference is no more than five votes. The voting will officially end tomorrow night and start In the final voting, the winner will compete with Yu-chan, Mikasa-chan, and Nero-chan for the ownership of the Death Knight.
